MPUG – Where Project Managers and Microsoft® Meet


Deployment for Office Project Server 2007

Microsoft Corporation

Published: December 2006

Author: Office IT and Servers User Assistance (o12ITdx@)


This document covers two major areas: migrating data from previous versions of Project Server (Project Server 2003, Project Server 2002, Project Central) to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, and deploying Office Project Server 2007.


The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.


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Active Directory, Excel, InfoPath, Microsoft, Outlook, SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


I Deployment guide for Office Project Server 2007 13

Installing Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer 14

Project Server 2007 Stand-Alone Mode Overview 14

System requirements 15

Hardware requirements 15

Software Requirements 15

Operating System 15

Web Browser 16

Internet Information Server 6.0 16

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 16

Notification Requirements 17

Installing Project Server 2007 in Stand-Alone Mode 17

Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment 19

Project Server 2007 architecture overview 19

Project Server 2007 installation roadmap 21

Small Farm Installation 22

Medium Farm Installation 23

Large Farm Installation 25

Adding Additional Web Front-End Servers to the farm 25

Adding Additional Application Servers to the farm 26

Verify that Servers meet hardware and software requirements 27

Hardware requirements 27

Software Requirements 27

Operating System 28

Web Browser 28

Internet Information Server 6.0 28

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 28

Notification Requirements 29

Security account requirements 30

Prepare the database server 30

SQL Server 2005 Surface area configuration settings 30

SQL Server and database collation 31

Required accounts 31

Preinstall databases [Optional] 32

Project Server 2007 installation procedures 33

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files 33

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard 35

Add the SharePoint Central Administration site to the list of trusted sites 38

Configure proxy server settings to bypass the proxy server for local addresses 38

Configure the Farm Services 38

Create Web Applications 39

Create the Web Application to host the Shared Services Provider 39

Create the Web Application to host the Project Web Access site 40

Create the Shared Services Provider 42

Provision Project Server 2007 to the farm 44

Configuring Office Project Server 2007 client connectivity 47

Configuring Office Project Professional 2007 to connect to Project Server 2007 47

To configure an Account Profile to connect to Project Server 2007 47

Connecting to Office Project Server 2007 by using Office Project Web Access 49

Supported Project Server 2007 extranet topologies 50

Supported extranet topologies 50

Perimeter in proxy 50

Advantages 51

Disadvantages 51

Back-to-back perimeter 52

Advantages 52

Disadvantages 53

Split back-to-back 53

Advantages 53

Disadvantages 54

Extranet user scenarios 54

Remote user 54

External partner or customer 54

Extranet considerations 55

Ports and firewalls 55

Domain trust relationships 55

SSL bridging and tunneling 56

Securing server-to-server communication 56

Implementing split DNS 56

Using alternate access mapping (URL mapping) 57

Understanding alternate access mapping 57

Using alternate access mapping for Office Project Server 2007 58

Configuring alternate access mapping 58

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 authentication 59

Plan Authentication Methods 59

About Project Server 2007 User Authentication 59

Supported authentication methods 60

Authentication of system accounts 62

Configure authentication 62

Configure authentication for SharePoint Web applications 63

Connect to non-Windows-based and other external identity management systems 67

Enabling Anonymous Access 68

Using different authentication methods to access a site 68

Choose methods of authentication allowed in your environment 70

Recommendations and tradeoffs for authentication methods 71

Complete the "Authentication Methods" worksheet 72

Plan authentication settings for Web applications in Windows SharePoint Services 74

Plan authentication settings 74

Authentication method 74

Anonymous access 75

Settings for Forms and Web Single Sign-On 75

Plan authentication exclusions 76

Sample Authentication Configurations 77

SQL Membership Provider 77

Active Directory forms 80

LDAP forms 80

Web Single Sign-On ADFS 80

Database forms for targeting content 80

How to Configure Forms Authentication by using the SQL Membership Provider 80

Step 1: Getting Started 81

Step 2: Setting Up the Infrastructure 81

Step 3: Updating the Web.config file to Add the SQL Membership Provider 83

Step 4: Setting Up Users 83

Deploy language packs (Project Server) 90

Planning a multi-language environment 90

User Interface Elements unchanged by language packs 92

Preparing your servers for language packs 93

Installing language packs on your front-end Web and application servers 94

Viewing Project Web Access in Other Languages 96

Uninstalling language packs 97

Installing the Outlook Add-In for Project Server 2007 98

Outlook integration with Project Server 2007 overview 98

Prerequisites 98

Installing the Outlook Add-In 99

Configuring the Outlook Add-In 100

Integrating Outlook with Project Web Access 100

Integrating with Outlook Tasks 100

Integrating with Outlook calendars 101

To configure the Integrate with option: 101

Assignment Import 101

Date Range 102

Import from Project Web Access to Outlook 102

Show confirmation dialog box before importing 102

Assignment Update 102

Update from Outlook to Project Web Access 103

Show confirmation dialog before updating 103

Advanced Options 103

Project Web Access Login 103

Assignment Import 104

Installing Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007 105

Why Deploy Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 105

Deployment Scenarios 106

Queiscing the Farm 106

Deploying Project Server 2007 to an existing Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployment 107

Install Project Server 2007 on all Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web Front-End Servers 107

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files 107

Run post-setup configuration 108

Install Project Server 2007 on all Office SharePoint Server 2007 Application Servers 110

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files 111

Run post-setup configuration 112

Configure the Farm Services 113

Provision Office Project Server 2007 to the farm 114

Deploying Office SharePoint Server 2007 on an existing Project Server 2007 deployment 115

Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Project Server 2007 Web Front-Ends 116

Install the Office SharePoint Services 2007 binary files (or "bits") on to all Project Server 2007 Web Front 116

Run Post-Setup Configuration 116

Start the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search service 117

Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Project Server 2007 Application Server computers 117

Install the Office SharePoint Services 2007 binary files (or "bits") on to all Project Server 2007 Application Servers 118

Run Post Setup Configuration 118

Configure the Shared Services Provider 119

Configuring the Office Project Server 2007 Cube Building Service 120

Security Requirements 120

Setup Requirements 120

Application Server 120

Analysis Services 121

Reporting Database 123

II Migration guide for Office Project Server 2007 124

Introduction: Project Server 2007 migration guide 125

Upgrading from a previous version of Project Server is a data migration process 126

Migration Architecture 126

Types of data migration to Project Server 2007 128

Requirements for migrating to Office Project Server 2007 128

Planning the migration to Office Project Server 2007 130

Project Server 2007 migration scenarios 131

Full migration scenario 131

Gradual migration scenario 132

IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007 135

IT deployment prior to migration 135

IT deployment steps for a full migration 136

Example 136

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 137

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer) 139

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 140

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer) 140

IT deployment steps for a gradual migration 141

Example 141

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 143

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer) 144

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 144

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer) 145

Performing a gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer) 146

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer) 146

Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility 150

Cross-version compatibility between the server and client products 150

File-format compatibility between Project client versions 151

Data not migrated to Project Server 2007 153

Project Server 2003 data that is not migrated 153

Project Server 2003 data that is migrated with caveats 154

Migrating older versions of Project Server and Windows SharePoint Services 158

Migrating from Project Server 2002 to Office Project Server 2007 158

Migrating from Project Central to Office Project Server 2007 160

Migrating from SharePoint Team Services 161

Migrating complex datasets and licensing 162

Performing the migration to Office Project Server 2007 163

Prepare for migration to Project Server 2007 164

Upgrade to Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a 164

Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 165

Install Project Server 2007 166

Set up forms authentication, if necessary 167

Back up and restore the Project Server 2003 and Project Server 2007 databases 167

Install the migration tool 168

Install the migration tool (if Office Project Professional 2007 is not installed) 169

Install the migration tool (if Office Project Professional 2007 is already installed) 169

How to run the migration tool 170

Give appropriate permissions to the Migration Administrator account 171

Verify that the Migration Administrator account has appropriate access 171

Pre-migration verification and cleanup 173

Run the migration tool with the -verify option 173

Checking for checked-out projects 174

Checking for Projects that have been externally edited 175

Checking for projects with pending status updates 175

Checking for duplicate Enterprise Resources 176

Checking for duplicate Enterprise Resource used in projects 177

Fix up projects which use duplicate Enterprise Resources 178

Fix up the duplicate Enterprise Resources to point to the correct one 179

Remove the duplicate resource from the Resource Global 180

Project Version should be at least ‘Project Server 2003 SP2a’ 180

Enterprise Global should not be externally edited 181

Checking if the Enterprise Global is checked out 181

Checking if the Enterprise Global is locked 182

Checking if the default language on the Web tables database and Project tables database should match 182

Checking if Resources have comma in their names 183

Checking if required enterprise resource custom fields do not have values 184

Checking if a resource custom field has a value which is not in the lookup table definition 186

Checking if Enterprise resources are externally edited 191

Checking if Enterprise Custom Field names do not contain leading or trailing spaces 192

Checking if the Migration Administrator Account exists in Project Server 2003 192

Configuring the migration tool for Project Server 193

Migration configuration file overview 193

Migration configuration parameters 194

Migration configuration file example 199

Querying the Project Server 2003 database for projects 200

Projects not yet started 200

Projects that are finished 200

Projects not yet finished 201

Project that are in progress 201

Projects with the project outline code 'Project Status' equal to 'Opportunity' 201

Project templates 202

Configure an SQL linked server connection 202

Configure a SQL linked server connection using SQL Server 2000 202

Configure a SQL linked server connection from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 203

Configure SQL Server 2005 authentication to mixed mode 203

Configure SQL Server 2000 authentication to mixed mode 203

Configure the connection 203

Upgrading project workspaces from Project Server 2003 205

Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 205

Gradual migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer) 206

Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer) 206

Running the migration tool to migrate global data and projects 209

Migrate global data 209

Migrate projects (full migration) 210

Migrate projects (gradual migration) 211

Migration performance data for Project Server 2007 212

Configuration Specifications 212

Profile specifications 212

Performance profile times 214

SQL script to obtain profile information 214

Profile assessment script 215

Post-migration tasks for Project Server 2007 217

Verify whether the migration worked 217

Update migrated server settings 218

Synchronize the migrated forms-authenticated users with the Project Server 2007 forms authentication store 218

Verify the project workspace provisioning settings 218

Delete migrated inactive users (optional) 219

Fix project currency settings 219

Change migrated local Windows accounts 220

Roll back migration 220

Troubleshoot migration for Project Server 2007 221

Before you troubleshoot: Verify functionality in Project Server 2007 221

Error logging 222

Finding errors, warnings, and failures in an upgrade log file 223

Restoring the Project Server 2007 database 224

Migrated user and permission issues 226

Authentication issues 226

Migrating Master Projects Issues 227

Migration flowchart 227

Migration best practices for Project Server 2007 230

Before migration 230

During migration 232

After migration 233

FAQ: Migrating to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 234

Compatibility questions 234

Consolidation questions 234

Pricing and licensing questions 235

Data consistency questions 235

Multi-language questions 237

Outlook add-in questions 237

Resource management questions 238

SQL Server questions 238

Windows SharePoint Services migration questions 239

Project Server 2007 migration quick reference 240

General migration procedure for Office Project Server 2007 240

I Deployment guide for Office Project Server 2007

In this section:

• Installing Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer

• Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment

• Configuring Office Project Server 2007 client connectivity

• Supported Project Server 2007 extranet topologies

• Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 authentication

• Deploy language packs

• Installing the Outlook Add-In for Project Server 2007

• Installing Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007

• Configuring the Office Project Server 2007 Cube Building Service

Installing Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer

This chapter describes installing Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 in Stand-alone mode.

Project Server 2007 Stand-Alone Mode Overview

Office Project Server 2007 can be installed not only to a Farm, but can also be installed to a single computer in Stand-alone mode. In Stand-alone mode, the Application Server, Front-End Web Server, and database are all installed to a single computer using default settings.


Stand-alone mode is best used for evaluating the product. It is important to note the following limitations of the Stand-alone mode version of Office Project Server 2007:

• Stand-alone mode supports single-server deployments only, therefore limiting your options for configuring redundancy.

• SQL Server Express 2005 is installed as the database server. Unlike the advanced installations of Office Project Server 2007 in which SQL Server 2000 or 2005 is installed independent of the Office Project Server 2007 installation, in Stand-alone mode the database engine is installed automatically during the installation. If you are familiar with MSDE 2000, for feature comparison information see Feature Comparison of MSDE and SQL Server 2005 Express ().


If you are planning to scale to a larger Project Server deployment in the future, it is important to note that the SQL Server Express 2005 database cannot migrate to SQL Server 2000.

• Installation and configuration is simple.

a. Project Web Accesss site, Web applications, and the Shared Service Provider are automatically provisioned.

b. Service account information is not required for installation. The installation uses Network Service accounts to complete.

System requirements

Before installing Office Project Server 2007, in Stand-alone mode, verify that the computers meet the hardware and software requirements listed in this section.

Hardware requirements

|Dependency |Requirement |

|Processor |2.5 Gigahertz (GHz) |

|Memory |1 GB Minimum; 2 GB Recommended |

|Hard disk |3 Gigabyte (GB) of available hard disk |

|Display |1024x768 or higher resolution monitor |

|Network connection |56 Megabits per second (Mbps) connection speed required. |

|Drive |DVD Drive |

Software Requirements

Office Project Server 2007 has the following software requirements. It is important to note that since Office Project Server 2007 is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, the requirements that apply to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 also apply to Office Project Server 2007.

Operating System

Office Project Server 2007 runs on Windows Server 2003 with SP 1 or later. We recommend that you apply all critical updates. You can use the following Windows Server 2003 editions:

• Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

Web Browser

Internet Explorer 6.0 with the most recent service packs or Internet Explorer 7.0.

Internet Information Server 6.0

You must configure the computer to enable IIS 6.0 and must be in IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode. This is the default setting in new installations, however, if you have upgraded from IIS 5.0 on Windows Server 2000, Run WWW in IIS 5.0 isolation mode is enabled and you must change this setting to use IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation component (Build 4203.2) needed for workflow functionality.

On the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download page, follow the instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0.  There are separate downloads for x86-based computers and x64-based computers: be sure to download and install the appropriate version for your computer. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation components.”

[pic]To install .NET Framework 3.0

|1. In your Web browser, go to the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package download site: |

|(). |

|2. Click Download, and then click Run. |

|3. On the Welcome to Microsoft. NET Framework Setup page, click Next. |

|4. Select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement check box, and then click Install. |

|5. When installation completes, click Finish. |

After installing .NET Framework 3.0, you must verify that 2.0.50727 is enabled.

[pic]Enable 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS)

|1. Click Start, and then click Run. |

|2. In the Open box, type inetmgr, and then click OK. |

|3. In the left pane of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select the computer on which you want to|

|enable . |

|4. In the right pane, double-click the Web Service Extensions folder. |

|5. Right-click v2.0.50727, and then select Allow. |

[pic]Enable 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS) from a command prompt

|1. Open a command-prompt window. |

|2. Change to the following directory: %windir%\\Framework\v2.0.50727. |

|3. Run the following command: |

|aspnet_regiis.exe –i –enable |

Notification Requirements

If in your planning to deploy Office Project Server 2007 it was determined that you will need to send e-mail notification, you need a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server. If you need to receive e-mail notifications, you need a mail client that can receive the mail via the SMTP Server, such as:

• Post Office Protocol 3 (POP 3)

• Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4)

• Microsoft Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI)–compliant messaging software

Installing Project Server 2007 in Stand-Alone Mode

1. Navigate to the installation location for Project Server and double-click the Setup.exe file to begin setup.

2. In the Enter Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and click Continue.

3. In the End User License Agreement page, view the terms of the agreement. Check I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. On the Installation Types page, click Basic to start the installation.

5. On the screen that displays when installation completes, select Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now and then click Close. You must run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to automatically complete the required provisioning steps.

6. At the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies screens, click Next.

7. A confirmation dialog screen will appear stating that the following services might need to be restarted or reset during the configuration:

• Internet Information Services

• SharePoint Administration Service

• SharePoint Timer Service

• Click Yes to continue. A status bar will appear displaying the configuration progress.

8. When configuration completes, the Configuration Successful screen will display. Click Finish.

9. The Manage Project Web Access page displays and will list the Project Web Access instance that is being provisioned. Click on the Refresh Status button from time to time to check if the Project Web Access instance has been provisioned. When the status appears as provisioned, click on the URL to go to the Project Web Access homepage.


You may need to add the URL to the Project Web Access homepage to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer.

Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment

This article describes how to install Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.

In this article:

• Project Server 2007 architecture overview

• Project Server 2007 installation roadmap

• Verify that servers meet hardware and software requirements

• Security account rquirements

• Prepare the database server

• Project Server 2007 installation pocedures


Because a deployment of Office Project Server 2007 in a farm environment is more complex than a stand-alone deployment, it is recommended that you plan your deployment before beginning. Planning your deployment can help you to gather the information you need and to make important decisions before beginning to deploy. For more information about planning, see Planning and Architecture for Office Project Server 2007.

Project Server 2007 architecture overview


For more detailed information about Office Project Server 2007 architecture, see the chapter Plan EPM Solution architecture (Project Server 2007).

Office Project Server 2007 installation includes these three main components:

• Office Project Server 2007 Web tier

• Office Project Server 2007 application tier

• Office Project Server 2007 database tier (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with SP3 or later or Microsoft SQL Server 2005)


The Office Project Server 2007 Web tier includes two components:

• Microsoft Office Project Web Access is designed for use by all project team members, administrators, and anyone else who needs access to Project Server data. Office Project Web Access is essentially a set of Microsoft 2.0 applications that use the Project Server Interface (PSI).

• Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a Web-based team collaboration and document management application. Office Project Web Access is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 for ease of use, improved administration, and ease of customization and integration with other applications.


For more information, see Plan the Web tier.

The Office Project Server 2007 application tier includes:

• Project Server Interface (PSI): The Project Server Interface is the application programming interface (API) of Office Project Server 2007. The Project Server Interface object model exposes Project Server functionality to all external applications. Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, Office Project Web Access, line of business, and other third-party applications use the PSI to access Project Server data in the Draft, Published, and Archive databases.

• Project Server Platform: This includes the Project Server business objects accessed by users through the PSI.

• Project Server Services: This includes the Server Reporting Service, the Server Eventing Service, and the Server Queuing Service.


For more information, see Plan the application tier.

The Office Project Server 2007 database tier includes the following Project Server databases:

• Draft: The Draft database contains tables for saving unpublished projects from Office Project Professional 2007 . Project data in the Draft database is not accessible by using Office Project Web Access.

• Published: The Published database contains all of the published projects. Published projects are visible in Office Project Web Access. The Published database also contains tables that are specific to Office Project Web Access (timesheets, views, and so on) and global data tables (outline codes, security, and metadata).

• Archive: The Archive database saves backed-up and older versions of projects.

• Reporting: The Reporting database is the staging area for generating reports and OLAP cubes. Data in the Reporting database is comprehensive, optimized for read-only report generation, and is updated near real-time.


For more information, see Plan the database tier.

Project Server 2007 installation roadmap

This section describes three examples of farm deployments for Office Project Server 2007. Each example includes a roadmap of, or high-level steps for, the installation process to assist you in planning your deployment. Identify the deployment roadmap in this chapter that most closely matches the architecture that you require for your organization, and then follow the procedures in that topic to complete your installation. The high-level steps can be followed in more detail in the Office Project Server 2007 Installation Procedures section of this chapter.


Office Project Server 2007 stand-alone installation will not be covered in this chapter. For information about installing Office Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer, see Installing Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer.

Small Farm Installation

Office Project Server 2007 in small farm topology is characterized by the Web front-end server and the application server residing on the same computer. A small farm deployment can support a small to medium sized organization and can be used by a large organization to test Office Project Server 2007. A small-scale deployment supports up to 500 users, but is not ideal for a large-scale production environment.

A small farm can exist in a one-tier or two-tier configuration:

1. One tier: The Web front-end server, application server, and the database server all reside on the same computer.


2. Two tier: The Web front-end server and application server reside together on the same computer, and the database server resides on another computer. If possible, the two-tier configuration is preferable, because database processing will be offloaded from the server hosting the Web front-end and application tier.


Installing Office Project Server 2007 to a small farm requires installing both the Project Server Web Front End and the Application Server to the same computer.

|On the single server |

|Install the binary files. |

|• Select the Complete Server Installation Type. |

|SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard |

|• Create a new farm. |

|• Create a new Configuration database. |

|Configure the farm services |

|• Start the Project Application service |

|Create Web Applications. |

|• Create a Web application for Shared Service Provider. |

|• Create a Web application for the Project Web Access site content |

|• Create a site collection for the content Web application. |

|Create the Shared Service Provider. |

|Provision Project Server 2007 to the farm. |

Medium Farm Installation

To meet the needs of a slightly larger organization, Office Project Server 2007 can be installed to a medium farm topology.


For more information on capacity planning, see Optimize Performance for Project Server 2007.

Office Project Server 2007 in a medium farm topology is characterized by a three-tiered configuration. The Web tier, application tier, and database tier are all on separate computers. A basic medium-sized custom farm can consist of one or two Web Front-End servers, a single application server, and one database server or two clustered database servers.


Installing Office Project Server 2007 to a simple medium farm (a single Web Front End and Application server on separate computers) requires the steps in the table below. Execute the sequence of steps for the Web Front End before starting the steps for the Application Server.

|Server A (for the Web Front End) |Server B (for the Application Server) |

|Install the binary files. |Install the binary files. |

|Select Web Front End Server Installation Type. |Select Complete Server Installation Type. |

|Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration |Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration |

|Wizard |Wizard |

|• Create a new farm. |• Connect to the existing farm (created on Server A). |

|• Create a new Configuration database. |• Use to the existing farms configuration database. |

|Create Web Applications. |Configure the farm services |

|• Create a Web application for Shared Service Provider. |• Start the Project Application service |

|• Create a Web application for the Project Web Access site |• Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application |

|content |service |

|• Create a site collection for the content Web application.| |

| |Create the Shared Service Provider. |

| |Provision Project Server 2007 to the farm. |

Large Farm Installation

A medium farm can be scaled out to meet the needs of a much larger company by adding additional servers on the Web and application tier, and to configure them for load balancing. The database tier can also be clustered with additional database servers or to include multiple clusters.

A custom farm can also be integrated with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and use other services such as Search, Index, or Excel Calculation Services.


Adding Additional Web Front-End Servers to the farm

The farm can be scaled to add additional Web Front-End servers. Web Front-End servers added to the farm and running the SharePoint Web Application Service will have all Web sites replicated to the server and will be made available to users with permission to access them.


Multiple Web Front-End servers can be configured to use Network Load Balancing to distribute the load across server. For more information on Network Load Balance options for Web Front-End Servers, see the Plan Front-End Web Server Availability section in Plan for availability.

In order to add an additional Web Front End server to the farm, you would need to do the following:

|Additional Web Front End Server |

|Install the binary files. |

|Select Web Front End Server Installation Type. |

|Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard |

|• Connect to the existing farm. |

|• Use to the existing farms configuration database. |

Adding Additional Application Servers to the farm

The farm can be scaled to add additional Office Project Server 2007 Application servers as well. When more than one Office Project Server 2007 Application server is available on the farm, requests from Web Tiers are distributed to the Application servers in a round robin fashion. For example, in an environment in which two Project Server Application servers exist, request #1 from the SharePoint Web Application service is first sent to Application server A. The next request #2 would be sent to Application server B. The following request #3 would go back to Application server A again.


Load Balancing is handled internally between Application servers in the farm. Application servers cannot be configured to use Network Load Balancing Services for Windows Server 2003.

In order to add an additional Application server to the farm, you would need to do the following:

|Additional Application Server |

|Install the binary files. |

|Select Complete Server Installation Type. |

|Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard |

|• Connect to the existing farm. |

|• Use to the existing farms configuration database. |

|Configure the farm services |

|• Start the Project Application service |

|• Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service |

Verify that Servers meet hardware and software requirements

Before installing Office Project Server 2007, verify that the computers meet the hardware and software requirements listed in the following tables.

Hardware requirements

|Dependency |Requirement |

|Processor |Server with processor speed of 2.5 Gigahertz (GHz) processor or higher, dual proc, 3 |

| |GHz or higher recommended |

|Memory |• Farm deployment: 2 Gigabyte (GB) RAM required. |

| |• Farm deployment in which the SQL Server resides on the same computer: 4 Gigabytes |

| |(GB) RAM recommended. |

|Hard disk |3 Gigabyte (GB) of available hard disk |

|Display |1024x768 or higher resolution monitor |

|Network connection |Farm deployment: 100 Megabits per second (Mbps) connection speed required. |

|Drive |DVD Drive |

Software Requirements

Office Project Server 2007 has the following software requirements. It is important to note that since Office Project Server 2007 is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, the requirements that apply to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 also apply to Office Project Server 2007.

For additional information about hardware and software requirements for Office Project Server 2007 see Determine hardware and software requirements.

Operating System

Office Project Server 2007 runs on Windows Server 2003 with SP 1 or later. We recommend that you apply all critical updates. You can use the following Windows Server 2003 editions:

• Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

Web Browser

Internet Explorer 6.0 with the most recent service packs or Internet Explorer 7.0 is required.

Internet Information Server 6.0

IIS 6.0 must be enabled on the computer. You also must configure the server to use IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode. This is the default setting in new installations, however, if you have upgraded from IIS 5.0 on Windows Server 2000, Run WWW in IIS 5.0 isolation mode is enabled and you must change this setting to use IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation component (Build 4203.2) needed for workflow functionality.

On the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download page, follow the instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0.  There are separate downloads for x86-based computers and x64-based computers: be sure to download and install the appropriate version for your computer. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation components.”

[pic]To install .NET Framework 3.0

|1. In your Web browser, go to the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package download site |

|(). |

|2. Click Download, and then click Run. |

|3. On the Welcome to Microsoft. NET Framework Setup page, click Next. |

|4. Select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement check box, and then click Install. |

|5. When installation completes, click Finish. |

After installing .NET Framework 3.0, you must verify that 2.0.50727 is enabled.

