Pikes Peak Music Teachers Association

[pic] Pikes Peak Music Teachers Association


April, May 2015

PPMTA is a non-profit organization affiliated with Colorado Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association

Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The newsletter is delivered as a service to members of PPMTA.

President’s Corner – Sarah Groh Correa

Spring , Summer… And A Look Into Fall

Spring is in the air and summer is following close behind. What a wonderful year of music we have celebrated together. Thanks to all the teachers, members, students, families and event managers for helping to create music in our city. As PPMTA expands, we are all contributing to the growing Colorado Springs music scene. We are a part of the “carving out” of sound and different ways to experience and make music. We are not only building our studio communities – we are contributing to the World Music Community!

Our Non-Competitive and Competitive Festivals grew this year and looks to be even bigger in 2016. We are collaborating with the SCMTA Chapter in Pueblo to develop a richer Achievement Day, April 18th. We hope this attracts and opens opportunity to more students and teacher connections. Many PPMTA teachers attended the MTNA National Conference in Las Vegas over the March 21-25 Spring Break. The national conference is a great time to get-away, get-to-know, and get-on with the business of teaching. This year the featured artists were: Sir James and Lady Jeanne Galway, the Canadian Brass, Ann Schein and Lang Lang.

2015 Fall: The Fall Festival already has its chairpersons and is set for Saturday, November 14, 2015 at Graner Music Recital Hall. The theme for this festival is POP Music. More information will become available as the festival chairs continue to work with local musicians, scheduling, and the hope of band collaboration.

Thank you again for such a wonderful year! Let’s keep moving and bringing wonderful music to each student we teach, Colorado Springs families, and the entire Pikes Peak Region.

Sarah Groh Correa, President


Regular Meeting Schedule: 2nd Tuesday of each month Graner Music

9:00 a.m. Coffee & Conversation 4460 Barnes

9:30 a.m. General Meeting Colorado Springs

10:00 a.m. Program Presentation

Check out these exciting, practical, and informative programs coming up this spring. In addition to professional networking, continuing education, and spending time with friends and colleagues, we’ll be having a drawing at each meeting to win free festival entry fees or a gift certificate to Graner Music. You really can’t afford to miss even one!

April 14, 2015: Nathan Smith “Video Games: What They Can Teach Us.” This research focuses on Gamification: the process of applying game design mechanics to non-game (real-life) settings. This trend has been used by the business and technology fields for some time, and while it is gaining traction in classroom education, it is largely a new concept for private teachers. By understanding and adapting these principles in their own teaching, instructors can focus more on a student’s experiences, motivations, and overall satisfaction with lessons.

May 12, 2015: PPMTA May Brunch: Our May Brunch will be hosted by Dee Boatman, 19335 Rim of the World, Monument, CO 80132 (719) 488-9476. Thank you Dee! Come for our general meeting at 9:30 a.m., and brunch and a performance by our scholarship winner at 10:00 a.m. Please bring a dish to share and RSVP to VP of Programs, Susie Marten at (719) 231-9272 (texts ok but include your name) or skmarten@. Hope to see you there!

Susie Marten

VP Programs


Happy Spring to all of our PPMTA members!

You are cordially invited to attend our annual Spring Brunch which will be held in my home on May 12th. We will have the installation of officers for 2015-2016 as well as good food (Bring your favorite dish!) and, hopefully special guests Rowene Mahoney and Charlotte Baker!

Directions: I-25 north to exit 161. Turn left at the stoplight, then make a right turn at the next stoplight which is WoodmoorDrive. This right turn is in front of the Conoco gas station. Follow Woodmoor Drive approximately 2.5 miles, to Rim of the World. Turn left on Rim of the World to the 4th house on your right hand side, 19335 Rim of the World.

Dee Boatman


Things got off to a slow start for the PPMTA Nomination Committee but we are diligently working to fill the open Board positions and have a slate of officers ready for your approval soon. The proposed Slate of Officers will be sent out as soon as we have all positions filled. We’ll plan to vote on the proposed Slate of Officers at the April 14th meeting. Thank you to everyone who has already stepped up to take on a Board position. If you are interested in working with the 2015-2016 PPMTA Board, please contact one of us.

Nominating Committee: Kearin Ragsdale, Donna Caulfield, Susan Marten


Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Christian Church

Entry Deadline: March 18, 2015 passed

Chairs: Susie Marten (skmarten@)

Bob Johnson (akeyboardman@)

This is our last festival of the year and proves to be the usual FUN and POSITIVE day for your students! We’re looking forward to an enjoyable day of music celebration with your students and families!!


Are you planning to attend CSMTA Conference this year? Conference dates are June 3-5, 2015 and it will be held in Pueblo. Please consider attending and sharing in the wealth of information and knowledge offered at this yearly event. Let’s show our support to our neighbors to the south and attend CSMTA Conference in Pueblo!


As you can see by the subject heading, the time has come to search within our membership for chairpersons for our music festivals. There is some good news to report already, which I hope inspires you to help with these activities.

*2015 POP MUSIC FESTIVAL: First, with many thanks to Dee Boatman and Donna Caulfield, the 2015 Fall Festival is chaired, and venue and date confirmed at Graner Music on November 14, 2015. I am grateful for the ladies volunteering well ahead of time. The theme for this festival is POP Music. More information will be available soon.

*ACHIEVEMENT DAY 2016: Second, again with many thanks to Susie Marten and Bob Johnson, Achievement Day is chaired and scheduled for a date around April 16, 2016. Venue and date is yet to be confirmed.

