Home - Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet



Parent/Student Handbook

School-wide Discipline Plan


Montgomery Public Schools

307 S. Decatur Street 36104

Post Office Box 1991

Montgomery, AL 36102-1991

(334) 233-6700

Superintendent Reginald Eggleston

Our Mission

We will engage, educate and inspire our students to succeed in college, career and beyond.

Our Vision

MPS is a place where every student develops a love of learning, cultivates intellectual curiosity and dreams of a future full of amazing possibilities.

Montgomery County Board of Education

Melissa Snowden—President—District 5 * Robert Porterfield—Vice President—District 6

Lesa Keith—District 1 * W. Durden Dean—District 2

Eleanor Dawkins—District 3 * Mary Briers—District 4 * Arica Watkins-Smith—District 7

Important Telephone Numbers

Helping Montgomery Families Initiative…………………………………………………………………………..(334) 832-1666

Safe Schools Hotline………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-888-SAV-KIDS

MPS Homeless/Migrant Services………………………………………………………………………………….(334) 223-6901

Student Support Services…………………………………………………………………………………………..(334)223-6850

Student Social Work Services……………………………………………………………………………………….(334) 223-6851

Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet School

Purpose and Mission

Baldwin’s purpose is to foster college-preparatory academic success, nurture artistic talent, and promote positive social development in middle school students. Our mission is to provide middle school students with challenging curriculum and learning experiences to produce motivated, conscientious and well-rounded citizens.

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome to Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet School. The faculty and staff are glad to have you here. I have assembled the information you need for a successful year at Baldwin in a way that, I think, will be convenient and user friendly. This document, which includes the Parent/Student Handbook, the Baldwin School-wide Discipline Plan, and a school calendar, answers many of the questions you may have about the rules and activities at Baldwin.

Whether you are a newcomer to our school or an “old timer,” we hope you will find this school year to be a memorable and exciting one. Cooperation is, of course, the key. Toward that end, we suggest that you read the handbook and discipline guide thoroughly. It will tell you exactly what we expect of you and what services and benefits you may expect from the school. We hope you take both messages to heart.

You may use the calendar all year to keep up with important school events. Please add other dates and information as we send them home. Please note, however, that dates for some school activities are subject to change.

Please sign and return the form on the last page to acknowledge receipt of this booklet. If you have any questions or concerns during the year, please call me at 269-3870 or e-mail me at jannette.wright@mps.k12.al.us.

May this year be one of the most rewarding in your school career.


Jannette Wright, Principal

Faculty and Staff 2017-2018


Jannette Wright Principal

Ryan Gotkiewicz Assistant Principal


Jennifer Alexander Visual Arts

Doug Back Classical Guitar

Beverly Ball Mathematics

Dennis Barnett Physical Education


Baskin-White Science

Heath Baxter Social Studies

Chloe Baxley Social Studies

Tranum Blackwell Physical Education

Kelley Calloway Mathematics

Emily Castillo Science

Meghan Castanza English

Brice Collins German

Patrick Darby Band

Andrea Dewhurst Drama

Elizabeth Doyle English

Traci Fuller Choral

Cecilia Garnier French

Celeste Granthum Mathematics

Rachel Guyette Social Studies

Rachel Han Chinese

Meredith Huddleston Classical Ballet

Barbara Jefferson Mathematics

Jesseca Johnson English

Rockie Johnston Resource

Kristen McCants Mathematics

Amanda Meeks Science

Patricia Norris Physical Education

Patricia Rivera Spanish

Ashley Robinson English

Shelby Searcy Science

Martha Sikes Social Studies

Sarah Tanner Piano

Destinee Thomas Science

Laura Walters Strings


Michelle Azbell Counselor

Melanie Daffin Counselor


Debra Mitchell Media Specialist

Support Staff

Patricia Caffey Bookkeeper

Kelci Bixenman Guidance Aide

Rachel Sims Secretary

Service Staff

Jesse Bowen Head Custodian

Nathaniel Bullard Custodian

Yolanda Hamilton Custodian

Eureka Lockley Custodian


Debra Felder Food Service Manager

Parent/Student Handbook


Table of Contents

Parent-Student Handbook

Arrival and Dismissal from School

Articles of Value

Assistance Directory


BASH Program

Bell Schedule

Book Bags

Bus Students

Cell Phones

Changing Magnets

Check Cashing and Change



Dress Code

General Behavior

Grade Point Averages


Electronic Readers

Elevator Use

Evaluation Design—Arts

Exceptional Students

Extracurricular Activities


Field Trips

Fire or Emergency Drills



Homework Policies




Make Up Work

Monthly Parent Meetings

Medical Assistance/Medication

Messages and Deliveries

National Junior Honor Society

Parent Meetings

Parent Teacher Student Association


Physical Education

Progress Reports

Report Cards


INOW Pin Number

Magnet Requirements

Student Work Papers

Telephone Use



Baldwin School-Wide Discipline Plan

Tardy Policy

Tardy to School Policy

Class A Violations of Classroom rules

Dress Code Violations

Class B

Corporal Punishment Policy


MPS School Calendar 2017-2018

MPS Assessment Schedule 2017-2018

Arrival to and Dismissal from School

• Students are not to enter the main building before 7 A.M. unless they have a pass from a teacher. Students who arrive before 7 A.M. must report to the gym until the opening bell. No student should be on the school campus before 6:30 A.M.

