
3828415000Ms. Cynthia Forte6th Grade IntensiveMathematics2019-2020 Syllabus cforte@ Course DescriptionThe following topics will be covered throughout the year: Operations with Multi-Digit Whole Numbers, Decimals, and FractionsRates, Ratios, and PercentsUnit Rates and ConversionsIntegers, Rational Numbers, and the Coordinate PlaneExpressions, Equations, and InequalitiesArea, Volume, and Surface AreaStatistical Measures and DisplaysFSA Comprehensive Standards ReviewAdditionally, as part of this course, the students will receive instruction on: Test taking best practicesAnalytical and organizational skillsInterpretation of word problems through vocabulary growth and critical readingObjective reasoningTechnological skills through the use of computersRequired Materials1-1/2” 3 Ring Binder (to be used for Math only) - not to be shared with any other class5 Dividers (labeled) – Bellringer (warm-up), Textbook, Notes, HW/Assignments, and HandoutsLined Paper and Graph Paper#2 Pencils or mechanical pencils and extra lead Pencil SharpenerEraserRulerRed pen HighlighterAgendas will be sold in the main office and are highly recommendedClassroom Rules, Procedures and ExpectationsCome to class on time and prepared with all necessary materials, including assigned homework to review and grade.Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. This means having your class materials out, pencil sharpened, and working on the warm-up (Bellringer) for the day.Students should use the bathroom before coming to ply with instructions the first time they are given.Be respectful and courteous towards all your teachers, all your peers, and all school personnel. This includes respect towards school and peers’ property.Participate in class discussions and activities in a constructive and positive manner.There will be no eating, drinking from cans, or gum chewing in class. Water bottles with a cap are permitted, except in the computer area.Profanity, in any language, will not be tolerated.Personal electronics, including cell phones and smart watches, are to be placed in the pocket chart at the beginning of class. Any student’s cellphone or smart watch used during class will be confiscated on sight and sent to administration. No exceptions.There will be no recording devices used without the permission of Ms. Forte.Extra credit will not be offered in this class.No late work will be accepted. *Cell Phones NO CELL PHONES!!!!! Cell phones/electronic devices will be placed in cellphone holder at the beginning of class and picked up at the end of class.If a student has an electronic device confiscated, that item must be picked-up by a legal guardian 24 hours after the confiscation, between the hours of 3:30pm and 4:00pm. Upon the third confiscation of the electronic device, the school will secure the item until the last day of school. Behavioral Consequences (not necessarily in this order)Verbal Warning Confiscation of item(s)Student conference with teacher Phone call/letter home Detention/Saturday SchoolParent, teacher, and student conference Referral to Principal GradingGRADENUMERICAL VALUE1929765-9525Grading CategoriesTests35%Quizzes?25%Classwork/Homework? ???? ?30%Class Participation10%400000Grading CategoriesTests35%Quizzes?25%Classwork/Homework? ???? ?30%Class Participation10%VERBAL INTERPRETATIONA100% - 90%Outstanding progressB89% - 80%Above average progressC79% - 70%Average progressD69% - 60%Lowest acceptable progressF59% - 0%FailureI0IncompleteCriteria for creditClass WorkThe textbook will be used daily and the pages pertaining to the topic to be discussed must always be brought to class in the class binder. All materials must be brought to class daily. Sharing of materials is highly discouraged.Lost worksheets or study packets will not be replaced. All provisions will be made to have handed material available through the school’s website, , but no guarantees can be made.Class work will be given daily. Failure to bring in textbook and/or class materials may result in a grade of zero for participation.HomeworkHomework is assigned daily, and it is due by next class, unless otherwise specified.Homework will be assigned during class, posted on the board and on the school’s website. It is the students’ responsibility to copy it down before the end of class. Homework grading is based on completion, unless stated otherwise. ?All work must be shown, and all instructions must be followed through to receive full credit. There are no exceptions. In general, showing only answers?will not be accepted as a valid homework completion. Homework completion is of utmost importance to succeed in this course. Late assignments will not be graded, unless it is make-up work from an excused absence. Make-up work will not be accepted after the material has been tested. