


Saturday, March 14th ,2020 from 1:00-5:00pm

Check in will begin 12:15 PM.

High School Commons, Fairfield


Call to order 1:00 pm.

Open and greeting


Pledge of allegiance

Report of credentials Committee: Donna Clark, Chris Van Hemert, Lisa Ashelman

Report of the Rules committee: Ed Kelenyi

Report of Nominations Committee and Elections of District Convention

Election of District Convention Standing Committees members: Ed Kelenyi

Introduction of Dignitaries. We will be introducing Throughout the afternoon

Platform Discussion: Platform Chairs Jim Flinspach Benjamin Gare, and Marshan Roth

Report from Jr. Delegates

If you have new planks, revisions, amendments or annulments, these need to be in writing with your name and precinct and 2 others also agreeing and given to the Secretary.

Adjournment at or before 4:30pm. Per request of the School.

These are given to our secretary and filed for consideration

CREDENTIALS: Donna Clark; Connie Hedger; Jill Watson; Chris Van Hemert, Lisa Ashelman

RULES: Ed Kelenyi, Benjamin Gare, Michael Small, Joseph Funk

PERMANENT ORGANIZATION:; Donna Clark; Ed Kelenyi; Benjamin Gare, Marshan Roth

NOMINATING: Ed Kelenyi; Benjamin Gare, Rick Schaffer, Kelly Thompson

PLATFORM COMMITTEE: James Flinspach; Marshan Roth;  Benjamin Gare, Brad Fregger, Bridgette Grijalva, Mary La Francis, Matt Leathers, Trevor Montavan, Joseph Perna, Michael Small, Kelly Thompson, William Tipping, Jill Watson, Cynthia Yockney, Joseph Funk, Charles Titus

SECRETARY:. Doug Bricker, Marshan Roth

Rules of Convention

1. The Convention shall be guided by Robert's Rules of Order (11th ed.) Revised as amended by the following rules.

2. After adopted, these rules may be suspended or amended only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates of the Convention who are present and voting. The rulings of the Chair shall be considered final, unless upon appeal such ruling is overturned by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Convention.

3. Convention speakers: Federal, State, and County elected officials and candidates or their official representatives may be recognized and allowed three (3) minutes to speak.

4. Those delegates and/or alternatives duly certified to the County Credentials Committee represent the maximum number of votes per precinct throughout the Convention.

5. Persons elected to serve on committees for the District Convention must be delegates to the District/State Conventions. They do not have to be present at County Convention.

6. Voting by proxy will not be permitted.

7. To vote on any issue, thirty-five percent (35%) of the certified and authorized delegates must be present. At the point a quorum no Longer exists, the remaining platform planks as submitted shall be forwarded as approved and the report of the Junior Delegates shall be accepted.

8. A quorum call may be only called once in a one hour period. The Convention Chair may call for a quorum at any time.

9. There shall be no change in the vote of any precinct after such vote has been cast, except that any delegate may challenge the correctness of the announced vote of their precinct before the result of the ballot is announced by the Convention. In case of a challenge, the Convention Chair shall immediately direct a new polling of the delegation.

10. Any amendment to the report of the County Platform Committee (including new planks, amend to substitute, or delete in whole or in part, in insert, to divide, etc.) Must be in legible writing or typed and signed on Convention day by no fewer than three (3) delegates, each one from a different precinct. Each amendment must be on a separate piece of paper and must clearly indicate the numbered section in the Platform Committee Report to which it pertains. It must also indicate the precinct signatories and must have all of the signatories precinct name printed or typed as well as signed. The amendments will be marked with the time and date when received by the Platform Committee. These amendments will be read by the Platform Committee Chair before the appropriate platform subsection begins.

11. After a section has been voted upon, a motion to reconsider will be out of order.

12. In debate, the debate shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) speaker delegates to each pro/con with no more than one (1) minute per speaker. The Chair shall alternate time between pro/con speakers to the extent such speakers exist. No delegate may speak more than once during the debate on the amendment. Prior to debating,

Speakers shall identify themselves by name and precinct. Consideration of the platform shall be by section. There shall be no debate or separate vote on any individual plank of the platform unless an amendment has been properly filed. If platform clarification is needed, the Platform Chair shall give official committee comment. The Platform Chair and Committee shall edit the final platform, including all amendments adopted. They may shorten, clarify, and/or rearrange the order of planks but shall not change the substance or intent of any plank or amendment. The number required to pass an amendment to the report of the County Platform Committee shall be a majority, which is one (1) more than half of the number of delegates present and voting.

13. The agenda submitted shall be a part of these rules.

14. Jefferson County may send up to 7 delegates and 7 alternates and an unlimited number of Junior Delegates to the District and State Conventions.

15. Nominations shall be required for the positions of District/State Delegates and Alternates. Per our Jefferson County Bylaws the County Chair and Co-chair are automatic delegates. As such we will elect five (5) additional delegates and 7 alternates.