• Students being dropped off on McDonough Street should ride in the back seat of the vehicle. The student should exit the car on the school side, not the street side, of the vehicle.

• When leaving, the student should enter the back seat from the school side of the vehicle. Never walk to the passenger side of the automobile to enter.

• Vans should load and unload in the Community Center parking lot. Never load and unload into the street traffic.

Parents should never urge students to cross McDonough Street to go to a vehicle parked on the opposite side of the street.

• Parents should not pick up or drop off students on Scott Street, for this is used for bus loading and unloading.

• Students are to clear the building immediately in the afternoon after being dismissed by their teachers. Students must not be on school grounds after school unless a teacher requires that a student stay after school. It is a parent’s responsibility to pick up the student on time. Please cooperate with us in after-school transportation.

• Do not leave your child waiting for you after school is dismissed. It is not safe to leave your child on McDonough Street until you get off work. Please allow your child to ride the bus, if you cannot be here by 2:15. The YMCA operates a GoodTimes program for after-school childcare in the Community Center. Contact the YMCA for information. Only students who participate in this program may stay in the gym after school. We cannot be responsible for students who are sent to the public library to wait for parents.

Articles of Value

Students should bring to school only the amount of money needed to make purchases at school. Students should not bring large bills to school. Items of value and items that disrupt school activities (i.e. toys, radios, fidget spinners, etc.) should not be brought to school unless they are part of a class assignment or project and approval has been given in advance. Such items brought to school will be taken up. Items confiscated from students will be brought to the main office where the items will be logged in under the student’s name. The items will be stored in a locked area of the main office. The items will only be returned to the student’s parent or legal guardian, and it is the student’s responsibility to inform their guardian that an item has been confiscated. Parents should call the office to arrange a time to retrieve the item. The parent will be asked to identify the item and sign for it before it can be released. Any student who persistently brings banned items to school will be disciplined in accordance with MPS Code of Student Behavior. Any items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to charity.

Assistance Directory—Where Do I Go For Help?

Absenteeism((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Homeroom Teacher/Administrator

Bus Transportation((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Transportation Department 285-2085

Change of Address(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((………………………Secretary

Conference Request((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Guidance/269-3083

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Lockers((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((…….Assistant Principal/Custodian

Lost and Found(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Secretary/Custodian

Lunch(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lunchroom Manager/Teacher/Administrator

Payment for Lost Books((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Teacher/Bookkeeper

Personal Problems(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Guidance Counselor

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• It is important that students attend school each day.

• Excused absences will be considered for the following reasons: personal illness, serious illness in the family verified by a District Resource Officer, death in the immediate family not to exceed one week, observance of recognized holidays of the child’s own faith, inclement weather as designated by the superintendent, court-required appearances, emergency conditions as determined by the superintendent or principal, prior permission of the principal with request from the parent or legal guardian.

• Parents are required to send a note or doctor’s excuse to the homeroom teacher explaining ALL absences within three days after the student returns to school. A faxed or emailed note is not acceptable. A note signed by the parent does not, however, excuse the absence.

• Out of town trips and absences for reasons other than those listed for excused absences will be excused only in the case of an emergency or for the purpose of education. The principal must approve absences of this nature at least a week BEFORE the trip is taken.

• Exceptions are made for a student to keep doctor/dental appointments. The student should report back to school with a statement from the doctor’s office. Please try to make medical and dental appointments before or after school hours. The appointments are not excused unless a doctor’s statement is provided the school or homeroom teacher.

• All students must be signed out through the school office. Only the signatures of the parents or authorized guardian as indicated on the registration card will be accepted. Picture identification is required for adults signing students out of school.

• A student who is absent, tardy or checks out of school before the end of the school day does not have perfect attendance.

• Checkout procedures: Early dismissals are discouraged, but if it is necessary for a student to leave school during the day, arrangements should be made before leaving home and the procedure outlined below should be followed:

1. If a student is to check out during the day, a parent or guardian must come in the office to sign the student out. No student will be released to anyone whose name is not on the registration card. Written permission should be given by the parent/guardian or “emergency person” shown on the registration card before each check-out, except in the case of sudden illness, accident, or similar incident where telephone confirmation is the only alternative. Persons wanting to check a student out must be prepared to show pictured identification. No student is to leave school without signing out and being properly dismissed through the school office.

2. At times it becomes necessary for a student to leave school because of illness or an emergency. The student will report to the teacher with whom he/she has a class for that particular period. If, in the teacher’s judgment, a checkout is valid, the teacher will send the student to the school nurse. The nurse will determine if the child should go home. No student is to leave school without signing out and being properly dismissed through the school office. Parents or authorized adults must enter the office to check students out.

