Oregon Republican Party 2020 Platform Amended by Bob ...


We-The-People of the Oregon Republican Party, in support of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; do ensure justice, law and order, domestic tranquility, and the general welfare of the People as one nation under God; do support ethical and accountable candidates and public officials who advocate these principles, those stated in this platform, and support the Constitution has a higher authority over the actions and laws of the Government of the State of Oregon.

Declaration of Independence:

The Republican Party recognizes that the following are areas that Oregonians are facing the loss of Independence from due to actions taken by the Oregon Government:

1. The intentional evasion of Oregon’s Constitution and the United States Constitution by;

a. Keeping all or part of the Kicker

b. Raising property taxes beyond the Measure 5 Limitations

c. Any form of gun control and “Red Flag” laws

d. Increasing regulation without laws that require the regulation

e. Spending of dedicated funds on projects outside of the dedication

f. Granting and creating extra branches of government with legislative authority given to unelected or appointed officials

g. Granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens via the DMV

h. Granting suffrage to people that are not Citizens of the United States of America

i. Uncontrolled fees that should be called taxes generated by unelected regulators

j. The excessive use of the Emergency Clause for fake or created crisis to prevent the People from taking corrective action via the Initiative process.

2. Public Education has been destroyed by;

a. The ever increasing bloat of extra administration and services that have nothing to do with teaching

b. Placing teachers last on the list for funding and first on the list for cutbacks

c. The complete removal of vocational education

d. Forced curriculums from State authorities that were to be in the hands of local school boards

e. Forced curriculums that are being kept secret from parents

f. Our children will be forced to spend the rest of their lives wondering what they could have had or could have been

g. The drugging of children to make school nothing more than a day care facility

3. Land use laws that have been twisted by;

a. Centralization of decisions of land use by taking authority away from city and county officials has led to ever increasing housing costs across this State

b. Ever increasing housing subsidies for illegal aliens have led to high housing costs

4. Ever increasing size of government by;

a. Reduction of the size of government is necessary to ensure that the State provides the services that the State is Constitutionally obligated to supply and nothing more

b. State personnel working on projects that are outside of Constitutional services

c. Pet Projects such as Light Rail that serve only a small number of people for huge costs

d. Carbon Tax is a government effort to create a commodity out of thin air to be bought, sold, and traded based on lies

e. Complete lack of any place in government to weigh the true cost of any project against the number of People that will benefit from project or the supposed savings from such projects

f. The increasing of the size of government as a way to cover up the amount of money that is really being consumed by PERS

5. Public Employee’s Retirement System (PERS);

a. A steadfast refusal to address the debt of providing retirement benefits with no contributions from the retirees has placed the State in a position that requires the payment of benefits before any other services that the government is supposed to supply.

b. The unscrupulous use of PERS for short term present day goals within the government has led to the fact that Oregonians will be paying for fore the rest of our lives on a debt that should never have been allowed to happen

c. The further unscrupulous use of PERS as a system of paying for under-the-table activities is tantamount to bribery payments that will go on for life by granting Tear 1 benefits to newcomers to the PERS system

d. The further unscrupulous use of PERS is jeopardizing those who are on the system benefits

e. PERS is consuming ½ of the funds needed to ensure that the People of Oregon get the services they know and expect from government.

6. Sanctuary cities, counties, and State;

a. Paying for housing, food, transportation, and healthcare has turned into ‘Government Sponsored Philanthropy” with the taxpayer’s money

b. Providing school for illegal aliens is taking Oregonian’s education further down the list of bad schools in America

7. Abortion and other assorted ways to take the lives of Oregonians:

a. Human Life has lost its value to the Government

b. Taxpayer funded abortion on demand

c. Teaching sex education in grade school is only supplying young women with unwanted pregnancies that feed the abortion industry

8. Natural Resources;

a. Cities and Counties should not be prevented from using the Natural Resources they know how to manage themselves.