[pic]Enable 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS)

|1. Click Start, and then click Run. |

|2. In the Open box, type inetmgr, and then click OK. |

|3. In the left pane of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select the computer on which you want to|

|enable . |

|4. In the right pane, double-click the Web Service Extensions folder. |

|5. Right-click v2.0.50727, and then select Allow. |

[pic]Enable 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS) from a command prompt

|1. Open a command-prompt window. |

|2. Change to the following directory: %windir%\\Framework\v2.0.50727. |

|3. Run the following command: |

|aspnet_regiis.exe –i –enable |

Notification Requirements

If in your deployment planning for Office Project Server 2007 it was determined that you will need to send e-mail notifications, you need a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server. If you need to receive e-mail notifications, you need a mail client that can receive the mail via the SMTP Server, such as:

• Post Office Protocol 3 (POP 3)

• Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4)

• Microsoft Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI)–compliant messaging software

Security account requirements

During the installation and configuration, you must specify certain user accounts and passwords. For more information about administrative and security accounts, see Plan for administrative and service accounts.

Prepare the database server

The database server computer must be running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a (SP3a) or later.

The Office Project Server 2007 Setup program automatically creates the necessary databases when you install and configure Office Project Server 2007. Optionally, you can pre-install the required databases if your IT environment or policies require this.

For more information about prerequisites, see Determine hardware and software requirements.

SQL Server 2005 Surface area configuration settings

If you are using SQL Server 2005, you must also change the surface area configuration settings.

[pic]Configure surface area settings in SQL Server 2005

|1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and |

|then click SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. |

|2. In the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration dialog box, click Surface Area Configuration for Services |

|and Connections. |

|3. In the tree view, expand the node for your instance of SQL Server, expand the Database Engine node, and then |

|click Remote Connections. |

|4. Select Local and Remote Connections, select Using both TCP/IP and named pipes, and then click OK. |

SQL Server and database collation

The SQL Server collation must be configured for case-insensitive. The SQL Server database collation must be configured for case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, Kana-sensitive, and width-sensitive. This is used to ensure file name uniqueness consistent with the Windows operating system. For more information about collations, see "Selecting a SQL Collation" or "Collation Settings in Setup" in SQL Server Books Online.

Required accounts

The following table describes the accounts that are used to configure Microsoft SQL Server and to install Office Project Server 2007. For more information about the required accounts, including specific privileges required for these accounts, see Plan for administrative and service accounts.

|Account |Purpose |

|SQL Server service account |SQL Server prompts for this account during SQL Server Setup. This account is used as the|

| |service account for the following SQL Server services: |



| |If you are not using the default instance, these services will be shown as: |

| |• MSSQL$InstanceName |

| |• SQLAgent$InstanceName |

|Setup user account |The user account that is used to run Setup on each server |

|Server farm account |This account is also referred to as: |

| |• Database access account |

| |This account is: |

| |• The application pool account for the Central Administration site |

| |• The process account for the Windows SharePoint Services Timer (SPAdmin) service |

Preinstall databases [Optional]

The Office Project Server 2007 databases are created automatically when during the provisioning process of installation. In many IT environments, database creation and management is handled by the Database Administrator (DBA). Security and other policies might require that the DBA create the databases required by Office Project Server 2007. This section provides details about how the DBA can create these databases before beginning the Office Project Server 2007 installation

[pic]Create and configure the Project Server databases

|1. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to the database server and create the four Project |

|Server databases: |

|• ProjectServer_Published |

|• ProjectServer_Working |

|• ProjectServer_Archive |

|• ProjectServer_Reporting |

|[pic]Note: |

|When creating the databases, make sure to adhere to the SQL Server collation requirements mentioned previously. |

|2. Make sure the database owner is the Setup user account for all databases. |

|3. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, add the following accounts to the Users group and the db_owner |

|role in each database: |

|• SSP Service account |

|• Open the command line as the Setup user account, and then run the following command to create the PWA Site |

|using the DBA-created Project Server databases: |

|PWAstsadm -o projcreatepwainstance |

|                -url |

|                [-sspname] |

|                -adminaccount |

|                -primarydbserver |

|                -publisheddbname |

|                -draftdbname |

|                -archivedbname |

|                -reportingdbserver |

|                -reportingdbname |

|                [-hostheaderwebapplicationurl] |

|                [-lcid] |

|Register the membership provider | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Register the role manager (optional) |Not required for Project Server 2007 |

|Register the HTTP module |Not applicable |

Enabling Anonymous Access

Anonymous Access is not supported in Project Server 2007. A user accessing Project Server 2007 through Project Professional or Project Web Access must have an identifiable user account.

Using different authentication methods to access a site

You can configure Web applications in Windows SharePoint Services version 3 to be accessed by up to five different authentication methods or identity management systems. The following diagram illustrates a partner application that is configured to be accessed by users from two different identity management systems. Internal employees are authenticated by using one of the standard Windows authentication methods. Employees of the partner company are authenticated against their own company's identity management system.


To configure a Web application to be accessed by two or more different authentication systems, you must configure additional zones for the Web application. Zones represent different logical paths of gaining access to the same physical application. With a typical partner application, employees of a partner company access the application through the Internet, while internal employees access the application directly through the intranet.

To create a new zone, extend the Web application. In the Load Balanced URL section, specify the URL and zone type. The zone type is simply a category name applied to the zone and does not impact the configuration of the zone.


After extending the Web application, you can configure a separate authentication method for the new zone. The following diagram shows a Web application that is configured by using two different zones. The default zone is the zone used by internal employees. The Internet zone is configured for partner access and uses forms to authenticate partner employees against the partner identity management system.


Choose methods of authentication allowed in your environment

In addition to understanding how authentication is configured, planning for authentication includes:

• Considering the security context or environment of your Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3.

• Evaluating the recommendations and tradeoffs for each method.

• Ensuring that authentication methods are compatible with browsers used by your users.

Recommendations and tradeoffs for authentication methods

Understanding the advantages, recommendations, and tradeoffs for each specific authentication method will also play a role as you determine which methods to use in your environment. The following table highlights the recommendations and tradeoffs for each authentication method. For more information about each of the Windows authentications supported by IIS, see IIS Authentication ().

|Authentication method |Advantages and recommendations |Tradeoffs |

|Windows |Authenticate by using your existing Active Directory |Each IIS authentication scheme has its |

| |accounts. |own associated pros and cons. |

| |Simplify user management. |Some IIS authentication protocols are |

| |Take advantage of Active Directory groups when |not supported by all Web browsers. |

| |configuring Windows SharePoint Services version 3 | |

| |authorization. | |

| |Avoid writing custom code. | |

| forms |Set up Windows SharePoint Services version 3 in a |Requires customization of the |

| |non-Active Directory environment (does not require |Web.config. |

| |Windows accounts) |Subject to replay attacks for the |

| |Authenticate against two or more different identity |lifetime of the cookie, unless using |

| |management systems when creating partner |SSL/TLS. |

| |applications. | |

| |Implement a custom authentication scheme using | |

| |arbitrary criteria. | |

| |Authenticate users coming from the Internet. | |

|Web Single Sign-On |Implement Windows SharePoint Services version 3 in an|Requires an existing federated |

| |environment that uses federated authentication to |authentication system. |

| |secure digital identities across organizations and |Requires customization of Web.config. |

| |security environments. |ADFS requires SSL. Other SSO systems |

| |Implement Windows SharePoint Services version 3 in an|might have other requirements. |

| |environment that provides single sign-on to services | |

| |running on disparate platforms, including non-Active | |

| |Directory environments. | |

| |Take advantage of ADFS. | |

| |Authenticate against two or more different identity | |

| |management systems when creating partner | |

| |applications. | |

Complete the "Authentication Methods" worksheet

After reviewing this planning article, you should have a good idea of which authentication methods are appropriate for your environment and the conditions under which you would choose to use specific authentication methods. Use the Authentication methods worksheet to record your decisions. The following table represents an example of a completed worksheet.

|Authentication method |Allow |Don't Allow |Notes and recommendations |

|Anonymous | |x | |

|Basic | |x | |

|Digest | |x | |

|Certificates | |x | |

|NTLM (Windows Integrated) |x | |"Use NTLM for all standard |

| | | |department sites." |

|Kerberos (Windows Integrated)|x | |"Use Kerberos for sites with |

| | | |a high security service level|

| | | |agreement." |

| forms |x | |"Use Forms authentication to |

| | | |allow partner company access |

| | | |to sites hosted in the |

| | | |partner extranet. We |

| | | |currently allow |

| | | |authentication against the |

| | | |following identity management|

| | | |systems: Active Directory, |

| | | |LDAP. Work with Samantha |

| | | |Smith to develop |

| | | |authentication settings for |

| | | |use with Forms |

| | | |authentication." |

|Web Single Sign-On |x | |"Use this method for partner |

| | | |applications only if a |

| | | |partner company is |

| | | |participating in federated |

| | | |identity management systems. |

| | | |See David Jones for more |

| | | |information. " |

Additional Notes:  "Work with David Jones to sign off on all authentication settings for Web applications in Windows SharePoint Services version 3 prior to implementing."

Plan authentication settings for Web applications in Windows SharePoint Services

This article presents the authentication configuration settings that need to be planned for individual Web applications in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (version 3). This applies to Web applications in Project Server 2007 since this functionality is done through Windows SharePoint Services (version 3). Use this article with the Web application authentication settings worksheet to plan and record configuration settings for each of your Web applications in Windows SharePoint Services version 3.

Complete the worksheet once for each of the following elements that are a part of your solution design in Windows SharePoint Services version 3:

• Each new or extended Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3.

• Each additional zone within a Web application (other than the default zone). Include zones that are created for the search account.

• Completed worksheets can be used with the "Deploy and Configure SharePoint Sites" section of the deployment guide.

Plan authentication settings

This section walks through each of the settings on the Edit Authentication page of the Central Administration site. Depending on the authentication options you choose, you might be able to enter your authentication settings directly when you create or extend the Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3. Not all options are available when you initially create or extend a Web application. If you cannot configure authentication when you create or extend the Web application, you can accept the default authentication settings initially and then edit the settings on the Edit Authentication page.

Authentication method

Select the method that is intended. If you are planning to allow anonymous access instead of implementing an authentication method listed in this section, then select Windows authentication.

If you choose Kerberos or Certificates, review the following table to identify the additional configuration steps required to configure these methods. Record these steps in the "Additional Configuration" section of the worksheet.

|Authentication method |Additional configuration |Roles in addition to administrator in |

| | |Windows SharePoint Services |

|Certificates |Select Windows authentication in Central |Windows Server 2003 administrator, to |

| |Administration. |obtain and configure certificates |

| |Configure IIS for certificate authentication. | |

| |Enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). | |

| |Obtain and configure certificates from a | |

| |certification authority (CA). | |

|Kerberos (Windows |Configure the Web application to use Kerberos |IIS administrator |

|Integrated) |authentication. | |

| |Configure a Security Principle Name (SPN) for the | |

| |domain user account that is used for the application| |

| |pool identity account. | |

| |Register the SPN for the domain user account in | |

| |Active Directory. | |

Anonymous access

Indicate whether anonymous access is allowed. If you selected Forms or Web Single Sign-On authentication, select Yes.


Enabling Anonymous Access has no effect of Project Server 2007.

Settings for Forms and Web Single Sign-On

If you are implementing Forms or Web Single Sign-On authentication, you must develop the configuration settings to insert into the applicable Web.config files. See "Sample Authentication Configurations" later in this article to review examples of properly configured strings for several common scenarios.

On the worksheet, enter the following two types of information:

|Information |Description |

|Name |The friendly name of the membership provider, role manager, and HTTP module (if |

| |applicable). These names appear in the Central Administration site. |

|Web.config configuration   |Paste the appropriate configuration strings into the worksheet. These strings can be |

| |copied from the worksheet into the Web.config files when the Web application is |

| |deployed. |

Plan authentication exclusions

If you are implementing Forms or Web Single Sign-On authentication, you need to plan for authentication exclusions. If you are implementing Windows authentication, you do not need to read this section.

When you create or extend a Web application or when you add a zone to a Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3, IIS creates a new Web site. Authentication settings that are registered in the Web.config file for this Web application are inherited by virtual directories below the Web site. Virtual directories that are added below a Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3 are not managed by Windows SharePoint Services version 3 and are considered to be excluded virtual directories.

If you are implementing Forms or Web Single Sign-On authentication and you plan to add virtual directories below these Web sites, you need to decide whether you want these excluded virtual directories to inherit the Forms or Web Single Sign-On authentication settings.

On the worksheet, indicate whether excluded virtual directories will be added in IIS beneath the Web site that corresponds to this Web application in Windows SharePoint Services version 3. If excluded virtual directories will be added, indicate whether authentication settings should be inherited.

To configure IIS so authentication settings are not inherited, do the following:

1. Add a new IIS virtual directory beneath the IIS Web site that corresponds to the applicable Web application or zone in Windows SharePoint Services version 3.

2. In IIS Manager, right-click the new virtual directory, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Virtual Directory tab.

4. Click Create (this makes the virtual directory an application).

5. Click Configuration.

6. Select the wildcard application maps, and then click Remove.

7. Click Yes , and then click OK.

8. Create a new Web.config file at the root of the new virtual directory file system path, and add the following entries:

Sample Authentication Configurations

The following sections provide sample authentication configurations for supported Forms authentication membership providers.

SQL Membership Provider

The following table provides examples of Web.config file entries for using Forms authentication to connect to a SQL authentication provider.

|Configuration steps |Example Web.config entries |

|Turn on Forms |When you change the authentication type for a particular site to Forms |

|authentication |authentication from the Edit Authentication configuration page in Central |

| |Administration, the mode specified in the authentication element of the web.config |

| |for that site is automatically changed to Forms. For example: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |If you are not managing membership from the Central Administration site, you will |

| |need to change the authentication element by editing the site's web.config. |

| |You can also specify the login page URL in the forms element, for example: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Register the membership provider |If you are using SQL Server on the local server as your membership provider |

| |database, and you specify AspNetSqlMembershipProvider for the membership provider |

| |name, then you do not need to make any additional changes to the web.config. This is|

| |because the default provider configured for Windows SharePoint Services is |

| |AspNetSqlMembershipProvider, and the default settings for in the |

| |machine.config include the connectionStrings element and provider registration |

| |already configured for this provider. |

| |If you want to use a SQL Server database on a remote server, you must edit the |

| |web.config to specify the connection information for the membership provider |

| |database in the connectionStrings element. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |You do not need to register the membership provider, since the machine.config |

| |already contains the provider registration for this membership provider. |

| |If you use a different name for the membership provider, you must include the |

| |membership and providers elements to register the membership provider in the |

| |web.config: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |The membership element must be included within the system.web section of the |

| |web.config. |

|Register the HTTP module |Not applicable |

Active Directory forms

LDAP forms

The following table provides examples of Web.config file entries for a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) provider.

Web Single Sign-On ADFS

The following table provides examples of Web.config file entries for a Web Single Sign-On Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) provider.

Database forms for targeting content

The following table provides examples of Web.config file entries for a simple database provider.

How to Configure Forms Authentication by using the SQL Membership Provider

The following instructions describe how to configure Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 to work with the SQL Membership Provider. These procedures can be divided into four major steps:

Step 1: Getting Started

Step 2: Setting Up the Infrastructure

Step 3: Updating the Web.config file

Step 4: Setting up Users

Step 1: Getting Started

Prior to configuring Forms authentication with the SQL Membership Provider, you must install the farm version of Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. For more information on installing Project Server 2007, see the Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Deployment Guide.

Step 2: Setting Up the Infrastructure

This step includes creating the Membership Provider database, extending the Project Web Access Web application in the SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration Web site, and pointing the extended Web application to the Membership Provider database.

[pic]Create the MembershipProvider database on your SQL Server

|1. Open a Command window. |

|2. From any directory, enter: \\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regsql.exe /A m /E |

|This creates a database named aspnetdb. If the SQL Server already has a database named aspnetdb, then you can |

|specify a different database name by using the –d parameter. |

|For example: |

|\\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regsql.exe /A m /E -d aspnetdb_testdbs |

[pic]To extend the Project Web Access Web application

|1. Open the SharePoint Central Administration page by clicking Start, Administrative Tools, and then SharePoint |

|3.0 Central Administration. |

|2. On the Application Management tab, select Create or extend Web application. |

|3. In the next page, select Extend an existing Web Application. |

|4. If a Select Web Application dialog appears, select the Web site you want to extend (for example, Default Web |

|Site), and then click OK. |

|5. Select Create a new IIS web site. |

|6. Change the port to 81 (or whatever port you want to use). Verify that the Description and Path numbers change|

|correctly. |

|7. In the Security Configuration section, verify that NTLM is selected. |

|8. Verify that the Zone in the drop-down control is set on Intranet. |

|9. Leave all other options at their default setting and click OK. |

[pic]Point the extended Web application to the Membership Provider database

|1. From the Application Management page, click on Authentication providers. |

|2. For Intranet Zone, click the Windows link. |

|3. For Authentication Type, select Forms. |

|4. In the Membership provider configuration box, enter: |

|AspNetSqlMembershipProvider |

|5. Click Save. |

|[pic] |

Step 3: Updating the Web.config file to Add the SQL Membership Provider

[pic]Add the SQL Membership Provider to the Web.config file

|1. Open the Internet Information Services Manager on the front-end Web server. You can do this by clicking |

|Start, choosing the Run command, and then entering Inetmgr and clicking OK. |

|2. In IIS Manager, expand the computer name and then click the Web Sites folder. |

|3. Under the Web Sites folder you will see the Web site you extended in Step 2. Right-click this site and select|

|Explore. |

|4. Right-click web.config, select Open, and then open the file using an editing tool such as Notepad. |

|5. Add the following entry to Web.config: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|6. Make sure the connection string points to SQL membership store in which you will be storing user accounts. |

|7. Add the same entry to the Web.config file for the Windows site. By default, this web.config file is stored |

|under the Default Web Site. |

Step 4: Setting Up Users

There are many ways to approach setting up users with forms authentication. The goal is to register the user(s) into three separate databases:

• Windows Sharepoint Services

• Project Server

• SQL membership provider

The following procedures are one method of entering new users into all three databases.

Adding Users to the SQL Membership Provider Database

Use the upgrade tool, PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe, to go through the list of Project Server users and create an XML file of forms-authenticated users. The PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe tool and the file it creates can then be used to insert Project Server users into the SQL membership provider database.


Running the PjFormsAuthUpgrade tool on a basic or digest authenticated site is not supported.

Edit the User.XML file for Users

The PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe upgrade tool generates a file named User.xml. This file can be edited to add individual users to the SQL Membership Provider database. The file can be edited differently to add two types of users:

• Users migrated from Project Server 2003

• New users

Inserting users migrated from Project Server 2003

Project Server 2007 no longer supports Project Server authentication that was available in Project Server 2003. However, if you are using Forms Authentication using the SQL membership store, Project Server 2003 Project Server authenticated users can be migrated to Project Server 2007, and then PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe can be used to add the users to the SQL Membership store. These users would then be able to access Project Server 2007 through Forms authentication. For more information on migrating to Project Server 2007, please the Project Server 2007 Migration Guide.


Project Server 2003 passwords will not be migrated to Project Server 2007. When the Users.xml file is created, a random password will be generated. You can edit this password in the file, or allow the user to reset this through a password question/option through the SQL membership store.

The following procedure allows you to move the Project Server 2003 Project Server authenticated users over to the Forms Authentication membership store.

These steps are only needed if you have migrated users from Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2007. If you are only adding new users to the SQL Membership Provider database, go the next section, titled Inserting a New User into the SQL Membership Provider Database.

In this case we will generate a file called users.xml that will contain a list of all users which are to be imported in the membership store.

[pic]Create a migrated list of users

|1. Launch the command line. Navigate to the directory containing PJFormsAuthUpgrade.exe. Using the following |

|text as an example and enter it into the command line: |

|PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe -createusersfile -log log.log -passwordlength 8 –url -usersfile |

|users.xml |

|This command creates a file named users.xml in the same directory as PJFormsAuthUpgrade.exe, |

|2. Open up Users.xml in Notepad. |

|The users.xml file will look similar to the following: |

| |

| |

| |

|Bob Smith |

|test@ |

|Bob_Smith |

|?rBt8Rv( |

|c4572c86-7452-4d29-9d28-1a8a49ad5f89 |

|Please add a password question? |

|Please add a password question? |

| |

| |

|[pic]Note: |

|In order to update multiple users you simply need to add more UpdateUser sections. |

|For example: |

| |

| |

|Data… |

| |

| |

|Data… |

| |

| |

|3. Add items for the PasswordQuestion and PasswordAnswer fields. These fields may be required by the membership |

|store in order for the user to reset their password if they have forgotten their password. |

|4. Update the file to change the password (if you not want your users to use the auto-generated password) so the|

|file will look as follows: |

| |

| |

| |

|Bob Smith |

|test@ |

|Bob_Smith |

|pass@word1 |

|c4572c86-7452-4d29-9d28-1a8a49ad5f89 |

|helloPasswordQuestion> |

|goodbye |

| |

| |

|5. Save the file. |

|If you do not plan on adding new users to the Membership Store, skip the next section and go to the section |

|titled Run the PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe Tool to Import Users into the Membership Store. |

Inserting new users

If you are not adding any users migrated from Project Server 2003, use the following steps to add a new user to the SQL Membership Provider database. The following processes will take a new user that does not exist in Project Web Access and add them to both Project Web Access and the SQL membership store.

[pic]Create a list of new users

|1. Open a Command Prompt window. Navigate to the directory containing PJFormsAuthUpgrade.exe (Program |

|Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin) |

|2. Using the following text as an example and enter it at the command prompt: |

|PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe -createemptyusersfile -log log.log –url -usersfile users.xml |

|This command generates a Users.xml file in the same directory as PJFormsAuthUpgrade.exe. |

|3. Open Users.xml in Notepad. |

|The Users.xml file looks like the following: |

| |

| |

| |

|Display Name |

|newuser@ |

|LogonName |

|Password |

|ab3ad5fe-6b56-41e8-a9d8-44af71b91dc4 |

|Password Question |

|Password Answer |

| |

| |

|Display Name |

|upgradeduser@ |

|LogonName |

|Password |

|2e8c4617-1f38-42d2-8496-9c85eb761b5f |

|Password Question |

|Password Answer |

| |

| |

|4. Modify the User.XML file with the new user information. It should look similar to the following example: |

| |

| |

| |

|Jeff Smith |

|JSmith@ |

|JeffSmith |

|password |

|ab3ad5fe-6b56-41e8-a9d8-44af71b91dc4 |

|hello |

|goodbye |

| |

| |

|The data you want to import into Project Server is now contained within the users.xml file. Since this is an XML|

|file it can be modified either manually or programmatically. If you want to change the password, display name, |

|or email address that the tool automatically generates, you can modify it with whatever mechanism you want. |

Import the user data into Project Server

After the User.XML file has been edited for new users, run the PJFormsAuthUpgrade.exe Tool and point it to the updated file to import the users into the Membership store.

[pic]Run the PjFormsAuthUpgrade tool to import users into the membership store

|• Go to the command prompt, navigate to the directory containing PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe, and enter the |

|following: |

|PjFormsAuthUpgrade.exe -log log.log –url -usersfile users.xml |

|[pic]Note: |

|Until an initial user has been added to the Membership store and Project Server, it is not possible to specify |

|the URL of a forms site. Once an initial user has been added to both, then it is possible to specify the URL of |

|a forms site as well as the username and password. |

|The users should now be added to the SQL membership store. |

[pic]Add a new user to a Project Server security group

|1. In Project Web Access, go to the Server Settings Page, Manage Users and click the name of the user you have |

|just added. |

|2. Add the user to a specific Project Server Group, and then click Save. |

[pic]Log onto Project Server

|1. Go to the machine |

|2. Logon as the newly added user. |

Deploy language packs (Project Server)

In this article:

• Planning a multi-language environment

• User interface elements unchanged by language packs

• Preparing your servers for language packs

• Installing language packs on your front-end Web servers and application servers

• Viewing Project Web Access in other languages

• Uninstall language packs

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 supports the use of multiple languages by providing a language pack plug-in. To add language support after you install Office Project Server 2007, you can install the language pack for the language that you want to add. Although Project Server must be installed with a primary language (for example, English or Japanese), language packs enables users of Microsoft Office Project Web Access to interact with Office Project Server 2007 in any of the supported languages. The same languages are also available to users of Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007.

You install language packs to all front-end Web servers and Application servers in your farm. In Office Project Web Access, a user can select a language in Internet Explorer to display. If the Office Project Server 2007 language pack for that language is installed, the Project Web Access pages will display in the selected language.


This differs from the way language packs are used in Windows SharePoint Services. In Windows SharePoint Services, language pack installations contain language-specific site templates. An administrator must create a site or a site collection based on a language-specific site template. The text that appears on the site or the site collection is displayed in the site template's language. It is not based on the Internet Explorer language settings.

Planning a multi-language environment

With some planning, your organization can install, customize, and maintain a single deployment of Office Project Server 2007 in a multi-language environment. Language packs enable users in foreign locales to continue working in their own languages. Alternatively, you can deploy a localized version of Office Project Server 2007 for each language-speaking area. You might install a Project Server language pack instead of a unique, localized version of Office Project Server 2007 in the following scenarios:

• When simulating a localized version of Office Project Server 2007 for a small group of users who do not actually need a localized version of Office Project Server 2007.

• To make different language options available on the same computer for users who need to change languages while using Office Project Server 2007.

Language packs for Office Project Server 2007 are not bundled into multilingual installation packages. You must install a specific language pack for each language that you want to support.

The following table lists the language packs that are planned to be available for Office Project Server 2007.

|Language |Language-Country code |

|Japanese |ja-jp |

|Korean |ko-kr |

|Chinese (Taiwan) |zh-tw |

|Chinese (China) |zh-cn |

|Arabic |ar-sa |

|German |de-de |

|French |fr-fr |

|Spanish |es-es |

|Hebrew |he-il |

|Swedish |sv-se |

|Italian |it-it |

|Dutch |nl-nl |

|Brazilian |pt-br |

|Polish |pl-pl |

|Finnish |fi-fi |

|Danish |da-dk |

|Russian |ru-ru |

|Norwegian |nb-no |

|Czech |cs-cz |

|Turkish |tr-tr |

|Portuguese |pt-br |

|Hungarian |hu-hu |

|Greek |el-gr |


This list will be updated with additional language packs as they become available.