• Tardies to School and Homeroom: Students not in their homeroom in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings are tardy to school and must be signed in by a parent or guardian. Students who arrive at school after the tardy bell are to report to the office where a tardy slip will be given after a parent signs him or her in. An excessive tardiness notice will be sent to parents on the third unexcused tardy each semester. Students will be referred to the office after four unexcused tardies to school. Check-ins are excused for the same reasons as absences.

• Tardies to Class other than Homeroom: A student is tardy to class if he/she is not in his/her assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. An excessive tardiness notice will be sent to parents on the third unexcused tardy each semester. Students will be referred to the office on the fourth unexcused tardy to any class.

BASH Program

Each student at Baldwin is strongly encouraged to purchase and maintain a Baldwin Arts and Academics Student Help (BASH) Book. Homework assignments are to be recorded daily for each class. BASH books should be purchased at the beginning of the year from the guidance office. The cost of the book is $7.00. The purpose of the BASH book is to teach organizational skills.

Bell Schedule

Daily Schedule Activity Schedule

Opening Bell 7:00 Opening Bell 7:00

Warning Bell 7:10 Warning Bell 7:10

Tardy Bell 7:12 Tardy Bell 7:12

Homeroom 7:10-7:22 Homeroom 7:10-7:17

Period 1 7:25-8:15 Activity 7:20-8:00

Period 2 8:20-9:10 Period 1 8:05-8:45

Period 3 9:15-10:05 Period 2 8:50-9:30

Period 4 10:10-11:00 Period 3 9:35-10:15

Period 5 11:05-12:25 Period 4 10:20-11:00

Period 6 12:30-1:20 Period 5 11:05-12:25

Period 7 1:25-2:15 Period 6 12:30-1:20

Period 7 1:25-2:15

Book Bags

Students may use book bags to transport books and school materials to and from school. However, due to the increasing weight of textbooks and the possible risk of injury from heavy book bags, students may not carry book bags during the school day. A book bag is defined as any bag students use to carry books and school supplies, including, but not limited to, large purses and/or nylon and cotton bags. Book bags must be small enough to fit inside the school locker. Students must make an effort to carry only the books they need for one or two classes at a time and leave others in lockers. Students are encouraged to use a “trapper keeper” style of notebook or binder for folders and other school supplies.

Bus Students

Bus students are expected to follow all Transportation Department rules and regulations and school rules while being transported to and from school. Violation of these rules may result in an office referral. The Code of Student Behavior applies to bus behavior just as it does to behavior on school campus.

Bus students are expected to go to bus loading area (Scott Street) immediately upon dismissal. If a student misses his/her bus, the student will have to call a parent for a ride. The student will not be allowed to go home on another bus. The buses are allowed to take home only their regularly assigned students. Teachers and other personnel will not take children home who have missed the bus. If you have any questions concerning bus routes and/or drivers, please contact the Transportation Department.

Cell Phones

Students are not permitted to use a cell phone or any electronic device in school. Principals have the authority to allow the use of cell phones and electronic devices for instructional purposes during class; however, permission must be granted before students are allowed to openly display cell phones or other electronic devices in class/school. Unless otherwise stated, cell phones and other electronic devices must be kept out of view and not in use while students are in the school building, in classes that may be held outside of the building and on school sponsored field trips. If a cell phone rings or beeps in class/school, it is considered being in use. The cell phone or electronic device will be confiscated on all offenses and only returned to parents. When a cell phone or other electronic device is confiscated, it will be taken to the office, logged in, and secured. Parents may retrieve the cell phone or device at the end of the next school day after presenting pictured identification. On the third violation, the offense will be upgraded to a “B” offense, and the student may be suspended. Each student in possession of a cell phone should have a MPS Cell Phone Usage Policy Consent Form on file with the school.

Changing Magnets

Students wanting to switch magnets from arts to academics or academics to art must complete an application for the new magnet during the application period. Exact dates of the application period may be obtained from the school office.

Check Cashing and Change

Board of Education bookkeeping policy does not allow us to make change or cash checks.


If parents wish to request a conference to discuss their child’s progress with a teacher(s), please contact the guidance office (269-3083). Conferences are scheduled in the morning at 6:45 A.M. before homeroom or after school at 2:15 P.M.

To schedule an appointment with the principal, please call the office secretary. The conference will be arranged at the earliest possible date.


Schools cannot be a place of learning unless there is order and discipline. Parents desire this, and we insist upon it. Baldwin will enforce the Code of Student Behavior.

In the first week of school, teachers will send classroom discipline guidelines to parents. Please read the Code of Student Behavior and classroom rules and regulations carefully and discuss them with your children. Please also read and discuss the Baldwin School Discipline Plan.

Dress Code

The uniform guidelines of the school coincide with MPS policy: The Baldwin Dress Code follows:

Uniform Tops:

Girls: Dark Purple or white golf shirts—short or long sleeved –may have a banded waist, white button-down shirts, white shirts with short sleeves, 3/4 length sleeves, or long sleeves (all shirts must have collars and no logos, unless it is the Baldwin logo).