9. Oregon is a diverse State and is facing real problems with high density voting block areas that have the ability to control the entire State;

a. We need to change the way State wide elections are conducted by implementation of an “Electoral College of the Counties”

10. Truth and Transparency;

a. The complete lack of transparency has been going on for many years

b. Public information should not be for sale by the government

c. Public information should not take months or years to get

d. Climate change is being used as an excuse for taxation instead developing and securing the necessary energy requirements for the future that are based on genuine science and economics

11. Voting;

a. The “Vote by Mail” system has been corrupted by granting voting rights to people that are not Citizens of the United States of America via the Department of Motor vehicles

b. Vote by mail should have postage paid return thereby making it a felony to vote twice

c. Voting rolls have been used in corrupt ways to keep recall petitions from being successful

d. No reasonable effort has been made to clean up the voter roll

12. Public Health and Safety;

a. Over vaccination is more of a public health risk to the children that must endure the chemicals use to deliver and preserve the vaccine.

b. Unreasonable vaccines have been foisted on the People for diseases that only exist elsewhere in the world

13. Fuel taxes are not being returned to the counties;

a. Fuel taxes are not being used in the location where the fuels were consumed

b. Fuel taxes are being diverted to “Transportation” rather than the intended use by the Counties to build and maintain roads where the roads are needed

14. Vet instead of illegals

a. The Governor diverted State Lottery Dollars that were voted on by the People to go Veteran Affairs

15. Right to privacy;

a. The government is allowing the teaching of alternative life styles in our schools

b. The government is continuously pushing for there to be no difference between men and women or girls and boys in showers or restrooms

c. There are only two sexes

16. There are only two sexes;

a. Allowing males to replace females just because they want to is destroying fare competition in sports

b. Allowing males to use female facilities violates the privacy of all women at any age

c. Identifying as something other than your natural born self should not be an excuse for men and women or girls and boys to choose to violate the privacy of the People around them

17. Dedicated taxes means dedicated taxes

a. The government has consistently lied when announcing that a tax will be dedicated to cause

b. The government has consistently changed the direction of dedicated taxes to other projects

18. The intentional creation of carbon taxes

a. The government is creating a commodity item out of the air we breath

b. The buying, selling, and trading of the atmosphere is not something the government should be able to do

c. Carbon taxes are a source for corruption

19. Other;

a. Targeting business for their refusal to do business with people or groups they do not believe in is a violation of US Constitution

b. Any business should be able to turn down business for any reason without any consequences for doing so

20. Campaign finance

21. The republican Narrative is “guns saves lives”

a. Personal protection outweighs all other concerns

b. Owning a gun is a right that “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”

22. Truth in Government;

a. The lack of truth in government has led to an incredible amount of corruption opportunities

Law and Criminal Justice:

The Oregon Republican Party believes the U.S. Constitution and Oregon Constitution are the highest

laws of the land, and that all other laws must be consistent with them; that laws for the punishment

of crime shall be founded on these principles: protection of society, personal responsibility,

accountability for one's actions and reformation; to preserve and protect the rights of crime


1. We support the highest budget prioritization for the funding of public safety with appropriate truth in sentencing and mandatory minimum sentences; using enforcement as a deterrent, even including the use of the death penalty.

2. We believe all courts should exercise judicial restraint, not activism when interpreting our constitutions and statutes. We support election and appointment of justices who support constitutional principles.

3. We support Oregonians' right to privacy, specifically including personal possessions and electronic records, from mass surveillance, search or seizure, unless authorized by a specific warrant based on probable cause.

4. Oregon residents shall be given the full justice of the civil court system, including equal discovery rights and a fair hearing before an administrative agency can revoke rights, institute fines or invoke other penalties.

5. We support the analysis of addictive and social conditions that contribute to violent crimes so that solutions can be implemented.

6. We are concerned about the rising level of corruption and lack of accountability under law, especially for the politically powerful, and support the equal application of laws to all Americans, without regard to race, creed, wealth or power.

7. We believe in the right of individual owners to be secure in their property, and therefore oppose legal system overreach such as civil asset forfeiture and eminent domain seizureswhere property is given to a third party.