User Interface Elements unchanged by language packs

Text in some user interface elements will not change from the Office Project Server 2007 base language. Even when language packs are applied and users attempt to view these through Project Web Access with the appropriate Internet Explorer language settings, the text for these elements will remain in the base language. These include the following items:

• Default Groups (for example, Administrator, project manager, team member)

• View names

• Enterprise custom field names

• The Home button

• Web part titles

• Some pages under Site Settings (in the Site Actions menu).

• Custom Links

• Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services content (lists) in Project Web Access

Preparing your servers for language packs

Before you install language packs on your front-end Web servers, you must do the following:

• Install the necessary language files on your front-end Web and application servers.

• Install Office Project Server 2007 on each of your front-end Web and application servers.

• Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on each of your front-end Web and application servers.

Language files are used by the operating system and provide support for displaying and entering text in multiple languages. Language files include:

• Keyboard files

• Input Method Editors (IMEs)

• TrueType font files

• Bitmap font files

• Code page conversion tables

• National Language Support (.nls) files

• Script engines for rendering complex scripts

Most language files are installed by default on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system. However, you must install supplemental language files for East Asian languages and languages that use complex script or require right-to-left orientations. The East Asian languages include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean; the complex script and right-to-left oriented languages include Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, the Indic languages, Thai, and Vietnamese. Instructions for installing these supplemental language files are provided in the following procedure.

We recommend that you install these language files only if you need them. The East Asian files require about 230 megabytes of hard disk space. The complex script and right-to-left languages do not use much disk space, but installing either set of files might reduce performance when entering text.


You must be a member of the Administrators group on the computer to install these language files. After the language files are installed, the languages are available to all users of the computer.


You will need your Windows Server 2003 product disc to perform this procedure, or you will need to know the location of a shared folder that contains your operating system installation files.


You must restart your computer after you install supplemental language files.

[pic]Install additional language files

|1. On your server, click Start, point to Settings and then Control Panel, and then click Regional and Language |

|Options. |

|2. In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, on the Languages tab, in the Supplemental Language Support |

|section, select one or both of the following checkboxes: |

|• Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages |

|• Install files for East Asian languages |

|3. Click OK in the dialog box that alerts you that additional disk space is required for the files. |

|4. Click OK to install the additional language files. |

|5. When prompted, insert your Windows Server 2003 product disc or provide the location of your Windows Server |

|2003 installation files. |

|6. When prompted to restart your computer, click Yes. |

After you install the necessary language files on your servers, you need to install Office Project Server 2007 and run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard. The wizard creates and configures the configuration database and performs other configuration tasks that must be done before you install language packs. For more information about installing Office Project Server 2007 and running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment and Installing Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer.

Installing language packs on your front-end Web and application servers

After you install the necessary language files on your front-end and application servers in your farm, you can install your language packs. Language packs are available as individual downloads (one download for each supported language). If you have a server farm environment, and you are installing language packs to support multiple languages, you must install the language packs on each of your Web front-end and application servers.


The language pack installs in its native language, for example the Russian language pack executable file is localized into Russian. The procedure provided below is for the English language pack.

[pic]Install a language pack

|1. Run setup.exe. |

|2. On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, select the I accept the terms of |

|this agreement check box, and then click Continue. |

|3. On the Installation Types page, click Basic. |

|4. The setup wizard runs and installs the language pack. |

|5. Rerun the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, using the default settings. If you do |

|not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard after you install a language pack, the |

|language pack will not be installed properly. |

[pic]Rerun the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

|1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Products and |

|Technologies Configuration Wizard. |

|2. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next. |

|3. Click Yes in the dialog box that alerts you that some services might need to be restarted during |

|configuration. |

|4. On the Modify server farm settings page, click Do not disconnect from this server farm, and then click Next. |

|5. If the Modify SharePoint Central Administration Web Administration Settings page appears, do not modify any |

|of the default settings, and then click Next. |

|6. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, click Next. |

|7. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. |

After rerunning the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on all servers in your farm, you need to start the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service on each server.


This service is not listed in the Central Administration site's Services on Server page.

[pic]Start the Windows SharePoint Service Timer service

|1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services. |

|2. On the Service page, in the Name list find Windows SharePoint Services Timer. |

|3. If the status of this service is stopped, right-click on the service name and click Start. |

|4. If the status of this service is started, right-click on the service name and click Stop. Once the service is|

|stopped, right-click on the service name to restart it. |

After starting the SharePoint Timer Service on all server, you need to reset Internet Information Services on each server. When IIS is reset, the SharePoint Timer service will start the provisioning job required to apply the language pack to the databases for each Project Web Access instance.


During this time, Project Web Access may not be accessible until this process completes.

[pic]Reset Internet Information Services

|1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. |

|2. In the Command Prompt window, type iisreset/noforce, and hit the enter button. |

Viewing Project Web Access in Other Languages

Office Project Server 2007 supports the use of multiple languages as long as the appropriate language pack is installed on the servers in the farm. Users of Project Web Access can then change the language that is displayed in the user interface from the primary language for Office Project Server 2007 to any language that is added by means of a language pack. Users can configure support for a language pack in Internet Explorer in the following procedure.

[pic]Configure support for a language in Internet Explorer

|1. Start Internet Explorer. |

|2. In the Tools menu, select Internet Options. |

|3. On the General tab, click Languages. |

|4. In the Language Preference dialog box, click Add to open the Add Languages dialog box. |

|5. In the Add Languages dialog box, choose the language for which you want to add support. |

|6. Click OK to close the Add Languages dialog box. |

|7. In the Language Preferences dialog box, move the language you selected to the top of the list. |

|8. ClickOK to close the Language Preferences dialog box. |

|9. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box. |

|10. Restart Internet Explorer. |

Uninstalling language packs

If you no longer need to support a language for which you have installed a language pack, you can remove the language pack by using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. After removing the language pack, you will need to rerun the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on the server. Both must be done on each server in the farm.


You cannot remove the language pack for the version of Office Project Server 2007 that you have installed on your server. For example, if you are running the Japanese version of Office Project Server 2007, you cannot uninstall the Japanese language support for Office Project Server 2007.

Installing the Outlook Add-In for Project Server 2007

This article describes how to install and configure the Microsoft Office Outlook Add-In for Project Web Access users for use with Project Server 2007.


Information on using the Outlook Add-in will be delivered in Operations content at a later date.

Outlook integration with Project Server 2007 overview

In Project Server 2003, a feature was re-introduced allowing team members to track progress for assignments within Outlook calendar and reminders. It provided an alternative for users who worked primarily in Outlook instead of Project Web Access to enter and update their hours back to the Project Manager.

While progress is still reported for assignments based on the selected tracking method, in Project Server 2007, the Outlook Integration has been enhanced with the following:

• A choice to integrate with Outlook Tasks or Calendars.

• Entering timesheet utilization for assignments using the following fields: Billable, Non-Billable, Overtime, and Overtime Non-Billable.

Along with the Project Web Access Task Center and Timesheet, Outlook Integration presents another method for team members to report progress and record utilization for their assignments. By importing assignments from Project Server and entering hours from Outlook, it simplifies how users track their time.


The following prerequisites are required in order to install the Outlook Add-In for Project Server 2007:

• A valid Project Web Access account.

• Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or greater.

• The Microsoft Office 2007 Project Web Access Add-in for Outlook.

Installing the Outlook Add-In

1. Open Project Web Access, and in Quicklaunch in the My Work section, click My Tasks.

2. On the My Tasks page, in the Actions menu, click Set Up Outlook Sync.

3. In the Synchronize your Tasks with Outlook page, click Download Now.

4. In the File Download - Security Warning dialog asking if you want to run or save this file, click Run to install the Outlook Add-in now.

5. In the File Download - Security Warning dialog asking to confirm your choice, click Run to continue.

6. In the Welcome screen, click Install to begin the installation.


It is highly recommended that you close all instances of Microsoft Outlook on the computer to which you are installing the Outlook Add-In.

7. When installation completes successfully, a dialog stating that the Outlook Add-In has installed successfully displays. Click OK.

8. When installation is complete, the following will be added to the Outlook menu options:

• In the Tools menu, selecting Project Web Access will list the following options:

• Import New Assignment - Will connect to Project Server and will attempt to import any new assignment to Outlook.

• Update Project Web Access - Will connect to Project Server and will attempt to update Project Web Access with changes you have made in Outlook.

• Project Web Access Home Page - Will open the Project Web Access home page. The location of the Project Web Access home page is configured in the Project Web Access properties page.

• Help - Will display the Integrating Outlook with Project Web Access help.

Configuring the Outlook Add-In

For Project Server 2007, configuration of the Outlook Add-in is done in the Project Web Access properties page that is added in Outlook.

To access the Project Web Access properties page:

1. Open Outlook.

2. In the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Project Web Access tab.

3. The Project Web Access Properties page will allow you to configure the following options:

• Integrate with

• Assignment Import

• Assignment options

• Advanced options

Integrating Outlook with Project Web Access

The Integrate with section of the Project Web Access properties page gives you the option to integrate Outlook with Project Web Access in two ways:

• Outlook tasks - Tracks your Project assignments as tasks in the Tasks folder.

• Outlook calendars - Tracks your Project tasks as appointments on your Calendar.

Integrating with Outlook Tasks

Selecting Outlook Tasks in the Integrate with section of the Project Web Access properties page will place the imported assignments alongside tasks originally created in Outlook.

The benefits of working in Outlook tasks are:

• Seeing a list of assignments per day, week or month.

• Keeping track of multiple assignments.

• Use the flag feature to indicate as task as complete or as a reminder to work on it on a specific date.

• Report progress and utilization.

Integrating with Outlook calendars

Selecting Outlook Calendar in the Integrate with sectionof the Project Web Access properties page will place imported assignments in the Outlook calendar, where users will be able to report progress and utilization.

The benefits of working in Outlook calendars are:

• Allows users to view assignments with other appointments for the day, week, or month.

• Ability to see the specific times where there are no other appointments scheduled, the user can set aside the open timeslot in the schedule to concentrate on the assignment

• reminders can be configured to notify when they are starting or overdue

• Report progress and utilization.

Open Outlook. In the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Project Web Access tab.

To configure the Integrate with option:

1. Open Outlook.

2. In the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Project Web Access tab.

3. In the Project Web Access properties page, go to the Integrate with section and select either:

• Outlook Tasks

• Outlook Calendar

4. Click OK.

Assignment Import

The Assignment Import section allows you to determine how Assignments in Project Web Access will be imported to Outlook. This includes determining the criterion for an import, allowing users to administer the Date Range, and determining how assignments will come in (manually or automatically).

Date Range

The Date Range setting allows users to specify the date range for the assignments that will be imported to Outlook from Project Web Access. The following options are available:

• Project Web Access date range - When this option is selected, all of the assignment for the user will be imported to Outlook

• Next (number) (days, weeks, months) - When this option is selected, all assignments for the user that are due in the specified period (for example, Next 2 days) will be imported to Outlook.

Import from Project Web Access to Outlook

You can use this setting to import assignments from Project Web Access to Outlook manually (default option), or to occur at regular intervals.

• Manually Only - Select this option if you do not want to automatically import assignments on a regular interval and will only do this manually. To manually import assignments, click the Import Assignments toolbar button or in Outlook go to the Tools menu, select Project Web Access, and click Import Assignments.

• Every (number) (hours, days, weeks, months) starting at (date) (time) - Select this option if you want to import assignments upon a regular interval starting at a specific date/time. After Every, specify the number of hours, days, weeks, or months in the corresponding boxes, and then enter when you want the next update to occur.

Show confirmation dialog box before importing

The Show confirmation dialog box before importing option will automatically display the Import Assignment from Project Web Access confirmation screen whenever the Import New Assignment button is clicked. This screen lists which assignments will be added to Outlook. Clicking OK will complete the operation.

The Show Confirmation dialog box before importing option is enabled by default.

Assignment Update

After the user enters progress and utilization for an imported assignment in Outlook, this information will need to be updated to the Project Web Access Task Center and Timesheet. There are two methods to update the hours entered manually:

In the Outlook assignment detail, clicking on Save to Project Web Access will update the individual assignment.

On the Outlook toolbar, clicking on Update to Project Server will update all assignments where change is detected.

Configuring the process to automatically update for all utilization is configured in the Assignment Update section.

Update from Outlook to Project Web Access

You can use this setting to send Project Web Access your assignment updates you have made to Outlook. This can be configured to occur manually (default option), or at regular intervals.

• Manually Only — Select this option if you do not want to automatically send you Outlook assignment updates to Project Web Access and will only do this manually. To manually update from Outlook to Project Web Access, click the Update Project Web Access toolbar button or in Outlook go to the Tools menu, select Project Web Access, and click Update Project Web Access.

• Every (number) (hours, days, weeks, months) starting at (date) (time) — Select this option if you want to send your Outlook assignment updates to Project Web Access on a regular interval starting at a specific date/time. After Every, specify the number of hours, days, weeks, or months in the corresponding boxes, and then enter when you want the next update to occur.

Show confirmation dialog before updating

The Show confirmation dialog before updating option will automatically display a list of assignment updates in Outlook sent to Project Web Access when an update to Project Web Access is executed. This option in enabled by default.

Advanced Options

The Advanced Options section allows you to configure Project Web Access login information as well as how project assignments will display status and send reminders in Outlook.

Project Web Access Login

The Project Web Access Login section allows you to set your Project Web Access URL and login information by clicking the Enter login information… button.

In the Enter Login Information screen, the following options are available:

• Project Web Access URL —- Enter the URL to your Project Web Access home page. After entering the URL, you can verify if you can connect to the page by clicking the Test Connection button (assuming you have permission to access the page with your account information).

• When connecting — You can specify whether to use a Windows Account (default option) or to user a forms-authenticated account. If you are using a forms authenticated account, you will need to enter your password for this account.


Project Server accounts are no longer valid in Project Server 2007. For more information on Project Server 2007 authentication methods, see Configuring Project Server 2007 Authentication .

Assignment Import

The Assignment Import section of the Advanced Options section allows you to configure the following:

• Show availability for project assignment appointment as — By setting the this options, when users schedule meetings the time allotted for the assignment will display with one of the selected status:

• Free

• Tentative

• Busy

• Out of Office

• When importing from Project Web Access to Outlook — This section governs how reminders are displayed for assignments in Outlook. There are three options to select from:

• Follow Outlook's default settings for reminders

• Never create reminders

• Always create reminders - This setting also allows you to set the time period prior to the assignment in which you will receive a reminder.

Installing Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007

This article describes how to install Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.


Before installing Office Project Server 2007 or Office SharePoint Server 2007, it is very important to thoroughly plan for the deployment. For information on planning for Office Project Server 2007, see Planning and Architecture for Office Project Server 2007. For information on planning for Office SharePoint Server 2007, see Planning and architecture for Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Why Deploy Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

A major benefit of integrating Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007 is to enjoy other capabilities that are afforded to you with Office SharePoint Server 2007 such as:

• Rich Business Intelligence and portal site capabilities with Excel Services + Report Center


For more information, see Chapter overview: Plan for business intelligence.

• Easier Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services workspace administration with the features in the document management system.


For more information, see Chapter overview: Plan document management.

• Richer search capabilities


For more information, see Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Search.

Another reason you would want to deploy Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007 is to take advantage of Office SharePoint Server 2007 workflow functionality. If you plan on using the Project Proposal feature in Office Project Server 2007, the workflow functionality provided through Office SharePoint Server 2007 is needed.


For more information about Project Proposals and other Office Project Server 2007 features, see What's new in Office Project 2007.


For more information about Workflow functionality in Office SharePoint Server 2007, see Understanding Workflow in SharePoint Products and Technologies and the 2007 Microsoft Office System.

Deployment Scenarios

There are two different deployment scenarios when integrating Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007:

• You have an existing Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployment and would like to integrate Office Project Server 2007.

• You have an existing Office Project Server 2007 deployment and would like to integrate Office SharePoint Server 2007.

If you currently have neither Office SharePoint Server 2007 or Office Project Server 2007 currently installed, we recommend that you install Office SharePoint Server 2007 before installing Office Project Server 2007. For information on installing Office SharePoint Server 2007, see Deployment for Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Queiscing the Farm

Prior to deploying Office Project Server 2007 with Office SharePoint Server 2007, it is important to plan when to quiesce the farm (take the farm gradually offline). The farm needs to be offline when installing binary files ("bits") to multiple servers on the farm. This enables the farm to be in a consistent state after the binary files are installed to servers in the farm and the farm is restarted.

The Quiesce Farm operation can be executed through the SharePoint Central Administration site.


You can run post-setup configuration (running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard) on each server after restarting the farm.

Deploying Project Server 2007 to an existing Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployment

When installing Office Project Server 2007 to an existing Office SharePoint Server 2007 farm, you must do the following general steps:

1. Office Project Server 2007 must be installed to all Web Front-End servers in the farm

2. Office Project Server 2007 must be installed to all Application servers in the farm


The Project Application service can then be enabled on any Application servers on which you intend to run Office Project Server 2007.

3. Office Project Server 2007 must be provisioned to the farm.

Install Project Server 2007 on all Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web Front-End Servers

On all of the Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web Front-End servers, you will need to install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files (or "bits") required for the Office Project Server 2007 Web Front-End server and run post-setup configuration.

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files

From the Office Project Server 2007 installation media, do the following:

1. Navigate to the installation location for Office Project Server 2007, and then double-click the Setup.exe file to begin Setup.

2. On the Enter Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click Continue.

3. On the End User License Agreement page, view the terms of the agreement. Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. On the Choose the Installation you Want page, click Advanced.

5. On the next screen, on the Server Type tab, select Web Front-End,

On the File Location tab, you can specify the location to which you want the bits to be installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers.

On the Feedback tab, you can elect to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. If you elect to participate, with your permission anonymous information will be gathered from your experience with the product for the sole purpose of improving it. The default selection is I'll choose later. This option can be configured later by using SharePoint Central Administration.

Click Install Now. The Office Project Server 2007 Web tier components will install onto the computer.

6. When installation of the binary files is completed, the Setup Complete page is displayed and prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Verify that Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now is selected, and then click Close.


If you choose to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard at a later time, click to clear the check box, and then click Close. To start the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard later, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office Server, and then click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run post-setup configuration

After Setup finishes, you can use the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to configure Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. The SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard automates several configuration tasks, including: installing and configuring the configuration database, installing and enabling Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 services, and installing the SharePoint Central Administration Web application. Use the following instructions to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

1. The Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page lists information that is required from you during configuration. For a single computer installation, you will need the following:

• Name of the database server and database where the server farm configuration data will be stored.

• User name and password for the database access account that will administer the server farm.

2. A message alerts you that specified services might need to be restarted or reset during the installation. Click Yes.

3. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select No, I want to create a new server farm. Click Next.

4. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, use the information you gathered earlier to specify the name of the computer running SQL Server and the name of the configuration database, and to specify a Windows account that the computer will use to connect to the configuration database.

a. In the Database server box, type the name of the computer running SQL Server on which the database will be created.

b. In the Database name box, type the name that you want to give the configuration database. The default entry is SharePoint_Config.

c. In the Specify Database Access Account section, in the Username box, type the name of the Windows account you want to use to access the SharePoint configuration database. This account must have access to the computer running SQL Server to create the configuration database and must be a member of the Power Users group on that computer. Be sure to type the username in the format DOMAIN\username.

d. In the Password box, type the password for this account.

e. Click Next.

5. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, configure the following options:

a. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, select the Specify port number check box and type a port number if you want the SharePoint Central Administration Web application to use a specific port, or leave the Specify port number check box unchecked if you do not care which port number the SharePoint Central Administration Web application uses. If you do not specify an available port number, one will be automatically selected.

b. In the Configure Security Settings section, select NTLM authentication (the default) if you would like to use NTLM authentication. Select Negotiate (Kerberos) if you want to use Kerberos authentication. If you are unsure, contact your network administrator. Then click Next.


In most cases, you should use the default setting (NTLM). Use Negotiate (Kerberos) only if Kerberos is supported in your environment. Using the Negotiate (Kerberos) option requires you to configure a Service Principal Name for the domain user account. To do this, you must be a member of the Domain Admins group. For more information about configuring Kerberos, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 832769: HOW TO: Configure Windows SharePoint Services to Use Kerberos Authentication.

6. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, verify that your configuration settings are correct. If any settings are not correct, use the Back button to change the setting. If all the settings are correct, click Next.

7. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page displays the configuration settings. Click Finish. This will automatically start up the SharePoint Central Administration page.


If you are prompted for your username and password, you might need to add the SharePoint Central Administration site to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer. Instructions for configuring this setting are provided below.


If you see a proxy server error message, you might need to configure your proxy server settings so that local addresses bypass the proxy server. Instructions for configuring this setting are provided below.

Install Project Server 2007 on all Office SharePoint Server 2007 Application Servers

All Application servers on the Office SharePoint Server 2007 farm must have the Office Project Server 2007 Application server installed on them. However, the Project Application service will not automatically start on the server after running post setup-configuration. Therefore, you will only need to turn on this service on the Application Servers you want to run Office Project Server 2007. 

On all Application servers in the farm, you will need to do the following:

1. Installing the binary files.

• Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files ("bits") to the computer.

2. Running Post-setup configuration

• Allows you to connect to the existing farm.

3. Configure the Farm Services

• Start the Project Application service.

• Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service.

4. Provision Office Project Server 2007 to the Farm

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files

On the computer designated to host the Project Server 2007 Application tier, you will need to install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files (or "bits") required for the Project Server 2007 Application server. From the Office Project Server 2007 installation media, do the following:

1. Navigate to the installation location for Office Project Server 2007, and then double-click the Setup.exe file to begin Setup.

2. On the Enter Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click Continue.

3. On the End User License Agreement page, view the terms of the agreement. Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. On the Choose the Installation you Want page, click Advanced. Selecting this option allows you to install a Office Project Server 2007 farm installation.

5. On the next screen, on the Server Type tab, select Complete to install the Web front-end and Application server.


Although a complete installation installs both Web Front-End and Application server, you can stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service on this computer later.

On the File Location tab, you can specify the location to which you want the bits to be installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers.

On the Feedback tab, you can elect to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. If you elect to participate, with your permission anonymous information will be gathered from your experience with the product for the sole purpose of improving it. The default selection is I'll choose later. This option can be configured later by using SharePoint Central Administration.

Click Install Now.

6. When installation of the binary files is completed, the Setup Complete page is displayed and prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Verify that Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now is selected, and then click Close.


If you choose to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard at a later time, click to clear the check box, and then click Close. To start the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard later, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office Server, and then click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run post-setup configuration

1. The Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page lists information that is required from you during configuration. You will need the following:

• Name of the database server and database where the Office SharePoint Server 2007 server farm configuration data (the configuration database) is stored.

• User name and password for the database access account that will administer the server farm.

2. A message alerts you that specified services might need to be restarted or reset during the installation. Click Yes.

3. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select Yes, I want to connect to an existing server farm. Click Next.

4. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, use the information you gathered earlier to specify the name of the computer running SQL Server and the name of the configuration database, and to specify a Windows account that the computer will use to connect to the configuration database.

a. In the Database server box, type the name of the computer running SQL Server on which the Configuration database is hosted.

b. After entering the name, click the Retrieve Database Names button. This will search for the configuration database on the SQL Server you specified. The configuration database names on the server then display in the Database name drop down list. Select the configuration database.

c. In the Specify Database Access Account section, in the Username box, type the name of the Windows account you want to use to access the configuration database. This account must have access to the computer running SQL Server to create the configuration database and must be a member of the Power Users group on that computer.

d. In the Password box, type the password for this account.

e. Click Next.

5. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, you are asked to verify the configuration settings that you entered.

To continue, click Next.

6. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page displays the configuration settings. Click Finish. This will automatically start up the SharePoint Central Administration page.

Configure the Farm Services

The following procedures use the Central Administration page to start the Project Application service. You can also stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application if it is running.

1. On the Central Administration page top navigation, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, select Services on server.

3. On the Services on Server page for this computer, from the Service list find Project Application Service. In the same row under the Action column, click Start.

4. From the Service list find Windows SharePoint Services Web Application. Ensure that the service is stopped. If it is enabled, in the same row under the Action column, click Stop.

5. To see whether the status has changed, you might need to refresh the page.

6. When the status for the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service is displayed as Stopped, it should also state that the service is running on the computer on which the Web Front-End server is installed.

Provision Office Project Server 2007 to the farm

This final procedure allows you to create the Office Project Server 2007 instance on the farm. During this process, you are able to specify the Project Server Administrator account, point to the database server that will be used to host the Office Project Server 2007 databases, and name the Office Project Server 2007 databases.

1. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, in the SSP Name list, select the Shared Service Provider in which you would like to provision Project Web Access.


You can provision Project Web Access to an existing Shared Service Provider created in Office SharePoint Server 2007, or you can create one after running Post Setup Configuration.

2. On the home page for this core service, in the Project Server section, click Project Web Access Sites.

3. On the Manage Project Web Access page, click Create Project Web Access Site.

4. On the Create a New Project Web Access page, do the following:

a. In the Project Web Access Site Location section, from the SharePoint Web Application to host Project Web Access list, select the name of the extended Web site you created to host the SharePoint team site. Do not select the unextended Web site being used for the Shared Service Provider.

b. In the Project Web Access path box, enter the name you will use to specify the URL to the Project Web Access home page (for example, if you enter PWA, the URL to the home page will be ).

c. In the Administrator Account section, type the Windows user account that will be given administrative credentials to the Project Server instance.

d. In the Primary Database section, type the name of the computer running SQL Server on which the Published, Draft, and Archive databases will be located. In the three Database Name fields, type unique names for each of the three Office Project Server 2007 databases.


