Mississippi Computer Resources


• Page 1: Installation

• Page 3: Tabs & Groups (watch it as demo)

• Page 11: Individual Commands

• Page 21: Classic UI Tabs

• Page 25: Working with (multiple) customizations

• Page 34: Using RibbonCustomizer™ for RibbonX development

[pic]Professional V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 0: Installation

1. Download the latest release

2. Remove any previous release of RibbonCustomizer™

3. Read the notes about Windows Vista support below if you are installing RibbonCustomizer™ in Windows Vista.

4. Run the exe-file you downloaded in the first step. If you see a totally unexpected setup program (for a completely different program), download the zipped version of RibbonCustomizer™, extract it and run setup.exe directly.

5. Work your way through the setup wizard and install the add-in.

6. Open any of the Ribbon applications (Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint or Word) and find the Customize group. In Excel, PowerPoint and Word, you will find it on the View Tab; in Access and Outlook on the Add-Ins Tab. The PowerPoint View tab with the Customize group highlighted is shown in the following screenshot:


7. Click the Customize Ribbon text of the button indicated above and the add-in menu opens, as shown in the following screenshot.


8. If you purchased RibbonCustomizer Professional, then use number 3 (Enter Serial Key) to enter your serial key and associated email address. The activation process is fully offline and no information is transmitted over the Internet.

9. If you want to use the Starter Edition only, then ignore the three menu items highlighted above.

10. If you want to start your 30 full days trial of RibbonCustomizer™ Professional, then use menu item number 1.

11. At any point in time, you can get to the website where you can purchase RibbonCustomizer™ Professional using menu item number 2.

Windows Vista Support

• RibbonCustomizer™ has to be installed separately for each user.

• A standard user in Windows Vista can install RibbonCustomizer™. The setup program will not trigger a User Account Control (UAC) prompt.

• If you are a user with administrative rights and installed RibbonCustomizer™ while User Account Control (UAC) was turned on, then it will fail to work with UAC off. Please uninstall and reinstall RibbonCustomizer™ while UAC is off in that case.

• If you are a user with administrative rights and installed RibbonCustomizer™ while User Account Control (UAC) was turned off, then you will be able to use it with UAC on and off. However, you will only be able to remove RibbonCustomizer™ with UAC off.

[pic]Professional V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 1: Tabs & Groups

RibbonCustomizer™ Professional lets you customize the Office 2007 Ribbon to suit your needs. You can use RibbonCustomizer™ on all of the Ribbons in Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word 2007. This feature tour will give you a good idea of what you can do with this add-in and also show you how to do it.

In the first part, I will show you how to alter existing Ribbon tabs by changing the groups displayed on them and creating your own new tab. Although I will be using PowerPoint in this demonstration, you can follow these instructions in any of the five Ribbon applications, as the add-in works the same way in all of them.

You can also see this feature tour as a demo.

Getting Started

RibbonCustomizer™ can be found on the View tab of Excel, PowerPoint and Word. In Access and Outlook, you will find it on the Add-Ins tab. The following screenshot shows you what the RibbonCustomizer™ icon looks like in PowerPoint.


The Customize Ribbon button (indicated by the red arrow) is a so-called split button. This means that you can either click the icon itself to trigger a function, or you can click the text under the icon to open the associated menu (see screenshot below).

The Paste button on the Home tab is another split button that you are probably familiar with.


You can use either the icon of the split button or the first menu option (both highlighted with red arrows above) to bring up the Customize Ribbon dialog. The Customize Ribbon dialog is where you will perform all of your customizations. You can see the dialog in the following screenshot.

Familiarizing yourself with the Customize Ribbon dialog


The area of the dialog highlighted in red (left side) in the screenshot above is where your customization will be displayed. On the right, highlighted in blue, you will see the original Ribbon, as shipped by Microsoft. The top of both sides shows the tabs while the bottom shows the groups on the selected tab. This represents the basic organization of any Ribbon tab:


A tab is composed of multiple groups. In the screenshot above of the PowerPoint Home tab e.g., you can see that the Clipboard and Font groups are highlighted in red. Only groups can be added to tabs, and individual controls can only be added to groups. In other words, a group serves as a container for controls, whereas a tab serves as a container for groups.