16. A volunteer nomination form will be posted at registration desk for those that wish to be nominated. This list shall include name, precinct, and time signed and will be posted to the nominations list determined by time signed. Nominations from the floor will also be allowed

17. The top five (5) votes for the Delegate ballot will be elected as Delegates. The next seven (7) highest votes will be elected as Alternates. Tie votes will be settled via names in a hat. At such time as necessary Alternates that are called to serve as Delegates will do so based on the number of votes they received: highest first. Persons elected as Delegates but who wish to serve as an Alternate will drop to alternate in an order contingent with the votes they received. . Delegates need to commit to both District and State Conventions at a personal cost of $75.00. Delegates may request a $25 credit from the Jefferson County Central Committee Treasurer at the time of payment reducing the overall cost to $50.

18. Nominations shall be no longer than thirty (30) seconds. A second is required but no speech is allowed. Prior to the vote each candidate will have thirty (30) seconds to address the convention.

19. Nominations shall be required for District Committee on Platform, Rules, Organization, and Credentials and must be elected delegates to District Convention in accordance with Rule #5.

20. By Privilege of the Rules Committee and by the request of Fairfield High School, we will fix the time to adjourn at 4:30 PM so that the building will be vacated by 5:00 PM.

The Next Item On The Agenda will be The Election Of District Convention Delegates And Alternates.

The District convention is to be held Saturday April 25th in Iowa City and

State Convention held June 13th in Des Moines.

Current statute states

“Iowa Code 43.4 states that delegates to the county convention 'shall' be elected at the precinct caucus.   Delegates to the county convention must be elected during the caucus. However this does not preclude individuals who missed the caucuses and were not elected delegates to the county convention from being elected to the district and state conventions.

Report Of Election Of Convention Standing Committee Members

These people need to be available March 21th, next Saturday for the entire day or however long it takes this is the organizational meeting for District convention.

The committees of:

Platform -1

Rules -1

Credentials -1

Organization -1

15. Platform discussion

Proposed Planks For Jefferson County Republicans

Whereas, the planks submitted include those previously approved in 2018.

Be it resolved that the platform committee recommends that all planks approved by the 2018 Convention be adopted in total.

And all others shall be open to amendment and debate by section as listed.

Those marked with * are new proposed planks for 2020.

A. Agriculture

B. Business and Economic Development

C. Energy and Transportation

D. Education

E. God and Family Values

F. Government

G. Health and Human Services

H. Homeland Security

I. Immigration

J. Law and Justice

K. National Defense Foreign Policy

L. Natural Resources Environment

M. Right to Life

N. Taxes and Spending

Reminder due to time restraints, we need to clean up and out of here at 4:30pm

If you have new planks, revisions, amendments or annulments, these need to be in writing with your name and precinct and 2 others also agreeing. These are given to our secretary and filed for consideration. Whereas, the planks submitted include those previously approved in 2018. Those marked with * are new proposed planks.

Be it resolved that the platform committee recommends that all planks approved by the 2018 convention be adopted in total. And all others shall be open to amendment and debate by section as listed.


We believe that the basis of our laws and our founding documents are rooted in Judeo-Christian values. The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of this land. Its architects designed a balanced system of government and legal structure, commanding that justice and liberty are secure for the Nation’s citizens through time. Its unique content and philosophy, that man can rule himself, has inspired and encouraged the world; we put forth this platform to underscore our expectations of such a just and transparent government.

We believe in the protection of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, & the Pledge of Allegiance, and upholding the sovereignty of the United States. We must ensure the maintenance of the balance of the three branches of government, and restoring the transparency of government.

We must protect the property, rights, benefits and spiritual culture of legal Americans. We stand for choice of educational opportunities, promotion of the right to life, and of a Strong Fiscal Policy of Government.

We believe that every human being has the inalienable right to life regardless of age or degree of dependency which includes the unborn from conception until natural death. We believe human life is a sacred gift from our Creator and is innately valuable at every stage of development beginning at conception. The right to life is a fundamental right as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. No human life should ever be diminished, and innocent human life must never be arbitrarily taken; including the life of the unborn, the elderly, the chronically or terminally, or the mentally or physically handicapped.

We can have a healthy economy and a healthy environment. We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creations for future generations.

Energy and Transportation are essential to our economic development and our strength. Our transportation infrastructure is the backbone of our economy. Energy provides the means to our country’s security and strength. Our obligation is to make the best use of our assets in an ethical and safe manner satisfying our country’s need. Iowa Republicans feel entrepreneurs are more likely to solve America’s problems than bureaucrats are.

Republicans promote business development favoring low corporate taxes, protection from frivolous lawsuits, incentives for needed innovations, and minimum business regulation consistent with protection of our environment and respect for private property.

Traditional Republican values of limited government, low taxes and respect for private property; are proposed to restore our Republic, establish a just money system, balance our budgets at the state and federal level and restore faith in America’s future. It is the Republican Party’s obligation and long-standing commitment to a strong National defense. We believe and support the use of military force based on our strategic national interests and must always serve our Nation’s interests and sovereignty.

We as a country must seek out terrorists wherever they hide, until the threat is nullified. We believe our Foreign and domestic policy must always serve our Nation’s interests and sovereignty, first and foremost.

Homeland Security’s purpose is to provide protection and public safety in balance with personal rights, as provided by the U.S. Constitution, by serving, and protecting all U.S. citizens, property, and interests within our country’s borders. The people of Jefferson County believe border control is a security issue. Terrorists are trying to enter the United States illegally. Illegal immigration will not be tolerated.

