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General information:

Name : Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality : Marital Status: Academic Rank : Address:


Nabil Taleb Shawagfeh 1956 Saham Jordanian Married Full Professor Mathematics Department Faculty of Science University of Jordan Amman-Jordan shawagnt@ju.edu.jo

Academic Qualification


PhD in Mathematics Clarkson University -USA


M.Sc in Mathematics University of Jordan


B.Sc in Mathematics University of Jordan

Research Interest

BVP in Math. Physics, Differential Equations, Fractional Calculus, Special Functions.

Scientific Wards 1996

Abdel-Hamid Shouman Award For Young Arab Research

Administrative Experiences

2012-2016 2008-2012 2005-2008

2001-2005 1996-1998



President of Al-Balqa Applied University President of Al al-Bayt University Vice-President for Academic Affairs. University of Jordan Dean of Academic Research. University of Jordan Chairman of Mathematics Department. University of Jordan Director of International Scientific Relations office. University of Jordan Chairman of Science Department. Philadelphia University- Jordan

Academic Experiences

20162012-2016 2008-2012 2001-2008 1998-2001 1995-1998 1990-1995 1985-1990 1983-1985 1980-1982

Professor. University of Jordan Professor of Al-Balqa Applied University Professor of Al al-Bayt University Professor. University of Jordan Professor. United Arab Emirates University Professor. University Jordan Associated Professor. University of Jordan Assistant Professor. University of Jordan Lecturer at Princess Alia college, Jordan Teaching Assistant Clarkson University, USA

Other Experiences


Consultant for minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

National Scientific Committee and Memberships

20182016-2018 2013-2016 2014-2016 2014-2016 2014-2016 2012-2016 2008-2012 2006-2008 2001-2008

2005-2007 2004-2005



2002-2003 20072004-2006 2001-2005

- Member of the Higher Council of Higher Education{Chairman of Academic Committee)

- Vice-chairman. Board of Trustees HTU University - Member of Employment-Technical & Vocational,

Education Training Council (E-TEVET) - Member of E-TEVET Fund - Member of the board of the Employment and

Training Copan - President of board of Directors for the Jordanian

Universities Network Company(JU Net) - Member of Fulbright Commission Board - Member of Board of Trustees-Islamic University-

Jordan - Member of Board of Trustees-Middle East

University ?Jordan - Member in the Administration and Technical

Committees-Fund for Supporting R & D in Industry. High Council of Science and Technology - Board of Directors of the Institute of Banking and Finance Central Bank-Jordan - Member in the national team for preparing the Strategy of the higher Council for Science & Technology 2005-2010 - Chairperson of the committee of Organizing the Publication of Refereed Scientific Journal. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Member of the Higher Committee of Scientific Research-Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Member in the national committee of Agricultural Research and Extension-Ministry of Agriculture - Member in the Editorial Board-Jordan Journal of Math. Sciences - Member in the Editorial Board-Global Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics. - Editor-in-Chief-DIRASAT Journal-University of Jordan

2001-2008 2003-2004

2004-2005 2003-2005 1992-1998


- Member of the central Committee For Teachers Promotion-Ministry of Education

- Member of Jordan Education Initiative Advisory Board (JEL)-Cisco Learning Institute-USA

- Member in the advisory committee for composing mathematics text Books-Ministry of Education

- Member of the Scientific Committee for Ministry of Higher Education & Sci. Research Awards.

- Member in the National Team of Composing Mathematics Curriculum-Ministry of Education. Jordan

- Chairman of Accreditation Committee of mathematics Major in the Private Universities Committee

Research Centers Councils Memberships

2001-2008 2001-2008 2001-2008 2001-2005 2001-2005

Member of the Administration Council of the Water and Environment Research and Study Center-UoJ Member of the Administration Council of the Marine Station. Aqaba Member of the Administration Council of the (Hamdi Manco) Center of Scientific Research-UoJ Member of the Administration Council of the Manu Scripts and Documents Center-UoJ Chairman of the Academic Research Council-UoJ

Chairman of Accreditation Committee of mathematics Major in the Private Universities Committee

2004 1998 1997 1994-2004 1996 1990-1996


(Jarash University) (University of Applied Sciences) (Irbid University) (Alzarqa Private University) (Alzaitonah University) Chairperson of Comprehensive Mathematics Exam of the Community Colleges Committee Member in the Team of Composing Mathematics Curriculums-United Arab Emirates

Academic Committees Membership (University of Jordan)

1996-1998 1996-1997 1996-1997 1993-1994 1988-1990

Member of the Graduate Certifications Equalization Committee Member of the Updating and Developing First Year Studying Materials-Faculty of Science Member of the Employment and Promoting Committee- Faculty of Science Member of the Technical Supervision committee on the Model School Representative of Math Dept in Faculty of Science Council

Academic Committees Membership (University of UAE)

1998-2001 1998-1999 1998-2000 1999-2001

Member of the Employment and Promoting Committee Faculty of Science Member of the Funded Research Evaluation Committee-UAE university Member of the Practical Training Program Supervision Committee-Math Dept Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee

Scientific Research

Graduate Studies: Supervising 21 M.Sc and 9 PhD Thesis Funded Projects: 3 Publications: Composing 3 Books

Publishing more than 50 Scientific Papers


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