Missouri Association of Rural Education
|Policy Services |Legal Consultation Service |Special Education Legal Issues |
|Missouri Consultants for Education (MCE) Board |The Legal Telephone Consultation (HOTLINE) |This legal service provides up to two (2) |
|Policy Service provides a practical and legally|Service allows for unlimited telephone |“initial consultations” during the school year,|
|sound set of policies and regulations developed|consultation with a school attorney under |pertaining to special education legal issues. |
|by trial-experienced school attorneys. |certain conditions. Participating firms: |Participating firm: |
| |Mickes O’Toole |Thomeczek & Brink |
| |EdCounsel, LLC | |
| |Guin Mundorf | |
|State Legislative Advocacy |National Advocacy |Superintendent Searches |
|MARE is a member of the School Administrators |MARE is a member of the National Rural |MARE is available to all school districts in |
|Coalition (SAC). SAC employs individuals/firms|Education Advocacy Coalition (NREAC) |Missouri to facilitate the search for your next|
|to represent their interests at the Missouri |representing the interests of rural public |superintendent. A Professional Cost Effective |
|State Capitol during the legislative session. |schools in the national forums in which such |Charge structure is available upon request. |
| |issues are decided. | |
|School Board Training |Board of Education Self-Analysis |Building Principal Searches |
|MARE conducts training sessions for all new |MARE supports member school districts by |MARE is available to all school districts in |
|school board members to receive 16-hours of |offering a board of education a re-training |Missouri to facilitate the search for your |
|orientation and training required within one |and/or self analysis outlining the |building principal. A Professional Cost |
|year of their election or appointment. Sessions|characteristics of effective boardmanship. |Effective FEE structure is available upon |
|are FREE. |Effective Fee structure available on request. |request. |
| | | |
|Annual Convention |Communication |Special Partnerships |
|MARE & MoK-8 Associations provide an annual |Timely and up to date articles and information |FLITEleaders Consulting |
|fall convention consisting of large group/small|on rural education issues: |American Legion Boys State |
|group/exhibits all in support of Rural |Quarterly Newsletter |Missouri Administrator Job Posting |
|Education themes. Held at the Lodge of 4 |MARE FOCUS |Network for Educator Effectiveness |
|Seasons – Lake Ozark, MO |Website | |
| |Facebook | |
|Outstanding Rural Education Awards. Nine such | | |
|awards are given annually. | | |
|SAVES SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEY |Other Preferred Providers |Rural Missouri Scholarship |
| |American Fidelity Assurance Co. – Cafeteria |The level of economic development of an area is|
|Lease Purchase – L.J. Hart & Company |Plans |directly related to the quality of education |
|Natural Gas – Pro Energy Solutions |Claim Care – Medicaid Claiming |available. To improve the adequate number of |
|Cooperative Purchasing – Education Plus |CTS Group – Project Management |well-trained, dedicated teachers, 13 - $1,000 |
|E-Rate Program LLC |Forrest T. Jones & Co. – Long Term Care |scholarships were given in July, 2016 to junior|
|Record Scanning/Storage -- IMS |MEUHP – Health Insurance |and senior level college students meeting |
|Website Support – SOCS |Mike Keith Insurance – Health Insurance |certain criteria. |
|Roof Repairs/Replace – TREMCO |M.U.S.I.C. – Building/Property Insurance | |
|Education Software – Ed Tech Partners | |The Scholarship program is supported by the |
| | |annual MARE Golf Tournament. |
|Special Workshop Sponsors |DID YOU KNOW THAT MEMBERSHIP IS LESS THAN THE |MARE Executive Board |
|(Not all held annually) |COST OF A LATTE A DAY? |MARE is made up of 10 regions! |
|Custodial Staff Training | | |
|E-Rate application process |This year’s membership includes a FREE Missouri|10 elected regional representatives |
|Board Leadership |School Directory |2 at-large school board members |
|Board Secretary | |1 K-8 Schools Representative |
|Building Secretary | |1 Higher Education Representative |
|Annual Legal Update Seminars | |2 Advisory Board Representatives |
|School Nurses | | |
|Brain Injury – Concussion | | |
|Retirement Planning | | |
MARE is a Service Organization whose purpose is to serve the member schools in such a way that:
• The students of rural Missouri will have an equal opportunity to receive an excellent education.
• The students of rural Missouri will be able to compete academically with students throughout the world.
• The citizens of Missouri will be proud of the educational programs in rural Missouri schools.
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