November 12, 2009


Dewayne Baker Mike Friend

Shellene Beacham

Doug Caldwell - Arrived 6:35

Kim Hodges

Penny Morrison

Patti Niebruegge


V. Leon Slape, Superintendent

Karissa McNiel, Middle School Principal - Arrived 6:33

Donnie Miller, Elementary School Principal - Arrived 7:20


The Plato R-V School District Board of Education, Plato, Missouri, met in regular session on November 12, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the school library, Plato R-V High School, Plato, Missouri. The board Vice-President, Dewayne Baker, declared a quorum was present and called the meeting to order, due notice having been mailed and published.


Motion to approve the agenda with the change of moving item #9 Approve Early Graduation Request up to item #7 was made by Shellene Beacham, seconded by Penny Morrison and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 5 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0


Motion was made to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of October 8, 2009 by Kim Hodges, seconded by Shellene Beacham and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 5 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0


Motion was made to approve and pay bills by Kim Hodges, seconded by Shellene Beacham and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0


Patron Discussion: None

MSTA & CTA Representative: None

Motion was made to approve the Evaluation of the Guidance Counseling and Food Service Programs by Doug Caldwell, seconded by Shellene Beacham and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0

Motion was made to approve the early graduation for Ashley Peck by Kim Hodges, seconded by Penny Morrison and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0

The board and administration discussed the APR & AYP report.

The board and administration discussed a policy for athlete physicals and insurance.

Motion was made to approve the updated Board Policies and Regulations, Policies 1210, 2220, 2525, 2530, 2600, 2760, 4640, 6190, 7215 and Regulations 2525, 2760, 6531 by Penny Morrison, seconded by Shellene Beacham and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0

The next regular scheduled board meeting will be held December 10, 2009.


a. Superintendent: State funding and financial statement was discussed. There will be two (2), three years terms up for board candidate in April, Dewayne Baker and Patti Niebruegge. First day of filing will be December 15, 2009 and the closing date will be January 19, 2010. Federal programs and H1N1 was discussed.

b. Principals:

Elementary: Attendance - 92%

The 1st quarter attendance party was attend by approximately 165 students

who missed 1 day or less during the 1st quarter.

Elementary students enjoyed the assembly given by KC Wolf and the

Veterans Day assembly. 5th grade students attended an assembly given by

the animal shelter and some 5th grade students are volunteering at the

animal shelter on Saturdays.

Middle School: Attendance - 93.77%

A Fall Social/Dance was the activity for the 1st quarter Positive Behavior

Program. Of the 102 students eligible, 78 students attended.

Middle School is offering Parent/Student Workshops each Tuesday from 6:00-


Students will be attending a bullying assembly in December.

The girls placed 1st as a team in the Frisco League Cross Country

The 7th grade girls placed 1st in the Frisco League Basketball Tournament.

High School: Attendance - 93.27%

The FFA grassland team finished 9th out of 23 at state.

Karson Peterson and Aleck Gianfala made the Softball All-District, 1st team.

Katie Keziah made the Volleyball All District, 2nd team.

Cole DeVault, Chris Oliver, and Kendra Crewse participated in the State Cross Country Meet. Kendra finished 23rd which qualifies for All-State.

Meet the Eagles is November 21, with the fish fry starting at 5:00.

Frisco League Basketball Tournament - Girls are seeded 8th and will play

Stoutland at 2:00 on November 28th. Boys are seeded 4th and will play

Iberia at 6:30 on November 28th.


Motion to move into executive session at 8:13 p.m. for the purpose of discussing and/or approving land transactions, hiring personnel and consideration of other personnel issues was made by Doug Caldwell, seconded by Shellene Beacham and carried unanimously.

Dewayne Baker = aye

Shellene Beacham = aye

Doug Caldwell = aye

Kim Hodges = aye

Penny Morrison = aye

Patti Niebruegge = aye

Motion to go into closed session at the next meeting for the purpose of discussing land transactions, pupil and staff personnel was made by Doug Caldwell, seconded by Penny Morrison and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0

Motion to move out of executive session at 9:03 p.m. was made by Shellene Beacham, seconded by Kim Hodges and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0


The board and administration discussed property, personnel and student issues.

Motion was made to hire Laurel Rogers as Middle School Language Arts and High School English for the remainder of the 2009-10 school year by Penny Morrison, seconded by Doug Caldwell and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0

Motion was made to accept the resignation of Lorene Crewse, effective January 29, 2010, by Shellene Beacham, seconded by Kim Hodges and carried unanimously.

Ayes = 6 Nays = 0 Abstentions = 0


There being no other business to come before the Board of Education at this time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, meeting adjourned.


Patti Niebruegge, Secretary Mike Friend, President

Plato R-V School Plato R-V School

Board of Education Board of Education


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