You can use the default database names. However, make sure they do not already exist on the SQL Server.

e. In the Reporting Database section, select Use the primary database server if you want the reporting database to be created on the Primary database server you specified in the previous section. If you want the Reporting database to be created on another computer hosting SQL Server, deselect this option and enter the name of the SQL Server on which you want it to be created. In the Reporting database name field, type a unique name you want to use for the Reporting database.


You can use the default database name. However, make sure they do not already exist on the SQL Server.

5. Click OK. The provisioning process starts.

6. You will return to the Manage Project Web Access page. Click the Refresh Status button to update the status of the provisioning process. When provisioning is complete, an entry in the Status column will display Provisioned. When completed, you can click the URL to go to the Project Web Access site.


Provisioning is an asynchronous process, so it might take a few minutes before the job is complete.

Deploying Office SharePoint Server 2007 on an existing Project Server 2007 deployment

Installing Office SharePoint Server 2007 to an existing Office Project Server 2007 farm involves the following general steps:

1. Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Office Project Server 2007 Web Front-End servers.

2. Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Office Project Server 2007 Application servers.

3. Configure the Shared Service Provider.

Unlike installing Office SharePoint Server 2007 to an existing Office SharePoint Server 2007 farm in which Office SharePoint Server 2007 functionality is already configured, when installing Office SharePoint Server 2007 to an existing Office Project Server 2007 farm you need to pre-determine which Office SharePoint Server 2007 services you plan on using prior to configuring the Shared Service Provider. For example, if you plan on using the Search Services functionality, you need to determine what the requirements are for using this service.


For more information on Office SharePoint Server 2007 services, see Planning and architecture for Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Project Server 2007 Web Front-Ends

On all Office Project Server 2007 Web Front-End servers, you will need to install the Office SharePoint Server 2007 binary files (or "bits"), run post-setup configuration, and start the Windows SharePoint Services Help service.

Install the Office SharePoint Services 2007 binary files (or "bits") on to all Project Server 2007 Web Front

The Office SharePoint Server 2007 installation will automatically install the correct Server type to the computer based on the Office Project Server 2007 server type that exists on the computer.

1. Navigate to the installation location for Office SharePoint Server 2007, and then double-click the Setup.exe file to begin Setup.

2. On the Enter your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click Continue.

3. On the Read the Microsoft License Terms page, view the terms of the agreement. Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. When installation completes, select Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now and click Close.

Run Post-Setup Configuration

1. In the Welcome to the SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.

2. A message alerts you that specified services might need to be restarted or reset during the installation. These will include:

• Internet Information Services

• SharePoint Administration Service

• SharePoint Timer Service

Click Yes.

3. In the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, the configuration will point to the existing Configuration settings for the Office Project Server 2007 farm. Click Next to start the configuration process.

4. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page displays the configuration settings. Click Finish. This will automatically start up the SharePoint Central Administration page.

Start the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search service

The Windows SharePoint Services Help Service is required for Office SharePoint Server 2007 and must be enabled on all Web Front-End servers.

1. In the SharePoint Central Administration page, click the Operations tab and click Services on Server.

2. On the Services on Server page, go to the Complete all steps below section and in the Server field, verify that the correct server is selected.

3. In the Select server role to display services you will need to start in the table below section, select Custom to ensure that all services on the server will display.

4. In the Start services in the table below list, go to the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search service, and in the Status column for this entry check to see if the service in Started. If the status for the service is Stopped, click on Start in the Action column to the right. Click the Internet Explorer Refresh button to verify that the Status has changed to Started.

Install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Project Server 2007 Application Server computers

You will need to install Office SharePoint Server 2007 on all Office Project Server 2007 Application servers.

1. Install the Office SharePoint Server 2007 binary files (or "bits") on to all Office Project Server 2007 Application servers.

2. Run Post-Setup Configuration (Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Wizard).

This should find the existing configuration settings on the Office Project Server 2007 farm and use the existing Configuration database.

3. Configure the Shared Services Providers.

How the Shared Services Provider is configured depends on which Office SharePoint Server 2007 services you want to use.

Install the Office SharePoint Services 2007 binary files (or "bits") on to all Project Server 2007 Application Servers

The installation procedures will be identical to the steps required to install Office SharePoint Server 2007 to a Office Project Server 2007 Web Front-End server. This is because the Office SharePoint Server 2007 installation will automatically install the correct Server type to the computer based on the Office Project Server 2007 server type that exists on the computer.

1. Navigate to the installation location for Office SharePoint Server 2007, and then double-click the Setup.exe file to begin Setup.

2. On the Enter your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click Continue.

3. On the Read the Microsoft License Terms page, view the terms of the agreement. Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. When installation completes, select Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now and click Close.

Run Post Setup Configuration

1. In the Welcome to the SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.

2. A message alerts you that specified services might need to be restarted or reset during the installation. These will include:

• Internet Information Services

• SharePoint Administration Service

• SharePoint Timer Service

Click Yes.

3. In the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, the configuration will point to the existing Configuration settings for the Office Project Server 2007 farm. Click Next to start the configuration process.

4. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page displays the configuration settings. Click Finish. This will automatically start up the SharePoint Central Administration page.

Configure the Shared Services Provider

After installing the Office SharePoint Server 2007 binary files and running post-setup configuration, how you configure the Shared Services Provider depends on which services you plan to use. For information on configuring the Shared Service Provided when installing Office SharePoint Server 2007, please see Create and configure Shared Services Providers (Office SharePoint Server).

Configuring the Office Project Server 2007 Cube Building Service

Security Requirements

The Application Server (PSI Server) Queue service will be running using the SSP credentials, entered when setting up the SSP instance. The Analysis Services service, used to build the cubes, should be running under the same account or an account running that would need to have read access to the Reporting database.

If multiple PWA instances are created and their cubes are built on the same Analysis Services machine, the recommendation is for administrators to create a single windows account that will run the Analysis Services service, as follow:

1. Go to the machine where Analysis Services is installed

2. Go to the Computer Management window

3. Right click on ‘My Computer’ and select Manage

4. Select Services under ‘Services and Applications’

5. Select the Analysis Services (OLAP) service

6. Right-click on it and select Properties

7. Select the Log On tab and enter the credentials that will have read access to the Reporting database of all of the PWA instances

The same account used to run the Analysis Services service will need to have read access to all of the PWA instances that plan to build their cubes on that Analysis Service.

Setup Requirements

Application Server

The Application Server must have the Analysis Services DSO (Decision Support Object) component installed.

To install the Decision Support Objects for Analysis Services 2000

To install the Decision Support Objects for Analysis Services 2005

Run the SQL Server Installation Wizard.

On the End User License Agreement page, read the license agreement and then select the check box to accept the licensing terms and conditions. Click Next.

On the SQL Server Component Update page, setup installs software required for SQL Server 2005. To begin the component update process, click Install. To continue after the update completes, click Finish.

On the Welcome page, click Next.

If you will build the cubes in Analysis Services 2000, this component can be obtained by running the installation setup for Analysis Service, and selecting the Client Component to be installed.

If the cubes will be built on Analysis Services 2005, you need to install the following components:

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (sqlncli.msi)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Objects Collection (sqlserver2005_xmo.msi)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components (SQLServer2005_BC.msi)

These components can be downloaded from the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - April 2006 release, available on: D isplayLang=en

Analysis Services

If running Analysis Services 2000, the following setup steps are required:

1. Add the user account running the Queue service at the Application Server to the OLAP Admin Group

2. Give administrative access to the OLAP Admin Group to the “\bin” folder

If running Analysis Services 2005 (Service Pack 1 is required), you need to setup a repository for DSO to write to. If you have migrated the Analysis Services 2000 repository to the Analysis Services 2005 server, no additional steps are required.

The instructions below detail how to migrate the repository or create a new one:

1. On the server with Analysis Services 2005 installed, go to \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\OLAP

2. Create a directory called ‘DSO9’


4. Give the SQLServer2005MSOLAPUser$MSSQLSERVER administrative access to the share

5. Copy the file msmdrep.mdb into the DSO9 directory previously created

This file can be found in the Analysis Services 2000, and by copying it to this directory you will be migrating it to Analysis Services 2005. If you don’t have an Analysis Services 2000 server, you should create a new (empty) .mdb file and add it to the DSO9 directory (you should use the name above or edit the section below).

6. Navigate to the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Config directory

7. Edit msmdsrv.ini file and replace DSO section with the following (make sure to fill out the appropriate ):

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\\MSOLAPRepository$\msmdrep.mdb;Persist Security


Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program

Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\OLAP\DSO9\msmdrep.mdb;Persist Security



C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\OLAP\DSO9

Ensure that each tab is in one entire line (not wrapped) on the file.

For more information about creating a repository, read the appropriate Analysis Services documentation:

m /en-us/library/ms403364.aspx

Reporting Database

There are no setup requirements in the Reporting database that are necessary to make the cube’s build work. The only requirement is that the user account running the Analysis Services service has read access to the Reporting database.

II Migration guide for Office Project Server 2007

In this section:

• Introduction: Project Server 2007 migration guide

• Planning the migration to Office Project Server 2007

• Post-migration tasks for Project Server 2007

• Troubleshoot migration for Project Server 2007

• Migration best practices for Project Server 2007

• FAQ: Migrating to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007

• Project Server 2007 migration quick reference

Introduction: Project Server 2007 migration guide

This guide is about migrating data from previous versions of Project Server (Project Server 2003, Project Server 2002, Project Central) to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. Note that Office Project Server 2007 has new functionality and many new features. It also has fundamental architecture changes when compared to previous versions of Project Server. Therefore it is very important to carefully plan and execute your migration. This guide helps with that process, and we highly recommend that you read it thoroughly.

The migration process is complex, so therefore this guide is long — but it is structured in a way that you can only read the portions relevant to your migration rollout option. It has the following main sections:

• Plan for migration   A conceptual section that deals with the planning process. Understanding the migration process and thoroughly planning for it is important for a successful migration — and it likely will consume around 60 percent of the overall migration effort.

• Perform migration   The core section, detailing how to install and run the migration tool. It includes an important subsection with instructions to detect and fix invalid/corrupt data in Project Server 2003 and minimizes discovering such problems during migration. For example, this section helps you find the projects which are not checked in (they need to be checked in prior to migrating), projects with pending status updates (updates need to be accepted/rejected prior to migrating) and so on.

• Post-migration tasks   Deals with tasks done after migration. For example, verifying if data was migrated correctly.

• Troubleshoot migration   Details the common issues that may be encountered during migration and provides guidance on how to deal with them.

• Migration best practices   Details some best practices for migration. For example, global migration should be performed first, before project migration.

• Frequently asked questions   Answers frequently asked questions about migrating to Office Project Server 2007.

• Migration quick reference   Provides a simple set of steps (without much detail) to get started. This section is meant for people who first want to run the tool (and see how it works) before reading through the other sections.

Upgrading from a previous version of Project Server is a data migration process

In the traditional sense, upgrading from a previous version is often thought of as an "in place" process in which the application's binaries and data are upgraded from the previous version to a newer version. For example, upgrading from Project Server 2002 to Project Server 2003 was an "in place" process. In contrast, upgrading to Office Project Server 2007 is a data migration process. In this process, Office Project Server 2007 is installed first (on the same computer as the previous version of Project Server or on a different one). Then data from the previous version is migrated. There is no actual upgrade of the binaries. The administrator then has the choice of running both versions concurrently or removing the older version.

Migration Architecture

Migrating data to Office Project Server 2007 is done by the "migration tool" (which can be installed from the Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 installation disk). This is a command-line tool.


The migration tool reads data from the Project Server 2003 database, fixes the data and saves it to Office Project Server 2007. Some data, including projects and enterprise resources, is saved to the computer running Office Project Server 2007 through the Project Server Interface (PSI). Other data, including all Project Web Access data and upgrade metadata, is directly written to the Office Project Server 2007 database.

If you had Project Server 2003 integrated with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, you need to upgrade the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 server to Service Pack 2 (SP2) and then upgrade it to the latest version, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Both the data (issues, risks, documents) and the links between Project items and Windows SharePoint Services items are upgraded at the end of the migration process.

You can only migrate data to Office Project Server 2007 from a Project Server 2003 database with the latest service pack, SP2a, applied. So, if you have other versions of Project Server, you need to upgrade your database to Project Server 2003 SP2a. Similarly, you need to upgrade from previous versions to Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 before migration.


Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 was an optional component for Project Server 2003 (Project Web Access did not depend on Windows SharePoint Services 2.0). But Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a required component for Office Project Server 2007 (Project Web Access is built on top of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, and Project Server deployment is based on the Windows SharePoint Services farm infrastructure). That's the reason Office Project Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 are represented on the same server in the diagram above.


The SQL Server files necessary to upgrade from previous versions of Project Server are located on the Office Project Server 2007 installation disk. The files necessary to upgrade from SharePoint Team Services to Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 can be downloaded from the Web.


The command-line migration tool can be thought of as a specialized version of Project Professional 2007 without any user interface — so Project Professional and the migration tool cannot be running on the same computer at the same time.

Types of data migration to Project Server 2007

When migrating to Office Project Server 2007, there are three types of data that are migrated: global data, project data and Windows SharePoint Services data.

• Global data   This includes the following:

• Enterprise Global Template: This includes custom fields and lookup tables

• Enterprise resources

• Project Web Access data. This includes Project Web Access views, Project Server user properties, Project Server admin settings, Project Server security settings (groups, categories, templates) and so on

Global data can be migrated only once — and this is the first step of the migration process. It is important to note that, once successfully migrated, the global data is never migrated again. If you make any changes to global data in Project Server 2003 after the initial run of the migration tool, it needs to be updated in Office Project Server 2007 manually.

• Project data   This includes all the enterprise projects, administrative projects, and project templates stored on Project Server. Project data can be migrated gradually in several batches.

• Windows SharePoint Services data   This includes all the issues, risks, and documents that are stored in the project workspaces, along with the associations between the Project items and Windows SharePoint Services items. Windows SharePoint Services data can be migrated gradually in batches.

Requirements for migrating to Office Project Server 2007

To ensure that your system is ready to migrate to Office Project Server 2007, do the following:

• Make sure that you have an empty, working Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access site to migrate into.


Before you migrate your database for the first time, ensure that the Office Project Server 2007 instance into which you are migrating is clean — no project, no security settings, no enterprise custom fields, and so forth.

To create a fresh Office Project Server 2007 site:

a. Install Office Project Server 2007.

b. Provision a brand new Project Web Access site.

c. Add the migration administrator account (if it is not already there).

d. Create a backup of the Project Web Access databases. You can use either the T_SQL BACKUP command or the backup and restore operations found in the Operations page of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

e. Create a resource, create a project from Project Professional 2007, and make sure the newly provisioned Project Web Access site works correctly.

f. Restore the backed-up Project Web Access databases.


For more information on installing Office Project Server 2007, see Installing Office Project Server 2007.

• Verify that Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Service Pack (SP) 2a has been applied to your Project Server 2003 database.

• If you have Project Server 2003 with SP2a, your database is ready to migrate.

• If you have Project Server 2002, you need to migrate your database to Project Server 2003 with SP2a.

• If you have Project 2000 (also known as Project Central), you need to migrate your database to Project Server 2002, and then again to Project Server 2003 with SP2a.

• If you integrate with Windows SharePoint Services, make sure that the installation is upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2. Also make sure you update the templates to "Office Project Server 2007 SP2a" (there is a component of SP2a that applies to Windows SharePoint Services).

• Verify that you have enough space for migration on the computer to which you plan to migrate the database to Office Project Server 2007. Plan for approximately a 1:1 ratio. For example, if your Project Server 2003 database is 10 gigabytes, be sure that you have at least 10 gigabytes of free space available for the migrated Project Server data.


The Project Server 2003 database can be migrated to Office Project Server 2007 on the same database server computer, or to one located on a different computer.

Planning the migration to Office Project Server 2007

In this section:

• Project Server 2007 migration scenarios

• IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007

• Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility

• Data not migrated to Project Server 2007

• Migrating older versions of Project Server and Windows SharePoint Services

Project Server 2007 migration scenarios

In this article:

• Full migration scenario

• Gradual migration scenario

The Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 upgrade process involves migration of data rather than an upgrade of binary files. This article uses sample migration scenarios to describe the different options you can choose when migrating project data for your organization.

A lot of planning and consideration should go into the process of migrating your data to Office Project Server 2007. Do you intend to migrate all projects at once? Does your organization have several sensitive projects that cannot be migrated at this time? Do you intend to migrate project data for a small department first? These are the kinds of questions that need to be addressed when planning for migration.

When planning to migrate to Office Project Server 2007 from Project Server 2003, there are two distinct migration approaches to contemplate.

• Full migration: All projects are migrated to Office Project Server 2007 at one time.

• Gradual migration: Projects are migrated in batches to Office Project Server 2007 over time.


When planning your migration approach, remember that Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 is not able to connect to Office Project Server 2007 projects. Also, Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 is not able to connect to Project Server 2003 projects. For more information, see Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility.

Full migration scenario

Manfred is an IT administrator for a small consulting firm that consists of 50 employees. Project Server 2003 is the firm's enterprise project management solution and is currently deployed with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 on a single server. The company has roughly 100 active projects. Because this is a small and simple deployment, Manfred decides to migrate all the projects and related workspaces at one time. He reads the migration guide and chooses to follow the "Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)" deployment option.

As a first step, Manfred installs Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. When he runs setup, the existing Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation is detected, and he chooses to upgrade it "in place." This upgrades the entire Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 farm to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in one process. After this is done, he proceeds to install Office Project Server 2007 on the computer and provisions a Microsoft Office Project Web Access site (he does not have to uninstall Project Server 2003 yet). He makes sure that he is able to connect to the Office Project Web Access site, and that the site contains no data, as expected. He also installs Office Project Professional 2007 on another computer and makes sure that he can create, save, and publish projects.

Manfred then installs the migration tool from the Office Project Professional 2007 CD. He configures the migration configuration file to first migrate the global data (enterprise global template, enterprise resources, Project Web Access data) — this is a recommended best practice. He runs the migration tool. Once the tool finishes, he verifies that the global data has migrated properly. He then configures the migration configuration file to migrate all projects from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. Once the migration tool finishes running, Manfred assigns his test team to verify the migrated data. Once he learns that everything appears to work correctly, Manfred makes a few changes to the Office Project Server 2007 server settings (such as security, cube building, and so on), uninstalls Project Server 2003, and sends an e-mail message to his team with the new Office Project Server 2007 URL and instructions on how to install the Project Professional 2007 client.

Gradual migration scenario

Nancy manages the Project Server 2003 installation in her company. The Sales and IT departments have projects on this server. Windows SharePoint Services is not installed.

There is an urgent request from the IT department to migrate to the latest version of Project Server — that department wants to start using the TimeSheet feature in the new version. Members of that department are the most active users of the current Project Server 2003 installation (850 of the 940 active projects on the server are IT projects). The sales department has just launched a series of projects for its new marketing campaign, and it does not want to do a migration in the next month. So Nancy decides to use the gradual migration approach. She reads the migration guide and chooses to follow the "Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)" deployment option.

Nancy decides to freeze the global items — including custom fields during this one-month lag period. Otherwise, it would be a difficult process to merge the custom fields between the 2003 version and the 2007 version. Because the Sales department will be migrating in less than a month after the IT department, she thinks this approach will be satisfactory. She also puts a process in place to be notified of any unavoidable global changes on the Project Server 2003 installation.

On the Office Project Server 2007 server, Nancy runs setup from the Office Project Server 2007 DVD. She sees that Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is installed first. A quick check of the installation guide reveals that Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a required component for Office Project Server 2007. Once Office Project Server 2007 is installed Nancy provisions a Office Project Web Access site. She also confirms that she can still access the Project Server 2003 installation. Verifying this fact is important, because the Sales department still needs to connect to Project Server 2003.

Nancy now installs the migration tool from the Office Project Professional 2007 CD. As a best practice, Nancy first edits the migration configuration file to only migrate the global data (enterprise global template, enterprise resources, and Office Project Web Access data) — no projects. She runs the migration tool and verifies that this data has migrated properly. She then edits the migration configuration file to migrate all of the IT department's projects from Project Server 2003, and then she runs the migration tool again. All of the IT department's projects are migrated to Office Project Server 2007. She verifies again that the Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 environments are both accessible. Nancy then sends the new Office Project Server 2007 URL for Project Web Access to the IT department users along with instructions for installing Office Project Professional 2007.

A month later, when the Sales department marketing campaigns have ended, Nancy is ready to migrate projects from the other departments into the Office Project Server 2007 installation. Meanwhile, Nancy finds that a Project custom field called "Marketing Region" has been added to the Office Project Server 2003 installation. Nancy adds this manually to the Office Project Server 2007 installation. She runs the migration tool to migrate the Sales department projects into the Office Project Server 2007 installation — but knows that the values for the "Marketing Region" custom field will be lost after migration. After this, she sends an e-mail message to the Sales department project managers with the Office Project Server 2007 URL for Project Web Access, instructions for installing Project Professional 2007, and a request to set the correct value for the "Marketing Region" custom field. The project managers look at the custom field value in the Project Web Access for version 2003 and manually set it in Project Web Access for version 2007. After everything is done, Nancy uninstalls Project Server 2003.


Sharing resources between Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 can cause complications: In addition to project managers handling projects in both versions, if you also have team members participating in projects in both versions, then you may have an issue related to resource availability. In the period when you are operating both Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 side-by-side, you will not get an updated resource availability view in either Project Server 2003 or Office Project Server 2007. Therefore, we recommend that you do not have a project in a side-by-side state for an extended period of time. Alternatively you could build a custom solution that gets resource availability from the two systems and presents a unified view. This is not unique to Office Project Server 2007 migration — any time that you have two Project Server instances in your environment, and resources shared between them, you will have the same management issue.


In regard to gradually migrating custom fields, lookup tables, and outline codes, it is important to note that Custom field definitions and custom field values added to the Project Server 2003 system after the first migration run are not included in subsequent migration runs. The effect of this situation is that if a custom field definition changes or a new custom field gets added to Project Server 2003 after the first migration run, it must be manually fixed in Office Project Server 2007. In other words, the custom field definitions need to be added or altered in Office Project Server 2007 and the custom field values in projects and tasks need to be fixed manually. This should be taken into account when planning for gradual migration.

See Also

IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007

IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007

In this article:

• IT deployment prior to migration

• IT deployment steps for a full migration

• IT deployment steps for a gradual migration

This article separates the full and gradual migration scenarios into eight separate deployment options. You may customize these deployment options or break them down further — but these eight options should help you get started on a detailed migration plan. We recommend that you choose one of the eight options and read the rest of the migration guide with your option in mind. (You can skip the sections not relevant to your option).

IT deployment prior to migration

The following illustration is an example of a scenario in which the Sales and IT departments of an organization both access Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. To connect to Project Server 2003, project managers use Project Professional 2003, and all other Project users connect through Microsoft Office Project Web Access. Subsequent illustrations in this article reflect changes that occur to this deployment.


Both the Sales and IT departments share the same instance of Project Server 2003; therefore they share the same enterprise data, such as the enterprise global and enterprise resource pools. If each department uses its own Project Server 2003 instance, then the Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 migration process does not support merging them into one single Office Project Server 2007 installation.


IT deployment steps for a full migration

In a full migration approach, all data from Project Server 2003 is migrated to Office Project Server 2007 at one time. This includes enterprise global data, enterprise resources, projects, and so on. All users completely move over to Office Project Server 2007 after the migration.

In a full migration, the Project Server 2003 data and installation remain untouched (Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 can coexist on the same computer). The migration does not write to the Project Server 2003 database. After migration, the administrator can verify whether everything is functional, then choose to manually uninstall Project Server 2003. If migration fails, the administrator can revert to the Project Server 2003 configuration.

We recommend that if you are planning on a full migration of projects, you do a full migration of Windows SharePoint Services data as well so that the data is in sync.


In the illustration below, the company has migrated project data from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007, affecting both the Sales and IT departments. Following are the implications: 

• Project managers from both departments must upgrade from Project Professional 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 in order to access their projects.

• Office Project Web Access users from both departments must start using the Project Web Access URLs for Office Project Server 2007 in order to connect to Office Project Server 2007.

• All users need to be trained on the new Office Project Server 2007 system.


After the full migration is complete, the customer has the option of removing Project Server 2003, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, and Project Professional 2003.


The following sections explain the various options an IT administrator has for a full migration.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

This process involves the following steps:


1. Using the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation media, install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with the In-place upgrade option. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) After the installation process, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation will no longer exist — it will have been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. This process migrates all the Windows SharePoint Services data associated with Project Server 2003 and creates a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm. Note that after you complete this step, the migrated workspaces will still not function. (The corresponding Office Project Server 2007 Windows SharePoint Services templates are not yet installed; the templates will be installed with Office Project Server 2007).

2. Install Office Project Server 2007 into the farm created in step 1 and create an instance of Project Web Access. For more information on installing Office Project Server 2007 and creating an instance of Project Web Access, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment. After this step, the migrated project workspaces work, but the links between tasks, projects, and assignments and Windows SharePoint Services issues, risks, and documents are not yet upgraded.

3. Migrate and publish Project Server 2003 projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. The fixing of links occurs as part of the project publishing process, so the migrated projects have to be published for the fixes to happen.

4. Uninstall Project Server 2003.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

Note that this option involves a set of complex steps. We recommend that you follow the simpler "Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)" option, if possible.

While we recommend avoiding this option, here are some possible reasons for following this option:

• Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 was installed on hardware that is now outdated. You want to retire the hardware and install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on new hardware.

• You are more comfortable with creating the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm from scratch (with new settings) rather than upgrading from the existing Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 farm.

This process involves the following steps:


1. Install Office Project Server 2007 on the new computer: After installation, also provision a new Project Web Access site and make sure the new installation works correctly.

2. Run the Windows SharePoint Services pre-upgrade scanning tool on the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 farm. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) This process prepares the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database for upgrade to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

3. Attach a copy of all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to the Office Project Server 2007 farm: Once attached, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites in the content database are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We recommend that a copy of the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database be upgraded — not the original content database. At the end of this step, all the Project 2003 workspaces will have been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, but they are not yet linked to the projects.