We believe that Congress should make certain the laws of legal immigration of this country are enforced in the spirit in which the laws were written. Congress has written legal immigration laws, procedures, and policies that work and protect the United States of America at the same time.

The American people favor legal immigration, control of the border, ending illegal immigration with an emphasis on employer responsibility, immediate deportation of persons who are here illegally, a requirement to return home to become legal temporary workers, assimilation of those who sincerely want to become American, and accompanied by a sophisticated, technologically advanced temporary Visa system.

We believe a healthy agriculture is the basis of a secure and stable nation by providing a consistent food supply. We encourage continued support and use of renewable resources and support the continuation of environmentally friendly initiatives that help sustain family farming operations.

We believe in retaining the moral absolutes that our Founding Fathers drew from the Holy Scriptures as the principal foundation for our Constitution. We acknowledge God’s blessing on our Country. We support the protection of all religious references and symbols in order to insure our religious freedom.

As Republicans we continue to uphold the principles of individual responsibility, adherence to traditional moral standards, a strong national defense, a free enterprise system and respect for the sanctify of human life.

We believe high moral character is a necessity of public servants. The highest standard of character should be embodied in both private and public life. We believe the changes we need in government must pertain to all elected offices in Iowa and throughout the country, not merely in the Washington D.C. political arena.

We the members of the Republican Party shall only vote for elected officials who honor and defend the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.”

For our Legislators: We believe in a change of the status for the Republican Party Platform. This document should be treated as a Mission Statement with the people that elected you. This is our guideline for you and your votes, both Nationally and Statewide.

We believe that our Government and our elected officials should focus on reducing regulation the stifles job growth, elimination of the National Debt and the immediate repeal of the “National Affordable Health Care Act”

We Acknowledge God’s Blessings on our country, and our continued dependence upon God for the preservation of our Nation. We encourage the proliferation of these principles and their passage to future generations.

To this end, we put forth this platform to underscore our expectations.


We believe a healthy agriculture is the basis of a secure and stable nation by providing a consistent food supply. We encourage continued support and use of renewable resources and support the continuation of environmentally friendly initiatives that help sustain family farming operations.

A1. We support the United States farmers, and support finding more uses for agricultural products.

A2. We believe agriculture is the basis of a secure nation by providing a consistent food supply.

A3. We support using agriculture to reduce the trade deficit.

A4. We support agriculture and value added agriculture products in Iowa, therefore, we support the livestock industry in this state and support those who engage in it while recognizing the need to protect the environment, but not at the expense of a vibrant livestock industry.

A5. We encourage continued support and use of bio-fuels and support the continuation of environmentally friendly initiatives that help sustain family farming operations.

A6. We support a safety net farm program which includes crop insurance that allows individual farmers to raise a crop and sell it at a sufficient profit to eliminate the need for government subsidies.

A7. We champion the rights of home and landowners against Eminent Domain as prescribed by the original intent of our forefathers.

A8. We believe that the United State should remain a sovereign nation and support current laws that prohibit foreign international ownership of Iowa farmland.

A9. We believe the use of fuel and road tax funds should be restricted to building and maintaining road and highways, and not bike trails or rail systems.

A10. We believe frivolous lawsuits involving agricultural pursuits should be discouraged by applying financial disincentives.

A11. We support a limit on federal payments to farmers by capping farm subsidies.

A12. We support the limitation of all subsidies including Air, Wind, Crop, etc.

A13. We support the developing of alternative fuel and energy sources to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

A14. We support the permanent elimination of the Federal Estate Tax.

A15. We urge the legislature to formulate and develop long-range agricultural policies to foster new and expanded domestic and international markets through the use of the private market system and not the World Trade Organization.

A16. We believe that the federal government should accurately identify illegal aliens/immigrants so that they cannot receive any monies from local, state or federal governments.

A17. We believe that regulations effecting production agriculture, including water and air quality standards should be transferred from the DNR to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

A18. We believe that the state should eliminate all incentives that encourage non-agricultural development on prime agricultural land.

A19. We believe that the modernization and lengthening of the locks on the Mississippi River should continue, using the taxes derived from fuel tax used by river vehicles.

A20. We support the DNR application of longer deer hunting seasons and increasing the number of hunting permits including increasing the number of out of state and Doe-only permits and decreasing the cost of permits for State residents.

A21. We support funding for USDA programs, which curtail, control or eradicate livestock diseases.

A22. We oppose a national animal identification system.

A23. We support local control over the placement of factory farms.

A24. We support the reduction of regulation on placement of hog confinements.

A25. We oppose efforts to impose a “sin” tax on all forms of red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.

A26. We support the use and enforcement of the same standards for both domestic and imported foods.

A27. We support the definition of manure as a natural fertilizer.



Republicans promote business development favoring low corporate taxes, protection from frivolous lawsuits, incentives for needed innovations, and minimum business regulation consistent with protection of our environment and respect for private property. We can have a healthy economy and a healthy environment.

We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations. Iowa Republicans feel entrepreneurs are more likely to solve America’s problems than bureaucrats are. We believe that the government should have more accountability to us, the citizens.


B1. We support the protection of all citizens and corporations from frivolous lawsuits.

B2. We support Tax Credits for businesses, which provide the innovation and new technology needed to compete successfully.