That leaves us needing a chairperson and/or committee for both the Non-Competitve and Competitve Historical Era Festivals.

*NON-COMPETITIVE HISTORICAL ERA FESTIVAL: I have asked Charlotte Baker for the recital hall at Graner Music on Feb 13, 2016. That allows entries to be due around Jan 13, 2016; sufficiently after the New Year’s holiday that we don't feel rushed to make the due date. I am asking one or two of you to volunteer to chair this (for example, Donna and Dee teamed up to volunteer). Entries are done on line, and I think this process is running smoothly at this point. Jan Saffir has compiles the first master list and sends it to the chair person shortly after the due date. If the chair person needs help managing the data, I have done this task for the chairperson. Again, this has worked out well also. Some of you might not need this kind of help. So please don't let not knowing how to use a computer keep you from volunteering. You will have help with this aspect.

*COMPETITIVE HISTORICAL ERA FESTIVAL: Sara McDaniel was this year's chair and had the help of a committee to find judges, to organize food, etc. It seemed this worked well. Again, I am looking for at least one person to chair this event . I think the date should be either March 5 or preferably March 12, 2016. Easter is March 27, 2016. I have asked the Nazarene Bible College for use of their facility, and we won't know for a couple of months what their response is. I have asked Charlotte Baker at Graners to pencil both dates in for us, since we typically need an additional space.

Please let me know if you are willing to chair either of these two events. If you are thinking about it and have never been a chair, please call. We have many wonderful, experienced people who would be willing to offer their advice. If you have a specific role you would like to assume, especially for the competitive festival, please call or write. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated and much needed for the success of these two events. Again, thanks to Dee, Donna, Susie and Bob for already stepping up.

Linda Densmore, VP Student Activities

PPMTA Executive Board

President Sarah Groh Correa 235-1646 sarahgrohcorrea@

Programs, 1st Vice President Susan Marten 488-3483 skmarten@

Student Activities, 2nd Vice President Linda Densmore 535-8978 linda@

Membership, 3rd Vice President Sylvia Holt, NCTM 228-1585 sylvia.holt6@

Publicity, 4th Vice President Bob Johnson 380-8273 akeyboardman@

Secretary Christie Lee 465-3417 cjleenav@

Treasurer Colleen Bell 232-9269 cvbell99@

PPMTA Committees


Jazz, Rag, and Blues Festival Barb Taylor NCTM, Kearin Ragsdale

Non-Competitive Sonatina Festival Dee Boatman, Sylvia Holt

Competitive Sonatina/Vocal Festival Sara McDaniel NCTM

Achievement Day Susan Marten, Bob Johnson

Pop Festival 2015 Donna Caulfield, Dee Boatman


Newsletter Donna Caulfield

Website Megan Pheiffer-Miller

Handbook Jill Hanrahan


December Brunch Host Joan Sawyer

May Brunch Host Dee Boatman


Sylvia Holt NCTM, VP Membership

If you have any changes in name, address, phone, etc. you must contact PPMTA, CSMTA, & MTNA to update the changes.

PPMTA: Sylvia Holt, NCTM sylvia.holt6@


MTNA: mtnanet@

Donna Caulfield – Editor: Newsletter

Newsletter Deadlines

August, September, October July 15, 2015

November, December, January October 15, 2015

February, March 2016 January 15, 2016

April, May 2016 March 15, 2016

Megan Phiffer Miller – Editor: PPMTA Website

Please check the PPMTA website at for more information about the organization and complete festival information and forms.

Jill Hanrahan - Editor: Handbook

The handbook, including all forms for student activities, is available at the PPMTA website at .



Saturday, April 11, 2015 (All day) Rising Stars Festival Western Prelims

Saturday, April 25, 2015 (All day) Rising Stars Festival - Denver

Saturday, April 25, 2015 (All day) Student Theory Activity

Wednesday-Friday, June 3-5, 2015 CSMTA State Conference – Pueblo, CO

See more at:


MTNA National Conference 2016 will be in San Antonio, Texas on April 2-6, 2016.


First Christian Church Music Series

First Christian Church, 16 E. Platte Avenue

Contact: Carol Wilson, 633-8888, organist@

April 26, 3:00 p.m.

On Sunday, April 26 at 3:00 p.m., First Christian Church at 16 East Platte Avenue is presenting the Rocky Mountain Wind Symphony, directed by Kenneth Soper. This dynamic ensemble will perform works from classical to traditional wind band music by Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Percy Grainger, local composer Sam Hall, the finale from Guilmant's Symphony No. 1 with organist Carol Wilson, and more. A free will offering will be taken.

Music to be performed: Joseph Wilcox Jenkins - Charles County Overture; Samuel Foster Hall - Toward a New Horizon and The Broadmoor Rag; David Holsinger - Hymnsong of Philip Bliss; Alexandre Guilmant – Symphony No. 1 Finale with Carol Wilson, organ; Jan Van der Roost - Flashing Winds; Richard Wagner - Liebestod from "Tristan and Isolde"; Percy Grainger - Immovable Do; Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Finale from Symphony No. 4.

Colorado Vocal Arts Ensemble

Elements: A Taylor Memorial Concert

May 3 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

631 N. Tejon St., Colorado Springs

In addition to works for the full ensemble, this eclectic program will also feature the men and women of CVAE separately. Works by John Ritchie, Franz Schubert, Steven Sametz, and Leonard Bernstein.




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