1. The following diagram represents ___MITOSIS__________

2. The following diagram represents _MEIOSIS____________

3. The Cell Cycle includes __Interphase_______, ___Mitosis________, and ___Cytokinesis_______

4. Label each of the following as either Mitosis OR Meiosis

a. Two Divisions b. Four Divisions c. Occurs in all organisms d. Occurs in fungi, plants, and animals e. Produced cells are genetically different f. Produced cells are genetically the same g. Produces 4 cells h. Produces 2 cells i. Used for sexual reproduction j. Used for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction

__Mitosis______________ ___________Meiosis_____ __Mitosis______________ ___________Meiosis_____ ___________Meiosis_____ __Mitosis______________ ___________Meiosis_____ __Mitosis______________ ___________Meiosis_____ __Mitosis______________

5. During Interphase, the cell ___Functions and operates as a cell_____________________

6. During Mitosis, the cell ____Replicates the nucleus and genetic material____________

7. During Cytokinesis, the cell ___Splits into two cells_____________________________

8. Identify each of the following phases of mitosis ____Interphase______________ ______Prophase______________ ________Metaphase__________



9. The uncontrolled growth of cells is called ___Cancer________________________

10. The two types of tumor are __Benign__________________ and ____Malignant___________

11. List the five ways that cancer cells differ from normal cells

a. ___Shorter Interphase___________________ b. ___Uncontrolled Mitosis___________________ c. ___Grow faster___________________ d. ___Break away and travel throughout body___________________ e. ___Different physical structure___________________

12. Explain why normal cells cannot survive if they grow too large The surface area to volume ratio is too small and they can't get material into and out of the cell fast enough

13. Match the following terms to their definitions or examples a. Alternative version of a gene b. Genetic make-up of an organism c. Passing traits from generation to next d. Physical features e. RR or Rr f. rr g. RR or rr h. Rr i. Variation of a characteristic

__Allele________ __Genotype_____ __Heredity______ __Phenotype_____ __Dominant_____ __Recessive_____ __Homozygous__ __Heterozygous__ __Trait_________

14. Match the following scientists to their contributions

a. Credited with structure of DNA

__Watson Crick_

b. Discovered DNA carries genetic code


c. Father of Heredity


d. # Guanine = # Cytosine, # Adenine = # thymine __Chargoff_____

e. X-rays of DNA, died


15. DNA can be found in which three organelles


Allele Dominant Genotype Heredity Heterozygous Homozygous Phenotype Recessive Trait


Avery et al Chargoff Mendel Rosaline Franklin Watson and Crick

a. __Nucleus_______________ b. __Mitochondria_______________ c. __Chloroplast_______________

16. The shape of DNA is best described as ___Double Helix_______________________

17. What are the sides of the DNA molecule made of? Deoxyribose Sugar

18. What three parts make up a single DNA nucleotide?

a. ___Deoxyribose Sugar______________ b. ___Phosphate______________ c. ___Nitrogenous Bases______________

19. What are the four bases that make up the rungs of the DNA ladder?

a. _Adenine___________________ b. _Thymine___________________ c. _Guanine___________________ d. _Cytosine___________________

20. What sugar is found in DNA? Deoxyribose

21. How do the DNA bases bond together?


22. Complete the following Punnett Squares. a. Sweet sweet potatoes are dominant and sour sweet potatoes are recessive. Cross a homozygous dominant sweet potato with a heterozygous sweet potato. Show the cross and Punnett square and give phenotype and genotype ratios of all potato types.

S s S SS Ss

50% Ss 50% SS 100% Sweet


b. Turkeys roosting in trees is dominant to turkeys roosting on the ground. A homozygous recessive turkey and a heterozygous turkey have a very large brood. Out of 100 turkeys how many would you expect to find roosting in the trees?

t t T Tt Tt t tt tt

50% roost in trees 50 turkeys roost in trees 50% SS 100% Sweet

c. You own a package of heterozygous orange pumpkin seeds. You really want white (recessive) pumpkins. Use genetics to explain how you can produce a crop of white pumpkins.

All of the heterozygous pumpkins will be orange. However if you cross them you will get 1 in 4 white. So cross them. Then cross two white pumpkins and all of your pumpkins will be white


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