Boys: Dark Purple or white golf shirts—short or long sleeved, white button-down shirts (all shirts must have collars and no logos, unless it is the Baldwin logo).

For both boys and girls: white long- sleeved t-shirts and white turtlenecks may be worn under short-sleeved golf shirts. Shirts should fit properly and not be oversized. Shirts do not have to be tucked in if appropriate length; overly long shirts should be tucked in.

The Baldwin logo may be embroidered on shirts; however, this is not a requirement. Several uniform companies in Montgomery have the Baldwin logo and will embroider shirts.

Uniform Bottoms:

Girls: Khaki shorts, skorts that look like skirts from the front and back, skirts, jumpers (all must adhere to the MPS policy requiring these to be no higher that knee length from the crease in the back of the knee) Capri pants, and long pants. All pants must be of regular cut, with no “skinny pants” or leggings made to look like pants. Plaid (color “2M”) skorts that look like skirts from the front and back, skirts, and jumpers may be worn, also.

Boys: Khaki shorts and long pants. Pants must fit properly and may not sag.

For both boys and girls: No athletic shorts. If shirts are tucked in, belts must be worn, if pants or skirts have belt loops.

Purses, Totes, and/or Bags: Students may carry purses to transport personal items; however, purses may be no larger than 10”X8”X2”.


For both boys and girls: Shoes must cover the foot. Athletic shoes are preferred. Shoes such as loafers, flats, “boat” shoes are permissible, as long as they cover the foot. Boots made to wear during inclement weather (such as rubber rain boots) may be worn to school; however, they must be stored in the student’s locker during the day. No bedroom slippers, flip flops, stilettos or slides will be allowed.


For both boys and girls: White, dark purple, dark or light gray, or black sweaters (crewneck and v-neck), sweater vests, sweatshirts, zipped front hoodies, fleece jackets are acceptable. Outerwear must be solid in color. No brand logos are allowed on outerwear. All may be embroidered with the school logo. School logos are not required. Outerwear with brand logos may be worn to school, if stored in lockers during the day. Outerwear may not be monogrammed with the students name or personal monogram.

Hats and scarfs are considered outerwear and may not be worn in the school building but must be placed in lockers during the school day.

Socks/Tights, Ties, Hair Ribbons, Belts, Accessories: Socks and tights: solid color white, black, or flesh colored. Dance students may not wear their dance class tights under skirts. Ties may be worn (must be tied correctly) but are not required—solid color dark purple or plaid 2M. Hair ribbons and small hair bows should be solid color: black, white, purple, beige/khaki, or plaid 2M. No large hair bows may be worn. Head bands may be worn to hold back the wearers hair but may not be worn on the forehead. Large jewelry, such as necklaces and/or earrings is not allowed. Belts, if worn, must be solid black, brown, or purple.

Special Occasions: On special occasions, designated by the principal, students may wear a Baldwin t-shirt that has not been altered to look different than intended. On these special days, students may also wear khaki bottoms with Baldwin t-shirts.

Dress Code Guidelines for Special Occasions Other Than Baldwin T-shirt Days

On certain days announced by the principal, such as school pictures and school dances and functions at night, students may be out of uniform. Students must adhere to the following guidelines on these special occasions.

Out-of Uniform Days

1. Shorts, skirts, dresses must not be shorter than the top of the wearer’s knee. Slits or splits in skirts must meet the top of the knee requirement.

2. Clothing, which is too tight, revealing, or distracting, may not be worn. Clothing must fit properly. Pants, with or without spandex, which are too tight are not allowed.

3. Insignias, button, and clothing which promote or refer to tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, vulgarities, violence, and other immoral or illegal behavior are prohibited. Shirts with slogans or pictures that could be considered derogatory and/or inflammatory are not permitted.

4. No nylon-type soccer shorts or sheer nylon jogging pants.

5. No boxer shorts or pajamas worn as outerwear.

6. No clothing with rips or holes.

7. No unhemmed and frayed pants or shorts, even if they are purchased that way.

8. No shredded clothing.

9. Pants must be worn at the waist. No sagging.

10. No sleeveless tops which expose undergarments. Tank tops with narrow shoulders and/or spaghetti straps, halters, bare midriffs, or tube tops are not allowed. There should be no gap between the wearer’s top and pants or skirt.

11. No sunglasses, hats, caps, bandannas, visors, or any type of head gear (besides appropriately sized bows and hairbands) may be worn.

12. No pierced jewelry worn in places other than one’s ears. Hoops may not be larger than one inch. Jewelry with spikes or heavy chains or medallions, removable dental grills, heavy bracelets and large finger rings are prohibited.

13. No athletic tank tops unless worn over a tee shirt.

14. Belts must be buckled appropriately. Only one belt may be worn with attire.

15. NO JEANS, including colored jeans or blue jeans, except at school dances.

16. The school principal /administrator will be the final authority on appropriate school dress and any exceptions.

General Behavior-Classroom

Students will follow the classroom rules established by the teacher.

