The City SchoolPECHS Girls CampusISLAMIYAT REVISION (1st Term)GRADE – 7SURAH QARIAH 1. Hawiya is a pit of ___________. 2. On the Day of Judgment mankind will be like __________ moths. 3. __________ means a striking hour. Q1. Interpret the teachings of Surah Qariah.Q2. State the message delivered in Surah Qariah.SURAH DUHA 1. Surah Al-Duha contains message for _________________ and Prophet. 2. Prophet (saw) was an orphan Allah gave him ______________; 3. The word Duha means ______________. Q1. Surah Duha talks about consolation. Explain.Q2. Mention the favors given to Prophet (s.a.w).PRESCRIBED DUAS Q1 Following statements are from a Dua. With the help of the statements identify and write the names of the Dua. 1) I seek of you the means of Your Mercy, and the means of Your Forgiveness. Dua-e- ________________________2) O most merciful of the merciful! Dua-e- ________________________ Q1. Highlight the importance of Dua-e-Haajat.Q3. Why is Dua after the gathering important?SALAH Q. Write True/False. If the statement is incorrect write the correct statement. 1) If a person is travelling for 15 days he will offer Qasr prayer. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2) Qaza prayers are also known as delayed prayers. __________________________________________________________________________ 3) Qasr is performed for some mistake during prayer. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Friday prayers if missed can be offered later. ____________________________________________________________________________ Q1. Under which circumstances Qasr prayer is performed?Q2. Write a note on: 1) Qaza prayer 2) Sajda sehev.Q3. When is Sajda sehev due?ZAKAT Q1. Name some items on which Zakat is to be paid: Q2. List the recipients of Zakat:__________________ ii) __________________ iii) __________________ iv) __________________ v) __________________ vi) __________________ Q3. Describe the rate and Nisab of Zakat.Q4. Illustrate the importance of Zakat.Q5. Zakat is a beautiful loan. Explain.Q6. State Quranic verses highlighting the importance of Zakat.BIOGRAPHY OF PROPHET (S.A.W) Q1. Fill in the blanks:1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) became very ill, so he deputed ________________ to lead the prayers. 2. Before entering _____________, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) announced a general pardon. 3. ___________________ was the last military expedition of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). 4. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) honoured ________________ by announcing his house as a shelter of peace. 5. The Muslim army first retreated and then got victory in the battle of ______________.Q1. Why did Muslims prepare for the battle of Hunain?Q2. Analyze the events that led to Conquest of Makkah.Q3. Identify the quality which was displayed by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) at the time of Conquest of Makkah.Q4. Summarize the event of Battle of Hunain.Q5. Illustrate the sacrifices made by Muslims at the time of Tabuk Expedition.Q6. What were the main features of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) last sermon?HISTORY OF QURAN AND HADITH 1. The special and invisible communication employed by Allah is __________________. 2. The first revelation was received in the month of ____________________. 3. The last revelation came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) in the plains of _______________. 4. The companions who used to write the revelations are known as ___________________ Q1. Give a brief account of the revelation of Holy Quran over a period of time.Q2. Explain how role of the scribes is significant in the development of Islam.Q3. What is revelation? Why there is no need for any further revelation?Q4. When and how did the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) receive first revelation? ................

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