Chapter 6 Section 1 Objective Questions

Chapter 6 Section 1 Objective Questions

1. Describe Alexander Hamilton’s program for dealing with national and state debt.

a. Combine all state debt into one (United States debt)

i. Creditors would be interested in supporting a stable functioning American gov’t

b. Budget Plan- set up a regular payment plan

i. Idea was to pay creditors off little by little, so creditors would keep interest in United States

c. Interest- pay creditors extra money that added onto lan

d. Established Bank of the United States in 1791

i. Established to handle complicated financial matters

e. Raise money to pay debt

i. Tax on whiskey

ii. Tariff- tax on foreign goods imported into country

2. Explain why people opposed Hamilton’s plan.

a. Object to interference of federal gov’t in local and state affairs

b. Disliked Hamilton’ new taxes

c. Hamilton’s taxes similar to British proposed in 1760s

d. Felt it was a return to aristocracy and monarchy = assault on hard-won liberty of American people

3. Explain Jefferson and Hamilton’s view of the Constitution.

a. Jefferson

i. Strict Construction: believed gov’t should not do anything that constitution did not specifically say it could do

1. Example: start a national Bank

b. Hamilton

i. Loose Construction: believed constitution was only a loose framework of laws on which the gov’t could build the nation as it saw fit

1. Example: gov’t could do anything the constitution did not say such as starting a national bank

4. Explain how French Revolution divided America.

|Federalist |Jefferson Supporters |

| | |

|-opposed French Revolution felt it was an example of a democratic|-viewed French Revolution as extension of American Revolution |

|revolution gone wrong |-Applauded rejection of gov’t by kings and acceptance of |

| |republican gov’t |

Outcome: United States does not take a side in French Revolution

5. Summarize the debate over Jay’s Treaty.

a. Debate over whether United States should be neutral in war between Great Britain and France

b. Washington and Hamilton believed long term interest would serve better to side with Britain

c. Jays Treaty

i. Britain agreed to leave forts it occupied in Northwest Territory

ii. Expanded trade between two nations

iii. Not able to convince British to end their practice of stopping American ships on high seas and searching them for British subjects

d. Treaties False

i. No protection for American shipping

ii. Betrayal of revolutionary ideals a sell-out to hated British

iii. Lost support of many Americans

6. Summarize the rise of political parties.

a. Jefferson Republicans (Democratic Republicans)

i. Opposed Federalist

ii. Encouraged newspapers articles to attack Washington administration

iii. Stood for more democratic republic

iv. First political party

b. Outcome: new political party formed which challenged Federalist

|Federalist |Jeffersonian Republicans |

|Led by Washington & Hamilton |Led by Jefferson |

|Favor strong central gov’t |Favor weak central gov’t |

|Support new taxes & tariffs |Oppose new taxes & tariffs |

|Support more powerful army & navy |Against large army & navy |

|Pro-British |Pro-French |

|Pro-Business |Pro-agriculture |

Wrap up Questions

Explain the principle and issues that prompted Thomas Jefferson to organize an opposition party in the United States during the 1790s.


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