Welcoming and orienting a new employee are among the most important things you can do after hiring someone to fill your position. Here are some REQUIRED ACTIONS and recommendations to help your new employee have a successful start with our agency, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). There may be other preparations depending on your specific division or office.

Advance Planning for a New Employee

Required Actions

Suggested Resources

Notify Human Resources (HR) when a new employee's start date is. HR will notify the new employee via email on how to complete the new employee paperwork using the NewHire OnLine system on or in advance of the new employee's start date. HR sends a separate email to the supervisor with supervisor-directed information and action instructions; the supervisor must return required forms to HR by the designated deadline. On the employee's first workday, ensure that the employee-required paperwork has been completed. Allow the employee ample time to complete the paperwork if he or she hasn't already done so via the NewHire Online system.

Ensure that new employee has completed and submitted the forms.

Have employee complete and sign the I-9 and send it to HR on or prior to employee's start date.

Send copy of Social Security Number card to HR.


Advise other team members of the new employee's name, role, and start date.

Set up e-mail, network, and telephone accounts for the new employee. Complete online form and send Employee Access Form to DEED Service Desk.

Obtain access to other necessary systems (WINS, MAPS, etc.) for the Complete any necessary forms. Forms new employee.

Ensure that the new employee's work area is equipped and has necessary supplies.

Register the new employee for the next New Employee Orientation session.

Purchasing; PPM 313

Follow registration instructions Required Training on Trng. & Learning Resources Office (TLRO) webpage.

Actions to be Taken When the New Employee Arrives (within the first week)

Welcome the new employee upon arrival. Discuss your planned orientation and ask the employee what needs he/she may have.

Orient the new employee to the facility (restrooms, office space, break rooms, parking, non-smoking policy, etc.). Tour the building and ensure that the new employee is aware of emergency procedures and evacuation plans for your facility.

Required Actions

If the work location is St. Paul, inform the new employee of the option to purchase a Metropass (an employer-subsidized pass for use on Metro Transit). Discuss work hours and attendance (arranging lunches/breaks, procedures for calling-in sick, etc.).

Give a copy of FMLA Rules & Regulations either in paper or an electronic form.

Explain the mission, goals, and structure of DEED, your Division, and the work unit. Discuss the purpose and contributions of the new employee's position.

Review the job responsibilities of the new employee. Discuss expected outcomes and performance standards. Explain the process of ongoing dialogue regarding performance. Explain the probationary period and establish times to meet to review the new employee's progress.

Suggested Resources

Reasonable Accommodation; PPM 404

Emergency Procedures; PPM 208

Injuries; PPM 206 Smoking on State Property;

PPM 214 State Office Closures

Metropass Program

Hours of Operation/Work; PPM 201

Bargaining Unit Contracts Family Medical Leave Act;

PPM 402

Agency mission, vision, goals. Organizational Chart Governing Legislation DEED public website

Position Description Performance Development

Communication; PPM 410 Probationary Period; PPM 409 Bargaining Unit Contracts

Actions to be Taken When the New Employee Arrives (within the first week)

Introduce the new employee to co-workers and key contacts. Explain how these positions coordinate with the work of the new employee. Ensure that the new employee knows who to contact regarding various aspects of the job.

Required Actions

Explain key behavioral expectations required of all employees at DEED. Review the policies related to the code of ethics, drug and alcohol use, discrimination, violence prevention, internet and e-mail access/use.

Complete any necessary forms.

Suggested Resources

Key Contacts Directory Employee Telephone/E-mail


Code of Ethics; PPM 401 Code of Conduct; PPM 418 Drug and Alcohol Use in the

Workplace; PPM 207 Discrimination; PPM 417 Violence Prevention; PPM 603 Internet and E-mail Access/Use;

PPM 610 Dress Guidelines; PPM 213

Discuss the proper use of data collected by DEED. Ensure that the new Complete any necessary forms. employee understands the policies on data practices and data security.

Data Practices; PPM 601 Data Security; PPM 609 Data Practices Personal

Responsibility Acknowledgment Packet Security Systems

Give the new employee all the necessary keys, cards, badges, and/or codes to access the work area and demonstrate their use. Inform the new employee of any security procedures.

Complete any necessary forms. Physical Security; PPM 608

Review the appointment letter sent from HR to the employee (classification, pay, employment condition, probation, and employee ID#).

Instruct the new employee on how and when to complete the biweekly time report and daily time distribution report (DEED-739). Ensure that the new employee understands how to access her/his paystub and other employment-related information online at the Employee Self-Service website.

Staffing & Consultation Bargaining Unit Contract

Daily Time Reports; PPM 212 Pay Warrants/Electronic Direct

Deposit; PPM 203 Employee Self-Service

Actions to be Taken When the New Employee Arrives (within the first week)

Establish the new employee in her/his own workspace. Orient him/her to the equipment and supplies available. Inform of who to contact in case of equipment or system failure.

Required Actions

Suggested Resources

Ergonomics; PPM 209 Ergonomic Resource Manual Technical Support and Service


Designate time for the new employee to review and complete the insurance information sent from the Department of Minnesota Management and Budget.

Complete insurance information online within the enrollment period located on your personal enrollment form.

Direct the employee to explore DEED's Intraweb and inform her/him of other important websites or resources. It may be helpful to assist the new employee or assign a staff person to assist.

Inform the employee of the State of MN Employee Assistance Program.

Insurance Rep; Insurance webpage

Intraweb External Web


Ensure that the new employee understands the procedures for expressing dissatisfaction, resolving disputes, and filing grievances.

Complains/Grievances; PPM 415 Bargaining Unit Contract

Ensure that the new employee attends DEED's required training (New Employee Orientation and classes on Preventing Sexual Harassment and ADA).

Register employee by following registration instructions on TLRO webpage.

TLRO webpage Employee Orientation; PPM 407 Employee Development,

Education and Training; PPM 413


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