Algebra I - Chicago Military Academy High School

Chicago Military Academy- Bronzeville

Advance Algebra with Trigonometry

Course Syllabus for 2009/2010 school year

Course # 49720

[pic] “We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn”

Mary Catherine Bateson


Ms. Jozefa Antkiewicz


School Phone: (773) 534-9750

School/class web site:

Agile Mind web site:

Credit for the course: 0.5 per semester

Office hours for parent- teacher conference:

Period 01 (8:00- 8:46) each Wednesday

Period 06 (12:29-13:15) each Monday

Teacher Schedule

Period 01 8:00-8:46 Professional/Common Prep

Period 02 8:50-9:36 Advance Algebra with Trigonometry

Period 03 9:59-10:45 Advance Algebra with Trigonometry

Period 04 10:49-11:35 Teacher Lunch

Period 05 11:39-12:25 Geometry

Period 06 12:29-13:15 Homeroom Conference Prep

Period 07 13:19- 14:05 Advance Algebra with Trigonometry

Period 08 14:09-14:55 Geometry

Course Description:

Algebra 2 further develops important mathematical ideas and techniques introduced in Algebra 1: the use of variables to describe arithmetic and functional relationships; basic strategies and algorithms for solving linear equations; linear functions and their representations by tables, graphs, words, and symbols (and relationships among these forms of representation); the basic properties of exponential and quadratic functions,

and the use of algebra to solve application problems.

In Algebra 2 you will:

• Expand your study of functions and their multiple representations to include rational functions, absolute values, square roots, and logarithms.

• Explore the relationship between a function and its inverse by examining power and root functions and exponential and logarithmic functions.

• Increase your skill at purposefully manipulating algebraic expressions to solve increasingly complex problems

• Learn to organize and analyze data to model and analyze simple physical and other phenomena.

Algebra 2 provides opportunities for you to make connections between algebra and geometry through a detailed study of conic sections:

• Explore the geometric and algebraic descriptions of conic sections

• Learn to identify symmetries from graphs and their defining equations

• Apply your understanding of transformations to comprehend the effects of parameter changes on the graphs of quadratic relations.

In this course you will use again an exciting, interactive, full of animations online service, called Agile Mind, to help you explore Algebra 2 concepts. You and your teacher will access Agile Mind online daily and as it was before you will have your own account so you can use Agile Mind anywhere you can access the Internet.

The Agile Mind program will be used everyday with some variations: projecting animations, interactive displays with the whole class explorations or the completion of individual laptop assignments.

In addition to this Internet based program we will use heavily The Geometer’s Sketchpad program and graphing calculators (Texas Instrument, TI-84) to deepen your Algebra 2 and Precalculus skills.


You will be using the following texts or programs in this course.

1.Title: Agile Mind Course Support Service – Algebra 2

Publisher: Charles A. Dana Center, University of Texas at Austin; Agile Mind

2. Title: Agile Mind Course Support Service – Precalculus

Publisher: Charles A. Dana Center, University of Texas at Austin; Agile Mind

3.Title: Discovering an Advance Algebra An Investigative Approach Date: 2004, ISBN

Publisher: Key Curriculum Press

(Replacement Cost $ 80.00)

4.Title: The Geometer’s Sketchpad (Dynamic Geometry Software)

Agile Mind Topics

Course Scope and Sequence

You will explore the following topics in Algebra 2 and Precalculus in the order they appear below. The approximate time spent on each topic is also provided. Other resources, in addition to Agile Mind Advance Algebra and Precalculus will be used throughout this course including your textbook Discovering Advance Algebra An Investigative Approach.

|Agile Mind Advance Algebra Trigonometry Topics |Time Spent |

|A1: Beyond linear functions | 2 weeks |

|A2: Understanding inverse relations | 1.5 weeks |

| | |

|A3: Transformations on parent functions |1.5 weeks |

|A4: Introduction to systems | 1 week |

|A5: Exponential Functions | 2 weeks |

|A6: Logarithmic Functions | 1.5 weeks |

|A7: Solving equations and inequalities | 1 week |

|A8: Quadratic functions | 1.5 weeks |

|A9: Quadratic equations | 2 weeks |

|A10: Square root equations | |

|P1: Polynomial functions | 1.5 weeks |

|P2: Power functions | 1.5 weeks |

|P9: Composition | 1 week |

|A12: Rational functions | 1 week |

|A13: Rational equations and inequalities | |

|A14: System of equations with more then 2 unknowns | 2 weeks |

|A16: System of inequalities | |

|P5: General Periodic functions | 2 weeks |

|P6: Introducing the trigonometric functions | 2 weeks |

|P11: Inverse trigonometric functions | 2 weeks |

|P12: Triangle Trigonometry | |

|A19: Probability and the binomial theorem | 2 weeks |

Passing Standards:

“I Can”

