Positive and Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Positive and Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Directions: Carefully examine the information at each station. Using the information provided record the negative and positive effects of the particular aspect of the Industrial Revolution. Then discuss with your partner and record possible ways to improve the negative effects.

|TOPIC |Evidence of Positive Effect |Evidence of Negative Effect |Ways to Improve Negative Effects |

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|Working Conditions and | | | |

|Wages | | | |

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|Changing Role of Women | | | |

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|Conditions in the Coal | | | |

|Mines | | | |

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|Urbanization | | | |

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|TOPIC |Evidence of Positive Effect |Evidence of Negative Effect |Ways to Improve Negative Effects |

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|Education | | | |

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|Changing Class Structure| | | |

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|Modern Inventions | | | |

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1. Based on the effects of the Industrial Revolution, who or what group of people benefited the most from the changes that occurred?

2. Based on the effects, who do you believe suffered the most from the changes of the I.R.? Explain your answer.


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