Adding & removing Microsoft groups

Let us imagine that you want to add the Slides group shown above on the Home tab to the Insert tab. Perhaps you consider adding a new slide to be an insertion task, so you expect this feature to be on the Insert tab instead of the Home tab. To make this change, first select the Insert tab on the left (1), because that is where you want to move the Slides group. Next, select the tab that contains that group on the default Ribbon on the right. In our case, this is the Home tab (2). After selecting the tab, all you have to do is select the Slides group on the right (3) and either double-click it or use the Add Group button (4). You will then see the Slides group added to the Insert tab on the left (5).


If you want to change the position of the Slides group on the Insert tab, use the arrows on the left (6) to move the group either up or down. You can see in the following screenshot that I moved the Slides group to be after the Tables group. After you are done customizing the group, press the OK button in the left hand bottom corner and switch to the Insert tab. As you can see below, the Slides group now appears on the Insert tab.


It is easy to remove a group from a tab. Let us assume that you want to remove the Slides group completely from the Home tab, as you now have this group on the Insert tab. To do this, go back into the Customize Ribbon dialog and select the Home tab located on the left (1). Next, select the Slides group under Customize tab (2). You can then either double-click the Slides group or use the Remove Group button (3) to remove it. In this way, you could also remove the Slides group you added to the Insert tab earlier.


Adding & removing tabs

Adding and removing tabs is as simple as adding and removing groups. If you want to remove a tab, simply select it in the tab list on the left and use the Remove Tab button. You cannot double-click a tab itself to remove it in order to prevent accidental removal of tabs. To add a tab, select it on the right and use the Add Tab button. If you want to create your own new tab, use the New Tab button. Once you click New Tab, you will see the dialog shown in the screenshot below.


This dialog will appear whenever you are creating or editing a label for a custom item (e.g. a new tab or group). While creating or editing a label is pretty much self-explanatory (just enter the label and press OK), the language drop down box indicated by the arrow deserves some explanation. This box stems from the fact that Office is available in many different user interface languages. For example, the Insert tab in the English language version is called the Einfügen tab in the German language version. RibbonCustomizer™ allows you to create customizations that adjust themselves with the language. For example, you can enter one label in German and one in English. When the Office UI language is set to German, the German label will display, however otherwise you will see the English one. If you do not have to deal with more than user interface language, you can simply keep ignore the language drop down box, leaving it set to Default.

If you want to edit a particular tab label, double-click the tab on the left side to bring up the above dialog again.

Reset buttons

There are two reset buttons in the Customize Ribbon dialog: Reset Ribbon and Reset Tab. Reset Ribbon will delete all your customizations and restore your Ribbon to the Microsoft default. Reset Tab will reset the currently selected tab, leaving only the Microsoft groups that are on the tab by default. In the case of your own tab, using Reset Tab will eliminate all groups in the tab.


RibbonCustomizer™ will not allow you to remove the tab that contains itself. The obvious reason for this is that if you were to remove the tab, you would lose access to the add-in and thus could never alter any customization you had made.

In addition to this, there is unfortunately a list of things that you cannot do due to the limitations of the underlying Microsoft technology (RibbonX) used by RibbonCustomizer™. There is no way around these limitations, which means that everyone customizing the Ribbon is limited by them.

Microsoft protected their own tabs and groups. This means that you cannot change the order of the Microsoft tabs (e.g. you cannot place the Insert tab before the Home tab), nor can you change the order of the Microsoft groups in their default locations (e.g. you cannot reorder the groups on the Home tab, but you can add any group to the Home tab and place it wherever you want it on the tab). Microsoft groups cannot be changed at all. You cannot use Microsoft contextual tabs as core tabs and vice versa. The groups on the Add-Ins tab that hold the UI for legacy (pre-2007) add-ins cannot be added to any other tab. You can, however, add them to the QAT. Last, but not least, any UI components added to your Ribbon by an add-in are not shown in the Customize Ribbon dialog, as Office does not provide a mechanism for providing this information to any add-in, including RibbonCustomizer™.