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and turn in make-up work.All work must be done in pencil. Homework turned in ink will not be accepted. All work must be legible, and must be clearly marked with the student’s name, date, period, and assignment title. Papers lacking a name will not receive credit.Parents will be notified of any insufficient grades. Tests and QuizzesTesting dates, as well as any testing support material, will be posted on the school’s website. Tests and Quizzes must be completed following all instructions to receive full credit. All work must be shown, including complete sentences when required. Any student absent on a test day must have an excused absence or will automatically receive a zero for that test’s grade. Make-up tests will be administered upon the student’s return to class, either during class or before or after school, depending on the circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to request any test, or make-up work, upon re-joining the class. Tests must be completed in pencil. Any test completed in ink will have 10 points deducted from the final grade.The use of a cell phone, an MP3 player, watch, or any other personal electronic device with a calculator application during a test will result in the automatic invalidation of the test, and an automatic grade of zero. Materials will not be provided during any test. All students are responsible to bring their own materials. Sharing of materials during a test is not allowed. Cumulative ExamsCumulative exams will be given throughout the year after the completion of each chapter. It is important for students to continuously review the previously taught material, as it will be applied in future concepts and tested on the Florida State Assessment in the Spring.Extra CreditExtra credit will not be assigned on an individual basis and when assigned must be fully completed to be eligible for grading. Incomplete assignments will not be graded.Academic DishonestyStudents are expected to be honest and ethical in all their academic work.? Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:Cheating – use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aidsFabrication – falsification or invention of any informationAssisting -?helping another commit an act of academic dishonestyTampering – altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documentsPlagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.Academic dishonesty will immediately result in a grade of zero.Doral Academy Prep Academic Integrity Policy:All Doral Academy Charter students are expected to be honest in the way they carry out, present and submit their work. This means that all parts of all works submitted for assessments, whether internal or external, must either be original to the student or must be properly cited. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty/malpractice may involve: Copying materials from a textbook, the internet, or another student and presenting it as one’s own work. Collusion. Taking unauthorized materials into an examination room (e.g. electronic devices other than a permitted calculator, notes, smartphones, etc.) regardless of whether this material is used or potentially contains information pertinent to the examination. Misconduct during an examination, including any attempt to disrupt the examination or distract another student. Exchanging or in any way supporting, or attempting to support, the passing of information that is related to an examination. Failing to comply with the instructions of the teacher/proctor or other members of the school’s staff responsible for the conduct of the examination. Impersonating another student. Stealing/copying examination papers. Using an unauthorized calculator during an examination. Disclosing or discussing the content of an examination paper with a person outside of the immediate school community within 24 hours of the end of the examination. **The list above is by no means exhaustive. Distinction between legitimate collaboration and unacceptable collusion or plagiarism There are occasions when group work is entirely desirable and acceptable. This is legitimate collaboration. In such a case, each student involved should play a distinct part so that it is clearly seen how their contribution differs from that of others in the group. Any written work presented must be individual. One student cannot do the writing for another. Unacceptable collusion occurs when one student copies from another with their agreement, or when one student does the work for another. Actions to be taken by the school if a student is found guilty of malpractice The emphasis of Doral Academy’s academic honesty policy is on prevention, and on students learning the appropriate skills of correctly referencing work. We are aware that students come from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and it may take them time to understand this policy. This is not to say that plagiarism is tolerated. Repeated offences will mean that more severe action will be implemented. Student’s found guilty of malpractice in general will be subject to consequences at the discretion of the school administration which can include: Meeting with student’s counselor and school administrator about the incident. Parents notifiedZero earned for the assignmentSaturday school detention Outdoor suspensionStudent placed on academic probation for the school yearHow are students educated about academic honesty and integrity? Parents will be required to read and sign Academic Honesty and Integrity agreement.Policy will be explained by teacher and may be included in teacher’s syllabi.Policy will be located in both Parent and Student contract.Policy will be detailed in school’s morning announcementsAttendanceDue to our block schedule, an absence to a class is equivalent to two absences. An absent student is responsible for obtaining the information/topic covered during their