4. Migrate and publish projects: As projects are published, the links between projects, tasks, and assignments and the Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. It involves the following steps:

1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. (For more information, see the Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.) Provision an instance of Project Web Access. If you want Windows SharePoint Services to take over the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual server that was hosting Project Server 2003, then you must create a number of "managed paths" to exclude the Project Web Access virtual directories. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article named How to enable an ASP.N ().

2. Migrate and publish all the projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information, see Performing migration.)

3. Once the migration is verified, uninstall Project Server 2003.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. It involves the following steps:

1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. (For more information, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.)

2. Migrate and publish all the projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information, see Performing migration.)

IT deployment steps for a gradual migration

The gradual migration approach moves a subset of projects from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. In this approach, both Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 are available side-by-side. We recommend that if you are planning on a gradual migration of projects, you do a gradual migration of Windows SharePoint Services data as well so that the data is in sync.

A typical scenario for gradual migration is an organization wanting to perform a scheduled, gradual deployment of Office Project Server 2007 to different departments over time. A gradual migration also gives administrators more control over the release process. If something wrong happens in the first phase, administrators can correct it before deploying more broadly.

We highly recommend that you not be in a side-by-side scenario for an extended period of time.


In the illustration below, the company elects to migrate the IT department projects to Office Project Server 2007 while keeping the Sales department projects in Project Server 2003. Following are the implications:

• Project managers in the IT department need to upgrade from Project Professional 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 in order to access their projects. Note that typically they would not have any need for Project Professional 2003 and would be uninstalling it (because ordinarily a computer has only one version of the Project Professional client on it at a time).


In some cases, you may want the same project manager to access projects in Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007. In that case, the individual should install Office Project Server 2007 without uninstalling Project Professional 2003. (This configuration is supported). This way, from the same computer that person can access both versions of Project Server.

• Project Web Access users in the IT department need to use the Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access URL.

• Users in the Sales department are unaffected. They will still be using Project Professional 2003 and the Project Server 2003 Project Web Access URLs.


After the IT department users are successfully migrated to Office Project Server 2007, the Sales department users are also migrated. And the Project Server 2003 and Project Professional 2003 applications should be uninstalled.



In a gradual migration scenario, both Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 are being used simultaneously. But global data is migrated only once. So a process has to be put in place to restrict and track global data changes on Project Server 2003 after the first migration run. These changes have to be applied manually to Office Project Server 2007.

The sections below explain the various options an IT administrator has for a gradual migration.

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

We recommend this gradual migration option, because it simple and easy to implement. It involves the following steps:


1. Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation media, install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with the Gradual upgrade option. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) After the installation, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 exists side-by-side with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

2. Install Office Project Server 2007 and join the existing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm and provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see the Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.)

3. Upgrade the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 workspaces for the projects that will be gradually migrated. You can do this by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

4. Migrate and publish the projects corresponding to the workspaces that were upgraded in the previous step. This step fixes the links between project items and the Windows SharePoint Services items.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every batch of projects or workspaces to migrated. When all of them have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.


In order to continue creating Project 2003 workspaces on Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, administrators need to make a change to the Default Provisioning Settings of Project Server 2003. As part of the gradual upgrade process, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 takes over all the virtual servers used by Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, relocates the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites to other temporarily created virtual servers and redirects the links (with the assumption that eventually all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content will be migrated to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). These temporary virtual servers need to be used for the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 site creation. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.)

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)


This is a very complex option involving several manual steps. Depending on the way Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 is configured, you may face additional complications. We recommend that you do not use this deployment option. Consider other options listed in this section instead.

For details on how to perform this gradual migration scenario, see Performing a gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer).

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

If you do not have SharePoint integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. In this option, Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 can co-exist in the same computer. This is an option for customers who want to maximize their hardware investment. It involves the following steps:

1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. Provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.) If you want Windows SharePoint Services to take over the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual server that was hosting Project Server 2003, then you must create a number of "managed paths" to exclude the Project Web Access virtual directories. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article named How to enable an application to run on a SharePoint virtual server ().

2. Migrate and publish a subset of projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information on the migration tool, see Performing migration.) 

3. When you have verified that the migration was successful, make the migrated projects read-only in Project Server 2003.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every batch of projects migrated. When all the projects have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003.

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. This is an option for people who want a clean install of Office Project Server 2007. It involves the following steps:

1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. Provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.)

2. Migrate and publish a subset of projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information on the Migration tool, see Performing migration).

3. Once migration is verified, make the migrated projects read-only in Project Server 2003.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every batch of projects migrated. When all the projects have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003.

See Also

Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility

Performing a gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer)

This article describes performing a gradual migration to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 in which  is using Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and resides on a different computer than the one you are migrating to.

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer)


This is a very complex option involving several manual steps. Depending on the way Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 is configured, you may face additional complications. We recommend that you do not use this deployment option. Consider other migration options listed in IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007.

High-level steps for this option are given below.


1. Install Office Project Server 2007 on the new computer. (For more information, see Installing Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment.) After installation, also provision a new Project Web Access site and make sure the new installation works correctly.

2. Create a new "Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Temporary Content Database" on the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 virtual server and move the to-be-gradually-migrated project workspaces to this content database.

SPSiteManager helps with this process. SPSiteManager is a Windows SharePoint Services utility that is part of a utility suite that you can download from ). Using this utility, you can move sites between content databases. Read the documentation that comes with the SPSiteManager utility for more information.

3. Run the Windows SharePoint Services pre-upgrade scanning tool (PreScan.exe) on the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 farm. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) This step prepares the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to be upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

4. Attach a copy of the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Temporary Content Database to the Office Project Server 2007 farm. Once it is attached, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites in the content database are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We recommend that you upgrade a copy of the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database — not the original content database. At the end of this step, all the Project 2003 workspaces are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, but they are not linked to the projects.

a. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of the Stsadm.exe file (the default location is :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin).

b. Run the following Stsadm command to attach a copy of your Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and upgrade it.

stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url http://: -databasename -databaseserver

For example:

stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url -databasename WindowsSharePointServcies_V2_ContentDB -databaseserver Sample

c. After running the Stsadm.exe command, you can track the progress of the upgrade by looking at the upgrade.log file in the ULS log directory (the default location is c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\logs\upgrade.log). The upgrade process has finished running on a given content database when the following line is included in the log:

[SPManager] [DEBUG] [ ]: Using cached [SPContentDatabase Name= Parent=SPDatabaseServiceInstance] NeedsUpgrade value: False.

d. Navigate to the upgraded project workspaces to verify that the upgrade process has succeeded.

e. If the upgrade process has failed for any reason (as indicated in the log), Windows SharePoint Services upgrade can be restarted. To restart the upgrade process, run the command Stsadm.exe -o upgrade and look at the logs to view the progress. The upgrade process has finished when the command prompt returns Operation completed successfully.

5. Move the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 sites from the "Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Temporary Content Database" to the "Project Web Access Content Database" (or any other content database that is the final destination for these upgraded sites).

a. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of the Stsadm.exe (the default location is :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin).

b. Run the following Stsadm command to back up a project workspace. Repeat this for all SharePoint sites to be moved.

Stsadm –o backup –url -filename   (Stsadm –o deletesite –url

c. Go to the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, and edit the MaxSites for the "Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Temporary Content Database" such that no new sites can be created in it. Do this on every content database except the one to which you want to restore the project workspaces. This action forces creation of new sites into the content database that you want.

d. Run the following Stsadm command to restore the project workspaces to the content database you chose in the previous step. Repeat this for all backed up project workspaces to be moved. Restore it to the site URL that is the final destination for these upgraded SharePoint sites. The illustration above assumes that the Project Web Access content database is the final destination.

Stsadm –o restore –url -filename Stsadm –o deletecontentDB –url -databaseServer -databasename

e. Run the following Stsadm command to delete the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Temporary Content Database:

Stsadm –o deletecontentDB –url -databaseServer -databasename

6. Migrate and publish projects: As projects are published, the links between projects ,tasks, assignments and the Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.

Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for every batch of projects or workspaces that you want gradually migrate.

Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility

In this article:

• Cross-version compatibility between the server and client products

• File-format compatibility between Project client versions

When determining a migration path, it is important to consider the compatibility of Project Professional with Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 and the file-format compatibility between versions of Project Professional. 

Cross-version compatibility between the server and client products

To determine cross-version compatibility between Project Professional and Project Server versions, refer to the chart below.

|This client version |Only connects to this server version |

|Project 2000 |Project Central |

|Project 2002 |Project Server 2002 |

|Project Professional 2003 |Project Server 2003, Project Server 2002 |

|Project Professional 2007 |Project Server 2007 |


Project Professional 2003 is not compatible with Office Project Server 2007. Similarly, Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 is not compatible with Project Server 2003.

The main reason for the incompatibility between these versions is a fundamental update of the client-to-server communication protocol. Project Server 2003 uses ODBC to open or save enterprise projects from Project Professional 2003. Office Project Server 2007 uses Web services. This change enables Office Project Professional 2007 to connect to the server over a WAN by using low bandwidth HTTP/HTTPS connections, and it also provides a smooth experience for users whether they are online or offline.

Another reason for the incompatibility is that the database schema has undergone significant changes for Office Project Professional 2007.

The following scenarios are supported in order to work around the compatibility limitation:

• Installing Project Professional 2003 and Office Project Professional 2007 side-by-side on the same computer. This side-by-side support extends to other project components like Project ActiveX controls and Outlook add-ins as well.


Office Project Professional 2007 should be installed after Project Professional 2003 for all functionality to work correctly.

• Installing Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 on the same server (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 can be installed side-by-side on the same computer)

File-format compatibility between Project client versions

Project 2007 clients (Including both Professional and Standard versions):

• Can open .mpp files for:

• Project 98

• Project 2000

• Project 2002

• Project 2003 (Professional and Standard versions)

• Can save .mpp files to the following file formats:

• Project 2000

• Project 2002

• Project 2003

• Can open from an existing ODBC data source.

• Cannot save to an ODBC data source.

Project 2003 (Professional and Standard versions):

• Cannot open a Project 2007 .mpp file.

See Also

Data not migrated to Project Server 2007

Data not migrated to Project Server 2007

In this article:

• Project Server 2003 data that is not migrated

• Project Server 2003 data that is migrated with caveats

This article describes data in Project Server 2003 that is not migrated at all or that requires attention when being migrated to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

Project Server 2003 data that is not migrated

|Project Server 2003 item not migrated|Comment |

|Outstanding status updates |Outstanding status updates are not migrated if the |

| |StopProjectUpdatesIfUpdatesPending setting in the migration configuration file is|

| |set to Yes (which is the default option). It is a best practice to make project |

| |managers accept or reject project status updates before running the migration |

| |tool. |

|Timesheet history |Timesheet history data is not migrated. Timesheet data in the following tables is|

| |not migrated: |




| |However, timesheet periods are migrated. Also, all status data entered by team |

| |members (for example, Tom worked eight hours on assignment X), does get migrated.|

| |If you have a reporting system based on timesheet history, then your reports will|

| |be affected and will need to be redone. |

|Status reports |Status report definitions and responses are not migrated. |

|To-do lists |The related feature in Office Project Server 2007 is called "project |

| |proposals." Project proposal assignments affect resource availability, whereas |

| |to-do list assignments in Project Server 2003 do not. If you are manually |

| |shifting from to-do lists to project proposals, you need to take this situation |

| |into account. |

|View filters |Each filter in each view that is not upgraded is noted in a log file. These log |

| |entries can help the administrator to recreate the filters manually in Office |

| |Project Server 2007. |

|Project versions |Project Server 2007 does not have the concept of project versions. The version |

| |name from Project Server 2003 is appended to the project name as part of |

| |migration. For example, Project1, version 'target', becomes Project1_target after|

| |migration. Project2, version 'published', becomes Project2_published after |

| |migration. |

|Status update rules |Not migrated. |

|Extra tables or fields added to the |Any extra tables or fields added to the database file by customers or partners |

|database |are not migrated. They must be manually migrated to Office Project Server 2007. |

|Project Web Access links and Saved |You must manually create your links to Project Web Access after migration. This |

|Links |includes the Saved Links feature in Project Server 2003. |

Project Server 2003 data that is migrated with caveats

|Project Server 2003 data |Comment |

|Non-project time |Project Server 2003 administrative projects are migrated as Office Project Server|

| |2007 administrative projects. They are not migrated into the new non-project time|

| |infrastructure in Office Project Server 2007. |

|Security |Security settings are migrated all at once, but the project-to-category mappings |

| |are migrated gradually. When projects are gradually migrated, they become part of|

| |the migrated categories with which they are associated, and this behavior can be |

| |controlled by the FixUpSecurityCategories configuration parameter in the |

| |migration configuration file. |

| |For more information on this parameter, see Configuring the migration tool for |

| |Project Server. |

|Value lists (for both local and |Migrated as lookup tables |

|enterprise custom fields) | |

|Project Server 2003 users with |Migrated as Office Project Server 2007 enterprise resources. |

|assignments (not part of the |[pic]Note: |

|enterprise resource pool) |In Project Server 2003, you can publish projects without saving them as |

| |enterprise projects. A non-enterprise mode does not exist in Office Project |

| |Server 2007, and users can have an assignments only if it is an enterprise |

| |resource. Therefore, users with assignments in Project Server 2003 are |

| |converted to enterprise resources in Office Project Server 2007, so that the |

| |assignment information is not lost. |

|Alert preferences |Migrated to notifications. |

|Enterprise resources |Enterprise resource migration is a very important part of migration. Following |

| |are examples of conflicts that may occur during enterprise resource migration: |

| |• Case 1: When a Project 2003 enterprise resource matches with a Project 2007 |

| |enterprise resource (by name or Windows NT account): |

| |a. The Project 2003 enterprise resource is not migrated. |

| |b. The resource is replaced by the Project 2007 enterprise resource. |

| |• Case 2: When a Project 2003 enterprise resource matches with a Project 2007 |

| |enterprise user (by name or Windows NT account): |

| |a. The Project 2003 enterprise resource is not migrated. |

| |b. The resource is converted to a local resource in Project 2007. |

| |• Case 3: When a Project 2003 local resource matches with a Project 2007 |

| |enterprise resource (by name) |

| |• The local resource is not converted to an enterprise resource. |

| |• Case 4: When a Project 2003 enterprise resource of type X (say, generic |

| |resource) matches with a Project 2007 enterprise resource of type Y (say, a |

| |material resource) (by name) |

| |a. The Project 2003 enterprise resource is not migrated. |

| |b. The resource is converted to a local resource. |

|Enterprise resource pool Active |Mappings from Project Server 2003 security groups to enterprise resource pool |

|Directory group mappings |Active Directory groups are not migrated to Project Server 2007. However, users |

| |and resources added by using Project Server 2003 Active Directory synchronization|

| |are migrated. After migration, use the migration log file to assist in manually |

| |setting up the mappings for Active Directory groups to the enterprise resource |

| |pool and Project Server security groups in Office Project Server 2007. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |Synchronizing to an organization unit — while supported in Project Server 2003 — |

| |is not supported in Office Project Server 2007. In Office Project Server 2007, |

| |you should synchronize with an Active Directory group because there is not a |

| |group-member size limitation as there is in Project Server 2003. |

|Project Server users |If there is a Project Server user in Office Project Server 2007 either with the |

| |same name or Windows NT account as a Project Server 2003 user, then the Project |

| |Server 2003 user's details (for example, name, e-mail address, security settings)|

| |are not migrated. (In other words, the Office Project Server 2007 data prevails |

| |in the case of a conflict). |

See Also

Migrating older versions of Project Server and Windows SharePoint Services

Migrating older versions of Project Server and Windows SharePoint Services

In this article:

• Migrating from Project Server 2002 to Office Project Server 2007

• Migrating from Project Central to Office Project Server 2007

• Migrating from SharePoint Team Services

• Migrating complex datasets and licensing

This article describes the procedures required to migrate from two earlier versions of Project Server to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007:

• Project Server 2002

• Project Central (used with Project 2000)

• This article also describes the process of migrating your project workspace data, for those who have been using SharePoint Team Services (also called Windows SharePoint Services 1.0) with Project Server 2002.

Migrating from Project Server 2002 to Office Project Server 2007

Following are the high-level steps:

1. Migrate to Project Server 2003: Follow the instructions in Upgrading to Project Server 2003 from Earlier Versions of Microsoft Project (). In the documentation, there are references to a "Support" folder on the Project Server 2003 CD. This folder corresponds to the Utilities\Migration folder on the Office Project Server 2007 CD, which contains all the SQL files required for migration.

2. Apply Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a: For more information about the service pack, see the Knowledge Base article named Description of Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a (). All the SQL files required for applying the Project Server 2003 SP2a database patch are available in the Utilities\Migration\Database\PS03SP2a folder.


You do not need to upgrade the Project Server 2002 application itself to Project Server 2003.

|To migrate from |To |Use |

|Project Server 2002 |Project Server 2003 |SQL script UPG10DB (in the |

| | |Utilities\Migration\Database folder on the Office |

| | |Project Server 2007 installation media) |

|Project Server 2003 |Project Server 2003 SP2a |Command script Upgdb112.cmd (in the |

| | |Utilities\Migration\Database\PS03SP2a folder on the |

| | |Office Project Server 2007 installation media) |

The following illustration shows the process.



Make sure to use a backup copy of your Project Server 2002 database when running the UPG10DB SQL script. If you migrate the Project Server 2002 active database to Project Server 2003, Project Server 2002 will no longer function.

Migrating from Project Central to Office Project Server 2007

Following are the high level steps:

1. Migrate to Project Server 2003: Follow the instructions in Upgrading to Project Server 2003 from Earlier Versions of Microsoft Project (). In the documentation, there are references to a "Support" folder on the Project Server 2003 CD. This folder corresponds to the Utilities\Migration folder on the Office Project Server 2007 CD, which contains all the SQL files required for migration.

2. Apply Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a: For more information about the service pack, see the Knowledge Base article named Description of Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a (). All the SQL files required for applying the Project Server 2003 SP2a database patch are available in the Utilities\Migration\Database\PS03SP2a folder.

|To migrate from |To |Use |

|Project Central |Project Server 2002 |SQL script UPG09DB (in the |

| | |Utilities\Migration\Database folder on the Office |

| | |Project Server 2007 installation media) |

|Project Server 2002 |Project Server 2003 |SQL script UPG10DB (in the |

| | |Utilities\Migration\Database folder on the Office |

| | |Project Server 2007 installation media) |

|Project Server 2003 |Project Server 2003 SP2a |Command script Upgdb112.cmd (in the |

| | |Utilities\Migration\Database\PS03SP2a folder on the |

| | |Office Project Server 2007 installation media) |

The following illustration shows the process.



Use a backup copy of your Project Central database when running the UPG09DB SQL script. If you migrate the Project Central active database to Project Server 2002, then Project Central will no longer function.

Migrating from SharePoint Team Services

Project Server 2002 integrates with SharePoint Team Services (also known as Windows SharePoint Services 1.0).

SharePoint Team Services provides project workspace functionality for Project Central. When migrating from Project Central to Office Project Server 2007, you can also migrate your project workspace data.

Following are the high-level migration steps:

1. Upgrade project workspaces on SharePoint Team Services to Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. (Project Server 2003 integrates with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.) Follow the instructions in Upgrading to Project Server 2003 from Earlier Versions of Microsoft Project (). In the documentation, there are references to a "Support" folder on the Project Server 2003 CD. This folder corresponds to the Utilities\Migration folder on the Office Project Server 2007 CD, which contains all the SQL files required for migration.

2. Upgrade project workspaces in Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 to Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2.

3. Upgrade Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. (Project Server 2007 integrates with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Migrating complex datasets and licensing

If you are migrating from older versions of Project Server and just running the database update scripts (as described above), you do not need to purchase licenses for Project Server 2002 and Project Server 2003 — because you are simply upgrading the database to Project Server 2003 SP2a format, not the actual application binaries.

But if you have a complex dataset (a number of custom fields, complex master sub-project relationships, and so forth), we recommend that you check your data after every step of the migration — and this would involve not just upgrading the database, but upgrading the server as well (requiring you to purchase a license for the product). For example, after upgrading your database from Project Central to Project Server 2002, we recommend that you also upgrade the server to Project Server 2002 and verify that your data looks correct (requiring you to purchase a license for Project Server 2002). If the data is not correct, apply any fixes or workarounds related to this upgrade. Once this is verified, then upgrade your database to Project Server 2003 SP2a, also upgrade the server to Project Server 2003 SP2a, and verify your data again. Then, as the last step, migrate to Office Project Server 2007. Although time-consuming, this method is the safest way to proceed when migrating from a version other than Project Server 2003. This method allows you to narrow your troubleshooting tasks if the migration to Office Project Server 2007 should fail. For example, if the migration from Project Server 2003 SP2a to Office Project Server 2007 fails, you might think it is an issue with the Office Project Server 2007 migration tool, when in fact it might be an issue with the previous migration from Project Central to Project Server 2002, or when migrating from Project Server 2002 to Project Server 2003 SP2a.

Performing the migration to Office Project Server 2007

In this section:

• Prepare for migration to Project Server 2007

• Pre-migration verification and cleanup

• Configuring the migration tool for Project Server

• Upgrading project workspaces from Project Server 2003

• Running the migration tool to migrate global data and projects

• Migration performance data for Project Server 2007

Prepare for migration to Project Server 2007

In this article:

• Upgrade to Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a

• Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

• Install Project Server 2007

• Set up forms authentication, if necessary

• Back up and restore the Project Server 2003 and Project Server 2007 databases

• Install the migration tool

• Give appropriate permissions to the Migration Administrator account

• Verify that the Migration Administrator account has appropriate access

Before running the migration from Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, several tasks are required in preparation. This article describes the steps that are required. 

Upgrade to Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a

Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 SP2a is composed of three parts, each of which can be downloaded and installed separately, as needed: 

1. An upgrade for the Project Server 2003 database

2. An update for the Project Server application binaries

3. An update for the Project Server template files on Windows SharePoint Services

Depending on your migration deployment strategy, you may need one or more of the parts listed above.

• To upgrade your existing installation to the latest service pack, you must use all three parts and upgrade your existing Project Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation to SP2a. This is the simplest way to upgrade.

• To keep your existing Project Server 2003 installation (without applying SP2a), you must do the following:

• Create a backup of your Project Server 2003 database. Restore it, optionally using a different name. Apply SP2a part 1 to the restored database.

• Apply SP2a part 3 to the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation.

You might choose this option because you are going to deploy Office Project Server 2007 anyway and you do not want to complicate your process with an SP2a rollout.


More information about the service pack can be found in the Knowledge Base article named Description of Project Server 2003 Service Pack 2a (). All the SQL files required for applying the Project Server 2003 SP2a database patch are also available in the Utilities\Migration\Database\PS03SP2a folder.

Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

You must install Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 if you want to upgrade your Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 data. If you are installing on a new computer, you need not install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 separately — when you install Office Project Server 2007, it installs Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 automatically. So this step is only needed for the following migration deployment options:

• Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

• Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

• Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

• Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

In any of the above deployment options, when you install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, it detects the existing Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation and gives the following options:

1. Upgrade Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 farm "in place" to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm: This is a "full migration" option. If you choose this option, all your project workspaces in Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Note that even after you complete this step, the migrated workspaces will not function. (The corresponding Project Server 2007 Windows SharePoint Services templates are not yet installed — they will be installed with Project Server 2007.) As projects are published, the links between Project items and Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.

2. Upgrade Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 farm gradually (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farms function side-by-side): This is a "gradual migration" option. You can selectively upgrade the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 workspaces for the projects that will be migrated gradually. (Do not upgrade them yet; that process is covered in a different article). You can do this by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). As projects are published, the links between Project items and Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.


In order to continue creating Project 2003 workspaces on Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, administrators need to make a change to the "Default Provisioning Settings" of Project Server 2003. As part of the gradual upgrade process, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 takes over all the virtual servers used by Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, relocates the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites to other temporarily created virtual servers and redirects the links (with the assumption that eventually all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content will be migrated to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). These temporary virtual servers need to be used for the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 site creation. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.)

3. No upgrade: Do not choose this option.

Read the "IT Deployment options for migration" article closely. More information on how to upgrade to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 can be found in the Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Install Project Server 2007

Which computer you install Project Server 2007 on is important — read the IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007 article closely and choose an option that is right for you. For more information on how to install, see Installing Office Project Server 2007. Follow the instructions, install Project Server 2007, and provision a Microsoft Office Project Web Access site to migrate to. For the purposes of this article, we will call it the "target Project Web Access site."


This Office Project Web Access site should be empty — (that is, it should not have any projects, users, resources, or other global data).


In all the options mentioned earlier, Project Server 2007 can be installed on the same computer as Project Server 2003. If you want Windows SharePoint Services to take over the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual server that was hosting Project Server 2003, then you need to create a number of "managed paths" to exclude the Project Web Access virtual directories. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article named How to enable an application to run on a SharePoint virtual server ().

When this step is completed, you should have an empty, working Project Web Access site into which you can migrate (the "target Project Web Access site" alluded to earlier).

Set up forms authentication, if necessary

If you are using Project Server authenticated users (non-Windows users) in Project Server 2003, you will not be readily able to log onto Office Project Server 2007 with those accounts after migration. Office Project Server 2007 relies on Windows SharePoint Services and forms authentication infrastructure. Therefore, you need to set up forms authentication on the Project Server installation — and this is a separate step. For more information, see Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 authentication.

When this step is completed, you should have forms authentication enabled and working on the target Project Web Access site.

Back up and restore the Project Server 2003 and Project Server 2007 databases

We recommend that you back up all Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 databases that are involved in the data migration.

The following databases should be backed up:

• Project Server 2003 database

• Office Project Server 2007 databases: 

• Published

• Reporting

• Draft

• Versions

• Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 configuration and content databases

Once you have created backup copies of the databases that are involved with data migration, you can quickly restart the migration if any non-recoverable problems occur during the migration process. For example, if an error occurs during migration due to a data problem in Project Server 2003, it might corrupt the Office Project Server 2007 database. If the problem is corrected in Project Server 2003, you will need to create a new Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access site before retrying migration. However, if an Office Project Server 2007 backup is already available, it will not be necessary to recreate a new Project Web Access site; you can simply restore the Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access database and retry the migration.

The Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 configuration and content databases can be backed up in the event that a non-recoverable problem occurs when migrating Windows SharePoint Services workspace data to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. A pre-migration database backup will assist in quickly starting over again.

Next, you must decide where to restore the Project Server 2003 database(s).

• Keep the Project Server 2003 database(s) on a separate computer from the Project Server 2007 databases: This is advisable if the database is large enough that backing up or restoring will be very time-consuming. In this case, you need to manually setup a "linked server" on the Project Server 2007 computer that points to the Project Server 2003 computer. For more information, look at the Project2003LinkedSQLServer parameter in the migration configuration file. For more information, see Configuring the migration tool for Project Server.

• Restore Project Server 2003 database(s) to the same computer that is hosting the Project Server 2007 databases: This is advisable for optimizing performance — the migration process is faster if the Project Server 2003 database and the Office Project Server 2007 databases are on the same computer.

When this step is completed, you should have all the relevant databases backed up so that you can restore them and quickly restart migration.

Install the migration tool

The migration tool is available on the Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 installation media. (It is not installed by default.) The migration tool does not need to be installed on the Project Server computers that are involved in the migration; it only needs to be able to connect to them over the network. Use the following procedures to install the migration tool.

Install the migration tool (if Office Project Professional 2007 is not installed)

1. Run Setup on the Office Project Professional 2007 installation CD.

2. Select the Customize option. (Do not select Install Now).

3. On the Installation Options tab, expand the feature tree for Microsoft Office Project 2007.

4. Right-click Migration tool and change its state from Not Available to Run from My Computer.

5. Click Install Now. The migration tool executable file (P12migrationtool.exe) file is installed to the location you choose. The default location is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12.

Install the migration tool (if Office Project Professional 2007 is already installed)

1. In Windows XP, click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.

2. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

3. From the Currently installed programs list, select Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, and then click Change.

4. In the Change your installation of Microsoft Office window that appears, select Add or Remove Features, and then click Continue.

5. In the Installation Options tab, expand Microsoft Office Project and right-click Microsoft Office Project Upgrader tool. Change the status from Not Available to Run from My Computer.

6. Click Continue. This action starts the installation of the migration tool, which adds the migration tool executable file (P12migrationtool.exe) to the same location as the Office Project Professional 2007 executable file (WinProj.exe). The default location is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12.

7. When installation successfully finishes, click Close on the next window that appears.

How to run the migration tool

To run the migration tool, open a command prompt, go to the directory that contains the migration tool executable file (the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12), and then run P12migrationtool.exe with the command-line parameters that you need. For example:

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12>P12MigrationTool.exe -c d:\migration\ProjectServer2007Migrate.ini


If the path or file name of the migration configuration file has spaces, enclose the string in quotation marks. For example: "d:\my migration\migration one.ini".

The following table lists and describes the options available for the P12migrationtool.exe.

|Option |Description |

|-c |Path to the Upgrade.ini file |

|-su |If using SQL Server authentication, enter the SQL Server user name. |

|-sp |If using SQL Server authentication, enter the SQL Server user password. |

|-fu |If using forms authentication, enter the forms authentication user name. |

|-fp |If using forms authentication, enter the forms authentication password. |

|-verify |Pre-migration check |

If both the SQL Server authentication and forms authentication user name and password are not specified, the migration tool will be run under Windows authentication by using the identity of the currently logged on user.

If a user name is specified, but not a password, the migration tool prompts for the password.

When this step is completed, you should have a working Office Project Server 2007 migration tool.


For Help on the migration tool, open a command prompt, navigate to the location where the migration tool has been installed, type p12migrationtool.exe /? and press ENTER.

Give appropriate permissions to the Migration Administrator account

The Migration Administrator account is the account with which the migration is run. In other words, the P12migrationtool.exe command-line tool is run under this account. The account needs the following permissions:

• Database reader permissions on the Project server 2003 database(s)

• Administrator permissions on the target Project Web Access site

Adding the Migration Administrator account to the default (unaltered) "Administrators" security group should give all relevant permissions. If an enterprise resource with the same name or Windows account exists in Project Server 2003, the Migration Administrator account has to be made an enterprise resource as well.

• System administrator privileges on the Project Server 2007 databases

Adding the Migration Administrator account to the "SysAdmin" SQL group gives this permission. If the Migration Administrator account is the farm administrator on the Office Project Server 2007 farm, then this permission will already be available.

Verify that the Migration Administrator account has appropriate access

After installing Office Project Server 2007, you need to verify that your installation is functional before proceeding to migrate data to it. You can do this by performing the following tasks.

1. Using the Migration Administrator account, log on to the computer on which you have installed the migration tool.

2. Navigate to the 2007 version of Office Project Web Access. Log on by using the Migration Administrator account and make sure that you can access any page in Office Project Web Access Server Settings. This ensures that when the migration tool tries to add data to Project Server 2007 by using the Migration Administrator account, it will succeed.

3. Start Office Project Professional 2007, create a profile with the Migration Administrator account, and then connect to Office Project Server 2007 with that profile.

4. Create, save, and publish a project. Verify that you do not encounter any errors during this process. Delete the project when you are done.

5. Open SQL Query Analyzer, connect to the computer running SQL Server that is hosting the Project Server 2003 database(s), and login using the Migration Administrator account. Verify that you can access data in each Project Server 2003 database(s).

6. Open SQL Query Analyzer, connect to the SQL Server hosting the Project Server 2007 database(s), and log in using the Migration Administrator account. Verify that you have system administrator privileges.

See Also

Pre-migration verification and cleanup

Pre-migration verification and cleanup


This content is preliminary content. It might be incomplete and is subject to change.

This article describes how to verify that the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 source data that you plan to migrate is in an acceptable state to migrate to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. It includes useful tools such as the Migration tool's -Verify option and SQL scripts to run on your Project Server 2003 databases to verify that the data you plan to migrate is not invalid or corrupt. It also describes general checks you should do in your Project Server 2003 environment prior to migrating.


Depending on the size of your database, migration can be a very time intensive process (for more information, see Migration performance data for Project Server 2007). If the global data migration fails in the middle (for example, due to duplicate enterprise resources), you will need to fix the cause of the problem and run the global data migration again from the beginning. Running pre-migration verification and cleanup before running the migration process can greatly reduce the chances of the migration tool failing.

Run the migration tool with the -verify option

Running the migration tool with the -verify option performs some basic pre-migration checks. The pre-migration check analyzes your Project Server 2003 data (only reads, no writes), find any changes that need to be made to the data in order to make it suitable for migration and write it to the migration log file (it does not fix up the data automatically).

Note that the -Verify option is not the only set of checks. You need to run through

The -Verify option will check your Project Server 2003 data for the following:

• Checked out projects

• Externally modified projects

• Projects with pending status updates

• Duplicate enterprise resources.

You should read through the generated log file and make any necessary changes to your Project Server 2003 data to eliminate problems that can occur when migrating data.


Running the migration tool with the -Verify option will not migrate any global or project data, even if the migration configuration file is configured to do so.

Checking for checked-out projects

A project cannot be migrated if it is checked-out. It is a best practice before any migration to get the source data to a stable state – consciously checking in projects ensures that a project is in a stable migratable state. Migration coordinators could set a deadline for Project Managers to check-in their projects by a certain date, and beyond that date can force check-in all projects.

How to check: When running the migration tool with the -Verify option, if a project to be migrated is checked out, you will see this message on the console and in the log: The following projects are checked out. These projects will not be migrated by the migration tool (the migration tool will not stop, it will just skip these projects). Please check them in.

Example result for success (no action needed): They will not see the message above if all projects are checked in.

Example result for failure (Project data needs fix up): They will see the message above followed by project names; each project name on a separate line.

Action on failure: Make sure to check in all projects specified to be checked out.

[pic]Checking-in projects that are checked out in Project Server 2003

|1. In Project Server 2003 Project Web Access, click Admin. |

|2. Click Manage Enterprise Features. |

|3. Click Check in Enterprise Projects and see which projects are checked out. Coordinate its check-in or do a |

|forced check-in from Project Web Access. |

|Note: |

|You can check for checked-out projects by running the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project |

|tables” and the “Project Server 2003 Web Tables” databases. |

|select PROJ_NAME from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_CHECKEDOUT = 1 and PROJ_TYPE in (0, 1) |

|If you get some rows in the result, then some projects have been checked out. |

Checking for Projects that have been externally edited

A project cannot be migrated if it has been externally edited.

How to check: When running the migration tool with the -Verify option, if a project to be migrated is checked out, you will see this message on the console and in the log: The following projects have been externally modified. These projects will not be migrated by the migration tool (the migration tool will not stop, it will just skip these projects). Please open them using Project Professional 2003 and save them back to Project Server 2003.

Example result for success (no action needed): They will not see the message above if all projects have not been externally edited.

Example result for failure (Project data needs fix up): They will see the message above followed by project names; each project name on a separate line.

Action on failure: Open the externally edited projects in Project Professional 2003, save it, and check it back in to the server. This should set the Externally edited flag to false.


You can check for checked-out projects by running the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” and the “Project Server 2003 Web Tables” databases.

select PROJ_NAME from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where (PROJ_EXT_EDITED = 1 or RESERVED_BINARY_DATA is null) and PROJ_TYPE in (0, 1)

If you get any rows in the result, then these projects have been externally edited.

Checking for projects with pending status updates

By default, if Project Server 2003 projects have pending updates, they will not migrate to Office Project Server 2007. Before migrating, it is recommended that your users accept or reject status updates to ensure that projects are in a stable state to migrate.

How to check: When running the migration tool with the -Verify option, if a project has any pending status updates, you will see this message on the console and in the log: The following projects have pending status updates. These projects will not be migrated by the migration tool (the migration tool will not stop, it will just skip these projects). Please apply the pending updates.

Example result for success (no action needed): They will not see the message above if all projects do not have pending status updates.

Example result for failure (Project data needs fix up): They will see the message above followed by project names; each project name on a separate line.

Action on failure: The StopProjectMigrationIfStatusUpdatesPending parameter in the migration configuration file can be configured to allow the migration of projects with pending updates. For more information on this parameter, see Configuring the migration tool for Project Server.

As a pre-migration best practice, migration coordinators could set a deadline for Project Managers to accept/reject pending status updates by a certain date, and beyond that date would force-migrate all projects (even if status updates are not up-to-date).

Checking for duplicate Enterprise Resources

Having multiple resources in the Enterprise Resource Pool with the same name is not supported in Project 2003 or 2007 - this situation may have to do with some direct database edits. Note that the duplicate names do not show up in Project Professional when you are editing the Resource Global because there may be just one entry in MSP_WEB_RESOURCES table for an enterprise resource with this name. There is no simple way to resolve this situation. Work with your project server expert to resolve this. Below are some guidelines (these are just guidelines, please consult with your project server expert with specific knowledge of your system to resolve the issue appropriately).

How to check: When running the migration tool with the -Verify option, if duplicate enterprise resources are found, you will see this message on the console and in the log: Your enterprise resource pool contains duplicate entries for the following resources. This is an unsupported scenario in Project 2003 and could cause enterprise resource migration to fail. Please make sure there are no duplicate resources before trying migration.

Example result for success: They will not see the message above if all projects do not have pending status updates.

Example result for failure: They will see the message above followed by project names; each project name on a separate line.

Action on failure: It is not a simple exercise to correct this problem. Some methods to correct this problem are described in the sections that follow.


You can also check for duplicate enterprise resources by running the following SQL Script in the Project Server 2003 Project tables. Output from the script will provide you a list of all the duplicate Enterprise Resources in the database.


select res_uid, res_name, res_euid from msp_resources where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id = 1 order by res_name asc

If the script finds any duplicate Enterprise Resources, the data will be displayed similarly to the following example of two duplicate resources.


|123 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|124 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|125 |Brad Sutton |125 |

|126 |Brad Sutton |126 |

Checking for duplicate Enterprise Resource used in projects

The following SQL script checks if duplicate Enterprise Resources are used in projects. Because we will refer back to this script in the sections that follow, refer to this script as Script 2.

Script 2:

select  distinct res_name, res_euid from msp_resources where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id 1 and res_euid is not null  order by res_name, res_euid asc

Running the script will give you a list of duplicate Enterprise Resources that are used in projects. If you see only one row per resource name, go to Step 4. If you see more than one row per resource name, go to Step 3.

In the following example, note that duplicate instances of ‘Brad Sutton’ are used in projects. This needs to be fixed up.


|Peter Krebbs |123 |

|Brad Sutton |125 |

|Brad Sutton |126 |

Fix up projects which use duplicate Enterprise Resources

Running the following script (Script 3) will return project IDs that are associated with duplicate Enterprise Resources so that you can specify the correct one.

You need to verify that only one “res_name, res_euid” combination is ever used in projects.  If duplicates exist, you need to designate one of the duplicates as the ‘Correct’ resource and make sure all projects use this ‘Correct’ resource (Update the MSP_RESOURCES.RES_EUID column for that project to point it to the ‘Correct’ enterprise resource. No script is provided for this, since it is a manual process). After doing this, please repeat check for duplicate enterprise resources used in projects (running Script 2) for verification.


select res_name,  res_euid, proj_id from msp_resources where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id 1 and res_euid is not null order by res_name, res_euid asc

For example, running Script 3 may return the following results:  


|Brad Sutton |125 |12 |

|Brad Sutton |126 |13 |

|Brad Sutton |125 |14 |

You may choose ‘Brad Sutton’ with RES_EUID=125 as the 'correct’ enterprise resource, and you fix up the rows as follows:


|Brad Sutton |125 |12 |

|Brad Sutton |125 |13 |

|Brad Sutton |125 |14 |

Fix up the duplicate Enterprise Resources to point to the correct one

When running Script 3, you have picked a ‘correct’ resource among the duplicates and fixed the projects to point to it. Now, the MSP_RESOURCES table needs to be fixed.  Run Script 4 (same as Script 1) and it will list all the duplicate enterprise resources.  Update the RES_EUID column for the duplicate resources to point it to the ‘Correct’ resource.


select res_uid, res_name, res_euid from msp_resources where res_name in (select distinct r1.RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r1 inner join dbo.MSP_RESOURCES r2 on (r1.RES_NAME = r2.RES_NAME and r1.PROJ_ID = r2.PROJ_ID) where r1.PROJ_ID = 1 and r1.RES_UID != r2.RES_UID) and proj_id = 1 order by res_name asc

For example, running Script 4 may return the following. The ‘Peter Krebbs’ row is correct. ‘Brad Sutton’ needs some fix up. 


|123 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|124 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|125 |Brad Sutton |125 |

|126 |Brad Sutton |126 |

If you have chosen ‘Brad Sutton’ with RES_UID=125 as the ‘correct’ resource, you need to update the other row to point to the ‘correct’ item. Something like below:


|123 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|124 |Peter Krebbs |123 |

|125 |Brad Sutton |125 |

|126 |Brad Sutton |125 |

Remove the duplicate resource from the Resource Global

This is done by pointing the duplicate resource to a bogus project (PROJ_ID = maximum integer value). In addition, we need to clean up the related Enterprise Calendars also. Run Script 5 to do this.


update msp_resources set proj_id=2147483647 WHERE res_uid != res_euid and res_euid is not null and res_uid > 0 and proj_id = 1

update msp_calendars set proj_id=2147483647 WHERE res_uid not in (select res_uid from msp_resources where proj_id=1) and proj_id = 1 and cal_uid > 0 and res_uid is not null

After completing the above steps, attempt to run the migration tool with the –verify option again and verify that the duplication resource problem is resolved.

Project Version should be at least ‘Project Server 2003 SP2a’

We support migration from Project Server 2003 SP2a or above. If you have a version previous to this, you need to upgrade – instructions for this in previous sections in the guide.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Web tables” database.

select replace(str(WADMIN_VERSION_MAJOR)+'.'+str(WADMIN_VERSION_MINOR),' ','') as 'Project Server Version' from dbo.MSP_WEB_ADMIN

Example result for success: 11.2

Example result for failure: 11.1

Action on failure: Project Server 2003 SP2a or later needs to be applied to the server.

Enterprise Global should not be externally edited

The ‘Externally Edited’ flag is set to ‘true’ when the Enterprise Global is edited outside of Project (for example, by a third party application). Project Professional will check for this flag, and if set to true, will recalculate all data in the Enterprise Global to ensure consistency. This flag needs to be set to ‘false’ for migration to work.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database.

select PROJ_NAME from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where (PROJ_EXT_EDITED = 1 or RESERVED_BINARY_DATA is null) and PROJ_TYPE = 2

Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: You get one or more rows in the result.

Action on failure: You need to open Enterprise Global in Project Professional and save it back.

Checking if the Enterprise Global is checked out

The Enterprise Global should not be checked out when migrating.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database.

select PROJ_NAME from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_CHECKEDOUT = 1 and PROJ_TYPE = 2

Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: One or more rows returned.

Action on failure:

Make sure the Enterprise Global is checked-in.

1. In Project Server 2003 Project Web Access, click Admin.

2. Click Manage Enterprise Features.

3. Click Check in Enterprise Projects and see who has checked out Enterprise Global. Coordinate its check-in or do a forced check-in from Project Web Access.

Checking if the Enterprise Global is locked

A project becomes ‘locked’ if the computer shuts down abnormally, or if Project Professional exits abnormally. If the Enterprise Global is locked, the migration tool cannot run.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database.

select cast(isnull(PROJ_LOCKED, '0') as int) from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2

Example result for success: 0

Example result for failure: 1

Action on failure: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database and unlock the Enterprise Global.


Checking if the default language on the Web tables database and Project tables database should match

The default language on the Project Server 2003 Web Tables database and the Project Server 2003 project tables database must match prior to migration.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” and the “Project Server 2003 Web Tables” databases.


Example result for success: Results match when run on the two databases.

Example result for failure: Results do not match when run on the two databases.

Action on failure: The databases are in an inconsistent state. Please work with your administrator to correct this state.

Checking if Resources have comma in their names

It is a limitation of Office Project Server 2007 that Enterprise Resources (of any language) cannot have ‘comma’ in their names. They need to be replaced with any other valid character.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database.

select RES_NAME from MSP_RESOURCES where RES_NAME is not null and charindex(',', RES_NAME) > 0

Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: One or more rows returned.

Action on failure: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” and the “Project Server 2003 Web tables” databases.

It will replace the comma character with an underscore character. If you want to use a different valid character, you can edit the script.

-- run this against the project tables db

declare @replacement_char char

declare @char_to_replace char

set @replacement_char = '_'

set @char_to_replace = ','

update dbo.MSP_RESOURCES set RES_NAME = replace(RES_NAME, @char_to_replace, @replacement_char)

where RES_NAME is not null and charindex(@char_to_replace, RES_NAME) > 0

-- run this against the web tables db

declare @replacement_char char

declare @char_to_replace char

set @replacement_char = '_'

set @char_to_replace = ','

update dbo.MSP_WEB_RESOURCES set RES_NAME = replace(RES_NAME, @char_to_replace, @replacement_char)

where RES_NAME is not null and charindex(@char_to_replace, RES_NAME) > 0

Checking if required enterprise resource custom fields do not have values

Any enterprise resource that does not have a value for a required enterprise custom field (like the RBS), will fail to migrate (it will post an error in the migration log during migration). It is recommended that you check for this scenario before migration. Typically if your enterprise resources are very old (created before the custom field was made ‘Required’) or inactive, they may not have values for the required custom field.

One way to fix this is to make sure all your Office Project Server 2007 Resource Custom Fields are set to Not Required. You can then change them back manually in Office Project Server 2007.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” database

declare @eglobal_proj_id int

set @eglobal_proj_id = (select PROJ_ID from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2)


r1.RES_NAME as 'Resource Name',

ast1.AS_VALUE as 'Custom Field Name'



inner join dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)

inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join (




@eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID



inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)


oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212

) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)


r1.PROJ_ID = 1

and cf1.proj_id = 1

and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206

and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc1.CODE_UID is null

and oc2.CODE_UID is null

order by



Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: One or more rows returned.

Action on failure: Open the Enterprise Resource Pool and set values for the Required Custom Fields or make the affected custom fields as ‘Not Required’ in Project Server 2003.

Checking if a resource custom field has a value which is not in the lookup table definition

A resource custom field's values must all be in the lookup definition table.

How to check: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” and the “Project Server 2003 Web Tables” databases.

declare @eglobal_proj_id int

set @eglobal_proj_id = (select PROJ_ID from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2)






inner join dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)

inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join (




@eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID



inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)


oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212

) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)


r1.PROJ_ID = 1

and cf1.proj_id = 1

and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206

and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc1.CODE_UID is null

and oc2.CODE_UID is null







inner join dbo.MSP_MV_FIELDS cf1 on (r1.RES_UID = cf1.CODE_REF_UID)

inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa1 on (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = fa1.ATTRIB_FIELD_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS ast1 on (fa1.AS_ID = ast1.AS_ID)

inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join (




@eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID



inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)


oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212

) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)


r1.PROJ_ID = 1

and cf1.proj_id = 1

and fa1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa1.ATTRIB_ID = 206

and ast1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc1.CODE_UID is null

and oc2.CODE_UID is null

order by



Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: One or more rows returned.

Action on failure: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” databases.

declare @eglobal_proj_id int

set @eglobal_proj_id = (select PROJ_ID from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE = 2)

update dbo.MSP_MV_FIELDS



from dbo.MSP_MV_FIELDS cf1

inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join (




@eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID



inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)


oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212

) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and (cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID - 76) = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)


cf1.proj_id = 1

and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc1.CODE_UID is null

and oc2.CODE_UID is null

update dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS



from dbo.MSP_CODE_FIELDS cf1

inner join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc3 on (cf1.CODE_UID = oc3.CODE_UID and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join dbo.MSP_OUTLINE_CODES oc1 on (oc1.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc1.OC_FIELD_ID and oc1.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)

left join (




@eglobal_proj_id as PROJ_ID



inner join dbo.MSP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES fa on (fa.PROJ_ID = oc.PROJ_ID and fa.ATTRIB_VALUE = oc.OC_FIELD_ID and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212)


oc.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and fa.ATTRIB_ID = 212

) as oc2 on (oc2.CODE_UID = cf1.CODE_UID and cf1.CODE_FIELD_ID = oc2.OC_FIELD_ID and oc2.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id)


cf1.proj_id = 1

and oc3.PROJ_ID = @eglobal_proj_id

and oc1.CODE_UID is null

and oc2.CODE_UID is null


Checking if Enterprise resources are externally edited

How to check: Run the following SQL script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables”.

select RES_NAME from dbo.MSP_RESOURCES where PROJ_ID = 1 and cast(EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA as varchar(1)) = '1'

Example result for success: No rows returned.

Example result for failure: One or more rows returned.

Action on failure: Run the following SQL Script in the “Project Server 2003 Project tables” databases.

Update dbo.MSP_RESOURCES set EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA = 1 where PROJ_ID = 1


After doing the above, create a 'test' Resource Custom Field – any type is fine (typically, not all Resource Duration Custom Fields are is use – you can use one of those for this exercise). This can be named “Test Resource CF”. Open the Enterprise Resource Pool. Add the “Test Resource CF” column. Set a valid value for this Custom Field for all resources. Save Enterprise Resource Pool. Execute migration. After migration, remove the “Test Resource CF” in Office Project Server 2007.

Checking if Enterprise Custom Field names do not contain leading or trailing spaces

Verify that your Office Project Server 2007 custom field names do not contain any leading or trailing spaces (for example, __Custom Field_ (where the underscore character represents a space character). If you attempt to migrate custom fields with leading or trailing space characters, migration will fail with an error.

Checking if the Migration Administrator Account exists in Project Server 2003

If the ‘Migration Administrator Account’ exists in Project Server 2003 (either by name or Windows Account) – those user permissions, category mappings, user properties will not migrate over to Office Project Server 2007. In essence, Office Project Server 2007 user wins. Note that if the ‘Migration Admin Account’ is used in projects, those resources will be replaced with the ‘Migration Admin Account’.

Configuring the migration tool for Project Server

In this article:

• Migration configuration file overview

• Migration configuration parameters

• Migration configuration file example

• Querying the Project Server 2003 database for projects

• Configure an SQL linked server connection

This article provides information on how to configure the .ini file used by the migration tool to migrate Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 data to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. This article also provides several helpful SQL queries used to search the Project Server 2003 database for projects in certain states to include in the migration configuration file.

Migration configuration file overview

Typically the migration tool is invoked using a command line that looks similar to this:

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12>P12MigrationTool.exe -c d:\migration\ProjectServer2007Migrate.ini

Before you run the migration tool, you must manually edit the migration configuration file in a text editor. This file configures the parameters that specify the location of the upgrade log file, which projects to migrate, the location of the computer running Microsoft SQL Server on which the Office Project Server 2007 databases will exist, and so forth.

A sample migration configuration file (named ProjectServer2007Migrate.ini.sample) is installed in the same directory as the migration tool. You can update this sample file with the correct configuration parameters and then point to it when you run the migration tool. The sample file includes comments that describe configuration options that are available for each parameter.

The following sections provide more details about the migration configuration file.

