Understanding - Weebly


| |Concepts |Practical Skills |Memorisations |Social Skills and Awareness |

|Age 5 |1. The creation is wonderful and it must have|1. Washing, brushing, cleanliness and dressing |1. Kalima |1. Importance of the home and the family, and how we help |

| |a wonderful creator who is Allah. There is |2. Main actions of wudu, doing niyat of namaz & and some |2. Names of panjatan |it. |

| |only one creator of all things. |basic actions |3. Bismillah and Salawat |2. Life of a Muslim as caring for creation and not doing |

| |2. Prophet Muhammad taught us about the |3. Doing salams to others and saying khuda hafiz or good |4. Names of cities like Mecca, Medina etc |bad things or forming bad habits. |

| |creator and the panjatan followed and helped |morning and goodbye. Welcoming guests. |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that |3. Learning to play safely without hurting others |

| |him |4. Reading Arabic alphabet and how to touch the Quran |inculcate the message of islam |5. Healthy habits |

| |3. There are some holy places like Kaaba |6. Entering and behaviour in mosques | |6. Halal and haram foods. |

| |where we must go to visit if we want to be |7. How to close and open a fast in ramadhan | | |

| |close to Allah and the Masumeen | | | |

|Age 6 |1. To thank Allah we must look after the good|1. Using toilet properly, showering and clipping nails. |1. Tasbee E Fatimah |1. Table manners are about eating healthy, on time, |

| |things Allah has given to us. And to see the |2. Doing wudu properly with niyat, sequence and etiquettes|2. Names of some Prophets like Adam, Nuh, |properly, sharing, avoiding haram foods and habits etc |

| |vast beauty of creation we need to look |of namaz positions and doing actions of 2 rakats and |Ibrahim and Muhammad. Name of Quran. Also names|2. Responsibility of a Muslim to make life happy by |

| |closely at created things. |saying tashaud and salaams |of Imam Ali, Hassan, Hussain and Zainul Abidin |leading a good life of kindness, friendship, helping etc. |

| |2. The Prophets are teachers from Allah whose|3. Saying Alahisalaam after name of masumeen. Able to do |. To memorise that 124,000 prophets came and 14|3. Respecting others, both younger and elders by not |

| |teachings help us in our lives to lead a good|tasbees, Know what to say when sneezing, when people die |masummen came |bullying, fighting, or harming others or yourself. |

| |life. |and when a good thing happens. |3. Surah Al Hamd and or Tawheed | |

| |3. There are good and bad things in life and |5. Recognising joined letters in Arabic |4. Words like tawheed, nabuwat, Hajj and Imamat| |

| |we must choose to do good because it makes |6. Writing the name Allah, Muhammad and Ali in Arabic. | | |

| |this life better. | |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that | |

| | | |inculcate the message of islam | |

|Age 7 |1.We must worship Allah which means to lead a|1. General hygiene of body, home and possessions. |1. Some words of Adhan. |1. Importance of speaking the truth when people do bad |

| |life that respects his creations and to do |2, Doing full wudu and know basics of gusal. Reciting 2 |2. Name all the 14 masumeen |like throwing rubbish or stealing. |

| |good at every moment. It also means seeing |rakat namaz properly, knowing the kibla and basic fiqh |3. Some months of the calendar like Hajj, |2. How to show love & kindness to others in the family, |

| |self worth and value of created things. |rules of namaz like what breaks namaz and what breaks |ramadhan & muharam and events like ashura, eids|neighbours and friends. |

| |2. The 14 Masumeen are our models for a good |wudu. |etc..Also know words like karbala and some |3. To be kind to all including to animals |

| |life. |3. Able to recite certain duas which have names of allah,|names of heroes of karbala. |4. How to cope with sadness in life by doing tasbee of |

| |3. Each position of namaz has an important |rasool and imams in them like Razitobillaha raban ….. |4. Memorising more Qul surahs and kunuts |Fatimah and remembering the strength of Imam Hussain. |

| |meaning |5.Able to read Quranic verses |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that | |

| | | |inculcate the message of islam | |

|Age 8 |1. Allah’s sends his mercy to us through his |1. Able to say what daily foods and actions are hallal or |1. To memorise all the roots and some of the |1. There is an evil power that tries to make us forget or |

| |creations like water, rain etc |harram and also how to eat, when to eat and how to share |branches of faith. |tempt us |

| |2. The Masumeen came with a mission for the |foods.. Also able to wash and wear clothes as required by |2. Name the ulul azam prophets and the books. |2. Working Hard is what pleases Allah and we achieve a lot|