B3. Businesses should be able to require employees to speak the English language while on the job.

B4. We believe raising the minimum wage only causes inflation; we endorse the freezing of the minimum wage.

B5. We support curtailing illegal immigration by emphasizing employer responsibility, control of the border, and immediate deportation of felons who are here illegally.

B6. We support a worker visa program making it easier for people to work legally in the United States.

B7. We encourage heavy monetary fines for employers and businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

B8. We recommend work visas should be for no more than nine (9) months; alien workers should be required to return home for three (3) months of each year.

B9. We hold that no illegal immigrant/alien should receive monies from local, state, or federal governments such as workman’s compensation or social security.

B10. We encourage the development and use of a sophisticated, technologically advanced temporary Visa system of identification. In this Visa program each applicant will receive a tamper-proof identification card, which will allow the government to track him or her.

B11. We support that no company should market services such as credit cards or bank accounts specifically to people who are in the United States illegally.

B12. We can solve our environmental problems faster and cheaper with innovation and new technology than with more litigation and more government regulation.

B13. We support drilling for oil in America to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, as long as appropriate environmental safeguards are used.

B14. We support a free market in the development of renewable and nonrenewable fuels to support local energy independence.

B15. We support increasing electricity production using GENIY nuclear power.

B16. We encourage additional reduction of authorities of DNR and EPA, allowing for the creation of new refineries.

B17. We support that the control and regulation of hog confinements be returned to the local governments where they are sited or proposed.

B18. We hold that the name of God should not be removed from governmental media, public places, legal tender and ceremonies.

B19. We encourage the use of and the development of Faith Based Initiatives, relative to the Charitable and Social Service Initiatives.

B20. We support removal of legal and bureaucratic obstacles to charitable and Faith Based organization so that they may resume their effective traditional role of serving the needy.

B21. We will not allow any judge to legislate from the bench in violation of either the U.S. Constitution or the Iowa Constitution. Any judge who does this should be impeached and removed from office.

B22. We support inventory taxation relief for small businesses- increase write off for tools and technology for small business.

B23 We support shortening the depreciation schedule for small business real estate purchases to ten years.

B24. We believe it is essential the Iowa remain a “right to work” state, and oppose the so called “fair share” or “reasonable reimbursement” bills.

B25. We believe that the rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only. We therefore call for a constitutional amendment, which asserts that corporations shall have no rights under the US Constitution and are subject to regulation through Federal, State or Local law, that corporations, limited liability companies and other artificial entities are established by the laws of any state, the United States or any foreign state. The privileges of these entities shall be carefully regulated through federal state or local law and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable.

B26. We believe that subsidies of any kind are a transfer of wealth from one group to another by force and reflect the philosophy of redistribution of wealth.

B27. We support measures to close the pay gap between state workers and those in private employment

B29. We oppose corporate welfare and the bail out system which infers that certain companies, such as automotive, banks, and insurance companies, are “too big to fail”.



We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations and our country’s assets. We can have a healthy economy and a healthy environment. Energy and Transportation are essential to our economic development and our strength.


C1. We hold that the U.S. should remain a sovereign nation in all areas including energy.

C2. We believe the availability of an adequate supply of energy is essential to the economic strength of the United States. We consider that our current dependence on foreign oil threatens our national security and our national economy.

C3. We believe access to an adequate transportation infrastructure is necessary for a market economy to succeed and for national security to be served.

C4. We support the building of new refineries in areas best suited for distribution.

C5. We support deregulation of the DNR, and EPA, to allow the building of new refineries, cost effective fuel alternatives, the drilling of oil in Alaska and off shore,), the mining of shale oil, and the building of nuclear power facilities.

C6. We urge all taxes relating to transportation to be used for the sole purpose of maintaining and building the transportation infrastructure.

C7. We call for equitable distribution of transportation funding between rural and urban areas.

C8. We encourage the best use of our country’s assets in an ethical and safe manner satisfying our country’s needs.

C9. We support ending our dependency on foreign oil by increasing use of domestic resources.

C10. We dispute the powers that FEMA, EPA, UN, NAU, WTO to legislate and force their will upon the taxpayers of the United States.

C11. We support a free market in the development of renewable and nonrenewable fuels to support local energy independence.

C12. We advocate the building of more oil refineries in America to lower the cost of gas and the creation of American jobs.

C13. We call for the overhaul of the current Federal system regulating and sighting of new power plants.

C14. We foster the use of appropriate safeguards to protect the environment; we should drill for oil in America, open more area to coal mining, and nuclear power plants.

C15. We support giving more priority to nuclear power for electricity production.

C16. We encourage the government to provide incentives for alternative energy usage and research. We support the development, marketing, and consumption of alternative and renewable fuels.

C17. We can solve our energy and environmental problems faster and cheaper with innovation and new technology than with more litigation and more government regulation. Entrepreneurs are more likely to solve America’s energy problems than bureaucrats are.

C18. We champion the protection of all citizens and businesses against frivolous lawsuits.

C19. We champion the rights of home and landowners against Eminent Domain as prescribed by the original intent of our forefathers.

C20. We believe if we use technology, innovation, and incentives, we do not need to raise taxes to clean up the environment.