Migration configuration parameters

Following are the parameters that you can configure in the migration configuration file.

|Parameter |Description |

|[General] |General configuration section. The parameters for this section are |

| |listed next. |

|BatchName= |You can run the migration tool multiple times (for example, to migrate |

| |projects in batches). Therefore, specify a unique name for each run of |

| |the migration tool. The log file that is generated from each run of the|

| |migration tool is named according to the specified BatchName parameter.|

| |If a unique name is not specified, the log file that is generated will |

| |write over the previous log file. |

|LogFileNamePrefix= |Identifies the prefix of the migration log file. The log file name is a|

| |combination of LogFileNamePrefix and a timestamp specifying when the |

| |migration started. For example, if you have a log file name of |

| |batch1-20060314-1542.log: |

| |• LogFileNamePrefix=batch1 |

| |• The migration run for this log was started on 3/14/2006 at 3:42 pm |

| |Being able to apply a prefix to the log file name can be useful when |

| |you are migrating multiple times, such as in a gradual migration |

| |approach. |

|LogFilePath= |Identifies the path to the log files that are generated by the |

| |migration tool. The migration tool writes verbose information to the |

| |log file. The log file is your main source of troubleshooting |

| |information for the migration tool. If the migration tool cannot write |

| |to the log file, it stops running, so you can be sure that you can |

| |always refer to the log file for more information about the migration |

| |run. |

|MigrateAll= |Save: All projects in Project Server 2003 are migrated to Office |

| |Project Server 2007 and none of them are published. |

| |Publish: All projects in Project Server 2003 are migrated to Office |

| |Project Server 2007 and the published projects in Project Server 2003 |

| |are automatically published in Office Project Server 2007. |

| |If you leave this parameter empty, you receive the following warning: |

| |MigrateAllProjects option is not correctly specified in the upgrade |

| |configuration file, and the option is ignored. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |Leave this parameter empty if you choose to follow the best practice of|

| |running the migration tool to migrate non-project data (enterprise |

| |global template, enterprise resources, and Project Web Access data) |

| |prior to migrating any projects. Also make sure that no projects are |

| |specified in the [Project Names to Save and Publish] or [Project Names |

| |to Publish] section. |

| |[pic]Important: |

| |The MigrateAll= setting is ignored if you have specified any project |

| |names in the [Project Names to Save and Publish] or [Project Names to |

| |Publish] section. |

|FixUpSecurityCategories= |If FixUpSecurityCategories is set to Yes, projects are automatically |

| |added to security categories after they are migrated. If it is set to |

| |No, projects are not added to any security category after migration. |

| |Typically, you would set this policy to Yes if the categories in Office|

| |Project Server 2007 will be significantly different from the categories|

| |you have in Project Server 2003 and you want to add your projects to |

| |security categories manually. |

|StopProjectMigrationIfStatusUpdatesPending= |By default, the value of StopProjectMigrationIfStatusUpdatesPending is |

| |Yes. If it is set to Yes, any projects that have pending updates are |

| |not migrated. If this setting is set to No, any projects that have |

| |pending updates are migrated. The No option is useful if customers want|

| |to migrate projects even though they have pending updates. An example |

| |of this situation is when there are old projects that need to be |

| |migrated, but there are no active project managers for these projects |

| |to process pending updates. |

|NeverPublishMasterProjects= |By default, the value for NeverPublishMasterProjects is set to Yes. |

| |This setting ensures that master projects do not get published by |

| |mistake. This is useful for customers who have set the Never Publish |

| |Master Projects option in Project Server 2003. |

| |If you want any master projects published after migration, set |

| |NeverPublishMasterProjects to No. Even if you specify this setting, you|

| |need to manually include the master project in the [Project Names to |

| |Save and Publish] section. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |Publishing a master project in Office Project Server 2007 does not |

| |double-count availability. |

|[Project Names to Save] |Type the names of the projects you want to save after migration. |

| |Projects specified in this section are not published. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |You must specify the complete name (as stored in the PROJ_NAME column |

| |in the MSP_PROJECTS table). |

|[Project Names to Save and Publish] |Type the names of the projects that you want to save and publish after |

| |migration. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |Only published projects (with .PUBLISHED extensions) in Project Server |

| |2003 can be published to Office Project Server 2007. If you specify a |

| |versioned project, then it will only be saved and not published. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |You must specify the complete name of the project (as stored in the |

| |PROJ_NAME column in the MSP_PROJECTS table). |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |If you specify a master project and set |

| |neverPublishMasterProjects=false, then the subprojects (if they are |

| |already migrated or are being migrated as part of this migration run) |

| |will also get published automatically. Also note that publishing a |

| |master project in Office Project Server 2007 does not double-count |

| |availability. |

|[Excluded Projects Names] |Specify any project that you want explicitly excluded during migration.|

| |This option is typically used with the MigrateAll setting when you want|

| |to migrate most, but not all, of your projects. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |You must specify the complete name of the project (as stored in the |

| |PROJ_NAME column in the MSP_PROJECTS table). |

|[Project Server 2007] |The Office Project Server 2007 configuration section. The parameters |

| |for this section are listed next. |

|Project2007PWAServer= |Type the Microsoft Office Project Web Access URL. For example, |

| |Project2007PWAServer= |

|Project2007SQLServer= |Type the name of the instance of SQL Server that hosts the Office |

| |Project Server 2007 databases. |

| |[pic]Important: |

| |By default, the Project Server 2003 databases also should be part of |

| |the same instance of SQL Server as Office Project Server 2007. To do |

| |this, back up and restore the Project Server 2003 databases into the |

| |instance of SQL Server that hosts the Office Project Server 2007 |

| |databases. If this is a major restriction for you, refer to the |

| |Project2003LinkedSQLServer property in the [Project Server 2003] |

| |section. |

|DraftDB = |Type the name of the Office Project Server 2007 draft database. |

|PublishedDB = |Type the name of the Office Project Server 2007 published database. |

|[Project 2003 Server] |The Project Server 2003 configuration section. The parameters for this |

| |section are listed next. |

|Project2003ProjectTablesDB = |If you have a single database configuration for the Project Server 2003|

| |database (as opposed to a split database configuration), then type the |

| |name of the database in this configuration setting as well as the |

| |Project2003WebTablesDB= setting that follows. |

| |[pic]Note: |

| |The migration tool does not migrate SQL Server Analysis Services cube |

| |tables. You will have to rebuild cubes after migration. |

|Project2003WebTablesDB= |If the Project Server 2003 database is in a split database |

| |configuration, type the name of the Web Tables database. As noted |

| |above, if Project Server 2003 is in a single database configuration, |

| |enter the database name here as well as in the |

| |Project2003ProjectTablesDB= setting. |

|Project2003LinkedSQLServer = SQLServerName |By default, this setting is not enabled (the |

| |Project2003LinkedSQLServer= setting is commented out). If this |

| |parameter is not specified, the migration tool assumes that the Project|

| |2003 databases reside in the computer hosting the Office Project Server|

| |2007 SQL Server. If the SQL Server computer in which the Project 2003 |

| |databases reside cannot reside on the computer that hosts the Office |

| |Project Server 2007 databases, you can use this setting to specify the |

| |computer on which the Project Server 2003 database resides. However, |

| |for this to work you must add the Project Server 2003 database as a |

| |linked server to the Office Project Server 2007 SQL Server. To |

| |configure an SQL linked server connection, see the section titled |

| |"Configure an SQL linked server connection" later in this article. |

Migration configuration file example

The following is an example of a configured migration configuration file.








[Project Names to Save]



[Project Names to Save and Publish]



[Excluded Projects Names]



[Project Server 2007]





[Project 2003 Server]





The migration configuration file that is installed with the migration tool contains comments that describe the configuration options that are available. The comments can help you correctly configure the file. You can leave the comments in the file after you configure it.

Querying the Project Server 2003 database for projects

The SQL Server scripts shown in this section can be very useful for searching your Project Server 2003 database for projects that need to be included in any of the following sections of the migration configuration file:

• [Project Names to Save]

• [Project Names to Save and Publish]

• [Excluded Project Names]

• The project names resulting from the queries can then be copied into the appropriate sections of the migration configuration file as needed.

Projects not yet started




Projects that are finished




Projects not yet finished




Project that are in progress




Projects with the project outline code 'Project Status' equal to 'Opportunity'

For the following query, substitute the outline code and value you want to query with the "Project Status" and "Opportunity" values used for this example.








WHERE ats.AS_VALUE like '%Project Status%' AND oc.OC_CACHED_FULL_NAME like 'Opportunity'

Project templates


Configure an SQL linked server connection

Configuring an SQL linked server connection is done in conjunction with using the Project2003LinkedSQLServer= setting in the migration configuration file. You only need to use this setting and configure the SQL linked server connection when you are migrating a Project Server 2003 database that cannot be copied and restored on the Office Project Server 2007 database server and it must be connected to remotely.

Configure a SQL linked server connection using SQL Server 2000

If you are migrating a Project Server 2003 database in SQL Server 2000 to Office Project Server 2007 on another computer, and the database tier for Office Project Server 2007 is SQL Server 2000 as well, use the following procedure to configure an SQL linked server connection.

1. Connect to the Office Project Server 2007 SQL Server by using Enterprise Manager.

2. In the tree structure, click to expand the Security folder.

3. Right-click Linked Servers, and then click New Linked Server.

4. Refer to SQL Server documentation for more information on how to create a linked server (search for the term "linked servers"). Make sure you click the Security tab and select the correct security option. (For example, select be made using the login's current security context option button. If this option does not work in your environment, select be made using this security context and give a valid user name and password that works on the computer running SQL Server that is hosting the Project Server 2003 database.)

5. Verify that the linked server you created functions properly before proceeding with the migration. You should see the linked server you just created under the Linked Servers node. Once you expand the linked server, you should see the Tables and Views nodes. If you click Tables or Views, you should see some entries.

6. Use the name of the SQL linked server as the value for the Project2003LinkedSQLServer= parameter in the migration configuration file.


In some IT environments, specific ports related to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) might need to be opened for the linked server configuration to work. For more information, see the SQL Server documentation about linked servers or contact your system administrator.

Configure a SQL linked server connection from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005

If you are migrating a Project Server 2003 database in SQL Server 2000 to Office Project Server 2007 on another computer, but the database server being used by Office Project Server 2007 is SQL Server 2005, use the following procedures to configure an SQL linked server connection.

First, in both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, set the authentication mode to mixed, so that SQL Server logins are accepted along with Windows logins.

Configure SQL Server 2005 authentication to mixed mode

1. Open SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.

2. In the Object Explorer pane, right-clicking the SQL 2005 server name, then click Properties.

3. In the Select a Page list, click Security.

4. In the Server Authentication section, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode.

5. Click OK.

Configure SQL Server 2000 authentication to mixed mode

1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

2. Expand the server group that contains the database server that you will use with Project Server 2003.

3. Right-click the server, and then click Properties.

4. Click the Security tab.

5. Under Authentication, click SQL Server and Windows.

6. Click OK.

Configure the connection

1. On the computers running SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, create an identical user account to run the linked server connection. Make sure that the password is the same for the accounts on both servers. Ensure that the accounts have read/write access to the databases you intend to access using the linked server system.

2. In SQL Server 2000, open Query Analyzer and on your master database run a file called instcat.sql. It should be located under your SQL folders in Program Files.

3. In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, select your computer running SQL Server 2005, expand Server Objects, right-click Linked Servers, and click New Linked Server.

a. Enter the server name of your computer running SQL Server 2000.

b. Select the SQL Server option.

c. Click the Security tab in the side pane.

d. Select the Be made using this security context option.

e. Put in sa and pass@word1.

f. Click OK.

4. In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, launch a query against the linked server to verify that it worked:

a. SELECT * from ..dbo.msp_web_admin

b. Replace the server and database name with appropriate values.

c. If this query returns successfully, your connection is successful.


When you run the migration, make sure the user account with which you are running the migration tool has read access to both your Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 databases.

See Also

Upgrading project workspaces from Project Server 2003

Upgrading project workspaces from Project Server 2003

In this article:

• Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

• Gradual migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

• Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you do not have any Windows SharePoint Services integration with Project Server 2003, you can ignore this article. If you do, we recommend that you upgrade the relevant project workspaces before migrating the projects so that when the projects are migrated and published, the links between the projects and Windows SharePoint Services are fixed. The steps you need to follow depend on the option you chose for migration in IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007.

Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

In this case, all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 workspaces would have already been upgraded to Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 when you chose the in place upgrade option when installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. But the upgraded project workspaces may not be active. Do the following to make them active.

1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of the Stsadm.exe. (The default location is :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin.)

2. Run the following Stsadm command to force an upgrade.

a. stsadm –o upgrade

b. To check progress, you can look at the upgrade.log file: :\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\logs\upgrade.log

Upgrade will be complete when the command prompt returns Operation completed successfully.

3. Browse to the upgraded project workspaces and ensure that they work correctly.


For more information, see Perform an in-place upgrade [Windows SharePoint Services].

Gradual migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

In this case, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 will be installed side-by-side with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, but none of the workspaces will have been upgraded yet. Using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, select the workspaces corresponding to the projects you want migrated, and upgrade them to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.


For more information, see Chapter overview: Perform a gradual upgrade [Windows SharePoint Services].

Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you installed Office Project Server 2007 on a clean computer and if you want to migrate Windows SharePoint Services data, you will be using the content database backup-and-restore approach. It involves the following steps:


1. Install Office Project Server 2007 on the new computer. For more information, see Installing Office Project Server 2007. 

2. Run the Windows SharePoint Services pre-upgrade scanning tool on the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 farm. (For more information see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). This process prepares the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database for upgrade to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

3. Attach a copy of all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content databases to the Project Server 2007 farm: Once attached, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites in the content database are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We recommend that a copy of the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database be upgraded — not the original content database. At the end of this step, all the Project 2003 workspaces will have been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, but they will not yet be linked to the projects.

a. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of Stsadm.exe. (The default location is :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin.)

b. Run the following Stsadm command to attach a copy of your Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and upgrade it.

stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url http://: -databasename -databaseserver

For example:

stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url -databasename WindowsSharePointServices_V2_ContentDB -databaseserver Sample

c. After running Stsadm.exe, you can track the progress of the upgrade by looking at upgrade.log in the ULS log directory. (The default location is c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\logs\upgrade.log.) Upgrade has finished on a given content database when the following line is included in the log:

[SPManager] [DEBUG] [ ]: Using cached [SPContentDatabase Name= Parent=SPDatabaseServiceInstance] NeedsUpgrade value: False.

d. Navigate to the upgraded project workspaces to verify that upgrade has succeeded.

e. If upgrade fails for any reason (as indicated in the log), the Windows SharePoint Services upgrade process can be restarted. To restart upgrade, run the command Stsadm.exe -o upgrade and look at the logs to view the progress. Upgrade has finished when the command prompt returns Operation completed successfully.

4. Migrate and publish projects: As projects are published, the links between projects, tasks, and assignments and the Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.

See Also

Running the migration tool to migrate global data and projects

Running the migration tool to migrate global data and projects

In this article:

• Migrate global data

• Migrate projects (full migration)

• Migrate projects (gradual migration)

This article describes the steps involved in running the migration tool to migrate global data or projects (in either full or gradual migration) to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

Migrate global data

Before migrating projects either through a full migration or a batch of gradual migrations, we recommend as a best practice that you make an initial run of the migration tool to migrate global data such as the enterprise global template, enterprise resources, and Project Web Access data. Once you verify that the data has migrated correctly, you can then migrate projects.

In order to migrate only global data, the migration configuration file must have the following parameters set correctly:

• MigrateAll=   Leave this value empty.

• [Project Names to Save]   Do not enter any project names in this section

• [Project names to Save and Publish]   Do not enter any project names in this section.


After initially running the migration tool to migrate global data, subsequent attempts to migrate global data will not overwrite or update the data in Office Project Server 2007. Global data migration can only occur once. If there are any incremental changes to the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 global data, they must be applied manually to Office Project Server 2007.


If the global data migration process stops in the middle, it needs to be run again from the beginning. The migration tool may stop in the middle because of an error in Project Server 2003 data (for example, a particular resource does not have a valid value for a resource outline code). The way to fix this problem is to open ResGlobal in Project Professional 2003, fix the issue, and retry migration. Repeat this process until the global migration process proceeds to completion. Once it finishes successfully, you know that the Project Server 2003 data is clean. Next, you need to clean up the Office Project Server 2007 data (restore the Office Project Server 2007 databases to a clean state) and re-migrate the global data again from scratch. You should re-migrate the global data to a new Office Project Server 2007 instance.

For information on restoring Office Project Server 2007 databases, see Troubleshoot migration for Project Server 2007.


Once you have upgraded Project Server 2003 workspaces, then you need to configure the Project Workspace provisioning settings. Once global data migration finishes successfully:

a. In the migrated Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access, click Server Settings.

b. On the Server Settings page, go to the Operational Policies section and click Project Workspace Provisioning Settings.

c. In the Site URL section, make sure that the Default Web Application and Site URL points to the SharePoint site with the upgraded workspaces. If this value is not set, the link from projects, tasks, and assignments to issues, risks, and documents will not be fixed correctly when projects are migrated and published.

Migrate projects (full migration)

When running the migration tool to migrate all projects at one time (full migration), the migration configuration file's MigrateAll= parameter must be configured with one of the following two options:

• MigrateAll=Save   All projects in Project Server 2003 are migrated to Office Project Server 2007 and none of them are published.

• MigrateAll=Publish   All projects in Project Server 2003 are migrated to Office Project Server 2007 and the published projects in Project Server 2003 are automatically published in Office Project Server 2007.

You can also enter all the project names manually in the [Project Names to Save] or [Project Names to Save and Publish] sections.


It is a best practice to migrate and save projects first (by adding them to the [Project Names to Save] section), verify that the migration worked correctly, and then publish the projects (by adding them to the [Project Names to Save and Publish] section). If a project is added to the [Project Names to Save and Publish] section and the project already exists in Office Project Server 2007, then it is only published.


When entering project names in both of these sections of the migration configuration file, you must specify the complete name (as stored in the PROJ_NAME column of the MSP_PROJECTS table of the Project Server 2003 database). For example, do not simply specify "Project1." Instead, specify "Project1.Published."

Migrate projects (gradual migration)

When running the migration tool to migrate subsets of projects in a series of batches (gradual migration), the MigrateAll= parameter is left empty. The migration tool is run once for each batch of projects you wish to migrate. The names of the projects you want to migrate for each batch must be entered into the migration configuration file in either of the following sections:

• [Project Names to Save]   Type the project names of the projects you want saved after migrating them to Office Project Server 2007.

• [Project Names to Save and Publish]   Type the project names of the projects you want saved and published after migrating them to Office Project Server 2007. Only published projects (with the ".published" extension) in Project Server 2003 can be published to Office Project Server 2007. Versioned projects specified in this section are saved but not published.

The "Notes" in the previous section of this article apply to this section as well.

See Also

Migration performance data for Project Server 2007

Migration performance data for Project Server 2007

Below is rough data based on the migration testing Microsoft has done. This data is approximate and should only be used to get a general idea of the migration performance.

Configuration Specifications

The configuration used to derive the migration performance data used the following specifications:

Configuration   Project Server 2007 application server, Project Web Access, and database server on a single computer; Project 2003 database on a separate computer running Microsoft SQL Server

Hardware for Project Server 2007   2.8 GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM

Hardware for Project Server 2003 SQL Server   4 processors (2.5 GHz each), 4 GB RAM

Profile specifications

Four different customer migration profiles were used to derive the performance data. The table below gives specifications for each profile that was used during testing for migration performance data. It represents data from Project Server 2003 to be migrated.


If you want to verify any of these values in your existing database to see which profile your data most closely resembles, the "SQL Script to obtain Profile Information" section of this article contains an SQL script to help you determine the quantities for your system.

| |Profile 1: Small number|Profile 2: Medium |Profile 3: Large number|Profile 4: Very large |

| |of projects |number of projects |of projects |number of projects |

|Number of inserted |0 |0 |0 |250 |

|projects | | | | |

|Number of cross-project|0 |0 |0 |4000 |

|links | | | | |

|Number of tasks |5400 |28630 |11000 |420000 |

|Number of assignments |6400 |11000 |65000 |550000 |

|Number of enterprise |200 |2500 |2000 |2200 |

|resources | | | | |

|Number of custom fields|40 |80 |70 |200 |

|in use | | | | |

|Number of |20 |300 |300 |120 |

|project-authenticated | | | | |

|users | | | | |

|Number of Windows |150 |2100 |1500 |2000 |

|authenticated users | | | | |

|Number of security |12 |13 |10 |150 |

|groups | | | | |

|Number of security |11 |12 |10 |120 |

|categories | | | | |

|Number of custom |20 |27 |30 |200 |

|Project Web Access | | | | |

|views | | | | |

Performance profile times

The following table contains performance times required to migrate data for each of the four profiles described in the previous section, based on the described configuration specifications.

| |Profile 1: Small number|Profile 2: Medium |Profile 3: Large number|Profile 4: Very large |

| |of projects |number of projects |of projects |number of projects |

|Time taken to migrate |1 hour, 15 minutes |2 hours, 30 minutes |12 hours |1 day, 12 hours |

|(save and publish) | | | | |

SQL script to obtain profile information

The following SQL script can be run on your Project Server 2003 database to derive migration profile information (for example, number of projects, number of custom fields in use, and so on). You can then compare the results with the table in the "Profile specifications" section to help you determine which profile your Project Server 2003 data that you want to migrate most closely resembles. When you determine this, then you can anticipate the migration performance times you are most likely to have.

To run the script:

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer.

2. Connect to the computer running SQL Server on which the Project Server databases reside.

3. Open the "profile assessment" script in SQL Query Analyzer.

4. Insert your Project Server database names where noted in the script.

a. Find in the script. Replace it with your "project tables" database name.

b. Find in the script. Replace it with your "Web tables" database name.

If you do not use the split database configuration, simply enter the name of your Project Server database for both database names.

5. On the Query menu, choose Results to Text.

6. On the Query menu, click Execute to run the script.

Profile assessment script

Make sure to edit the script with your Project Server 2003 database information before executing it.

select '#### Project Tables Information ####'


--Total size of DB

exec sp_spaceused

--Number of projects in the database

select count(*) as 'Number of Projects' from msp_projects

--Number of inserted projects

select count(*) as 'Number of Inserted Projects'

from MSP_TEXT_FIELDS where TEXT_FIELD_ID = 188743706

--Number of cross-project links

select count(*) as 'Number of cross-project links'


where TEXT_FIELD_ID = 239075346 or TEXT_FIELD_ID = 239075347

--Number of total tasks, assignments in the system

select count(*) as 'Number of tasks' from msp_tasks

select count(*) as 'Number of assignments' from msp_assignments

--Number of Enterprise resources (in ResGlobal)

select count(*) as 'Number of Enterprise Resources'

from msp_resources where proj_id = 1 and res_name is not null

--Number of custom fields in use

select count(*) as 'Number of Custom Fields in use'

from msp_field_attributes

where attrib_id = 206 and proj_id in (select proj_id

from msp_projects where proj_type =2 )

select '#### Web Tables Information ####'


--Total size of DB

exec sp_spaceused

--Number of Project Authenticated users, Windows authenticated users

select count(*) as 'Number of Project Authenticated users'




select count(*) as 'Number of Windows Authenticated users'




--Number of security groups,security categories

select count(*) as 'Number of Security Groups'


select count(*) as 'Number of Security Categories'


--Is there any Windows SharePoint Services integration ?

select count(*) as 'Is there any Windows SharePoint Services Integration ?'

from msp_web_admin where WADMIN_CURRENT_STS_SERVER_ID -1

--Number of linked issues, risks, documents

-- (indicates how much Windows SharePoint Services integration is used)

select count(*) as

'Number of linked Windows SharePoint Services issues/risks/documents'


--Number of custom Project Web Access views

select count(*) as 'Number of customer Projet Web Access views'


Post-migration tasks for Project Server 2007

After running the migration tool to migrate Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 data to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, there are several post-migration tasks that need to be addressed. If these are not done, Office Project Server 2007 may not function correctly. These tasks include:

• Verify whether the migration worked

• Update migrated server settings

• Synchronize the migrated forms-authenticated users with the Project Server 2007 forms authentication store

• Verify the project workspace provisioning settings

• Delete migrated inactive users (optional)

• Fix project currency settings

• Change migrated local Windows accounts

• This article also includes information about how to roll back migration.

Verify whether the migration worked

Look at the migration tool command line or the migration log to verify that the migration was successful. If not, make corrections and re-run the migration tool. If there is an irrecoverable problem, make changes in Project Server 2003, restore the clean Office Project Server 2007 databases, and retry migration. If the migration process appears to have been successful, ensure that the data migrated correctly to Office Project Server 2007 by doing the following kinds of tests:

• Verify project data: Open the migrated projects, make changes to them, add enterprise resources, publish them, accept status updates, and so on

• Verify Project Web Access data: Fill in timesheets, create proposals, build a cube, and so on

We highly recommend that you have a migration checklist specific to your needs and that you test those items after migration.

Update migrated server settings

As explained in Data not migrated to Project Server 2007, all data from Project Server 2003 may not be migrated to Office Project Server 2007. Therefore we highly recommend that you go over all the Office Project Server 2007 server settings and make sure they are as you want them to be. Some specific areas are listed below:

1. Security settings: There are some security permissions (global and category) that are new in Office Project Server 2007. These permissions may not get migrated. You may want to review each one and make a decision on whether to give users that permission. For more information, see Security and Protection for Office Project Server 2007.

2. Project Web Access view definitions: The "Filter by" and "Group by" clauses are not migrated from Project Server 2003. You may need to re-create these. Also, some Project Web Access view fields do not migrate. You may want to make sure that all the fields of interest to you are available in the migrated views.

3. Merge and rename similar security groups, categories, and templates and Project Web Access view definitions: If there is a name clash while migrating security templates, view definitions, or security groups or categories, the migration tool attaches a prefix or suffix to the clashing names. This action is taken to preserve both Project 2007 entities and Project 2003 entities in one system. Then you can select which one to keep or elect to merge them, as appropriate. We recommend that you resolve them so that end users do not become confused.

Synchronize the migrated forms-authenticated users with the Project Server 2007 forms authentication store

This is a required step to make sure that the migrated forms-authenticated users work in Office Project Server 2007. For more information, see Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 authentication.

Verify the project workspace provisioning settings

The migration tool will reset the Automatically Provision option in the Project Workspace Provisioning Settings page of Server Settings to Manually Create a workspace for each project in Office Project Server 2007. This setting ensures that the migration process does not provision duplicate workspaces for projects that may already have workspaces that are yet to be migrated.

After running the migration tool, check the Project Workspace Provisioning settings located in the Operational Policies section of Project Web Access Server Settings. Verify that the Site URL and the Automatic Provisioning options are configured correctly per your needs. If you want Office Project Server 2007 to automatically create a workspace when a project is published, reset the Automatically Provision option to Automatically create a workspace for the project when a project is published in Office Project Server 2007 after the migration tool is run.