[pic]Professional V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 2: Individual Commands

The first part of the feature tour showed you how RibbonCustomizer™ lets you choose which tabs and groups are displayed on your Ribbon. This is the second part of the tour, which will show you how to create your own groups, or in other words, how to add and remove individual commands from the Ribbon. In this part of the tour, I will be using Word 2007 to demonstrate features and commands.

Some background

In the first part, I explained that a tab is composed of multiple groups. In the screenshot below of the PowerPoint Home tab e.g., you can see that the Clipboard and Font groups are highlighted in red. Only groups can be added to tabs, and individual controls can only be added to groups. In other words, a group serves as a container for controls, whereas a tab serves as a container for groups. In addition, I pointed out that Microsoft groups cannot be changed at all.


What does this mean for you? This means that the only way for you to customize individual commands on the Ribbon is to create a new group for each tab that you wish to customize. Having done this, you can then add the desired commands to these groups. You can only "fake" changing a Microsoft group by creating a new group with only the commands you want and removing the original Microsoft group.

Creating a new group

In order to get started with individual command customization, let us create a new group called Playground on the Word Home tab. To do this, open the Customize Ribbon dialog. Then select the Home tab on the left (1) and click New group (2), as shown in the screenshot below.


This will bring up the label dialog you are already familiar with from the first part of this feature tour. Enter Playground as the label and press OK. The dialog will then change to look like the following screenshot.

Adding, changing and removing the commands of a new group


This is still the same window, but a second tab labeled Customize Group has opened up (marked A). As in the layout of the first tab, the left hand side (marked in red) shows your group while the right hand side (marked in blue) shows the available Microsoft commands. The only thing shown on the left for your new group is the label of the group (marked B). If you want to change the label of the group, double-click the label to bring up the label dialog again. The Microsoft commands on the right are grouped the same way as they are grouped in the Quick Access Toolbar Customization Dialog of the Word Options. You can change the grouping using the drop-down box (marked C).

For this example, pick the entries labeled "About", "Close" (the first one), "View Document Properties…" and "Style:" and add them to the group. You can add them either by double-clicking them or by using the Add command button (marked D). After you have added the fourth command, your dialog should look like the following screenshot.


You can use the arrow buttons highlighted in red to reorder the commands any way you want. If you do not change the order, click OK and switch to the Home tab, you will see the new Playground group, as shown below.


You can see in this screenshot that Word has added the commands column by column, with each column having three rows. The first three commands filled the first column from top to bottom, while the fourth command was added at the top of the second column. As this does look messy, we will go back into the Customize Ribbon dialog and change the group somewhat. After opening the Customize Ribbon dialog, select the Home tab on the left and then the Playground group on the bottom. Only after you have selected this group will the Customize group tab appear. You can switch to this tab by either clicking it (A) or using Edit group (B), as shown below.


On the Customize group tab, select the Close command on the left (1), check the Large checkbox (2), and finish by moving the Close command to the top of the list (3).


The result of this change can be seen on the Home tab after you left the dialog with OK. As you can see in the screenshot below, the Close command (A) is now shown with a large button that uses an entire column. The Styles command (B) is now on the bottom of the second column. The Styles command (B) is the good old Styles combobox used by previous versions of Word to select a Style. The Styles gallery on the Home tab replaces B in Word 2007, but unfortunately it is not a very effective tool for users of styles. For example, it does not always allow you to easily see the style of the current text. Therefore, if you use styles in Word, you will probably want to add B to your Ribbon.


It is also possible to remove a command from a group. For example, if you do not want the Close group in the Playground group, go back into the Customize Ribbon dialog, select the Home tab followed by the Playground group, and switch to the Customize group tab. Then select the Close command and either double-click it or use the Remove command button.

You can also add a separator to a group of yours. Separators can be seen on the Word View tab, for example. The two red arrows in the next screenshot indicate them.


To add a separator to your group, go back into the Customize group tab of the Customize Ribbon dialog and select Custom Items in the choose commands from the drop-down box on the right (1). Then add <Separator> to your group (2 & 3)and move it after the Close button (4).


The Playground on the Home tab will then show the separator as you can see in the following screenshot.