C21. We support using modern technology to cut carbon emissions and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

C22. We encourage shippers to take advantage of intermodal freight systems (i.e. piggy back containerized truck train systems) with tax incentives.

C23. We encourage the use of Barge and Waterway systems in partnership with containerized freight systems. Barge companies may receive tax incentives for joint participation for five (5) years.

C24. We support DOT total hours worked (work and driving) not to exceed 12-hours in a 24-hour period. (Total driving hours not to exceed 11-hours in a 24-hour period. Labor and Safety studies have shown that working beyond 12-hours in a 24-hour period greatly increases accidents, errors in judgment, and fatigue.

C25. We will not support any special status from local, state, or federal governments as dictated by NAU or any other treaties that results in our transportation system being compromised in regard to competency, safety or worker status to individuals.

C26. We support the separation of the environmental responsibilities from the Iowa D.N.R. and to form two (2) separate entities; one for fish, game, and wildlife and another for the environmental responsibilities.

C27. We encourage the buildup of our Energy Reserves.

C28. We must oppose the use of the Environmental Protection Agency, or any other regulatory body to dictate the type of energy that will be produced and used by consumers. Energy production should be based on practical economics.

C29. We support the use of coal as well as the reduction of government regulations on mining except for safety regulations.

C30. We no longer support giving tax credits to companies that cut carbon emissions as an incentive to cut pollution.

*C31.. We support increasing electricity production using GENIY nuclear power.


We believe parents, not the government, are responsible for, and fully in charge of the education of their children. We believe that in order for our educational system to be successful, it must be accountable to the parents of the community. Therefore, parents should be afforded as many options as possible, including Public, private, home, or alternative education. Parents should also be allowed to educate their children from a strong moral perspective.


D1. We believe that Iowa should maintain the highest standards for our schools, our students and our educators. All Iowa students deserve competent, caring and enthusiastic teachers who are well prepared and well compensated.

D2. We do not believe that more money ensures better education.

D3. We believe that some sort of reimbursement is due families who choose non-government education, since they pay taxes as well as tuition.

D4. Our country’s challenges will increase in a variety of fields as science and technologies increase. In order to compete successfully with other nations, we should dramatically increase our investment in math and science education.

D5. We believe that a strong civic component should be included in every elementary through high school core curriculum, emphasizing the principles of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and our Founding Fathers’ interpretation of same without prejudice.

D6. We support the teaching of more American History in schools.

D7. We appreciate the contribution that all ethnic groups have made to our American culture. However, we do not support “ethnic history” months observed in many Iowa school districts.

D8. We support the teaching in schools of alternative theories on the origins of life, including Darwinian Evolution, Creation Science, and Intelligent Design, and that each should be given equal weight in presentation.

D9. We support a Christmas tree and/or a Menorah being placed on public property during the Holiday Season.

D10. We favor a law that would protect crosses or other religious symbols from being removed from city, county and state lands.

D11. We believe that the displaying of the Ten Commandments, the American Flag, and the recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance should be allowed on all public and private properties.

D12. We believe that every classroom should begin the school day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

D13. We oppose the banning of prayer in public schools, and we support allowing students a moment of silence each day to pray in the faith of their choosing, if they desire.

D14. We support voluntary teacher or student-led prayer in government schools.

D15. We encourage the use of the Bible as a local textbook option.

D16. We support the right of students to give thanks to God in speeches, school activities or sports.

D17. We believe that the word “God” should be put back in schools, society and government.

D18. We believe that if public schools do teach sex education, they should teach and encourage sexual abstinence for unmarried persons, including information on the risks of adolescent sexual activity.

D19. We believe the state should prohibit school health clinics from recommending or providing abortion, birth-control services or referrals.

D20. We oppose the distribution of condoms in tax-funded schools.

D21. We oppose the teaching of sex education in any form, at any grade level, without parental consent.

D22. We oppose the teaching of homosexual behavior as a normal, acceptable or an alternative lifestyle, and believe that sex education must emphasize traditional heterosexual lifestyles.

D23. We oppose scholarship programs that exclusively benefit homosexual students.

D24. We call for the repeal of the ban on reasonable corporal punishment in Iowa schools, and for legal protection for teachers and principals who reasonably punish students for misbehaving. We believe that students’ civil liberties are not being infringed upon by punishing unacceptable behavior.

D25. We oppose compulsory preschool, and any proposal to change the age at which children are required to attend school.

D26. We believe parents and students should be a part of the teacher or administrator evaluation process.

D27. We believe teachers primary responsibility should be to teach as they were trained to.

D28. We believe that all public employees should receive equal treatment for all employee benefits and policies regardless of organizational affiliation.

D29. We believe that teacher salaries should be based on tenure and performance, rather than solely on tenure.

D30. We support programs that reward superior performing teachers.

D31. We encourage the development of clear procedures to remove ineffective educators.

D32. We believe educators at all levels shall have comprehensive communication skills in English.

D33. We hold that English should be the official language used in all areas of the Iowa educational system.

D34. We support fast-track teacher certification to allow competent professionals to teach in our schools.

D35. We encourage the continuation of local County Extension Services to deliver information, education, programming and resources to communities, businesses, and families.