Students will be able to:

1) Find the rate of change

2) Identify the Y intercept

3) Understand the characteristics of a linear function

4) Connect between the multiple representations of a linear, quadratic and exponential functions

5) Identify and distinguish domain and range

6) Transform the parent function, Y=X to fit the given linear data

7) Connect between the multiple representation of an absolute value function

8) Identify the key characteristics of an absolute value function

9) Identify an inverse and direct variation

Students will be able to :

10) Find the inverse of a function graphically, algebraically and from a table

11 )Identify 1-1 functions graphically

12) Restrict the domain to make the function vertical

13) Find the range and domain of a function and its inverse

14) Manipulate data from tables and graphs

15) Identify characteristics of graphs based on a set of conditions or on a general equation, Y=ax2+c

16) Interpret or use information from graphs in the coordinate plane

17) Manipulate expressions and equations

18) Perform word to symbol translations

19) Solve a system of equations by graphing, substitution and elimination

20) Write

a) Expressions

b) Equations

c) Inequalities

that require planning, manipulating and solving

21) Numerically and graphically investigate e and use it to find the compound interest

Students will be able to:

22) Convert between logarithmic and exponential forms of expressions

23) Identify the domain and range of logarithmic functions

24) Use properties of logs

25) Rewrite and solve problems algebraically

26) Interpret, use, analyze and draw information from figured tables and graphs

27) Identify the vertex, factored and general forms of parabolas

28) Move between different forms of the quadratic equations

29) Work with square and square roots of numbers

30) Apply properties of complex numbers

31) Solve quadratic equations

32) use the quadratic formula

33) Work with cube and cube roots of numbers

34) Connection between the degree of polynomial, number of zeros & number of extreme values

35) identify even and odd function

Students will be able to:

36) Apply the rules of exponents

37) Work with problems involving positive integer exponents

38) Describe symmetry of graph and identify even and odd functions

39) Can determine the range and domain of power functions using graphs, tables & symbols

40) Can define the composition of functions

41) Can check if the composition is commutative

42) Can apply the concept of composition to problem solving

43) Can use inverse operations when solving equations

44) Can identify dependent, independent and consistent system of equations

45) Can solve independent, dependent and consistent of equations

Students will be able to:

46) Define trigonometric functions

47) Distinguish between circular and trigonometric functions

48) Restrict the domain of trigonometric functions

49) Can solve trigonometric equations

50) Can use the law of sins and cosines

51) Use fundamental principles of counting

52) use permutations and combinations

53) Use binomial theorem

* Above mentioned are subjects to change

Course Alignment/Learning Targets

This Advance Algebra and Precalculus course has been aligned to several learning and assessment standards. To see these alignments, ask your teacher. Alignments are provided for your textbook, the Illinois Learning Standards (ILS), the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE), and the ACT College Readiness Standards (CRS).

Required Student Materials:

• Binder or 5 subjects notebook

• Standardized Test preparation notebook

• College ruled notebook paper

• Graph paper and blank paper

• Pencils (sharpened before the class!)

• Pencil sharpener

• Pen and color marker

• Ruler

• Erasers

• Graphing calculator greatly appreciated

• Folder

All materials must be available for each class period and you will be graded on your class preparation and participation.

Grading Policy and Grading Scale

Assessment Strategy

Your teacher will assess your learning in several ways in this Advance Algebra and Precalculus course. You will be asked to participate in classroom and group discussions, answer questions asked by your teacher, and use the Guided Assessment, Self-Test, Multiple Choice, and Constructed Responses in Agile Mind. Some of these assessments will fall at the end of a topic, and some your teacher will use throughout the topic to make sure that all students are making progress in their learning.

We are going to use Algebra/Geometry software program “Geometer’s Sketchpad” which will allow you to create and conduct algebra and precalculus experiments and change the enterprise from primarily static to heavily dynamic).

Major Assessment Strategy:

Daily “Do Now, homework, paper-pencil and computer software based projects and class assignments, class participation and preparation, non-announced homework quiz.

Weekly quizzes or unit tests (Fridays), class participation and preparedness, paper-pencil and computer software based projects, cooperative groups work and your class folders.

Every 5 weeks turn the notebook for grading and the “Internet Time”(30 min daily or total 2,5 hours weekly for grade letter A), projects and its presentation.

Other: midterm exams, semester finals and term projects

Fridays will contain either a test or a quiz from a wide variety and multiple forms of assessment instruments (chapter tests, cumulative tests, comprehensive tests and alternative assessments) in addition to those: projects, reading journals, research papers, constructions (both paper and computer based), booklets involving open-ended problems.

Projects will be assigned in each of the 5 or 10 weeks grading period.