8. We support Oregon public safety officers, but seek to promote traditional conceptions of locally-based officers serving their communities, and condemn political interference in law enforcement decisions, including responses to public protests in Oregon.

9. We support the local Sheriff as being the highest law enforcement authority within each county.

10. We do not support the existence or use of privatized jails or prisons. For-Profit Prisons have turned those who are in need of help, must pay a debt to society, or must be kept from society for the protection of society into nothing more than a commodity item to be bought, sold, or traded without the wellbeing of the individual being a consideration.


The Oregon Republican Party believes that free market capitalism, private property rights,

low taxation, minimal regulation and government intervention are the foundations of a

vibrant and prosperous economy.

1. In order for a free economy to exist, government should recognize the supremacy of individuals and corporations to enter into contracts with one another, free from interference.

2. The supply and demand for goods, services and labor costs shall be determined by the free market. Government must not create, own, operate, subsidize or assume control of any private business, nor be party to any enterprise, which could be operated privately. Government-provided services should not create undue burdens on the free market.

3. We believe in the right to work. Employees should be free to choose whether or not to join a union as a condition of employment. Employers should be allowed to hire the best qualified employees.

4. Private property rights (including, but not limited to, water, mineral, land sales and development rights) are the wellspring of economic prosperity. Private property owners should be fairly compensated for any regulations that diminish property values. We support repealing and reforming overly restrictive land use laws and plans.

5. We believe a vibrant economy will flourish when the Federal Reserve is not allowed to weaken sound money and interfere with free market financial returns.

6. We believe that no corporation should be above the law. We do not support bailouts, business should be allowed to succeed or fail.

7. Oregon governments need to aggressively manage their spending and reduce all forms of debt, primarily PERS debt, in order for a prosperous economy to exist.

8. Affordable homes are a sign of a healthy economy. We believe and encourage private sector solutions to the housing crisis in Oregon.

9. We believe that neither the Legislature or the Governor have the authority to create any kind of commodity item out of something such as carbon dioxide or the creation of tax credits that can be bought, sold, or traded on Open or closed markets.


The Oregon Republican Party believes that all children deserve access to a quality education. From

birth, parents and legal guardians have the primary right and responsibility to educate their

children in the manner they choose.

1. Teaching the basic principles of our Constitutional Republic is an essential foundation of education and ensures the success of future generations. The teaching of Civics are to be returned to the classroom.

2. We support reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in our school classrooms. A sense of national pride and respect for the American Flag must be instilled to all students at an early age.

3. All students should be brought to English fluency. All schools in Oregon will be taught is English only.

4. We believe that parents should be given more control over what their children get to learn via Vouchers. We further believe that the only way to get education back on track in Oregon is through a Voucher system. Educational choice and competition are the most effective mechanisms for improving the quality of education. Funding for education should support the parents’ choice of educational options.

5. We support the option for parents to homeschool their children.

6. The education of children must emphasize factual and unbiased information and practices.

7. While recognizing the need for rigorous standards, we support minimum testing to ensure students are meeting grade level requirements.

8. Parents, legal guardians, teachers, and community members, through their locally elected school boards, are the primary influence over education policy, curriculum, standardized testing, and the allocation and distribution of state educational funds.

9. Schools must provide information and opportunities to support technical, trade, and military careers.

10. We support using competition, technology, market forces, and faith partnerships to provide quality post-high school education through college or vocational training.

11. It is the role of the parent or legal guardian to direct topics of education in sexual matters, sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, ethics, and moral values. Governmental or public agencies shall obtain written parental permission before discussing sex-related subjects with minor age children. We further believe that sex education should not start until Seventh Grade.

12. Parents or legal guardians are the final authority in deciding what is best for their children. Parents must receive full disclosure and have given written permission before all health-related services, outside referrals, content, and materials are disseminated to their children.

13. We believe that the privacy of students shall not be infringe. Men and Women or boys and girls restrooms, physical education changing areas and showers are to be kept separate.