General Behavior-Assemblies

Students will sit in the designated area as indicated by the teacher and be courteous throughout the program.

General Behavior-Lunchroom

Students will

• Not break in line

• Not throw food or objects

• Not visit other tables or make unnecessary noise

• Follow the teacher’s clean-up plan for tables

General Behavior-Halls

Students will

• Walk in an orderly manner

• Avoid unnecessary noise

• Avoid displays of affection

• Avoid horseplay

• Not deface any part of the school

• Use waste cans for litter

• Not eat or drink outside the lunchroom or chew gum

• Not wear hats or sunglasses

Grade Point Averages

Grade point averages (GPA’s) are computed using quality points for core subjects. Letter grades are used to determine GPA’s. An “A” is worth four (4) points; “B’s” are worth three (3) points; “C’s” are worth two (2) points; and “D’s” are worth one (1) point. An “F” receives zero (0) points. Only core subjects—English, math, science, and social studies grades are used to compute magnet GPA’s. GPA’s are cumulative. Final GPA’s are calculated using the final yearly average for core courses.


The Baldwin Arts Program is considered a three-year program. Students who begin a program are encouraged to complete the program. Students may have the opportunity to change arts electives only once during attendance at Baldwin. Changes are subject to audition scores. A student who has taken the same arts elective for two years may not change.

Electronic Readers

Students have permission to use electronic readers in the classroom. This will include any electronic reader that does NOT have a camera (i.e. Nook, Kindle). Baldwin teachers and administrators WILL NOT be responsible for any electronic reader that is lost, stolen, or damaged. If a classroom teacher chooses for a student to have a paper copy of a book, the teacher’s request will supersede the permission to use the electronic reader. If a student misuses an electronic reader during class time (i.e. playing games), the reader will be taken up and given to an administrator. Electronic Devices which are confiscated will be logged in by the administrator and secured. Parents will be contacted. Parents must pick the reader up from the office.

Elevator Use

Students must have a written doctor’s excuse on file in the office to use the elevator. Students must present the doctor’s statement to the office to receive a permission slip for use for the duration of the need. Students must have the permission slip with them when using the elevator. Riding the elevator without permission from the office will result in an office referral.

Evaluation Design—Arts

Performance is an important part of the Arts Magnet program. Students are expected to follow all program guidelines pertaining to rehearsal and performance obligations. Unexcused absences from rehearsals/performances will be reflected in the student’s grade.

The director of each arts component will determine the value of individual rehearsals and performances. All dress rehearsals are mandatory. An unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be reflected in the student’s grade. An unexcused absence from a dress rehearsal will be reflected in the student’s grade and may result in the student not being allowed to perform. This, in turn, will give the student a performance grade of “0.” Only the principal may excuse a student from a mandatory dress rehearsal or performance. If a student is not in school the day of an after-school rehearsal or performance, they are not permitted to participate in those rehearsals/performances. A student must check in before 10:45 A.M. to be considered in full attendance for the day. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the principal.

Exceptional Students

The public school system offers a variety of programs for students with special needs. Parents who think that their children need to be served by any of these programs should inform the guidance counselor, and/or the principal in writing.

All schools, including magnet schools, must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. A student may be both gifted and have a disability, including, but not limited to, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD), depression, a specific learning disability, diabetes, epilepsy, or a vision or hearing impairment. If you think or suspect your child may have a disability, please notify the principal. Your child may be eligible for a free evaluation and additional services and assistance from the school. If you have questions or need assistance with this process, call the Special Education Director or the Section 504 Coordinator.

Extracurricular Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. Academic teams, club activities, and arts performances provide opportunities and experiences not readily available in the classroom. The principal must approve all extracurricular activities.


Art $35.00 per year Drama $15 per year

Band $15 per year Guitar $15 per year

$30 Instrument Service Charge per semester $30 Instrument Service Charge per semester

Choral $15 per year Piano $15 per year

Computer $20 per year $30 Instrument Service Charge per semester

Dance $15 per year Strings $15 per year

$30 Instrument Service Charge per semester

Field Trips

Students must have written permission from the parent or legal guardian to go on field trips. Permission may not be given over the phone.

Fire or Emergency Drills

There is at least one fire drill each month. Students are expected to follow teachers’ instructions and walk to the assigned exit. Fire drills are serious business, for lives are at stake. In the event of a tornado or disaster drill, the alarm will sound. At this time follow your teacher to the assigned area.


The principal must approve all fund-raising projects sponsored by the school. Students are not allowed to sell items, make collections, conduct membership drives, or sell subscriptions on school property during the school day without the authorization of the principal.


Baldwin has two full-time counselors to work with students. Parents and/or students should see the counselor any time they have concerns.

Homework Policies

If a student misses classes due to illness or other reasons, it is the student’s responsibility to see the subject teacher for assignments and to make up assigned work and/or take tests. Teachers also post homework assignments on the school website baldwin.mps.k12.al.us

If you wish to receive assignments when you are out for three or more days, please call the office.


