Physical Science Syllabus

Mr. Millsap

Somerset Canyons Academy

Course Content

Welcome to Physical Science. The purpose of this course is to explore how the elements and how they interact to make everything around us. We will also be discovering how motion and simple machines work. Along the way, you will have opportunities to sharpen your laboratory skills, work in groups, and conduct your own experiments.


Students will receive a quarter grade based on the following grading scale:

A = 89.5-100% Superior B = 79.5-89.4% Above Average

C = 69.5-79.4% Average D = 59.5-69.4% Below Average

F = Below 59.4% Failing

Categories and weights of grades are as follows:

Tests – 40% Projects/Lab – 30%

Quizzes – 20% Home learning – 10%

Lab Fee

There is a $20 lab fee due for each student. Cash only. The deadline for the lab fee is 9/30/16. Students may participate in laboratory activities only if they have paid the lab fee. This is a science department policy.

High School Prepworks Fee

There is a $35 prepworks fee for all high school students. All students will be participating in a PrepWorks Program to help prepare them for the SAT and ACT exams. Participation and completion of assignments within this program will count towards 5% of the students 1st period grade.

Study Hours

I am available to students before and after school. Students must make an appointment, in order to ensure availability.


A test should be expected at the end of each chapter. They may include multiple choice, short answer, matching, identification, essay questions, and mathematical computations. It is expected that students prepare well in advance for these tests. Students that are absent for a test will be required to take a make-up a test which may be different than the original test given within one week of a missed test. Quizzes may be given almost daily. They may be announced in advance, which will be posted on the school’s website or they may be a “pop” quiz. Quizzes that are missed due to an excused absence may be made-up before or after school within two class period days of the missed quiz.

Lab Reports/Special Projects

When appropriate, labs will be conducted in class. These are learning opportunities, not social meetings. Students that are not able to work in a group or stay focused, will be removed from the lab setting and required to complete the make-up for the lab. Students that are consistent problems during the labs will lose their privileges to participate in labs for the year. Any class that is disruptive during class time will not be allowed to participate in labs.

Class Assignments/Homework

Work will be assigned often, sometimes on a daily basis. Assignments include worksheets, math problems, lab write-ups, and other activities. Work must be completed and turned in on the due date. Assignments will be posted on the class website.

Homework Posts (Web)

I will give homework assignments the last 5 minutes of class for the students to put in there journals. I will then post it online at the Somerset website after school. Students/parents should check after school and again after 5pm (in case of a computer delay). Students/parents should check every day rather you have class or not.

Make-Up Work

Only students having an excused absence will be permitted to make-up work. The student’s name must appear on the excused absences report within two days of absence.

• Tests and quizzes must be made up after school.

• Students are responsible for keeping track of missed assignments. You must check the school’s website, get notes from a classmate, and request handouts from the teacher.

• Make-up work is due the next time you have class.

• For extended excused absences and/or illnesses, you will be given time equal to the time you were absent. If a student is unable to complete an assignment due to reasons beyond their control, a parent/guardian must contact the counselor to make arrangements for reviewing missed material.


Cheating is an unacceptable offense and not tolerated under any circumstances!  Cheating includes copying off another students work, allowing another student to copy your work, using any unapproved aides such as cell phones or other electronic devices, written materials, "cheat sheets", and anything that may unfairly provide a student with an answer other than their own brain.  If a student is caught cheating, they will receive an F for that assignment and a 1 in conduct for the nine weeks. They will receive a written notice and parent contact will be made immediately after the infraction.   An automatic referral by the teacher will be submitted to administration for cheating on a test.

 Students will be researching others work, whether it is for a lab, project, or research paper.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances!  Plagiarism also includes copying another student’s work or giving your work to another student to copy.  If a student is caught plagiarizing, they will receive an F for that assignment and a 1 in conduct for the nine weeks.  They will receive a written notice and parent contact will be made immediately.  A referral by the teacher can be submitted to administration depending on the severity and/or frequency of the offense, whereas administration will determine if any further punishment is deemed necessary.  This is a science department policy.