Natural Resources and Environmental Stewardship:

Oregon’s natural resources, when managed responsibly, are vital to our state's environment,

economy, and prosperity. We believe that our government exists by the consent of the governed,

and support the free market system with minimal regulation. We believe that individual property

owners and local citizens are the best stewards of our natural resources. We further believe that the role of government should be limited to property ownership, property protection, and protecting the right to use your property the way you see fit in pursuit of happiness. The principal function of

government is to protect the unalienable God-given rights of life, liberty, property and the pursuit

of happiness.

1. We support multiple uses of our public lands and waters with minimal government interference. This includes, but is not limited to, agriculture, logging, mining, tourism, power generation, recreation and commercial fishing.

2. We support and encourage the transfer of federally administered lands to local control, as provided for in the Oregon Act of Admission, 1859 (Enabling Act).

3. We strongly support and encourage the use of the “Coordination” process, as defined by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, by local governments to ensure federal projects are consistent with local plans, economy, culture, and history.

4. The 1906 Antiquities Act was adopted to protect antiquities and should not be used as a tactic by public officials to take private lands or restrict the use of public lands. We oppose the withdrawal, use, or taking of public lands to create wilderness, monument or any other restrictive categories without approval from Congress and approval of the people of Oregon. We oppose any land management agency denying access to, or use of, publicly owned lands by temporary administrative restrictions such as “In support of Pending Legislation.”

5. We support the State's primacy over the Federal government in relation to state waters.

6. Water rights are real property rights, and we support the Constitutional protection of surface and groundwater rights.

7. All hydropower in Oregon is renewable energy. We oppose the breaching of dams and encourage expanded water storage capacity, including groundwater recharge, to provide adequate water resources and flood control.

8. We support and promote the security of individual property rights and oppose taking of private property without just compensation.

9. We respect the right of private landowners to take reasonable steps necessary to protect their property, and we support adjusting the laws to respect those rights. We oppose the sale of Oregon mineral resources, such as uranium or strategic rare earth minerals to foreign interests that may use such substances to endanger national security.

10. We support the constitutional protection of private property rights, including the rights of prospectors and small-scale miners.

11. We oppose international environmental treaties or agreements with organizations using environmental issues for social engineering and/or global control.

12. We believe individuals have the right to protect themselves, livestock and domesticated animals from predators, regardless of the predators’ species federal or state protection status, without federal or state interference.

13. We oppose reintroduction or protection of any fish, wildlife, or plant species in Oregon unless there is valid, peer-reviewed scientific data and consent of state and local government.

14. We oppose the use of the Equal Access to Justice Act, to recover any attorney fees for Natural Resources advocacy groups.

15. We support and recognize the Oregon and California Revested Lands Act of 1937 (Popularly known as the O&C Act) as being vital to Oregon's economy and schools and oppose set-asides that remove public land from sustained-yield timber production.

16. We believe Oregon can have both clean air and a healthy community with fair and reasonable air quality regulations. We do not support regulations that cause undue burdens to Oregon businesses.

17. We support removing the authority of Regional government or service districts over local cities and counties.

18. We support de-listing, at the earliest opportunity, of listed species protected by the state or federal government, based on the complete and timely implementation of the Recovery Plans, or there is a low probability of recovery.

19. The lack of healthy forest management in Oregon has substantially harmed communities. We support the streamlined reduction of hazardous fuels and expedited harvesting of burned timber resources to reduce future wildfire hazard and intensity on publicly managed lands.


The Oregon Republican Party believes that the traditional family, formed through the marriage of

one man and one woman, is ordained by God our Creator and is the foundation of our society. This

environment is optimal for raising children to be responsible, self‐sufficient, productive citizens.

1. We believe government intervention involving the family must be kept to an absolute minimum and be subject to due process of Law.

2. Marriage is between one man and one woman.

3. Every person has a fundamental right to life that begins at conception and endures to the natural conclusion of life. We strongly oppose abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide, including any government funding of these deadly practices. Republicans advocate for adoption and life-affirming pregnancy resources.

4. Republicans advocate for a child’s health, well-being and security. When a court of law determines parents to be unfit to raise children, state and local governments have the responsibility to intervene. In those cases, the grandparents or other immediate family members shall be given first consideration for guardianship.