Students who become ill at school will not be allowed to go home unless a parent or another authorized person checks the student out.


Early in the school year, there will be time set aside, in which students may rent lockers from their homeroom teachers. The rental fee is $7.00 for the school year. Students should not give their locker combinations to other students. Students must also rent a P.E. locker. The fee is $5.00 for the school year.


One free lunch and one free breakfast per day is provided to each student. There is a charge for extra purchases, such as bottled water or non-carbonated drinks, and snacks.

Visitor lunches--$4.00

We recommend that students eat balanced meals each day. Meals are to be eaten in the lunchroom. Food may not be taken out of the lunchroom, except by permission from the principal. No food or drinks are allowed in halls or classrooms.

• Lunches are served daily

• Each month a menu is posted on the school system’s website.

• Foods from fast food restaurants or soft drinks are not allowed in the lunchroom.

Make Up Work

Field trip make-up work must be completed no later than the day following the field trip. Failure to make up work missed by this day will result in a zero. Students who are at school the day of the field trip must turn in that day’s assignments in each and any class that assignments were given before going on the field trip. Students must also see teachers before leaving on the field trip about assignments made on the day of the field trip. Students will be held responsible for assignments made during class on the day of the field trip. In the case of over-night fieldtrips, students may have equal to the days missed to complete assignments. All make-up work for an excused absence, other than field trips, must be completed within 3 school days (or the number of days equal to the number of consecutive absences) after the student returns to school. If the absences are for more than five (5) consecutive days, all teachers will establish a reasonable timeline for submission of make-up work. For extended illnesses missed work must be cleared within 10 days after the end of the grading period the work is missed.

Medical Assistance/Medication

Report all accidents immediately to your teacher, the school nurse, or to the office, regardless of the severity of the injury. If you become ill at school, request a pass from your subject teacher to the nurse. If necessary, the school nurse will contact your parents.

No medication will be given to students unless authorized by a physician. When authorized, the medication must be kept in the Nurse’s Office and administered by the nurse. No medication is allowed in the classroom. Containers must have a label giving the student’s name, amount to be given, and the time to be taken. The school will not furnish medicine of any kind to be taken internally. It is the responsibility of the student to report to the Nurse at the appropriate time to take medicine and to pick up all unused medicine at the end of the day. Medicine not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded.

Messages and Deliveries

Parents should make arrangements before school to pick students up. Please refrain from asking that messages be delivered to students unless an emergency arises. Also, make sure that students have everything needed for the school day. Please do not ask the secretary to deliver items, such as money, homework, notebooks, book bags, etc., to students.

Monthly Parent Meetings

Each month we will have an opportunity for parents to visit Baldwin at night. These meetings will include PTSA meetings and different events. Please check the school calendar for specific dates.

National Junior Honor Society

The Baldwin Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society follows the national criteria “to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop worthy school and community citizenship, and to develop character in the middle school student.” The Baldwin Chapter of the NJHS has its induction ceremony each May. Induction is limited to seventh and eighth graders. There is a process by which new members are selected. Following is a synopsis of the process. More information may be obtained by contacting sponsors.

In the spring of each year, after the third quarter grading period, GPA’s are reviewed. A 3.5 magnet GPA is the first criterion for potential membership in the National Junior Honor Society. There are other criteria as well. Students who are asked to join the honor society must demonstrate outstanding performance in leadership, service, citizenship, and character, in addition to their high scholastic average.

Those students who qualify for acceptance based on scholarship will be asked to complete an application and supply sponsors with written and verified documentation of participation in service projects, leadership roles undertaken and good character and citizenship. These students must obtain an application packet from Baldwin’s NJHS sponsors. The packet will contain rating forms to be given to each of the student’s current teachers who will rate the student in character, citizenship, leadership, and service within each teacher’s realm of knowledge of that student.

Parent Teacher Student Association

The PTSA is one of the main links in our school organization at Baldwin. It is a part of our entire school program and helps us to bring the school, home and community closer together. Each parent is urged to take an active part in the PTSA.


There shall be no parties in classrooms during school hours. The principal must approve socials of any kind during the school day.

Physical Education

All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are required by state law to take physical education. You may be excused from gym only if you have presented a written medical excuse. Students are required to dress out for gym class. P.E. uniforms must be purchased from the school. That information will be sent home by the physical education teachers after school begins.

Progress Reports

We will issue progress reports for all classes twice each quarter. Parents or guardians must sign progress reports and return them to school the next day. Dates for progress reports may be found on the school calendar.

Report Cards

Report Cards are issued quarterly. Parents or guardians must sign report cards and return them to school the next day. After each student returns his/her signed report card to homeroom, the homeroom teacher will give the student another copy of the report card to keep.


Smoking at Baldwin is not allowed by anyone. Baldwin is a smoke-free environment.