absence. An absent student will be held responsible for getting all make-up work. Being absent from class may hinder a student’s academic progress. If at all possible, don’t miss class.Students missing class for extracurricular activities are not exempt from assigned work deadlines. An absent student participating in an extracurricular activity is responsible for any assigned material, and must request make-up work/test upon returning to class.As stated in the Parent Handbook: “Teachers are required to provide students with make-up assignments once the absence has been excused; however, it is the responsibility of the student to request the assignments from the teacher(s).” It is the student’s responsibility to inform the teacher when the absence has been excused.TardyIn an effort to maintain to a minimum the disruptions to class time because of tardy students, the administration has set the following rules:Students tardy to their first period, or caught on a Tardy Hall Sweep during the day, will not be allowed into the classroom, will receive an unexcused absence for that period, and will not be allowed to make up the day’s work.Students tardy to a class without a Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) official hall pass may receive a detention, at the teacher’s discretion. In the event that a student is tardy to a class without a MDCPS official hall pass on a test day, the student will not be given extra time to complete the test.Wish List Items may be brought in for volunteer hours. Must bring receipt!Copy paper#2 pencils – mechanical or lead pencilsRed PensExpo Dry Erase MarkersErasersKleenex/ Tissue PaperGerm-X Hand SanitizerPaper TowelsAir freshenerIf you wish to donate any of these items to my classroom, please complete the donation form and provide with a receipt (or a copy of it) attached to the form, and send it with the item. The form can be found on the school website under the Parent and Volunteer Opportunities tabs. I thank you in advance for your donation.*Note to parentsIt is my goal and expectation that all students in my class succeed in 6th Grade Intensive Math. I will assist all students in any way I can. However, I alone cannot ensure your child’s success. It is of utmost importance that your child attends school and is on time, comes prepared to class and with a positive attitude, completes homework daily, and turns in all assigned work on time, and studies for quizzes and tests.I urge you to emphasize to them that, ultimately, the responsibility for their learning befalls upon them. The combination of all these aspects will determine your child’s success. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. I also have the best interest of each student in mind and desire the opportunity to provide assistance where possible. Please allow me the opportunity to help. If you need to contact me, please telephone the Middle School Office at (305) 591- 0020 or at my e-mail, cforte@ (this is always the best way to reach me). For course updates, please visit my page at the school’s website, . I am confident that with your help and support, your child will have a successful and happy experience in 6th Grade Intensive Math. I look forward to a great year together!114300467995Place this syllabus permanently in your class binder. This syllabus will be available in its entirety through the school’s website: this syllabus permanently in your class binder. This syllabus will be available in its entirety through the school’s website: Parent/Student Information Form00Permanent Parent/Student Information FormSTUDENT NAME: _____________________ STUDENT ID NUMBER: ______________ PERIOD: ____ Parental and Student Agreement I have read the syllabus for Mrs. Forte’s 6th Grade Intensive Math Class and understand the extent, requirements, and expectations for this course. I understand that this syllabus will be available at Doral Academy Prep’s website throughout the school year for reference purposes. I have also read the Doral Academy Prep Academic Integrity Policy and understand the consequences associated with any violation of this policy.Student name (print) ___________________________________Student Signature ___________________________________Period: _____Parent name (print) ___________________________________Parent signature ___________________________________Date: ___________________________________Note: Failure to return this signature portion does not excuse the student from complying with any of the course requirements and expectations included on the syllabus.Parent Emergency Contact InformationMother’s name:____________________________Father’s name:____________________________Address: _________________________________Address: _________________________________Home phone #: (_____) ________-_________Home phone #: (_____) ________-__________Job phone #: (_____) ________-_________Job phone #: (_____) ________-__________Cell phone #: (_____) ________-_________Cell phone #: (_____) ________-__________E-mail : __________________________________E-mail : __________________________________center114935Please list any medical condition(s) I need to be aware of: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00Please list any medical condition(s) I need to be aware of: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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