5. We support measures that will protect the integrity of the family from matters that contribute to the breakdown of the family. We oppose sexual exploitation, human trafficking, pornography, and prostitution because they are degrading and exploitative.

6. We support the new “Heartbeat” definition of viability for Human Life to be successfully born into this world.

Foreign Policy:

The Oregon Republican Party believes that all foreign policy decisions must adhere to the United

States Constitution and be based upon the security interests, sovereignty, and well-being of the

United States.

7.1 The position of the United States in world affairs is based upon our freedoms, moral standing, economic prosperity, effective diplomacy, free and equitable trade and a strong military.

7.2 We support the expenditures of Foreign Aid that are solely in the vital national

security interest of the United States and should be withheld from nations and

groups that work contrary to this interest.

7.3 We support the promotion of American principles such as individual liberty and

human rights. We support measures that oppose genocide, abortion and religious

and political persecution.

7.4 We believe in the sovereignty of all nations and reject nation building. Peaceful, free

nations should not be deprived of the right to defend their continued existence and


7.5 We stand with and support the sovereign right to exist of threatened countries such

as Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, and Ukraine. We support continued arms sales to

Taiwan and recognize our agreements and obligations to defend Taiwan against

Chinese aggression. We believe the United States “one China” policy must evolve

into a “one democratic China” policy,

7.6 We reluctantly accept that the no new negotiations will deter the aggression, or

threats of aggression, by North Korea or Iran. We support the necessary use of force

to resolve such situations in the best interest of the United States.

7.7 We recognize that violent, radical, Islamic Jihadists and other groups who have, by

their actions, declared war on America and that the U.S. Government needs to be

clear about this. We believe that a criminal justice approach to combating terrorist

acts of war is insufficient and we support using all Constitutional means available

and necessary to combat and end this threat. The United States must not tolerate

terrorist actions or nations that enable terrorism. This in no way legitimizes

depriving U.S. citizens of their Constitutional rights.

7.8 The United States shall defend its sovereignty and is solely responsible for its

national defense, free from foreign interference. We oppose programs such as the

United Nations Agenda 2030 policy, and related initiatives, to cede jurisdiction, to

relinquish any control over the United States, its citizens, military, territories or

resources, or to cede taxing authority in violation of the U.S. Constitution to any

world body such as the United Nations, the World Court, the International Monetary

Fund or the World Trade Organization. We oppose United Nation efforts to subvert

our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

7.9 We urge the technical and military superiority of the United States through

continued development of advanced military weapon systems, including antimissile

and other systems to protect our national infrastructure and citizenry.

7.10 We affirm that the President of the United States must adhere to the Constitutional

separation of powers by seeking and receiving Congressional authorization for any

act of war or seeking and receiving Senate approval for any treaty.

7.11 We support national initiatives to profoundly improve cyber-security at all levels.

We believe foreign-initiated cyber-attacks, including election interference, should

be countered with appropriate active responses, including consequences for nation states

that host, sponsor, or for any reason fail to end these attacks and bring the

perpetrators to justice.

7.12 We support repatriation of artifacts or cultural property stolen from any foreign ally

of the United States.

Government Spending

The Oregon Republican Party believes in limited, accountable, efficient, and transparent government

at all levels that perform the core constitutional functions, in accordance with the highest ethical

standards. We further believe that special services such as light rail should not be paid for by the entire State, but should be paid for entirely by local Counties for which the special service is created.

8.1 We expect that all levels of government operate within a zero-based balanced budget

which includes: eliminating unfunded mandates, not incurring new debt, not increasing

taxes and/or fees, and eliminating the practice of year-end budget adjustments.

8.2 Government spending on projects outside of Constitutional mandates must be stopped until the PERS debt is self-sustaining.

Health Care:

Families and individuals have the sole responsibility and right to make their own healthcare

decisions. A free market system of health insurance and health care delivery is the surest way to

provide high-quality, affordable health care that preserves individual freedom and privacy. We

advocate the protection of the physician-patient relationship, the promotion of competition and

the provision of individual choice.

