MCPS Seeking Feedback on 2020–2021 School Year Calendar ...

Bulldog Press Issue 4November, 2019Mrs. Nora Dietz, PrincipalMrs. Heather Jones, Assistant PrincipalNew on the MCPS Web Board of Education Seeks Feedback on 2020–2021 School Year Calendar OptionsMCPS has developed three calendar scenarios that reflect different start and end dates for School Year 2020?2021. To view the draft calendar scenarios, please visitcalendar/proposed-calendar-2020-21.aspx. All draft scenarios for the calendar include: · 182 student instructional days;· Full spring break;· Full professional day for grading and planning at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters; and· Possible make-up days both during the school year and extending the school year. The Board is seeking feedback on the calendar options in the comment box on the website. The Board is scheduled to adopt a final school calendar later this year. Other News STEM Festival Set for November 2Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and educational partners are hosting a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Festival Showcase from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, at Northwood High School. MCPS and educational partners will showcase elementary, middle, and high school STEM opportunities with engaging hands-on activities and dynamic demonstrations. This family-friendly event is free and open to the public. The event sponsors are still seeking STEM opportunities from programs, clubs, and curriculum-related projects. Interested groups should complete this form: docs.forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_p-OTbQl8Xy3eBl-s7ApPI96rLEFMjD80yOA3qCxTGG8B1Q/viewform. See blurb included in Attachment C. Mental Health Fair to Take Place November 9MCPS is hosting a Mental Health Fair from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 9, at Gaithersburg High School. Students, staff members, and the community will be able to learn about community and school resources that support students’ physical, social, and psychological well-being. The event is being sponsored by the Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement and the Montgomery County Psychologists’ Association. See blurb included in Attachment C. NAACP Parents’ Council to Hold Kickoff Meeting November 19The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Parents’ Council kickoff meeting will be held from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19 at Northwest High School. This event will bring together parents/guardians, MCPS teachers, principals, and administrators to share ideas on how to champion equity and excellence in education. Participants will have an opportunity to attend a resource fair and various breakout sessions. John B. King Jr., former U.S. Secretary of Education, will be the keynote speaker. Register for the event at e/2019-2020-naacp-parents-councilmcps-kick-off-tickets-75534215873?aff=erelexpmlt. See blurb included in Attachment C. National Hispanic College Fair Set for November 19The National Hispanic College Fair (NHCF) will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at the Activity Center at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg. This annual event sponsored by NHCF and MCPS for juniors and seniors is free for students to attend. The fair features more than 40 colleges, universities, and service organizations committed to providing outreach and opportunity to all students. Please ensure your students are informed about this important event. See blurb included in Attachment C. MCPS Seeking Feedback on 2020–2021 School Year Calendar Scenarios (English and Spanish)During the regular business meeting on Tuesday, October 8, the Board of Education reviewed calendar scenarios for the 2020–2021 school year. As a result of legislative action in last spring’s Maryland General Assembly, school districts in Maryland have the authority again to start school before Labor Day and end the school year after June 15th. As a result, MCPS has developed three calendar scenarios that reflect different start and end dates for School Year 2020–2021. To view the draft calendar scenarios, please visit calendar/proposed-calendar-2020-21.aspx.All draft scenarios for the calendar include: · 182 student instructional days;· Full spring break;· Full professional day for grading and planning at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters; and· Possible make-up days both during the school year and extending the school year. The Board is seeking feedback on the calendar options in the comment box on the website. The Board is scheduled to adopt a final school calendar later this year. MCPS Solicita Opiniones sobre los Escenarios Propuestos para el Calendario del Ciclo Escolar 2020–2021Durante su reunión regular de trabajo el pasado 8 de octubre, el Consejo de Educación revisó los escenarios de calendario propuestos para el ciclo escolar 2020–2021. Como resultado de una acción legislativa en la Asamblea General de Maryland durante la