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Your Name: ________________________Major US Political Parties Scavenger HuntDirections: Using internet research, complete the graphic organizer. Put information in your own words whenever possible. What is a political party and what does it do? Political partysome platform beliefs…economy, social, etcFactions within the party (3RD PARTIES THAT ALIGN WITH THIS PARTY? ETC)(most recent) Presidents & congressional Leaders (the “stars” of the party)% of Americans identifying as…last two national chairs of partyRepublicanDemocraticPut an X for the party that you believe does better/is more effective on the following issues:IssueDemocratsRepublicansNational defense/militaryEconomic prosperity across classfairness in tax structureDecreasing povertyReducing climate changeHealth care access for more citizensImprovements in educationInfrastructure improvements (roads, bridges)Improving social issues (equality, civil rights)Reducing federal debt/deficitOverall (total your X’s)Look up and list fundraising totals for the DNC and RNC for the 2016 election year: List the three main reasons for YOUR party affiliation:List one reason why it would be difficult for YOU to identify with the opposing party: ................

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