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Course Syllabus 2020-21 Course: English II Grade: 10th Instructor: Dr. Jose Pombo Email: jpombo@ Location: remote/ room 116CZoom Meeting Room Link: Students:Welcome to English II. My name is Dr. Jose Pombo and I will be your instructor for this course. This year you will be working with the themes of Destiny, Taking a Stand, Responsibility, and the Human Connection as presented in the Studysync curriculum. Within this genre you will focus on novels, short stories, poetry, informational text as well as looking at media that visually represents literary meaning. As Tenth grade is a pivotal point in the continuation of your high school learning, you will be focusing on improving your writing skills. I welcome you to a challenging and rewarding school year. All my best, Dr. PomboCourse Description: The purpose of this course is to provide integrated educational experiences in the language arts strands of reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking, language, and literature. The emphasis is on the works of American authors; however, literature representative of other cultures may be used to support integrated studies and multi-cultural emphases. Course Outcomes: By the end of the year, students will master the following academic skills: Usage of reading strategies to construct meaning from informative, technical and literary texts Acquire an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and systematic word study; vocabulary study should focus upon verbal analogies and other patterns commonly found on standardized tests. The processing of writing strategies for various purposes with attention to style and formatThe research process and individual inquiry to locate, analyze, and evaluate information Usage of speaking, listening, and viewing strategies in formal presentations and informal discussions Understand and analyze literary texts Respond critically and aesthetically to literature Frequent practice of writing multi-paragraph papers of various types with particular attention given to the writing of documented papers Understand and use language successfully to impact readers, writers, listeners, speakers.Required Readings: Main Text (s): 1st Quarter: Macbeth by William Shakespeare Folgers version (ISBN: 9780743477109) 2nd Quarter: Animal Farm by George Orwell (ISBN: 9780451526342) 3rd Quarter: Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus1818 version (ISBN: 9781593080051) 4th Quarter: Night by Elie Wiesel (ISBN: 9780374500016) Please note that*****You are required to have these novels for this class. Once we begin reading the novel, you are expected to bring it to class daily. The school may sell the novels but is not required to have them for you. This is your responsibility. Have them PRIOR to the assigned time to be read. Failure to do so will result in the inability to complete required class/home assignments as well as the exam. Workbooks: Studysync, Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (vocabulary assignments) Sadlier Grammar for Writing (grammar assignments). Student registration procedure will be discussed as the semester progresses. Materials Needed: Assignment Percentages: 1. 1-inch hard cover binder 2. dividers Class work/homework = 10% 3. black/blue pens & red pens Quizzes = 20% 4. pencils Projects/Essays = 30% filer paper highlighters of various colors Test (s) = 40% GradingScale Letter4-Point100 % PercentA3.5- 4.0100-90B2.5- 3.4989-80C1.5- 2.4979-70D1.0-1.4969-60F0-.9959-0 Classroom Rules: Consequences:1. Do not speak about grades, speak about learning 1. Warning 2. Every day is an opportunity to learn, be present 2. Phone call home 3. Be on time, every second counts 3. Detention 4. Come prepared to work, it is your job 4. Parent conference 5. I pledge to give you 100 percent of myself, please do the same. 5. Referral to administration School Fees: These fees are $5 and will be collected in October. Classwork Policy: All classwork assigned is due prior to leaving the class. No assignments will be accepted after the end of class. Attendance Policy: Daily class attendance is important for student success. Attendance will be taken daily. If you are absent at any time, it is your responsibility to request the class work, homework or project that was missed. You will receive a reasonable amount of time to complete and return the work. Failure to do so will result in the same consequences as previously stated in the homework policy. If you are absent on a day homework is due, you are responsible for turning it in upon your return. During remote teaching, students are required to be in Dr Pombo’s Zoom Chat Room at least 5 minutes prior to the start time of your scheduled class. Use only your first and last name as your identification NOT any other name. Students MUST have their cameras on and the cameras (and of course the student) must remain online for the duration of class period in DIRECT view. Also, proper school uniform dress is required. Leaving the zoom session before end of class will result in deduction of points from final grade. Internet connectively issues will be dealt with on a case to case basis. Absence Policy – After 3 absences, student will be referred to the counselor Tardy Policy – After 5 tardies, student will be referred to administratorSummer Reading Activity: On the Doral Academy website, you will find the information for the summer reading novel as well as the project that correlates to the grade level you are currently entering. Please adhere to the directions and submit by the due date. Cheating: Cheating will not be accepted on ANY assignment under ANY condition. Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs if you…… copy from another student copy from the internet without giving the source creditcopy from any literary source without giving the source credit…if the above mentioned occurs you will be subject to a zero on the assignment and school rules Extra Credit: Please be aware that many assignments are given throughout the year and there is NO EXTRA CREDIT. Therefore, make sure you do all your classwork and homework since there will be no “extra work” given to “help” raise your grade. All students are given equal opportunity in every assignment to do their best. Grades: Grades are earned not given Students who earn A’s do the following: ? Have the drive to push their academic limits ? Have a strong command of the English Language and formal writing Have intrinsic motivation and view learning as a s process and not a grade Are not afraid of being challenged and will show resilience in times of adversity Can take constructive criticism and apply it to future student products Homework Policy: Homework will be collected on the due date. Moreover, homework is uploaded to the school’s website with plenty of time for you to manage your time wisely. NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. Failure to do so will result in the following: a zero for that assignment parent contact parent conference Make-up Work: Make-up work is ONLY for absences. If you are absent or leave early, you have three days upon your return to make-up any classwork, quiz, or test you missed. If it is not completed within that time, it is understood you are accepting a Zero in the gradebook. It is your responsibility to address me in scheduling time to make-up the work missed. Tests/ Quizzes/ Projects/Presentations: These will be assigned with plenty of time in advance. If you are absent/leave early on the day of the assigned tasks, you will receive a Zero for each part of the assignment. All work will be posted on the Doral school website. Participation: Participation will include being prepared with class materials. Students are required to bring all materials to each assigned class day. You are responsible for participating in class discussions, asking questions, and positively contributing to the class environment. You will be graded for your level or participation each quarter. Participation is part of your speaking and listening skills that you must develop throughout the school year. Canvas;Students will use the Canvas Platform to access and submit course assignments electronically. More information will be given during the first week of class. Instructional Film Consent Form: Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), During the 2019-2020 school year I may show G, PG or PG-13 rated movies in full or as excerpts to enhance our class curriculum. Our school requires parental permission for your son/daughter to view movies that are used in our curriculum which are rated PG or PG-13. This is a permission slip to allow your child to view all the films/clips assigned via Study Sync and the teacher’s discretion about curriculum correlation. ************************************************************************************ ____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length movies/excerpts rated G, PG or PG-13. ____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length movies/excerpts. I understand alternate learning experience/assignment will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched. Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ ************************************************************************************ I have read, understood, and accepted to abide by the policies of Dr. Pombo’s English Class and those of Doral Academy Prep. _______________________________ __________________________ ___________ Student’s Name Student Signature Date ______________________________ __________________________ ____________ Parent/Legal Guardian’s Name Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature Date ................

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