primavera pasada, los distritos escolares de Maryland tienen nuevamente la autoridad para iniciar las clases antes del Día del Trabajo (Labor Day) y concluir el ciclo escolar después del 15 de junio. Como resultado, MCPS ha desarrollado tres escenarios de calendario que reflejan diferentes fechas de inicio y finalización del ciclo escolar 2020–2021. Para ver el borrador de los escenarios de calendario, por favor visite HYPERLINK "" \h calendar/proposed-calendar-2020-21.aspx.El borrador de todos los escenarios para el calendario incluye: · 182 días lectivos para los estudiantes;· Vacaciones de primavera completas;· Un día profesional completo para calificaciones y planificación al final del primer, segundo y tercer trimestre; y· Posibles días de recuperación de días de instrucción tanto durante el ciclo escolar como extendiendo el ciclo escolar. El Consejo solicita opiniones sobre las opciones de calendario en la casilla de comentarios de la página web. El Consejo de Educación tiene programado adoptar un calendario final más adelante en este a?o. Save the Date: STEM Festival Set for November 2 (English and Spanish)MCPS and educational partners are hosting a STEM Festival Showcase from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, at Northwood High School. The event will showcase elementary, middle, and high school science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities with engaging hands-on activities and dynamic demonstrations. This family-friendly event is free and open to the public. Dr. Sara Faggi, an astrobiologist at NASA and American University, will be the keynote speaker. The event sponsors are still seeking STEM opportunities from programs, clubs, and curriculum-related projects. Interested groups should complete this form. As part of the event, a Cybersecurity Competition will be held from noon to 4:00 p.m. The competition is geared toward high school students with basic networking and computer skills. Winners will receive cash prizes and be recognized at a ceremony at the National Cryptologic Museum on Tuesday, November 5. The MCPS STEM Festival Showcase is among hundreds of community-based events that showcased STEM activities for Maryland residents. The mission is to encourage students to take a greater interest in STEM and perhaps pursue STEM-related careers. Reserve la Fecha: Festival de STEM Programado para el 2 de NoviembreMCPS y socios en la educación presentan un Festival de Exhibición de ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics–STEM), el sábado, 2 de noviembre, de 10:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m., en Northwood High School. El evento tendrá una exhibición de oportunidades de STEM de las escuelas elementales, escuelas de ense?anza media y escuelas secundarias, con actividades prácticas entretenidas y demostraciones dinámicas. Este evento para la familia es gratuito y abierto al público. La Dra. Sara Faggi, astrobióloga de NASA y American University, estará a cargo de pronunciar el discurso principal. El evento todavía está buscando oportunidades de STEM de programas, clubes y proyectos relacionados con el currículum. Los grupos interesados deberán llenar HYPERLINK "" \h este formulario. Como parte del evento, habrá un Concurso de Ciberseguridad, desde el mediodía hasta las 4:00 p.m. El concurso está dirigido a estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias con conocimientos básicos de redes y computación. Los ganadores recibirán premios en efectivo y reconocimiento durante la ceremonia a llevarse a cabo en el Museo Nacional de Codificación (National Cryptologic Museum), el 5 de noviembre. El Festival de Exhibición de STEM de MCPS está entre cientos de eventos en la comunidad que destacaron actividades de STEM para los residentes de Maryland. La misión es motivar a los estudiantes a que se interesen más en STEM y que quizás persigan carreras relacionadas con STEM.MCPS to Host Mental Health Fair November 9 (English and Spanish)MCPS is hosting a Mental Health Fair from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 9, at Gaithersburg High School. Students, staff members, and the community will be able to learn about community and school resources that support students’ physical, social, and psychological well-being. Celeste Malone, associate professor and coordinator of the school psychology program at Howard University, will deliver the keynote address. She will speak on the topic, Breaking Barriers to Access Youth Mental Health Care. The event is being sponsored by the Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement and the Montgomery County Psychologists’ Association. El 9 de Noviembre MCPS Presentará Feria de Salud MentalMCPS estará presentando una Feria de Salud Mental, el sábado, 9 de noviembre, de 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m., en Gaithersburg High School. Los estudiantes, miembros del personal y la comunidad podrán informarse acerca de los recursos que existen en la comunidad y en las escuelas para apoyar el bienestar