D36. We support policies and curricula that return the focus of Iowa K-12 education to basic academic achievement and a foundation in Western Civilization

D37. We believe parents have the right to choose public, private, home, or alternative education for their children.

D38. We support the promotion of a voucher and /or a tax credit program for all students in grades K–12, in public, private, government, charter, alternative, and parochial schools.

D39. We support the use of property tax money apportioned to public schools be given to families for use at schools of their choice including private, government, charter, alternative, and parochial schools.

D40. We demand abolishing the Federal Department of Education and removing the education position from the Cabinet. In addition, we call for the downsizing of the Iowa Department of Education. We believe that the control of education should be at the hands of the parents, teachers, and local school boards.

D41. We support the dissolution of the Federal government public education.

D42. We support the phase out within four (4) years of all departments and functions of the Federal Government that are not enumerated within the Constitution, and all said departmental powers and functions be returned to the States and/or the People.

D43. We oppose giving illegal aliens/immigrants money, programs or benefits from local, state, or federal governments for education.

D44. We demand that the Board of Regents and the State government end the practice of allowing any of our state universities to offer in-state tuition or scholarships to illegal aliens/immigrants.

D45. Education failure is one of the greatest threats to America and its future. We must insure that our investment into public learning follows students directly into schools and that these schools are free to hire fire and do what it takes to meet the need of those students and their education. And if those needs are not met, parents must be given immediate options.

D46. We urge the reevaluation of the State Level Teacher Merit Pay.

D47. We oppose Common Core and Iowa Core Standards, which limits the academic freedom and achievement of Iowa students, teachers and schools.

D48. We oppose the collection of personal student data for any non-educational purpose without the prior written consent and we reject the sharing of such personal data with any person or entity.

D49. We oppose Senate ratification of the “so called” United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, which interferes with parental rights to direct the upbringing and education of their children.

D50. We propose our schools be mandated to teach basic biology in health class (i.e. life begins at conception).

*D51 We urge that the educational system should focus on the individual student without bias, favoritism or preferential treatment for political beliefs, status or life goals.

*D52 We believe that sex is genetic and that all athletic competition must be placed per genetics not appearances or feelings.

*D53. We believe that all the sexes are binary, male and female, and nothing can change that.

*D54. We support that all males regardless of their Testosterone levels or identification status, and all females who are taking Testosterone or who have taken Testosterone, must be banned from all girl’s and women’s sports.

*D54.WE demand that spaces must be reserved for the privacy and safety of females and males.



We believe that the basis of our laws and our founding documents are rooted in Judeo-Christian values. We believe that every human being has the inalienable right to life regardless of age or degree of dependency, from conception until natural death, which includes the unborn. We believe that the family is the cornerstone of society; a traditional two-parent family of one man and one woman united in marriage is the best environment in which to raise children. These are values, which unite a large majority of Americans. We want to strengthen, revitalize and acknowledge America’s core values.


E1. We uphold the “Declaration of Independence” and the “Pledge of Allegiance” as written with references to the Creator as written and believe that it is Constitutional and does not violate separation of Church and State but ensures freedom for religion and not from religion.

E2. We believe that the Founding Fathers understood the importance of religion and morality in government. We believe that their use of religious statements does not violate the U.S. Constitution or discriminate against those who are of other faiths or who are not religious.

E3. We support the protection of all religious references and symbols; including those on public buildings, lands, or documents in order to insure our religious freedom.

E4. We believe statements regarding religion and morality made by the Founding Fathers are just as important and valid today as they were 200 years ago.

E5. We support the placing of the Christmas tree, Menorah, crosses or other religious symbols on public lands or property, city, county and state, and to protect them from removal.

E6. We support putting “God” back in our public life.

E7. We support allowing children a moment of silent prayer in public school if they desire.

E8. We support the right of students to give thanks to God in speech or sports events.

E9. We support and encourage the use of and development of Faith Based Initiatives relative to the Charitable and Social Service Initiative. We oppose legal and bureaucratic obstacles to charitable and Faith Based organizations so that they may resume their effective traditional role in serving the needy.

E10. We support references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence—that “we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—because they make clear that these rights cannot be taken away by government.

E11. We will not allow any judge to willfully legislate from the bench, i.e. Family Values and immigration . Any judge who does should be impeached and removed from office.

E12. We believe that marriage is ordained by God as between one man and one woman and by constitutional amendment should be made legal only between one man and one woman.

E13. We oppose same sex marriage and adoptions by same sex couples.

E14. We champion the rights of home and landowners against Eminent Domain as prescribed by the original intent of our forefathers.

E15. We support Second Amendment Rights. The Second Amendment clearly acknowledges our inalienable right to keep and bear arms. We demand the repeal of all legislation (whether Federal. State or Local) that curtails infringes, or regulates this right.

E16. We support that the U.S. should remain a sovereign nation, not influenced by other nations or bodies other than our own Constitution and laws. No foreign laws, such as Sharia law, will be used to make legal decisions in the United States.

E17. We support the speaking and use of English as the official language of our country.

E18. We believe that the United States should only grant citizenship to those who embrace American values and culture.

E19. We support a ‘Religious Liberty and Right of Conscience Bill” that blocks every effort to drive God out of public life, to coerce religious people on abortion, marriage or any other issue of faith and conscience. Such a bill would protect them from harassment, abuse or persecution of any kind from any quarter.