Presentations of cooperative group work: weekly

Grading: CMA-B Grading Scale

• Tests - 25%

• Quizzes- 25% A 93-100

• Class work assignments- 20% B 85-92

(“Do Now”, computer lab, GSP, any class assignment) C 75-84

• Homework) 10% D 65-74 Notebook, folders, F below 65

• Internet time, and Projects 10%

• Prepared for learning 10%

* The grading scale is the subject to change.

The grade for the semester is the cumulative grade from two quarters.

More about all grading procedures will be explain in class.

Assignments, Homework and Grading Policy

Homework Policy

1. Using the Agile Mind program, which is Internet based, as part of your homework is anticipated on a daily basis. It will be your responsibility to find a way you can use the Internet: school’s library, advanced algebra room’s computers, or your local library. The Internet time is graded heavily.

2. Homework will be assigned daily and graded daily. Part of the assignment is the reading of the lesson from the Internet (Internet Time will give you the credit also), taking notes and writing answers to all questions in the lesson in Cornell Notes System. The homework is due at the start of the period the next day. A portion of every class period will be spent going over the homework. On the calculation problems, you must show your work to be able to receive credit. You will correct the homework in class and write out the steps for answers you did not solve correctly. I give unannounced Homework Quiz once or twice a week and you can use your own notebook for it- no textbooks.

3. A Notebook will be provided in a special way by using Cornell Notation (all of the details will be provided and you will find it also on the class’ website); you can use your notebook in some of your quizzes and tests!

4. Extra help will be provided in the Homework Laboratory and before or after school

5. You can get the homework and extra course information on the given website; you can also contact me via the Internet using your school/class web site


In case of excused absences, you will check the class homework posted on the class’ wall or on the class website and rewrite the notes from the classmates.


If you miss a test/quiz, it is up to you to make arrangements to make it up. If you fail the test (74% (D)-64% (F) and lower) the following happens: you must correct all the wrong answers on your test and take the second version of this test on the following Wednesday within one week. The test must also be handed back with a parent signature.


The only way to learn math is to practice it! The homework based quizzes will last no longer then 5-10 min. They cannot be made up. The quiz ends at the exact time for everybody.

Late Work Policy

You are always better off turning in an assignment late than not turning it in at all and receive 0 points!

Late assignments will receive a penalty of 10% each day but with a just 3 days window.

Tardiness/Absence Policy

1. Come to class on time!

2. Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing to be counted on time. The bell is the “Tardy bell”

3. Attend to personal needs before coming to class and come prepared for the class

4. Advance Algebra Trigonometry 46 minutes class strictly belongs just to this class and the lesson takes place in the room 317 exclusively! Passes from other teachers will not be respected.

What to do if you are absent:

If you miss a day is up to you to do the following:

• Log-on into the Internet and “check” your assignments

• Ask a friend for the notes and all the class work and homework.

• Turn in any assignments that were due the day you were out.

• Check the class website for the assignments or the class poster/calendar.

If it was a test day, make arrangements to make it up on Wednesday

Follow the requirements! I have high expectations for all my students and we will move at a fast pace in this class.

Some Suggestions for success:

1. Spend your time really participating in class and quality time on the homework assignments (half of your success in this class!)

2. Keep your math notes neat, organized and completed (20% of your grade!)

3. I’ll be in my classroom available between 7:45 and 8:00 AM and after 8th period for students who may need extra help. If so set up time with me a day before.

4. View the useful Internet sites and other NEWS all placed for you on the classroom information desk (on the back board) and on our Website.

Classroom Rules

The class behavior is geared to cooperation.

• Follow directions the first time they are given

• Come to class prepared and on time

• Leave the food, gum, headgear, make-up any electronic devices in your locker

• Respect everyone using polite language and take care of the room’s property.

Remember; check the class Website daily for the course announcements

Unexcused Absences

Your absence is unexcused if you do not have a reinstatement when you return to class.

You cannot make up assignments if your absence is unexcused.

Course Requirements/Rules & Procedures will follow.

Chicago Military Academy ---Bronzeville

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Advance Algebra instructor wants to thank you in advance for your cooperation with my efforts to prepare your child for a happy and successful school year.

If I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me at 773-534-9750 or send me an email at using the school’s website. The grades will be posted on the website as well and you will have access to monitor them.

I encourage students to stop by my room or to make an appointment with me if they are having any problems in Advance Algebra with Trigonometry.

Math Lab is held after school Monday through Thursday in room 412 from 3-4pm. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to get assistance with homework and any missed assignments or with any concepts they might not have understood.

I look forward to having an enjoyable and exciting year.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Please detach the completed bottom portion and return to the teacher.

I have read the above letter and course syllabus and understand the expectations and requirements for the CMA-B Algebra with Trigonometry Course.

_______________________________ _____________

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Email: ________________________

Home Phone: ________________________

Work Phone: ________________________

Cell Phone: ________________________

Let’s Have a Great Year [pic]“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow talent to the dark place where it leads” – Erica Jong


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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