First of all, let me congratulate Apex- Brasil on the ...


Panel Infrastructure: opportunities for foreign investment by region and industry

First of all, let me congratulate ApexBrasil on the extraordinary job of organizing this online event with more than 5,000 participants to discuss investment opportunities in Brazil. I'd also like to greet those participating in the panel "Infrastructure: opportunities for foreign investment by region and industry":

? Nat?lia Marcassa, Secretary for Development and Partnerships at the Ministry of Infrastructure ? Martha Seillier, Special Secretary for the Investment Partnserships Program (PPI)

? Rodolfo Spielmanm, Head of Latin America, CPP Investments ? Venilton Tadini, President of ABDIB, Infrastructure National Association ? James Scriven, CEO, BID Invest ? Jorge Arbache, Vice-president of CAF, Latin America Development Bank

It's an honor to be here today with so many top foreign investors. Even in those turbulent times of the pandemic, with so much uncertainty and grief for the lives we have lost, one can tell, by the high level audience, that foreign interest for Brazil and investment opportunities in our infrastructure remain the same.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have never stopped working hard to deliver privatizations and public concessions that are economically sustainable and attractive to the private sector. President Bolsonaro has always advocated that we needed to balance health and economy concerns. We've been tasked to avoid paralyzing the economy while we seek to contain the virus. And our efforts are paying off: our GDP is expected to grow by 4 to 5% this year and totally recover from 2020's fall.

Every day, he's been keeping his promises of opening up our economy, setting a more and more liberal, pro-market

agenda. Some milestones have been reached, like turning our Central Bank into an independent body. Furthermore, we are on the verge of passing bills to reform our administrative and tax frameworks just as we've done with our pension system. It's a new Brazil rising in the aftermath of the crisis.

As far as the Ministry of Communications is concerned, we will carry out the greatest auction of radiofrequencies of all times. This comes just in handy as the pandemic has proven internet to be essential. According to data from the OECD, demand for internet access raised

by 60% worldwide and 40% in Brazil last year.

In Brazil alone, with an area of 8.5 million square kilometers, there are still 18% of the population who do not have internet access. It's a major challenge to bridge the digital gap of around 40 million Brazilians while offering the 5G technology to improve some key industries, such as agribusiness, health, logistics and public security.

My main assignments as minister of communications are increasing connectivity, promoting digital transformation and fostering digital

economy. Hence, it?s my pleasure to share with you that consulting firm OMDIA has forecast US$ 1.3 billion revenue generated in the 5G telecom industry in Brazil in the next decade. Agribusiness alone could reach up to US$ 20 million per year due to technological improvements.

5G will be a technological revolution. 4G was crucial for connecting people through voice and data. Uber, internet banking or whatsapp would have been impossible to develop without 4G. However, 5G is designed for the industry, for connecting and boosting supply chains. We will enhance our productivity and

efficiency gains with last resources, like finance or land.

In Brazil we will not carry out an ordinary procurement process, based on value criteria. What we seek here is internet coverage, social investments. The company which shows most commitment to our digital inclusion needs and telecom achievements will win the tender.

Brazil is ready to start using 5G technology. We have been doing that already, on an experimental basis. As soon as the auction is held, we will have the best of 5G to carry out a great digital transformation in our economy. The

Brazilian Court of Accounts is now assessing the bidding notice draft to ensure that this process is compliant and transparent. They are expediting this analysis and we expect to carry out the auction later this year, in the 2nd semester.

There are going to be 4 spectrums - 700 MHz, 2.3, 3.5 and 26GHz. We see a lot of opportunities ahead for small suppliers, mainly in the 3.5 GhZ. This range has been outlined for new players, who don?t need so much spectrum and have many compatible devices and equipment.

And we foresee a whole change in our telecom ecosystem in Brazil, in the wake of


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