Finding commands

If you know where a particular command is in the Ribbon, or if you know that a command is not in the Ribbon at all, then finding it is rather simple. The choose commands from drop-down box gives you access to that. As you can see in the following screenshot, you can pick commands from the Office Menu and all Microsoft tabs that Word has.


If you do not know where a particular command is, you can select All Commands and try to find the command in the list of 1000+ commands that Word offers. As this is not very efficient, RibbonCustomizer™ allows you to search for a command. To search for a command, simply enter the term you want to search for in the search box highlighted in red in the next screenshot. After you enter your query in the search box, the choose commands from drop-down box (A) will automatically switch to Search for Command. The add-in searches as you type. The search is performed across all labels of all commands, all groups and tabs those commands are on, as well as the idMso's for each command. The following screenshot shows you the result of typing "style" into the search box.



The first part and second part of this feature tour have given you an overview of how you can customize the Office 2007 Ribbon to suit your needs. The next parts will demonstrate the more advanced features of RibbonCustomizer™.

[pic]V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 3: Classic UI Tabs

RibbonCustomizer™ V1.1 ships with a set of Classic UI tabs for Excel, PowerPoint and Word 2007. Those tabs emulate the Office 2003 menus and toolbars in Office 2007. We provide these tabs to help you familiarize yourself faster with the new Ribbon User Interface in Office 2007. Please note that the tabs are not intended to be full replacements for the Ribbon. There are no plans to provide similar Classic UI tabs for Access and Outlook 2007. The Classic UI tabs can be used with the free Starter Edition of RibbonCustomizer™. This means that you can get the 2003 menus and toolbars in Office 2007 without having to make any purchase.

The Classic UI tab can be shown as the first tab, as shown in the following Excel 2007 screenshot:


Alternatively, you can show the Classic UI tab as last tab, as again demonstrated in Excel:


You could display the two Classic UI tabs also at the same time.

The Classic UI tab in PowerPoint can be seen in the next screenshot:


The Classic UI tab in Word is next:


Using the Classic UI tabs

All Classic UI tabs are installed by default with RibbonCustomizer™. They are disabled however by default. To enable the Classic UI in e.g. Excel 2007, open the Customize Ribbon menu and select Customization Schemes (1). If you want the Classic UI as first tab, choose 2. If you want it as last tab, choose 3. The Classic UI tabs in PowerPoint and Word 2007 are enabled/disabled the same way.


German Language Support

All Classic UI tabs are also available in German. They will automatically be displayed in German, if your Office User Interface language is German.

Excel Classic UI tab in German:


PowerPoint Classic UI tab in German:


Word Classic UI tab in German:


Limitations & Problems

Office 2007 is designed completely around the Ribbon. Therefore any Classic UI emulation will be limited in what can be achieved with it. The key problems with any Classic UI emulation are as follows:

• Keyboard shortcuts to open menus (e.g. Alt-F) cannot be used with a Classic UI, because Office intercepts those shortcuts and either offers a 2007 feature triggered by it, or lets you enter a complete 2003 menu shortcut in order to trigger the command it would ordinarily have triggered in 2003. A Classic UI in 2007 is therefore mainly going to be controlled by the mouse.

• Where do you put new features of Office 2007? A major reason that Microsoft decided to do the Ribbon is that they did not really know where to put all the new 2007 features in the menus and toolbars. A Classic UI will therefore always have difficulties with new features.

• The Ribbon has contextual tabs that appear once a user inserts or activates an object. That means, that whatever tab holds the Classic UI will no longer be in the foreground.

• A Classic UI lets one defer learning the Office 2007 Ribbon. Considering the investment Microsoft made into the Ribbon, it can be expected that all future Office versions will have the Ribbon as UI. Menus and toolbars will not return to Microsoft Office. If one defers learning the Ribbon, one will eventually be simply behind.

[pic]Pro V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 4: Working with (multiple) customizations

Part 1 and part 2 of this feature tour showed you how to create your own Ribbon customization using the Customize Ribbon dialog. That dialog allows you to create one customization only though. This might be sufficient for many, but what if you want to use multiple different Ribbons, maybe one for each of your common tasks? What if you want to create a customized Ribbon and share it with colleagues, friends or simply post it on the Internet? RibbonCustomizer™ Professional supports all of these scenarios. Part 3 of this feature tour already demonstrated this ability via the Classic UI tabs.