9.1 We support the elimination of government barriers, incentives or mandates that limit

an individual’s health insurance and health care options or increase the costs for

individuals, families, groups, and employers.

9.2 We support the removal of barriers in Oregon law to the marketing of healthcare and

insurance solutions.

9.3 We support the fundamental and inalienable right of an individual to seek out

and pursue the health insurance, health sharing networks, and health care

services of their choosing, with full informed consent.

9.4 We are committed to aggressively pursuing tort reform legislation to help avoid

the practice of defensive medicine, to keep healthcare costs low and improve

healthcare quality.

9.5 We support the repeal of the federal “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”

and oppose any efforts to implement similar provisions at the state level.

9.6 We do NOT support uncontrolled or forced vaccinations. We support vaccinations within a time frame of the Parents choosing and the selection of different vaccines based on real possibilities of infectious disease control. We do not support the use of Aluminum or Mercury based preservatives used in the vaccines. We do not support the vaccinations for diseases that have regional global originations.


The Oregon Republican Party recognizes that securing our national borders is essential to ensure

the sovereignty and safety of our state. We encourage legal immigration and value the many

contributions of legal immigrants.

10.1 All state and local government agencies and elected officials shall work together and

support federal agencies to enforce immigration laws. Employment eligibility is

imperative, and violations by employers must be prosecuted without exception.

10.2 Amnesty, or the designation of any city, county or jurisdiction in Oregon as a sanctuary

for illegal aliens, shall not be allowed.

10.3 English shall be the official language of Oregon, and all government business conducted


10.4 Taxpayer-funded public services, privileges, and entitlements shall not be provided to

illegal aliens, with the exception of life-saving emergency medical services.

Individual Liberty and Limited Government

We agree with our nation’s founders that our unalienable rights are endowed by our Creator and

that government, without the consent of the governed, is tyranny. Local, state and federal

government shall not infringe upon our individual rights, freedoms and private property as well as

the security of our private communications, transactions or movements. We affirm that the powers

of the federal government are limited to those enumerated in the U.S. Constitution and

restricted by the 9th and 10th amendments and subject to rescission under Article 5.

We support placing a reasonable limit on the number of bills that are submitted in the Oregon

Legislature during each legislative session in order that state legislators have the time to give due

and proper consideration to each of them. We further believe that bills in the legislature should be

simple, succinct and single subject, as per Oregon Constitution, Article 4, section 21.

Senior Citizens

12.1 We support and value senior citizens and their unalienable rights; among these are life,

liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

12.2 Their life experiences, institutional knowledge, wisdom and continuing contribution to

society are invaluable.

12.3 Social Security income received by senior citizens should be free from all forms of


Rules and Regulations

The Oregon Republican Party affirms the importance of necessary and locally-appropriate Rules

and Regulations that promote confidence in our economy among individuals, families,

entrepreneurs, and businesses.

13.1 We support those rules and regulations that protect free enterprise and personal


13.2 We support regulatory reduction in Oregon, by eliminating outdated rules and


13.3 We believe that government should recognize that temporary tax benefits are a poor

counterbalance to permanent regulation when attempting to attract private business


13.4 We believe that Regulations exist for the express purpose of enforcing a law, nothing more.

13.4 We support a limitation on regulations that prevents a regulation from one law being applied to another. (Crisscross regulation limitation)

13.5 The Republican Party believes that Regulations should be limited to the laws that they were given authority to enforce. A Regulation exist for the express purpose of enforcing a law and nothing more and can only be in effect until Legislative action can be taken and signed into law. All regulations not accounted for by Legislative action are null and void.


It is an unalienable right of all people to use any reasonable and necessary force to defend their

homes, protect themselves, others and their property without fear of criminal or civil reprisal. All

law-abiding citizens have the right to keep and bear arms in a manner of their choosing without

government interference.

Each Oregon school district should encourage trained district personnel to be armed to protect

themselves and their students from violence.