Every student needs: -Spiral Notebook (INB) -Colored pencils -Calculator

-Pencil or pen (blue or black only) -Eraser

Uniform Infractions

As of day 1, uniform policy is strictly enforced. No warnings, no second chances. Students who come to class out of uniform will be issued a uniform infraction slip. Sweaters or sweatshirts with logos may not be turned inside out to hide the logo.

Passes and other interruptions

All students should plan restroom breaks before or after class. Students may not visit counselors during class time. Students will be permitted to leave class only at the request of administration, or in an emergency. Students with medical issues requiring bathroom or other passes during the class period should take documentation to the guidance department and make sure that the teacher receives notification.

Staying late in another class to help a teacher will not be considered a valid excuse for tardiness. This is also true for helping an administrator, in the front office, etc.

Semester Exams

Semester exams (mid-terms and finals) will be given, and are cumulative. They assess all the material covered during the course of the Semester. Students should keep all of their notes and work, as textbooks may be collected prior to the exam. A No. 2 pencil is required for these exams. Any student suspected of cheating on the exam or that is disruptive during the exam will receive a zero, and will receive an F in conduct for the marking period.

Classroom Code of Conduct

All students are expected to adhere to the rules set forth in the Somerset Academy Canyons Student Handbook.

In addition, the following policies apply in the classroom:

1. Have all appropriate materials and supplies at your desk and be seated when the bell rings.

a. Remain in your seats at all times, unless otherwise noted.

b. Do not sit on top of the desks or lab tables.

c. Students are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.

2. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom.

a. Use appropriate language.

b. Do not touch any science equipment that may be found in the classroom, without permission.

c. Some activities are conducted in a fully equipped science lab. The chemicals and equipment used are sometimes hazardous. Always wear proper lab attire when using these items.

3. Cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off and put away, including headphones. Cell phones may not be used as calculators or timers. Electronics that are visible in any way will be confiscated by the teacher and turned into administration. No exceptions, no second chances, no warnings.

4. Students found with any electronic device during any test will receive an F on the test, and a 1 for their conduct grade.

Discipline Plan

Infractions of acceptable classroom behaviors will lead to:

• Verbal warning

• Repeated verbal warnings will lead to Parent Notification and/or detention

• Referral to Administration

Teacher reserves the right to skip steps commensurate with severity of infraction:

Example – fighting will lead directly to referral to the Administration

Parent Conferences

All parent conferences should be scheduled through the guidance department. I am available for parent conferences immediately before or after school. If you have questions or concerns, or simply want an update about your child, schedule a conference or leave a detailed message with the office. You may also contact me at tmillsap@. I will be glad to provide you with information.


Parents/guardians and students: I have read the class expectations for 7th grade Science. I understand that it is my responsibility to ask questions for any policy that seems unclear.

Students: I understand that my success in this class is based on my performance. I understand that I am to check the on-line portal and/or website on a daily basis for important information and print any assignments posted there. I understand that reviewing material on a consistent basis at home or after school is an essential part of my success.


I understand that I am also responsible for my child’s success in this class. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ask for progress reports, monitor homework.

I understand that I am required to pay a $20 lab fee, in cash, and that the deadline for this fee is 9/30/2016. I understand that if this fee is not paid, my child will not participate in laboratory activities, and that I will receive a financial obligation. Lab fees must be paid in cash. A receipt will be provided.

Student Name (printed) ___________________________ Period/Class: ______

Student Signature___________________________ Date___________________

Parent Name (printed) ___________________________

Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________________

Parent phone: _________________________________

Parent email: _________________________________

Parent Comments/Concerns: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3rd Quarter

• Motion

• Forces

• Work & Energy

4th Quarter

• Heat and temperature

• Waves

Review of Semester/semester exam

1st Quarter

• Scientific Methods

• Matter

• States of Matter

2nd Quarter

• Atoms

• Periodic Table

• Structure of mater

• Chemical Reactions

Review of Semester/semester exam.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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