| |all people to all nations of the world. |Islam eg scarf for girls etc |3. Name some important places like Najaf etc |from it. |

| |3. Human being have an inner side called the |2. Know when to do wudu and particulars about gusal like |4.Memorise some duas and surahs |3. To stand up against injustice or bullies is a jihad. |

| |soul or ruh which grows in to a beautiful |tarteeb. Able to list the main wajibats like namaz, |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that |4. To welcome guests |

| |thing or an ugly thing. |fasting and Zakat. Recite all the daily wajib namaz and |inculcate the message of islam |5. There is a time for everything but we have to have a |

| | |know what kaza means. | |limit of all things eg texting, computer games, toys etc |

| | |3. Knowing what is haram to do with the mouth eg | | |

| | |backbiting and what to do as a response to those who do | | |

| | |it. | | |

| | |5. Able to say the write words on deaths | | |

| | |6. Able to recite Quran with confidence and know some of | | |

| | |the rules of tajweed. | | |

|Age 9 |1. Allah’s names are reflected in his |1. Know the rules of taharat like how to wash najis |1. Full Adhan and Ekama. |1. Boys and girls needs to see each other with respect and|

| |creations and we are supposed to see and |things, necessity to beautiful oneself & surroundings and |2. To know all the usools and furos of Islam. |kindness. |

| |study his creations. |2. Know the times of namaz and able to pray kasar and |3. Know the months of the calendar of islam and|2. Marriage is a good thing and we all need to get |

| |2. Prophets & imams brought miracles and |kaza, find kibla, pray on plane journeys etc. Also know |some important dates and days like Juma |married. Families can have problems and we need to deal |

| |teachings which are guides for us for today. |namaz e ayat |4. Memorise passages of the quran and duas |with these with love and understanding |

| |3. Understand that jihad is a daily struggle |3. Able to do fatiha at graveyards. |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that |3. Greed can make us destroy many good things like |

| |for the soul so that it can stand against |4.Able to read some surahs fluently and read the Quran |inculcate the message of islam |environment, family, friendships etc |

| |what is bad |with tajweed |6. Words like Ilm, Hikmat, sabar, sukar and |4. Importance of being pleasant and happy in life. |

| | |7. Able to name some ulema who give us practical rules. |Tatabur | |

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|Age 10 |1. Allah is fair to us even when natural |1. Ways to keep skin, eyes, bones etc healthy and |1. Know some of the names of the surahs in the |1. Fasting is about self training to restrain from bad |

| |disasters happen. |beautiful – things to avoid like excessive sleep, eating |Quran |things like backbiting, feeling bad about others, |

| |2. Among the masumeen were women who were |junk etc |2. Memorise names of masumeens and angels. |controlling the tongue etc. |

| |also guides for all humanity. |Know the rules of basic fasting like forgetting, kafarah |3.Memorise places of Hajj. |2. Importance of helping others and how zakat is an |

| |3. The soul yearns for Allah which is |and niyats. |4. Memorise passages of the quran and duas |example of helping. But there are many other ways to help.|

| |accomplished by religious practices like |2. Do tayamum before namaz, join jamat namaz, |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that |Self help and self reliance is the best in life. |

| |prayer, fasting and duas. |3. Able to quote certain quranic verses and hadith that |inculcate the message of islam |3. A good person is the one who solves problems not create|

| | |help in life. |6. To know names of 5 main fasadi things for |them for others. We must not oppress those under us. |

| | | |the soul like Shrik, Lies, hasad, gina and | |

| | | |zulm. | |

|Age 11 |1. The proofs of the existence of the creator|1. How to relax, deal with tensions etc so that we sleep |1. Know some of the 99 names of allah with | |

| |are everywhere. |well, keep healthy and have a good life. |meanings. | |

| |2. The stories of masumeen have deeper |2. Able to do namaz e eid. |2. Know some important dates and events like | |

| |meanings which we need to learn in order to |3. Able to do any recitation in public like adhan, surah |ghadir, ashura, mubaila, nawroz etc | |

| |understand our own lives. |yasin, duas etc. |3. Know places of ziyarat | |

| |3. Self sacrifice, forgiveness, love and |5. Able to work out on what things zakat and khums have to|4. Know where sajdas are in the Quran | |

| |charity help our souls to progress |be given |5. Other recitations that children enjoy that | |

| | | |inculcate the message of islam | |

| | | |6. Able to name the different types of nafs. | |

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