GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite ...

[Pages:12]GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus


Completing a Reevaluation

Prior to the Notice of Reevaluation due date, consult with all Team Members, including the parent. If it is decided that a Three Year Reevaluation will be held, follow the steps as outlined below.

Complete the Team Members Tab to reflect team member composition for the Reevaluation Meeting.

Create Simple Form: Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1). From the Documents Tab, select New Document.

Select Create New Simple Form. Choose Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1) from the dropdown list. Select Create Document.

1 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus

Complete Simple Form Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1). Manually calculate the 15 business days and fill in this date on the form informing the parent of when the notice regarding assessments (COED) will be sent. The calculation is based off of either the date the school district received a request to reevaluate (Early Reevaluation) or the date of the Notice of Reevaluation (R-1). Check the appropriate box. Note: The date of the RE-1 begins the 15 business day timeline. Print and send to parent/guardian with Procedural Safeguards. Make a copy for the Cumulative Folder packet.

Select ONE

After the Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1) is sent, create the New Evaluation: Reeval-Notice of Reevaluation (RE1). From the Documents Tab, select New Document.

Select Create New Evaluation; select Reeval-Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1). Create Document.

2 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus

Complete the Evaluation Editor. Save and Continue.

Evaluation Type is Reevaluation

Eligibility Determination Date is the date of the Notice of Reevaluation

Evaluation Date is the date of the Notice of Reevaluation

Refresh Student Information. Save and Continue.

Consent Date is the date of the Notice of Reevaluation

Refresh Guardian Information. Save and Continue.

3 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus

From the Editor, select Documents.

Expand the School Year and Evaluation Folders (click on + sign). Select Reeval-Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1). Lock the Evaluation. The lock indicates that the Notice of Reevaluation has been successfully locked.

4 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus


After the Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1) has been sent to the parent/guardian and prior to consulting with Team Members to determine if additional assessments are necessary, wait 5 business days OR document the parent/guardian received the Notice on the EW-1 Worksheet. The COED process must be completed within 15 business days of the date of the Notice of Reevaluation.

In order to determine if additional assessments are necessary, complete Simple Form: Determine if Addl Assmnt Needed (EW-1).

1. Create Simple Form: Determine if Addl Assmnt Needed (EW-1) 2. Complete the EW-1 Worksheet 3. Save and Print the completed form

If Additional Assessments are being administered, complete the Notice of Addl Assmnt (RE-5). 1. Create Simple Form: Notice of Addl ReEval Assmnt (RE-5) 2. Complete the RE-5 3. Save and Print the completed form

Obtaining consent: If parent/guardian signature is obtained, indicating Yes or No, send a copy of the Parent Signature along with the Compliance Date DEF, filling out the corresponding section, to SSIMS Tech Support. If the parent says no to additional assessment the team must still complete the reevaluation and determine eligibility based upon available information. Note: The day the district receives the signed consent form begins the 60 calendar day timeline. Manually calculate this date and document it on the Reevaluation Folder Checklist.

If unable to obtain consent: Document at least three acceptable attempts to obtain consent in the Contact Log. Complete the Simple Form: MPS-2 Notice to Proceed

1. Create Simple Form: MPS-2 Notice to Proceed 2. Complete the Form 3. Save and Print the Form

Send the MPS-2 Notice to Proceed to parent/guardian and the Compliance Date DEF, filling out the corresponding section, to SSIMS tech support. . Note: The date of the MPS-2 begins the 60 calendar day timeline. Manually calculate this date and document it on the Reevaluation Folder Checklist.

If No Additional Assessments are being administered: Complete the Notice of No Addl ReEval Assmnt (RE-4). 1. Create Simple Form: Notice of No Addl ReEval Assmnt (RE-4) 2. Complete the Form 3. Save and Print the Form

Send the form to parent/guardian and the Compliance Date DEF, filling out the corresponding section, to SSIMS Tech Support. Note: The date of RE-4 begins the 60 calendar day timeline. Manually calculate this date and document it on the Reevaluation Folder Checklist.

5 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus


Create New Evaluation Type: Reeval-Eligibility Report. If this is an SLD Reevaluation or if the team is considering a Visual Impairment, also create and complete one of the following:

SLD Reevaluation (ER-2B) for students currently identified as SLD SLD Initial & SLD Add-on (ER-2A) for students not currently identified as SLD

Use this evaluation type for students currently identified Non Categorical and the team is considering SLD

SLD Initial & SLD Add-on Private Sch. (ER-2C) for students attending private school not currently identified as SLD

VI Braille Needs (ER-3) when the team is considering a Visual Impairment

Must Create

Created as needed

Complete Evaluation Editor. Save and Continue.

Evaluation Type is Reevaluation.

Eligibility Determination Date is the Meeting Date.

Evaluation Date is the Meeting Date.

Consent date is either the date consent for assessment is received or the date of the Notice to Proceed.

6 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus

Refresh Student Information. Save and Continue. Refresh Parent/Guardian Information. Save and Continue. Complete (I-3) Evaluation Report and Cover Sheet, selecting all purposes of the meeting. Address Evaluations and Assessments as appropriate. Save and Continue.

Complete (I-3) Team Meeting List. Select New Team Meeting. (See Team Members Tab)

7 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.

GPS: Guidance for Procedures and Supports for Infinite Campus

A new window will open. Fill in Meeting Location, Date, Time and the Invite Date. Select Members who were invited to the meeting. After the meeting is held return to this editor and select members who attended.

Complete the (ER-1) Evaluation Report. Select Reevaluation and check all sources of information that apply to the meeting. These pages are for information that existed prior to the current evaluation. The district did not need to get consent to obtain this information. These pages are not for data from tests, observations, or assessments administered as a part of this evaluation.

8 Aug-14 SSIMS Tech Support:, MPS-SSC Room 216, fax 393-3099, phone: 438-3400.


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