Election Integrity

We believe that to protect the value of each constitutionally-qualified Oregon vote, each voter

must prove their United States citizenship, Oregon residency, and legal voting age of 18. We

support all measures to ensure timely delivery of ballots to all military personnel and to Oregon

citizens living internationally. Election operations shall be transparent. Ballot signature

verification needs to be part of the voting process. Penalties for election law violations must be

severe and consistently enforced. Valid voter registration should be based on an actual individual

choice to register. In support of the United States Constitution, we oppose the National Popular

Vote Movement, in order to maintain the Electoral College as it stands.

Veterans and Military Personnel

The Oregon Republican Party supports a strong military, which is the backbone of our country’s



6.1 We support the best available training and equipment for our military personnel.

16.2 We support our veterans receiving the benefits, honors, and services they have earned;

this includes receiving the highest quality of timely medical care from the medical

practitioner of each veterans’ choosing whether from the Veterans’ Administration or

private practice.

16.3 We support veterans and military families and honor them for their sacrifices.

16.4 We support veterans through the utilization of community and/or faith-based programs to

assist veterans transitioning into civilian life; this includes programs for suicide

prevention, domestic violence, mental health services and substance abuse counseling.

16.5 We support vocational and apprenticeship programs, which assists veterans to be

retrained and reskilled for jobs of today and tomorrow.

16.6 We support protecting second amendment rights of veterans.

16.7 We encourage Oregon businesses to hire veterans.

Government Transparency, Accountability and Honesty

Government must conduct all business in an honest, fully transparent, and accountable manner. The

people of Oregon and its elected representatives must be fully empowered to examine, investigate,

act to expose and end public corruption, secrecy, and abuse of the public trust. When corruption has

been identified, an effective remedy must be implemented for the good of the people. We believe that

satisfying public record requests is a core function of all levels of government, at a reasonable cost

and in a timely manner. Government accountability must be regular, independent, impartial, free of

collusion and made publicly available.

17.1 We expect all elected officials to maintain the bounds listed in the federal and/or state


17.2 We expect elected officials to define laws and avoid deferring to unelected bureaucrats

details of policy belonging to the peoples’ representatives.

Religious Liberty

Freedom of religion and rights of conscience are unalienable rights ordained by God, our creator

and are the foundation of our society, which no Government can limit or remove. Thus every person

should be protected by law from any government-imposed sanctions or reprisals if they

conscientiously object to participating in actions that conflict with their sincerely held moral or

religious beliefs. The protections include expressing beliefs, acting upon, or refraining from acting

against those beliefs. Accommodations, consistent with the constitution, should be made to general

laws to protect these rights.

Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

The Oregon Republican Party believes that an essential role of a limited government is to ensure

effective preparedness for and proactive mitigation of the impact on the civilian population,

infrastructure, private property, and the economy of disasters, both natural and man-made, and to

optimize the speed of recovery therefrom. Elected officials who are uninterested, unable, or

unwilling to fulfill this role must resign or be legally replaced in office by leaders who will.

19.1 As the most vital piece of life-sustaining infrastructure for the survival and wellbeing

of our civilization, we urgently demand that all necessary actions be taken at

all levels of government to harden and actively protect our electrical infrastructure

from all threats and that urgent steps be taken to guarantee a rapid recovery from

any outage. As a regional generating resource, Oregon is vital.

19.2 In order to maintain and restore vital logistical, transit, and emergency service

systems essential to the movement of vital supplies and services, we support a

robust, effective fuel delivery and storage plan be devised.

19.3 As humans cannot survive more than three days without potable water; we support

steps to ensure access to drinkable water, including hardening of our water purification

infrastructure against all threats with emergency backup water and purification

supplies for distribution.

19.4 We call upon the state and local governments and communities to plan for and distribute

adequate supplies of food and medicine sufficient to sustain our state for at least 30 days

in the event outside assistance is not readily available.

19.5 We advocate for Oregon to have adequate plans ready to implement backup voice and

data communications options that can serve until regular services can be restored.