E20. We are opposed to State sponsored gambling in any way.

E21. We demand that the IRS not use its power or resources to discriminate or intimidate or in any way interfere with any religious or political organizations.

E22. We oppose transgendered personal facilities (such as bathrooms and gym showers) in all public areas and buildings.

*E23. We urge the repeal of Benton/ Rothbarth methodology of CSRV , which is the method of demanding child support payments

*E24 We believe that sex is genetic and that all athletic competition must be placed per genetics not appearances or feelings.

*E25. We believe that all the sexes are binary, male and female, and nothing can change that.

*E26. We support that all males regardless of their Testosterone levels or identification status, and all females who are taking Testosterone or who have taken Testosterone, must be banned from all girl’s and women’s sports.

*E27.We demand that spaces must be reserved to the privacy and safety of both females and males.

*E28 We believe that nothing changes a person’s genetic sex, and support the ban of social and/or medical transition of anyone until the age of 21.

*E29 We do not support changing the sex designation on birth certificates at any time.



The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of this land. Its architects designed a balanced system of government and legal structure, commanding that justice and liberty are secure for the Nation’s citizens through time. Its unique content and philosophy, that man can rule himself, has inspired and encouraged the world; we expect a just and transparent government.


F1. We strongly support the Constitution of the United States of America as the Supreme Law of the land.

F2. We believe that all legislation shall be written only in English, using commonly spoken language, and is restricted to one topic with no unrelated amendments should be added to any legislation (no earmark bills).

F3. We demand that each piece of proposed or approved federal legislation cite and record the specific reference in the US Constitution wherein the power for such is authorized and we believe that all pieces of legislation and/or amendments must bear the name of the member, or members, of Congress who produce them.

F4. We oppose a National ID for citizens of the United States.

F5. We support the line item veto for the President of the United States.

F6. We confirm the U.S. should remain a sovereign nation.

F7. We the Republican Party will not allow any judge to willfully legislate from the bench. To do so is in violation of both State and Federal Constitutions. Any judge who does should be impeached and removed from office.

F8. We reaffirm the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. We believe that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, or to the people.

F9. We support passage of the People’s Right to Vote Amendment, a proposed amendment to the Iowa constitution that would require a vote of the people to ratify all tax increases before they can take effect. This vote is to be held during a general election.

F10. We encourage our representatives in the Iowa Legislature to submit the People’s Right to Vote Amendment to the people of Iowa for final ratification.

F11. We believe raising the minimum wage only causes inflation; we endorse the freezing of the minimum wage.

F12. We uphold that any revenue given to the government is to be held solely for the purpose it was originally designed

F13. We insist the President and Congress address the issue of Social Security as a priority.

F14. Since the Federal Reserve which is a privately held corporation, and which makes a profit on the creation of our money; we propose repealing the Federal Reserve Act.

F15. We propose the re-adoption of a sound money system based on a fixed commodity such as gold or silver.

F16. We support a balanced budget at all government levels, achieved by responsible spending rather than tax increases.

F17. We support School Vouchers.

F18. We strongly support that the U.S.Constitution as the law of the land shall tightly bind the judges in every state, commonwealth, and districts.

F19. We believe the U.S. Federal Government should be reduced exclusively to its Constitutional functions.

F20. We affirm that the purpose of the United States Court System is purely a judicial one; therefore the United States courts should cease using their power to infringe on the jurisdiction given to Congress by the Constitution.

F21. We affirm the best way to ensure religious freedom is to protect all religious references and symbols on public buildings, land, currency, and government documents.

F22. We acknowledge that the references to God in the Declaration of Independence …that “we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and cannot be erased or eliminated.

F23. We hold references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence—“that we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are important because they make clear government cannot take these rights away.

F24. We reject the idea that the times change and therefore the language in the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence and Constitution must change.

F25. We require our government to provide security for this Nation; therefore it is vital that the government strictly control the Nation’s borders against Illegal immigration, terrorists, drug and human traffic.

F26. We strongly defend the Second Amendment as originally written and oppose legislation that further erodes these rights and urge repeal of current laws and state and federal mandates which infringe upon these rights.

F27. We support that marriage be made legal only between one man and one woman through Constitutional Amendment.

F28. A strong Pro-life stance is encouraged in all governmental decisions.

F29. We support English as the language of the land.

F30. All election ballots and other government documents should be printed solely in English.

F31. We support a requirement for post-election audits (i.e. hand counts of paper ballots) of a sample size and selection process sufficient to ensure that the correct winners were designated for all statewide and federal races.

F32. We support optically scanned paper ballots.

F33. We believe our governmental goal should be to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes.

F34. We encourage less partisan politics and much more cooperation between parties to solve our major problems in this country.

F35. We believe that the Government changes the way it is now operating and begin to promote ideas and currently available technology, which increase the productivity and effectiveness in the private sector.

F36. We encourage the use of and the development of Faith Based Initiatives, relative to the Charitable and Social Service Initiative.

F37. We believe that all Party Platform Planks should be based on strong conservative values.

F38. We must hold city governments to the same standards for cleaning wastewater as are applied to private industry.

F39. We support the removal of any elected or appointed official who violates their oath of office to uphold the Constitution by whatever legal means are appropriate.