INOW Pin Number

Parents may obtain a pin number from the school office for their student in order to access INOW Home. With this pin number the parent may view each teacher’s grade book entries for their child daily. They can also access the homework section of a teacher’s lesson plan with this pin number. Parents must present pictured identification before receiving the pin number. Students keep the same pin number each year.

Requirements for Remaining in the Baldwin Magnet Program

Students enrolled in Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet must meet the following requirements to remain eligible for the program:

1. Students in the Academics Magnet Program will be required to maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher for the year. This average will include only core subjects.

2. Students in the Arts Magnet Program will be required to maintain a grade point average of 2.75 or higher for the year. This average will include only core subjects. Arts students must also maintain a 3.0 for the year in each of their arts electives.

3. Baldwin students must exhibit good conduct. Students with serious discipline problems [one (1) or more “B” level or higher office referrals] may be ineligible to return.

Response to Instruction

Dear Parents/Guardian:

Montgomery Public Schools (MPS) is committed to providing the highest quality of education to every student. To meet that goal, MPS adopted two fundamental frameworks: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Instruction (RtI). PBIS is a proactive approach to establishing behavioral supports to address psychological, social and emotional needs. RtI is a multi-tiered approach to providing core instruction to all students in addition to identifying and supporting students with learning and behavior needs. Both frameworks provide early, systematic and intensive assistance to students who are at risk or already underperforming. Interventions will include but not be limited to specialized, research-based teaching and behavior strategies provided in both the classroom and small group settings.

According to the Alabama Administrative Code, all public schools in Alabama are required to implement the Problem Solving Team (PST) model. The PST process is designed to guide general education intervention services for all students who have academic and/or behavioral difficulties. The PST will review student data regarding the need for assistance, monitor progress being made by students, inform parents of plans of action, and make recommendations for changes to interventions.

Based on initial screening results and other academic data, if it is determined that your child would benefit from assistance or intervention, he or she will be provided tiered support as needed.

MPS utilizes a three-tiered approach to instruction/intervention:

• Tier 1 – Classroom teachers will use a variety of instructional strategies and positive behavioral supports within the core curriculum to address individual instructional needs

• Tier 2 – Based on assessments, discipline, grades, attendance and other data, students who are unsuccessful with Tier 1 will be provided additional research-based interventions

• Tier 3 – Students who continue to misbehave or struggle in Tier 2 will be referred to the PST and receive more intensive interventions.


Bridgette Johnson

Bridgette Johnson, RtI Coordinator

Montgomery Public Schools

(334) 223-6840

Student Work Papers

Teachers are required by the Board of Education to keep all student work papers on file during the school year for documentation purposes. Parents may make an appointment to come to school to view these papers, if they wish.

Telephone Use

The office telephone is for business purposes only and is not available for student use, except in case of an accident, sickness, or emergency. A pass is required. Telephone messages will not be delivered except for the above reasons. Every effort is made to guard instructional time and limit interruptions. If a student needs to use the telephone after the school office closes at 2:45 P.M., he or she may use the telephone in the gym with permission from the Good Times director. The gym stays open until 6:00 P.M.


State-owned textbooks will be available for students. Students are absolutely responsible for all textbooks issued to them. Students are required to keep book covers on books at all times.


Any non-employee or non-student who comes on the school grounds at any time during the day must report to the main office for a visitor’s pass. Visitors must present identification that contains a picture.

We welcome parents and encourage them to visit to become aware of the school program; however, they should not come to school to see a student’s teacher at a time when the teacher has a class. Conferences for such purposes should be scheduled through the Guidance Office. Student visitors are not permitted on the school campus or in the building unless accompanied by parents and approved by the principal of his/her school and the Baldwin principal. Permission cannot be granted for students to invite friends to visit during the school day.

Disruptive Visitors—Any person who becomes physically or verbally disruptive on school property may be subject to criminal prosecution as well as termination of visiting privileges. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to, using a raised voice, using profanity, uttering verbal or written threats or employing threatening gestures or otherwise engaging in an action deemed inappropriate by the building administrator. In the event a person is deemed to be disruptive, that said person will be instructed to leave school property and law enforcement may be called upon for assistance, if necessary.

2017-2018 Testing Dates Calendar

|Tests |Testing Dates |Approximate Days Needed to Test |

|ACT WorkKeys Online Testing |Dec. 1, 2017—Feb. 28, 2018 |1-3 days |

|ACT WorkKeys Paper Testing with Accomodations |Feb. 21-Mar. 7 |IEP/504 Decision |

|NAEP (Select Schools and Grades Only) |TBD by NAEP if Montgomery Co. is selected |1 Day |

|Access 2.0 |Jan. 22—Mar. 23 |2-4 Days |

|Alternate Access for ELLs |Jan. 22—Mar. 23 |2-4 Days |

|State Assessment (Gr. 3-8 and 10) |April 9—May 4 |1-5 Days |

|ACT with Writing |Prior to Test Date |1 Day |

|ACT with Writing Paper Testing with Accomodations |April3-April 17 |ACT Decision |

|ACT with Writing Online Format |April 3-April 12 |1 Day |

|Alabama Alternate Assessment |March 5-April 13 |May vary by student |

School District Calendar for 2017-2018


Baldwin School-wide Discipline Plan

Tardy to Class Procedures

Students who are not in their assigned seats when the bell sounds for class to begin are considered tardy. Tardies accumulate on a semester basis.