Show/Hide all Customizations

There is one more scenario that RibbonCustomizer™ Professional supports. It lets you very easily hide all Ribbon customizations and hence return to the original Microsoft Ribbon. Then, just as easily, you can switch all customizations back on. As MVP, I answer a lot of questions by providing steps. Those steps have to work on the user's machine, which means that I have to provide them using the default Microsoft Ribbon. Yet, at the same time, I like to customize my own Ribbon. Without the show/hide feature, I could not do both at the same time. To demonstrate this, I created a simple customization that removes the Home tab of Excel, as you can see in the following screenshot.


When I quickly want to hide all customizations, I click on the text portion of the Customize Ribbon split button and select Show/Hide Customization indicated with the red arrow in the next screenshot.


After using this menu option, the Excel Ribbon is back to its default. The Home tab is back. The following screenshot also shows that the icon of the Customize Ribbon button is grayed out, meaning disabled. When all customizations are hidden, the Customize Ribbon dialog cannot be opened.


In order to show all customizations again and also gain access to the Customize Ribbon dialog back, click the Customize Ribbon text again to open the RibbonCustomizer™ menu and select Show/Hide Customization again. You can see the menu with the disabled items and the Show/Hide Customization menu item indicated in the next screenshot. After you toggled this setting, the Ribbon will be back to its customized form and the Customize Ribbon dialog will be accessible again.


RibbonCustomizer™ Packages

RibbonCustomizer™ supports so-called packages. A package is a file that contains a customization, all the labels you created in all their languages and some additional data. A package is essentially the internal file format of RibbonCustomizer™. All customizations made via the Customize Ribbon dialog are stored in packages. You can explicitly save any customization in a package, and you can load multiple customizations as packages, even at the same time. You can exchange packages with other users of RibbonCustomizer™. Packages use the file extension ".ribx".

If you are not interested in the technical details of the package file format, skip this paragraph. Technically, a package is an XML file containing all the custom labels, the Ribbon ID the package is for as well as some other meta-data. The XML file uses an XML Schema defined by Ltd. for this purpose. One element of this XML file contains within a CDATA block the actual RibbonX describing the customization. The RibbonX shown there is designed to work with RibbonCustomizer™ and therefore is not very likely to be usable without this add-in.

Creating a package

You can create a package directly in the Customize Ribbon dialog. For this particular example, I created a customization that removed the Styles group from the Word Home tab and replaced it with a smaller, more compact and in my opinion more useful group. The new Styles group shown in the following screenshot contains a large button (Quick Styles) which opens the QuickStyles gallery as a drop-down gallery. The previously large Change Styles menu is now smaller. Styles opens the Styles task pane while the Styles combobox so familiar from previous Office versions is now also present.


I can now save this customization as a package and make it available to other users of RibbonCustomizer™. To do so, I open the Customize Ribbon dialog and click Save Package as indicated in the next screenshot.


Clicking this button first opens a Save As dialog, where you can enter the filename for your new package. I called it StylesGroupReplacement.ribx and saved it on my desktop.


After choosing Save, the add-in wants to know some information from me about the package. The only field I have to fill out is Name/Description, but as you can see in the following screenshot, I filled out the others too. After pressing OK, RibbonCustomizer™ created the file on my desktop. After you saved the package, you can leave the Customize Ribbon dialog either by pressing OK or Cancel.


Using a package

In order to demonstrate the effect of this package, I first used Reset Ribbon in the Customize Ribbon dialog and left the dialog with OK. To add the package to my Ribbon, I opened the Customization Schemes submenu and selected More as shown in the next screenshot.


This opened the Customization Scheme dialog shown in the following screenshot.


There are four elements to this dialog. The area marked with 1 shows all current packages that are available to be enabled/disabled. By default, RibbonCustomizer™ installs the Classic UI tabs for Word as packages. The Add button (2) lets you add new packages to this list, while the Remove button (3) lets you remove any packages after first selecting them in 1. The Close button (4) closes the dialog. To add my new package, I clicked the Add button and chose my package file in the file open dialog presented to me afterwards. As you can see in the next screenshot, the file was added to the Packages list. You should also note that RibbonCustomizer™ does not show the file name, but rather uses the Name/Description I entered when saving the package. After adding my new package, I closed the dialog.


