Select Board Meeting Minutes

Town of Wayne, MaineSelect Board Meeting MinutesTuesday October 20, 2020RemoteCall Meeting to Order/ Selectmen Present Don Welsh determined quorum and called meeting to order at 6:30 PM with the following members present: Amy Black, Stan Davis, Trent Emery, Lloyd Irland and Don Welsh. Members absent: NoneOthers Present: Aaron Chrostowsky, Town Manager Michael Clark, Bill Messer, Steve McLaughlin, Shelley Reed, Hazel Stevenson, Glenn TrynerBy Remote Participation only due to Covid-19 PandemicMeeting Minutes.The Board approved the Selectboard meeting minutes for October 6, 2020. (Black/ Davis) (5/0).Warrants:The Board approved Payroll Warrant #22 in the amount of $7,733.70. (Black/ Davis) (5/0).The Board approved Accounts Payable Warrant #23 in the amount of $388,921.13. (Black/ Davis) (5/0).New Business.Old Business.Dead River Dam. Lloyd/ Bill Messer gave an update. Volunteer safety is a concern; overall condition is ok, Dam maintenance funds kept at Leeds. We will need DEP approval before any work is done. Mooring Ordinance. Tabled Topic November 17, 2020. Selectboard Goals.Broadband Expansion. Stan gave a brief update.Charter. None.Civil Rights. None.Facilities. None.Renewable Energy. Town Manager will coordinate with Charles Danielson about setting meeting on Home Solar installations meeting.Village Implementation. Lloyd gave a brief update.Supplements and Abatements: Executive Session: Poverty Abatement, 36 MRSA §841The Board moved to enter into Executive Session, Poverty Abatement, 36 MRSA §841 at 7:24 PM. (Irland/ Black)(5/0)Move the Board to exit into Executive Session, Poverty Abatement, 36 MRSA §841 at 7:28PM. (Black/ Davis)(5/0)The Board approved the poverty abatement request for Acct#: 389 in the amount of $1,088.52 for FY 18-19. (Davis/Black)(5/0)Town Manager Report: None.Board Member Reports: None.Public Comments: Shelley ReedAttending meeting for mooring issue. Interested in learning more about the Renewable Energy Issue.Steve McLaughlinRequested the Selectboard appoint Ed Bergman to Planning Board as an alternate.Glenn TrynerAttending meeting for mooring issue. Interested in learning more about the Dead River Dam. Informed the Town Manager about a culvert issue on Richmond Mills Road.Mike ClarkWanted to know about the status of Motion to Adjourn at 7:30 PM. (Black/Emery) (5/0)The next Select Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. by Remote Participation. Recorded by:Aaron Chrostowsky, Town ManagerSelect Board Members _________________________________ ______________________________Don Welsh Trent Emery_________________________________ ______________________________Amy BlackStan Davis_________________________________ Lloyd Irland ................

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