First Offense: Teacher counsels and warns student.

Second Offense: Teacher has conference with student.

Third Offense: A note is sent home to parents for their signatures and/or a telephone call will be made.

Fourth Offense: Student is assigned to after-school detention for 30 minutes in the teacher’s room.

Fifth and Thereafter: Student is given an office referral and the offense may be upgraded to a “B” offense.

Tardy to School Procedures

Should a student arrive late to school, a parent or guardian must come into the office to sign the student in before the student will be admitted to class. Only an individual whose name appears on the registration card can check-in the student unless the school verifies permission with the parent/guardian. Students will stay in the office until signed in. Students who are not in homeroom and in their assigned seats when the final tardy to school bell sounds are considered tardy to school. Check-ins are excused for the same reasons as absences.


First Offense: Students are warned.

Second Offense: Administrator has conference with student.

Third Offense: A letter is sent home to parents.

Fourth Offense: Student receives an office referral and assigned to after-school detention.

Fifth and Thereafter: Student is given an office referral and the offense may be upgraded to a “B” offense

Class A Violations of Classroom Rules

The classroom teacher will handle general classroom disruptions by using his/her Classroom Discipline Plan. These classroom plans will include rules for the classroom and consequences for not following those rules. A teacher’s plan may include taking in-class disciplinary action, calling the parent/guardian, and/or scheduling a conference with the parent/guardian and other school staff. Teachers will contact a student’s parent/guardian when the student consistently exhibits poor work habits and inappropriate conduct. Teachers will keep written documentation of student misbehavior and consequences applied.

Only when the consequences of the teacher’s plan have proved to be ineffective and/or the offense is continuous or severe is the student to receive an Office Referral to the principal. A copy of the written documentation that the teacher has kept on the student’s misbehavior should be attached to the Office Referral.

These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors which disrupt the orderly educational process in the classroom or anywhere else under school jurisdiction.

Class A offenses may be upgraded to Class B or Class C, if there is an accumulation of Class A offenses.

Examples of Class A Offenses:

Distraction of other students Littering

Failure to follow directions Offensive touching (not sexual)

Failure to bring materials to class Rude or discourteous behavior

Failure to follow dress code procedure Gum chewing or eating candy, etc.

***Cheating Reporting false information

Petty theft Toys or items which may be distracting to the school environment

Public display of affection **Cell Phone violation (1st and 2nd Offense)

Any other offense not addressed elsewhere in this document that the principal, faculty, and/or staff may deem to fall within this category.

Consequences for Class A offenses will follow the list of suggested corrective strategies in the Code of Student Behavior.

Teachers will also utilize the following order of consequences for Class A offenses:

1st Offense Warning

2nd Offense Teacher conference with student and appropriate corrective strategy

3rd Offense Communication with parent

4th Offense In-class after-school detention

5th Offense Referral to Administrator

**In the case of cell phones or electronic devices, teachers will confiscate the cell phone or electronic device. The confiscated cell phone or electronic device will be taken to the office, logged in and secured. Parents may retrieve the cell phone at the end of the next school day. The cell phone will only be given to the parent or guardian after they have presented picture identification. The third violation of the cell phone policy will result in a “B” offense.

***In the case of cheating, teachers will complete an office referral and contact parents concerning the incident. The student will receive a “0” for the assignment and/or test.

Dress Code

The uniform guidelines of the school coincide with MP policy, but in a more detailed and school specific form. Find complete Baldwin uniform guidelines in the Parent/Student Handbook.

The school principal/administrator shall be the final authority on appropriate school dress and any exceptions.

First Violation: Student will receive a notice of non-compliance. Parent will be contacted and required to take corrective action.

Second Violation: Student will receive a corrective strategy, such as “after-school detention.” Parent will be contacted and required to take corrective action.

Third and subsequent

Violations: The dress code violation will be upgraded to a Class B violation: B10 Persistent/Willful Disobedience and consequences issued accordingly.

Class B Violations of School Rules and/or Board of Education Policy

For an explanation of these violations, please see the Montgomery Public Schools, 2017-18 Code of Student Behavior.

Corporal Punishment Policy

Corporal Punishment is not allowed as a form of discipline in Montgomery Public Schools.


Please sign and return this receipt to the student’s homeroom teacher.

Notice of Receipt

I, ______________________________________________, a student at Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet School, and my parents/guardians hereby acknowledge by our signatures that we have received and read the 2014-2015 School-wide Discipline Plan and the Parent/Student Handbook, including the 2014-2015 School Calendar. We understand these procedures, rules, and consequences apply to all students and parents while on the Baldwin campus and at school-sponsored activities and events.

______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Student’s Signature Date

______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date

______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date


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