The immediate effect of adding this package is that the Styles group on the Home tab is replaced with the new group created earlier. Looking into the Customization Schemes submenu, the new package is now listed there and has a checkmark next to it as you can see in the following.


The Customization Schemes submenu allows you to quickly enable/disable individual customizations by toggling them.

The item Default under User in that submenu deserves some explanation. Default is the customization created in the Customize Ribbon dialog. If you uncheck Default, all the customizations done directly in the Customize Ribbon dialog will not be applied to the Ribbon. This can be useful, if you just want to see the effect of one or more packages without having to use Reset Ribbon and delete all your regular customizations. Please note that the only way to enable Default again is to check it in the Customization Schemes submenu. Also, if you have not yet created any customization via the Customize Ribbon dialog, Default will not be shown in this list.

Sharing packages

A package is just a file. That means, you can share it with other users of RibbonCustomizer™ any way you want. If you want to share it will all users of RibbonCustomizer™, then you can upload it to the RibbonCustomizer Packages forum. I uploaded the Styles group replacement to this forum. If you want to use this particular package yourself, you can download it from there.

There is no limit as to how many packages you can load per Ribbon in the Professional Edition of RibbonCustomizer™. The Starter Edition is limited to three packages per Ribbon (meaning three packages for Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word each and three packages for each of Outlook's 19 different Ribbons). The Classic UI tabs installed by default count as two of those three already. You will have to remove them if you want to more than one of your own packages. Note that if you had more than three packages during the trial phase and your trial expired, RibbonCustomizer™ will only show three packages. As you remove packages, previously hidden packages will become visible to you in this situation.

[pic]Pro V1.1 Feature Tour - Part 5: Using RibbonCustomizer™ for RibbonX development

RibbonCustomizer™ is primarily an end user tool. However, there are a two things in RibbonCustomizer™ designed to help with RibbonX development.

Show RibbonX for customizations

RibbonCustomizer™ can show you the RibbonX it created for a particular customization. To demonstrate this, I created a customization in Word that removes the Home tab, adds a new tab, adds the Clipboard group and adds a new group with a few controls. You can see this in the screenshot below.


To obtain the RibbonX for this customization, I opened the Customize Ribbon dialog again, and clicked on Show RibbonX as shown below.


RibbonCustomizer™ then shows the RibbonX to me and provides an easy way to copy it to the clipboard as indicated in the next screenshot.


As a RibbonX developer, you can now use this RibbonX in multiple ways:

• Paste it into the Custom UI Editor to embed it into a document/template for Excel, PowerPoint or Word.

• Paste it into the USysRibbons table of Access as described in this Access 2007 blog post.

• Paste it into an XML file that you compile as resource into your COM add-in.

• Paste it anywhere you like and use it any way you want.

RibbonCustomizer™ V1.1 only allows you to add Microsoft controls as well as separators to a group. The goal for V1.2 is to support all RibbonX elements, but not all RibbonX attributes (as many attributes are not useful for end users).

Load a RibbonX file

RibbonCustomizer™ Professional can load a RibbonX file directly. The RibbonX file can contain callbacks, which RibbonCustomizer™ will not pass on to Office in order to avoid custom UI errors in Office. If the RibbonX file contains errors that are serious enough for Office to not display the Ribbon customizations passed to it by RibbonCustomizer™, RibbonCustomizer™ will recover from this error the next time you open the respective Office application (this does not apply to Outlook). When you reopen the respective Office application, RibbonCustomizer™ will disable all customization schemes (including the Default one), and present you with an error message that states what happened and how to recover from it. You will have to re-enable all customizations individually, including Default. Please see part 4 of this feature tour on how to do this.

To load a RibbonX file, follow the steps outlined in part 4 for using a package. In the open dialog however, change the file type to RibbonX Files (*.xml).

RibbonCustomizer™ V1.1 will not pass on any changes to the Office button menu and the Quick Access Toolbar to the respective Office application. Support for this is planned in a future version.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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