Delete migrated inactive users (optional)

The Manage Groups page in Project Server 2003 does not display inactive users by default. But in Office Project Server 2007, inactive users are displayed by default. Therefore, after the migration process (which migrates the inactive users as well), you may see extra users in the Manage Groups Project Web Access page in Office Project Server 2007.

You can permanently delete the inactive users if needed.

To permanently delete the inactive users:

1. In Project Web Access, click Server Settings.

2. In the Database Administration section, click Delete Enterprise Objects.

3. In the Delete Enterprise Objects page, in the What do you want to delete from Project Server section, select Resources and Users.

4. In the list of users that displays, select the users you want to permanently delete, and then click Delete.

Fix project currency settings

It is a known issue that project currencies are not migrated correctly. Run the following SQL query on the Project Server 2003 project tables database to get a list of projects and their currencies. This information can be used to manually correct the currency settings post migration.


from dbo.MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_TYPE in (0, 1, 2)

Change migrated local Windows accounts

If you had any local Windows accounts (for example, ComputerName\Brad Joseph), and the computer names are no longer valid, make sure you go to Project Web Access Server Settings and use the Manage Users options to edit those accounts so that they are valid.

Roll back migration

You may want to roll back if one of the following situations occurs:

• Migration fails in the middle of the process

• A lot of data changes in Project Server 2003 after migration. If so, the migration process should be done again from scratch.

Because migrating to Office Project Server 2007 is not an in-place upgrade, no Project Server 2003 data is modified during the process. Therefore, a rollback is equivalent to restoring a clean Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access (it may be from a backup). You can then run the migration again.

If you want to re-migrate a few projects (perhaps because they changed in Project Server 2003), the roll-back method is to delete the projects in Office Project Server 2007 and re-migrate them.


If the global data migration process stops in the middle, it needs to be run again from the beginning. The migration tool may stop in the middle because of an error in Project Server 2003 data (for example, a particular resource does not have a valid value for a resource outline code). The way to fix this problem is to open ResGlobal in Project Professional 2003, fix the issue, and retry migration. Repeat this process until the global migration process proceeds to completion. Once it finishes successfully, you know that the Project Server 2003 data is clean. Next, you need to clean up the Office Project Server 2007 data and re-migrate the global data again from scratch.

Troubleshoot migration for Project Server 2007

• Before you troubleshoot: Verify functionality in Project Server 2007

• Error logging

• Restoring the Project Server 2007 database

• Migrated user and permission issues

• Authentication issues

• Migration flowchart

This article describes options that are available to you if you encounter problems during the migration process to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

Before you troubleshoot: Verify functionality in Project Server 2007

Before going further with troubleshooting, first check whether Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 itself is working correctly. Identifying whether the problem is with migration or Office Project Server 2007 configuration can save you time.

• Create a new Project Web Access instance on the Project Server computer. Make sure that this instance is not used for migration. You can delete this instance after you are done troubleshooting.

• On the computer running Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, create, save, and publish a project on the newly created instance of Project Web Access. Verify that you can open the project in the Project Center. If you cannot do this, it is possible that the problem you are having may pertain to the Office Project Server 2007 configuration.

• Verify that the Queuing service and the Eventing service are running on the application server.

Error logging

When you are troubleshooting migration, it is important to know where to look for any pertinent error logging information. This section describes several mechanisms that have error-logging information.

• View the Queue Management page to verify whether there are any jobs in a failed state. View the Error column of these entries to see if it provides any clues to the problem.

• View the upgrade log file. It is available in the path specified in the migration configuration file. It provides a detailed description of failures that occurred during the migration.

• Look at the server's event log and trace log.

• To open and view the event log, on the server computer click Start, then Run, type Eventvwr, and then click OK. Then click the Application node. This action displays a list of application events raised on the server.

• To open and view the trace log, on the server computer go to the following folder: :\program files\common files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS. The ULS trace logs are named in the following format: -yyyymmdd-time.log (for example, contoso-20060720-1506.log).

• If you cannot determine the cause of the failure from the log file, and you plan on contacting Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance, have the following information available:

a. Upgrade logs (which are available in the path you specified in the migration configuration file)


Make sure the server writes verbose logs, which ensures that as much information as possible is logged for debugging. You can set this parameter in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site in the Operations tab on the Diagnostic Logging page. In the Event Throttling section of this page, set the following parameters:

Least critical event to report in the event log: Success

Least critical event to report in the trace log: Verbose

Click OK to save the settings. You may want to verify that the settings have been saved. To do this, in the same section select an individual category from the Update Single Category list and verify that the settings are the same.

b. A copy of the event log file: To do this, open the event log, right-click the Application node and select Save Log File As. This allows you to save the event log to a file so that you can send it to Microsoft Product Support Services.


Make sure to reproduce the problem to ensure that the problem is recorded to the event and trace logs.

c. A copy of the latest trace log files: If you are sending trace information for debugging, reproduce the problem on the server and send the latest two or three trace log files. You can identify the log files by the date-and-time stamp used to name each file.

d. A copy of the Project Server 2003 database file

• If the migration tool stops responding, a Microsoft Office Project dialog box appears that allows you to further troubleshoot the issue with Microsoft Product Support Services. In the dialog box, select Send Error Report in order for this issue to be sent to Product Support Services. Once the error report is sent, go to the Event viewer, look for an event with event ID = 1001, copy the contents in the description field to a text editor and send it to your Product Support Services contact.

• Restore Office Project Server 2007 to a clean state and retry migration. Instead of provisioning the Office Project Server 2007 instance again, you can restore the backed-up, clean Office Project Server 2007 database and the Project Server 2003 database, and then run the upgrade process again. For information about how to restore the backed-up, clean Office Project Server 2007 database, read the following section.

Finding errors, warnings, and failures in an upgrade log file

You can run the following commands at the command prompt to find and compile warnings, errors, and failures from your upgrade log file.

• To find all lines denoting warnings in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

Find /I "warning" >>

For example:

Find /I "warning" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

• To find all lines denoting errors in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

Find /I "error" >>

For example:

Find /I "error" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

• To find all lines denoting failures in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

Find /I "fail" >>

For example:

Find /I "fail" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

Restoring the Project Server 2007 database

If you encounter non-recoverable problems during the data migration, you can restore your Office Project Server 2007 database and then run the upgrade process again. The following is a sample script used to restore your Office Project Server 2007 database. This is not a prescriptive script; modify it as necessary to meet your needs. You must run this script on a computer where OSQL is available.

Rem Note that if you have any open connections to the database,

Rem the Restore operation will fail. You can view open connections in

Rem Enterprise Manager:

Rem under - Management – Current Activity

Rem (hit F5 to refresh) – Process Info.

Rem You can stop a process by right-clicking, and choosing Kill Process.

echo off

set P12SQLServerName=

Set publishedDB=

Set draftDB=

Set archiveDB=

Set ReportingDB=

Set RestorePublishedDB=''

Set RestoreWorkingDB= ''

Set RestorearchiveDB= ''

Set RestoreReportingDB= ''

Rem The following commands ensure that there are no open connections to

Rem the databases that we are restoring to. You can also do this manually.


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Rem Restoring the database

set SqlCmd= "RESTORE DATABASE %publisheddb%

From disk = %RestorePublishedDB%

with replace RESTORE DATABASE %draftdb% From disk = %RestoreWorkingDB%

with replace RESTORE DATABASE %archivedb%

From disk = %RestorearchiveDB%

with replace RESTORE DATABASE %reportingdb%

From disk = %RestoreReportingDB% with replace"

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Set SqlCmd="USE master ALTER DATABASE %publishedDB% SET MULTI_USER"

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%


osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Rem Clearing the cache

rd /s /q "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\MS Project\cache"

goto :Clean


Rem To clean up the environment variables created

set P12SQLServerName=

Set RestorePublishedDB=

Set RestoreWorkingDB=

Set RestorearchiveDB=

Set RestoreReportingDB=

set SqlCmd=

Set publishedDB=

Set draftDB=

Set archiveDB=

Set ReportingDB=

Migrated user and permission issues

After migration (especially in localized builds), your users may not have certain expected permissions in the migrated Office Project Server 2007 installation. For example, imagine that you were assigned your permissions through the administrator template, but you cannot view timesheets. There are several reasons that such a situation might occur:

• In Project Server 2003, a permission is denied at the organization level. You can verify this by checking your Project Web Access permissions to see whether any permissions are disabled and whether they are the cause of your problem.

To check your Project Web Access Permissions

a. In the Project Web Access home page, in the left pane click Server Settings.

b. In Server settings, in the Security section, click Project Web Access Permissions.

• There are some permissions that are new in Office Project Server 2007. These permissions may not be mapped correctly during migration. You can check the Security documentation for a list of these permissions to see whether they are the cause of your problem. For more information on Office Project Server 2007 permissions, see Security and Protection for Office Project Server 2007.

• If a Project Server 2003 user or resource exists in Office Project Server 2007 (by name or Windows NT account), that user or resource’s security permissions will not be migrated. For example, if you had done an "AD Sync" prior to migration (and if most of those users exist in Project Server 2003), none of those user permissions would have been migrated. If you encounter this problem, set the target Project Web Access to "Empty" and start the migration process again.

Authentication issues

Project Server authentication is used in Project Server 2003, but it is not supported in Office Project Server 2007. When you migrate Project Server authenticated users to Office Project Server 2007, the user accounts are reset, because the forms authentication mechanism in Office Project Server 2007 is architecturally different from the Project Server authentication used in Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. You will not see these users listed in the Project Web Access Server Settings Manage Users page, or the User Authentication section for the user will not appear. However, you can still edit these migrated users in the Project Web Access Resource Center. 

Migrated resources in the resource database may end up out of sync with the published database.

Migrating Master Projects Issues

When you are migrating master projects and their associated subprojects from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007, the following two scenarios will cause the project migration to fail:

• A subproject migrated after its master project. (You can correct the order of migration in the migration configuration file.)

• A project that is a subproject to two different master projects. (Such an arrangement is allowed in Project Server 2003, but not in Office Project Server 2007). The migration for this project will fail when it attempts to publish the project.

Migration flowchart

The following flowchart provides a graphic representation of how data is migrated from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. It can be used in troubleshooting issues that might occur in migration.

The upgrade from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007 involves both Windows client–based and SQL Server 2000–based upgrade steps.

There are three phases of the upgrade process:

• Global data upgrade phase: Upgrading of global and Project Web Access data to Office Project Server 2007.

• Project data upgrade phase: Upgrading of project data to Office Project Server 2007.

• Windows SharePoint Services data upgrade phase: Needed only if you have Windows SharePoint Services data for projects in Project Server 2003. This phase occurs separately from the running of the migration tool and therefore is not included in this flowchart.

The following flow chart illustrates the upgrade process for the first two phases.


Migration best practices for Project Server 2007

This article describes best practices to observe when migrating to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 from a previous version of Project Server.

In this article:

• Before migration

• During migration

• After migration

Before migration

• Do a pilot migration with a small department. It is sensible to experiment with the process by starting with a small migration rather than a large one.

• Back up your Office Project Server 2007 database before migration. This action enables you to easily restart the migration process if an error should occur.

• Make sure no users are editing project data during migration. The edited data would not be migrated properly.

• Upgrade Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services data first, and then the projects. If you do not follow this sequence, after migration you will need to republish the projects to get them all linked to their SharePoint sites in Office Project Server 2007.

• If you are migrating project workspaces from Project Server 2003, then make sure that the appropriate Windows SharePoint Services language packs are installed on the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm. For example, if you are migrating Japanese Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 workspaces, then ensure that is a Japanese server or that an appropriate language pack is installed.

• If you have projects that contain subprojects, ensure that the subprojects are migrated before the master projects in the migration configuration file. If you are not sure whether your projects have subprojects, run the following query on the Draft database to get a list of projects in your system — subprojects are listed towards the top. If you use the same order in the migration configuration file, you can be sure that subprojects are migrated before master projects.

DECLARE @hierarchy TABLE


CHILD_PROJ_UID uniqueidentifier,

PARENT_PROJ_UID uniqueidentifier,




SET @nrows = 0


SET @level = 0



SET @nrows = @@rowcount

WHILE @nrows > 0


INSERT @hierarchy




WHERE b.LEVEL = @level

SET @nrows = @@rowcount

SET @level = @level + 1


SELECT b.PROJ_NAME AS 'Sub Project', c.PROJ_NAME AS 'Master Project'

FROM @hierarchy a





• If your Project Server 2003 database size is greater than one gigabyte while backed up, then set your database recovery model to Simple in Microsoft SQL Server before starting migration. Otherwise, you may run into a situation where the database transaction logs of the Published and Draft databases reach their size limits (because so many projects are being added to the database at once). This is not a migration-related issue, but it may affect migration.

• If you are setting up a new server in the farm, certain directories must be consistently located for all servers in the farm. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 manages servers on the farm, and the following directories must be in the same location on all servers in the farm:

• Program files directory

• ULS trace log file directory

• Inetpub directory

During migration

• Migrate and publish all relevant administrative projects first. This ensures that the non-project time reflects in the Office Project Server 2007 resource availability.

• During gradual migration, do not delete any migrated custom field definition before the entire migration is complete. The migration utility stores the mapping between the Project 2003 enterprise custom field ID and the migrated Project 2007 enterprise custom field GUID (the mapping is stored in the Office Project Server 2007 Draft database). To illustrate, imagine that you delete the Office Project Server 2007 custom field definition and then try to migrate a project with values for this enterprise custom field. Because the equivalent Office Project Server 2007 enterprise custom field is not available, the project enterprise custom field values will be converted into local custom field values.

• During gradual migration, do not delete any migrated lookup table entry before the entire migration is complete. The migration utility stores a mapping between the Project 2003 enterprise lookup table entry and the migrated Office Project Server 2007 enterprise lookup table entry (the mapping is stored in the Office Project Server 2007 Draft database). To illustrate, imagine that there is an enterprise project text lookup table definition called "Country" with the following entries: US, China, UK, India. It gets migrated successfully. Then someone deletes the "India" entry in Office Project Server 2007. After that, you try to migrate a project from Project Server 2003 with the "Country" enterprise project custom field having a value of "India." This value will be lost, because the "India" entry was deleted in Office Project Server 2007.

• Do not delete any migrated Project Server 2007 enterprise resource for the duration of the migration. To illustrate, image that such a resource were deleted, and you migrate a Project Server 2003 project that uses this enterprise resource. The enterprise resource in the migrated project would become a local resource after migration. However, the enterprise resource could be recovered: If you were to add the deleted resource back again (with the same name or Windows NT account) and resave the project, then the project manager would be prompted to replace the local resource with the enterprise resource.

After migration

• Indicate clearly which projects in Project 2003 have been migrated. Because the migration tool does not write to the Project Server 2003 data during the migration process, there is no way to "mark" which projects have been migrated from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. However, there are many ways you can do this.

• Remove login access for users in Project 2003

• Make all the migrated projects read-only in Project Server 2003.

• Append a "migrated" prefix to the names of the migrated projects.

• If you are doing gradual migration, lock down or archive the migrated projects in Project Server 2003 so that the projects are not edited in two places. One way to archive the projects is described in the Knowledge Base article named How to archive project plans in Project Server 2003 and in Project Server 2002 ().

• Rename or disable the built-in Project Server–authenticated administrator account migrated from Project Server 2003. This account will be migrated to Office Project Server 2007 like any other user/resource in Project Server 2003. Office Project Server 2007 does not have a built-in administrator account for better security.

FAQ: Migrating to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007

This article answers frequently asked questions about upgrading previous versions of Microsoft Project Server to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

Compatibility questions

Can we upgrade data from the Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 environment to the Office Project Server 2007 RTM version?

Yes, you can upgrade data from Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 version to the Office Project Server 2007 RTM version. We support a Beta 2 Technical Refresh (TR) to RTM Build-to-Build upgrade path. For more information, see Upgrading from Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh to Release Version.

Will I be able to open a Beta 2 .mpp file using the released version of Office Project Server 2007?

Yes, this is possible.

Is there a way to rename projects in Office Project Server 2007?

You can rename projects in Office Project Professional 2007 by opening the File menu, selecting Open, clicking Enterprise Projects, and then right-clicking the file to be renamed to open the Rename option.


You cannot directly rename the projects that are in your local cache (the default view). This is why you need to use the Enterprise Projects command.

You can also rename a published project in the Project Center by using the Edit custom fields command.

Consolidation questions

Can I consolidate data from multiple instances of Project Server 2003 into one instance of Office Project Server 2007? For example, can I consolidate and into a single ?

No, when migrating to Office Project Server 2007 you cannot consolidate data from multiple instances of Project Server 2003 into one instance of Office Project Server 2007. If you have two instances of Project Server 2003 ( and ), you need to migrate them to two separate instances of Office Project Server 2007 ( and ).

Pricing and licensing questions

Where can I get more information on licensing?

Go to and .

Data consistency questions

Can linked projects and master projects be migrated?

Yes, both linked projects and master projects can be migrated to Office Project Server 2007, but there is a small caveat to be aware of. In Project 2003, a project could have two masters (for example Sub Proj1 could be included into Master Proj1 and Master Proj2). Both master projects could be published. There were some side-effects to this arrangement, but it was allowed. But in the publishing process in Office Project Server 2007, a project cannot be part of more than one master project. The migration implication is this: In Project Server 2003, if you had the same project as part of two master projects, when you attempt to migrate and publish both master projects, the second master project will fail to publish in Office Project Server 2007.

Versions are not migrated from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. What is the equivalent functionality in Office Project Server 2007?

Versions do not have an exact equivalent in Office Project Server 2007. Here are some ideas on how to do similar things in Office Project Server 2007:

1. "What-if" analysis — Create a new project: Attach a resource plan to the project, add no resources to the resource plan, and choose to generate summary resource assignments (SRA) from the resource plan instead of the project. In other words, you can assign resources to projects, but SRAs will not be generated. This would be a "what-if" project. You can publish this project and it can be added to the reporting database and eventually to the cubes. Once you have created several of these "what-if" projects, you can compare them side-by-side in any custom report.


With this workaround you still need to publish the project before you can even generate a resource plan for it. This means that availability will be affected until the work is completed.

2. "What if" analysis — Multi-level Undo: The multiple-level Undo feature lets you do some what-if planning — if you do not like what you have done, simply back out of it by using the Undo command.


Once you save your data, the multi-level Undo cache is emptied and you cannot undo your previous actions.

3. Archiving: Office Project Server 2007 has a separate archive store into which you can archive projects, even at regular intervals.

Do protected actuals get migrated from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007?

Yes, if the protected actuals feature is turned on in Project Server 2003, then protected actuals will be migrated. If the feature is turned off in Project Server 2003, the normal actuals will be migrated. Any protected actuals, even if available, will be lost.


Project Server 2003 stores both the Actuals and Protected Actuals values in the database (MSP_Assignments table; ASSN_ACT_WORK and ASSN_ACT_WORK_PROT columns). In contrast, Office Project Server 2007 has only one column and a setting titled allow override of protected actuals or not. If this flag is set, the field is editable; otherwise it is not. Because of this design change, you may have to lose protected actuals in some cases.

I have 300 projects that I want to migrate from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. Of the 300 projects, I want to migrate, save, and publish 298 of them. The remaining two I just want to save. What is the best way to edit the migration configuration file to do this?

In the migration configuration file, you have the option to migrate all projects with the MigrateAll=Yes setting. However, if you enter any projects in the [Projects to Save] or [Projects to Save and Publish] sections, the MigrateAll setting is ignored. Therefore if you configure the MigrateAll setting to Yes (to migrate, save, and publish the 298 projects), and then add the two projects to the [Projects to Save] section (for the two projects that you want to only migrate and save), when you run the migration the only thing that will occur is the operation that saves the two projects.

To avoid relying on the MigrateAll setting, you can run this simple query in Microsoft SQL Server to get the project names from the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 database: SELECT MSP_NAME FROM MSP_PROJECTS

This allows you to copy and paste project names into the [Projects to Save] or [Projects to Save and Publish] section of the migration configuration file.

Multi-language questions

Is cross-language migration supported? For example, can I migrate from the English-language version of Project Server 2003 to the French-language version of Office Project Server 2007?

Cross-language migration is not supported. Office Project Server 2007 only supports migrating across the same language.

Outlook add-in questions

Can I do an in-place upgrade of my Project Professional 2003 Outlook client add-in or should I uninstall and then reinstall the version available for Office Project Server 2007?

To upgrade to the Outlook client add-in available for Office Project Professional 2007, you should uninstall the old version and then reinstall the newer version.

Could the Project Professional 2003 Outlook add-in and the Office Project Server 2007 Outlook add-in work side-by-side?

Yes, the Project Professional 2003 Outlook add-in and the Office Project Professional 2007 Outlook add-in can work side-by-side. This allows team members to work on both Project Professional 2003 and Office Project Professional 2007 projects at the same time.

What would happen in the case where users have imported assignments into Outlook for a project and that project is migrated to Office Project Server 2007?

Install the new Outlook add-in side-by-side with the old one, and point it to the new Office Project Server 2007 server. If the tasks still appear on the Project Server 2003 server, they will continue to be imported to Outlook, though, so you will see double entries (though by default Project Server 2003 will import to tasks rather than to the calendar).

How will a team member know that a project has been migrated to Office Project Server 2007?

The migration tool used to migrate data to Office Project Server 2007 does not change any data in Project Server 2003, so it will be hard for users to know that a project has been migrated if they have not been notified. One possible remedy to this situation is for you to append a "migrated" prefix to the names of the migrated projects and make certain to set them as them read-only in Project Server 2003.

What happens if a team member tries to update a Project 2003 assignment through Outlook for a project that has been migrated to Office Project Server 2007?

There is no way to lock down a project update in this case. If the task is available in the Web tables, a team member can update it, even if the project is read-only. Therefore, team members can update the tasks, but the updates will never be applied to the project.

Resource management questions

After migrating a subset of projects to Office Project Server 2007, how do I manage resource availability if there are users who are assigned to Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 projects?

During the period that you have both versions in operation, you will not get an updated resource availability view in either Project Server 2003 or Office Project Server 2007. Therefore, we recommend that you do not have Project Server in a side-by-side state for an extended period of time. Alternatively you could build a custom solution that retrieves resource availability from the two systems and presents a unified view.

After migrating to Office Project Server 2007, I notice that the MSP_RESOURCES table in the Working and Published databases has a column named RES_WORKGROUP_MESSAGING that doesn't appear to be used. Why is it there?

This column was migrated from Project Server 2003, but it is not needed in Office Project Server 2007. It was used in Project Server 2003 to support workgroup mode, but this is no longer supported in Office Project Server 2007. This column can be removed from the table.

SQL Server questions

I am trying to migrate with my Project Server 2003 database and my Office Project Server 2007 on different computers. When I try to configure the linked server option in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, it doesn't work.

Go to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, right-click the linked server you created, and select the Properties option. Click the Security tab and try a different option to see if it works. For example, if you have the be made using the login's current security context button selected, try the be made using this security context option. Also, make sure to give a valid user name and password that works on the computer running SQL Server that is hosting the Office Project Server 2007 database. 


See the SQL Server documentation for more details on linked server security.

I am migrating and have the Project Server 2003 database and the Office Project Server 2007 databases on the same computer running SQL Server. When I try to run the migration tool, it repeatedly gives the error "Cannot create Project Web Access views in the command line and in the migration log files."

This may be a situation where the migration is inexplicably deleting the CURRENT SQL SERVER from the SYSSERVERS in SQL Server. Do the following to re-add it:

1. Go to SQL Server 2000 Query Analyzer and select the "master" database. Run the query Select * from sysservers.

2. Verify that you see an entry with the srvname column set to the name of your SQL server. If you do not see this, that may be the cause of the problem.

3. Make sure the "master" database is the active database. Run the query sp_addlinkedserver .

4. Try migrating again.

Windows SharePoint Services migration questions

Is gradual migration supported from Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0?

Yes, gradual migration is supported. Look for detailed steps in IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007 and in Upgrading project workspaces from Project Server 2003.

Can Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 be installed side-by-side on the same computer?

Yes, side-by-side installation of Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is supported.

Project Server 2007 migration quick reference

This article provides a high-level overview of the procedures needed to migrate Microsoft Project Server 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. It does not cover Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services migration and does not give you detailed guidance on each procedure or information on how to troubleshoot problems. For detailed information, refer to the content elsewhere in this guide.

General migration procedure for Office Project Server 2007

1. Install Office Project Server 2007 and provision a Microsoft Office Project Web Access site.

2. Back up your clean Office Project Web Access databases (all four of them). If you run into problems, you can restore the databases and start over again.

3. Prepare your Project Server 2003 database. Restore an existing Project Server 2003 database onto the same computer running SQL Server as the one hosting the Office Project Server 2007 database. If this not possible, in SQL Server you can also create a linked server on the Office Project Server 2007 SQL Server and link it to the Project Server 2003 SQL Server.

4. Do the pre-migration verification and cleanup. (For more information, see Pre-migration verification and cleanup.)

5. Install Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 and in the Advanced option in setup, choose Install migration tool. (This option is cleared by default).

6. Change the default migration initialization file that is installed with Project Professional. (You can find it at \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\P12MIGRATION.INI.SAMPLE.) Specify the correct values for Project Server 2003 databases, Project Server 2003 linked SQL Server, Project Server 2007 Project Web Access, and so on.

7. Run the migration tool: ":\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\p12migrationtool.exe" -c "\p12migration.ini".

8. Look at the command prompts and the migration log to make sure that there are no errors. If there are errors, make corrections and re-run the migration tool. If there is an irrecoverable problem, make changes in Project Server 2003 and try again. If the global migration failed at any point, re-run migration from the beginning after restoring the clean Office Project Server 2007 databases.

9. If you have any local Windows accounts (for example, ), and the computer names are no longer valid, make sure you edit those accounts in Office Project Web Access so that they are valid.

10. In Office Project Web Access Server Settings, in the Operational Policies section, select Project workspace provisioning settings and choose Automatically create a project workspace. This is the more common option. If you do not want workspaces to be created automatically, you need not do this.



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