19.6 We support realistic, fully resourced “all hazards” mitigation plans to cope with major

earthquakes, particularly in the Cascadian Subduction Zone, volcanic events, severe

flooding, winter storms, conflagrations, EMP (nuclear weapon’s electromagnetic pulse),

and terrorist acts, prioritizing citizens first and environmental considerations second.

19.7 We support proactive forest management, including fuel reduction, which puts Oregonians

first. Oregon should coordinate firefighting resources sufficient to successfully fight

multiple wildfires simultaneously. We call for an end to “let it burn” policies and

constraints on private citizens protecting private property.

19.8 We believe that cyber-security threats present a threat to our states infrastructure,

businesses, and citizens. We support severe criminal penalties and aggressive

prosecution of anyone attempting cyber-attacks on our state.

19.9 We support aggressive public information campaigns to train and educate citizens on

emergency preparedness with special attention to the needs of vulnerable populations.

19.10 We do NOT believe that disaster funds have been genuinely set aside for use in a Natural Disaster. Such fund are subject to Transparency requirements

Proposed Legislation:

The Oregon Republican Party believes that it is essential to show Oregon what kind of Legislation will be pursued in support of Independence for the People of the State of Oregon. To that end, the following is offered to the People of Oregon to decide what their future Independence will look like;

1. We believe that any law must define exactly what type of Regulations will be attached to the enforcement of that law. Further, Regulations developed by permission in one law can’t be created or enforced on a different law. (Crisscross regulation cap)

2. A Regulation exist for the express purpose of enforcing a law, nothing more. And can only be in effect until Legislative action can be taken and signed into law. All regulations not accounted for by Legislative action are null and void if the laws that created the authority to create the regulations are found to be Unconstitutional or repealed via initiative or legislative process.

3. We believe that establishing an “Electoral College of the Counties” to prevent small, high density areas of the State of Oregon from controlling the entire State. We shall introduce a Constitutional Amendment for the People of Oregon to vote on immediately.

4. We believe that the conversion of ELECTED State and State level appointees to “Independence Contractors” where all they can receive for Representing the People is a retainer for the time they are in office only. Will require a Constitutional Amendment voted on by the People

5. We believe that PERS must be corrected by a complete end of the State of Oregon offering any form of retirement as a benefit for future hires by setting up 401K programs where any contribution must, by law, be placed in the hands of government employees in the bank of their choice. The starting point being 3% with a gradually increasing to a maximum of 3% matching contribution over a required 10 years of employment.

6. We further believe that the covering of the entire healthcare insurance premiums for government employees is disruptive to the economy and has led to higher insurance costs for everybody.

7. We believe that a return to Land Use Laws of the 1970’s would reduce the cost of living for every Oregonian by getting the present day monopolistic control of land back into the hands of cities and counties where control belongs.

8. We believe that high cost projects such as light rail and Toll Roads should be put on hold until PERS debt is reduce to self-sustainable levels

9. We believe that in order to protect the People currently on PERS that any form of granting benefits of higher levels of coverage than they fit within should be band. i.e. Giving tear 1 benefits to an employee, elected, or appointed official that did not start out with tear 1 benefits.

10. We believe that the State of Oregon should be the collection organization of all fuel taxes. We further believe that the State of Oregon should be able to take a maximum for 5% of the revenues to cover the cost of collecting, enforcing, and policing of fuel use in Oregon. We further believe that a maximum of 7.5% should go to State discretionary transportation projects that require higher funding levels for completion. The remaining funds are to be sent back to the Counties where the fuel was consumed and will be under local control.

11. All forms of Toll Roads are band in Oregon.

12. Redo the voter rolls across the State with facial recognition to prevent multiple voting

13. Reduce the State Supreme Court back to 3 judges

14. Change the tax laws back to 2017 deductibility levels

15. A complete repeal of the “One Change Only” limitation that has been used to prevent desperately needed changes the Constitution.

16. Transparency Laws;

A. Posting of funds such as those set aside for disaster relief should be part of the State Treasurer’s duties.

B. Posting of actual assets within PERS should be required

C. Posting of fuel taxes collected and where they were collected from


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