Time Magazine Cover Rubric - Weebly

Time Magazine Rubric

|Cover |3 |2 |1 |

|Graphics |The graphics are eye-catching and |The graphics satisfactory express at|The graphics are not relevant to the |

| |highly relevant to one or more of |least one of the main ideas. |headlines or are missing entirely. |

| |the headlines. | | |

|Headlines |The headlines on the cover express |Only one of the cover headlines |None of the headlines |

| |at least two of the main ideas. |expresses a main idea of the |represent the main ideas of the |

| | |magazine. Additional text on the |magazine. |

| | |cover does not represent the main | |

| | |ideas of the magazine | |

|Font |The headlines are printed in a |The headlines are legible but should|The headlines are illegible (i.e., |

| |color, font, and style that can be |be revised (i.e., enlarged, color |selected color is not easily visible, |

| |easily read. |changed) to |font is difficult to read, letters are |

| | |increase legibility. |too small). |

|Time magazine |Magazine replicates Time format |Magazine replicates Time format. |Does not follow Time magazine format. |

|cover format |with some creativity. | | |

A.) TOTAL MAGAZINE COVER SCORE ____________ (12 possible)

|  |Exemplary 4 |Accomplished 3 |Beginning 2 |Not Yet 1 |

|Information |Article is clear, concise, |Article is well written with |Article is complete. |Article is poorly written or |

| |and very well written. All |accurate information. |Some portions of article are|missing. Article has a lot of |

|*All articles should be one|information is accurate. |Articles demonstrate a good |poorly written. Or article |inaccurate information. Article does|

|page minimum. |Articles demonstrate a |understanding of the |has inaccurate information. |not |

|*Size 12 font |thorough |information. |Or article demonstrates a |demonstrate understanding of the |

|*1.5 line spacing |understanding of the | |very basic level of |information |

| |information. | |understanding. | |

|Article 1 | | | | |

|Article 2 | | | | |

|Article 3 | | | | |

|Article 4 | | | | |

|Article 5 | | | | |

B. TOTAL ARTICLE SCORE ____________ (20 possible)

|  |Exemplary 4 |Accomplished 3 |Beginning 2 |Not Yet 1 |

|Grammar |Grammar, spelling, |Grammar, spelling, |Grammar, spelling, |Grammar, spelling, capitalization, |

| |capitalization, and |capitalization, and |capitalization, and |and punctuation have many errors |

| |punctuation are correct |punctuation have very few |punctuation are mostly |throughout the project that greatly |

| |throughout the project. |errors throughout the project|correct throughout the |distract the viewer. OR Shows lack |

| |Demonstrates excellent |that do not distract the |project, and errors are not |of basic skills in using English |

| |skill in using English |viewer. Demonstrates skill in|very distracting. |conventions. |

| |conventions. |using English conventions. |Demonstrates basic skill in | |

| | | |using English conventions. | |

|Graphics – Relevance |At least one graph, picture|At least one graph |At least one graph, picture |At least one graph, picture or |

| |or diagram is included per |, picture or diagram is |or diagram is included per |diagram is included per article. |

|/ |article. All graphics are |included per article. All |article. All graphics |Graphics do not relate to the topic |

| |related to the topic and |graphics are related to the |relate to the topic. Some |OR have no captions OR several |

|Graphics - Clarity |make it easier to |topic and most make it easier|graphics have captions. Most|borrowed graphics do not have a |

| |understand. |to understand. |borrowed graphics have a |source citation. |

| | | |source citation. | |

| |Captions explain each |Captions explain each | | |

| |graphic. All borrowed |graphic. OR All but one of |Graphics are mostly in focus|Many graphics are not clear or |

| |graphics have a source |the borrowed graphics has a |and are not distorted |distortions are very distracting to |

| |citation. |source citation. |(stretched or squashed) |the viewer. |

| | | |enough to distract the | |

| |Graphics are all in focus |Graphics are all in focus and|viewer. | |

| |and are not at all |are not distorted (stretched | | |

| |distorted (stretched or |or squashed) enough to | | |

| |squashed). |distract the viewer. | | |

|Attractiveness |Magazine thoroughly meets |Magazine is complete meeting |Magazine is slightly |Magazine does not meet requirements,|

|/ Visual Appeal |all requirements. The |all requirements. It is |incomplete, or |or is very sloppy. Overall has very |

| |project is exceptionally |informative, neat and |sloppy showing little |little visual appeal. |

| |attractive in terms of |colorful.  |evidence of effort. | |

| |design, layout, and | | |The project is distractingly messy |

| |neatness. |The project is attractive in |The project is acceptable, |or very poorly designed. It is not |

| | |terms of design, layout, and |though it may be a bit messy|attractive. Color is not used, or is|

| |It is colorful, creative, |neatness. Color is used |or disorganized. Color is |random or distracting. |

| |informative and appealing. |throughout the presentation, |used throughout the | |

| |Color is used effectively |and helps the audience |presentation, and does not | |

| |throughout the presentation|understand the topic. |distract the audience. | |

| |to organize and help the | | | |

| |audience understand the | | | |

| |topic. | | | |

|Citation / | |Accurately cited in APA or |Incorrectly cited |No citations (0 points) |

|Bibliography | |MLA format | | |

C.) TOTAL LOGISTIC SCORE ____________ (15 possible)

D.) TOTAL SCORE (a+b+c) __________________ (47 POSSIBLE)


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