físico, social y psicológico de los estudiantes. Celeste Malone, profesora asociada y coordinadora del programa de psicología escolar en Howard University, estará a cargo de pronunciar el discurso principal. Ella hablará sobre el tema de Cómo Romper las Barreras Que Se Interponen al Acceso de los Jóvenes a Servicios de Atención de Salud Mental. El evento está patrocinado por la Oficina de Apoyo y Participación Estudiantil y Familiar (Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement) y la Asociación de Psicólogos del Condado de Montgomery (Montgomery County Psychologists’ Association). NAACP Parents’ Council Kickoff Event to Take Place November 19 (English and Spanish)The NAACP Parents’ Council kickoff meeting will be held from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19 at Northwest High School. This event will bring together parents/guardians, MCPS teachers, principals, and administrators to share ideas on how to champion equity and excellence in education. Participants will have an opportunity to attend a resource fair and various breakout sessions. John B. King Jr., former U.S. Secretary of Education, will be the keynote speaker. The event is free. Register today at: e/2019-2020-naacp-parents-councilmcps-kick-off-tickets-75534215873?aff=erelexpmlt.El evento de lanzamiento del Concejo de Padres NAACP tendrá lugar el 19 de noviembreLa primera reunión del Concejo de Padres NAACP se llevará a cabo el martes, 19 de noviembre, de 5:00 a 9:00 p.m., en Northwest High School. Este evento reunirá a padres, maestros, directores de escuelas y administradores de MCPS para compartir ideas sobre cómo apoyar la equidad y la excelencia en la educación. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de asistir a una feria de recursos en varias sesiones en grupos separados. John B. King, Jr., antiguo Secretario de Educación de los Estados Unidos, estará a cargo de pronunciar el discurso principal. La participación a este evento es gratuita. Inscríbase hoy en: e/2019-2020-naacp-parents-councilmcps-kick-off-tickets-75534215873?aff=erelexpmlt 3 MCPS Juniors and Seniors Invited to Attend National Hispanic College Fair November 19 (English and Spanish)The National Hispanic College Fair (NHCF) will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at the Activity Center at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg. This annual event sponsored by NHCF and MCPS for juniors and seniors is free for students to attend. The fair features more than 40 colleges, universities, and service organizations committed to providing outreach and opportunity to all students. MCPS students participate by attending with their schools; this event is not open to the public and is held during the school day. Registration and permission forms for this event are available from the College and Career Coordinator at your child’s school. For more information, contact NHCF Coordinators Patty Maloney at Patricia_A_Maloney@, Lindsay Cao at Lindsay_Cao@, or Maria Garcia at Maria_S_Garcia@. Estudiantes del grado 11 y 12 de MCPS están invitados a asistir a la Feria Nacional Hispana de Universidades el 19 de noviembreLa Feria Universitaria Nacional Hispana (National Hispanic College Fair–NHCF) tendrá lugar el martes, 19 de noviembre, 2019, en el Centro de Actividades de Bohrer Park, en Gaithersburg. Este evento anual patrocinado por NHCF y MCPS para estudiantes que cursan los grados 11 y 12 es gratuito para los estudiantes. La feria presenta más de 40 colegios universitarios, universidades y organizaciones de servicio, todos ellos comprometidos a proveer alcance y oportunidades a todos los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de MCPS participan asistiendo con sus escuelas; este evento no está abierto al público y se realiza durante la jornada escolar. Los formularios de inscripción y de autorización para este evento están disponibles del Coordinador/a de Universidades y Carreras Profesionales (College and Career Coordinator) en la escuela de su hijo/a. Para más información contacte a las coordinadoras de NHCF, Patty Maloney en Patricia_A_Maloney@, Lindsay Cao en Lindsay_Cao@ o María García en Maria_S_Garcia@. November 2019MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1Fall Harvest Party @ 2:30-3:30First grade fundraiser, wear pajamas for $145678Student Fall picture make-up dayPTA Book FairEarly Release DayPTA Book Fair1112131415Parent ConferencesEarly Release DayPTA Book FairParent ConferencesEarly Release DayPTA Book FairHearing and Vision Screening1819202122ABC/MVP celebration by invitation onlyReport Cards sent homePTA Bingo Night @6:002526272829Early Release DalyThanksgiving Break No SchoolThanksgiving Break No SchoolComing in DecemberDec. 3 PTA meeting at 6:30Dec. 5 Dentist coming sign up to have your child seen by the dentist.Dec. 13 Second grade Morning Math with MuffinsDec. 16 Re-screening of hearing and visionDec. 17 ABC/MVP CelebrationDec. 24-Jan. 1 Winter Break, No school ................

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