F40. We believe that our Government and our elected officials should focus on job growth and elimination of the National Debt.

F41. Congress shall enact no law that does not apply equally to all U.S. citizens including its own members of Congress, Whitehouse, and Supreme Court.

F42. Congressional retirement programs shall be limited to a sum representing 2.5 % of their base pay per year served.

F43. All legislators shall receive the same benefits for healthcare and pension as other citizens; no special status.

F44. Members of congress shall be included under the provisions of the Social Security Act just like all other citizens.

F45. To our Legislators: we believe in a change in the status for the Republican Party Platform. This should be treated as a Mission Statement with the people that elected you. This is our guideline for you and your votes both Nationally and Statewide.

F46. We support a minimum Voter Registration of at least 30 days before any election.

F47. We urge the repeal of same day registration.

F48. We urge the restriction of early voting.

F49. We support the reinforcement of the powers of Congressional Oversight committees and Congressional approval of all appointed positions.

F50. We urge the repeal of Dodd Frank.

F51. We ask for the repeal of the provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999. This will reinstate the Glass Steigle Act back to the 1980 level. This provision effectively removed the separation that previously existed between investment banking which issues securities and commercial banks, which accepted deposits. The deregulation also removed conflict of interest prohibitions between investment bankers serving as officers of commercial banks.

F52. We demand a Balanced Federal Budget every year and a gradual reduction of the Federal Debt.

F53. We demand the reinstatement of Regulatory Oversight Committees at State and National levels.

F54. We believe in the 2nd amendment as written. This right shall not be infringed.

F55. We demand the elimination of “Gun Free Zones”.

F56. We are opposed to the State sponsored gambling in any way.

F57. We support an Iowa Constitutional Amendment that will limit state general fund spending to no more than 99% of estimated revenue, that requires a 2/3 vote of both houses of the legislature to spend any of the State’s Reserve Fund and requires the State to follow generally accepted accounting principles.

F58. We demand that the NSA or any other governmental agency not spy or gather data on US citizens without due cause and without a specific non-secret court order to do so.

F59. We demand defunding, nullifying, or rescinding Obamacare/ Affordable Health Care by any means necessary and reinstate true market choice in healthcare.

F60. We demand that the IRS not use its power or resources to discriminate or intimidate or in any way interfere with any religious or political organizations.

F61. We demand the elimination of debt-backed currency, including fractional reserve banking practices, and a return to an asset-backed currency.

F62. We demand Legislature analyze all State and Federal departments and offices to consolidate or eliminate those which are found to duplicate functions.

F63. We support the US Congress direct a full and independent audit of the Federal Reserve and results made public. Such audits shall be taken at 10 year intervals but at least one time during the term of office of any particular Federal Reserve Chairman.

F64. We support the 'Right to Carry' with reciprocity between all States.

F65. We support the nullification of all unconstitutional or illegal presidential executive orders, mandates, and adjacent regulations.

F66. We support a 'Stand Your Ground' law, where a person may lawfully defend his or her life, person, or other innocent people wherever they may be.

*F67 We oppose artificially imposed Diversity Quotas or Affirmative Action

*F68 WE urge the repeal of the National Firearm Act (NFA) in its entirety

*f69 we believe that sex is Genetic and that all athletic competition must be placed per genetics not appearances or feelings.

*f70. We believe that all the sexes are binary, male and female, and nothing can change that.

*f71. We support that All males regardless of their Testosterone levels or identification status, and all females who are taking Testosterone or who have taken Testosterone, must be banned from all girl’s and women’s sports.

*f72.WE demand that spaces must be reserved for the privacy and safety of females and males.

*f73 We believe that nothing changes a person’s genetic sex. And support the ban of social and medical transition of anyone until the age of 21.

*f74 We do not support changing the sex designation on birth certificates at any time.



We believe every human being should have the civil right to life regardless of age or degree of dependency, including human beings not yet born.


G1. We believe every human being should have the civil right to life regardless of age or degree of dependency, including human beings not yet born.

G2. We believe full parental rights and responsibilities begin at conception.

G3. We are opposed to human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, human fetal-tissue research, and the commercial use or sale of fetal parts.

G4. We support a ban on partial birth abortions.

G5. We support legislation requiring parental consent before a minor child receives an abortion or any other reproductive services and/or products.

G6. We support measures to prohibit any government funding of abortions and abortion related services.

G7. We support statistical reporting of abortion procedures to the State Health Department by all doctors and health facilities performing abortions.

G8. We support appointment of judges who respect sanctity of human life.

G9. We support all legislation that defines and supports marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

G10. We believe that private companies or individuals should not be forced, against their own guiding principles, to sell or dispense the ‘morning after pill’ or contraceptives.

G11. We believe the vaccination of children, and medical decisions are best left to the parents without government coercion.

G12. We believe AIDS should be classified as a communicable disease.

G13. We endorse the requirement that in order to receive social security benefits, one must have paid in for a minimum of 40 quarters and must be a citizen of the United States.

G14. We support measures to ensure that parents’ permission is necessary for any medical testing or treatment performed on their minor children, except in situations that are both serious and urgent, and when the parents cannot be contacted in a timely manner.

G15. We support mandatory testing of AIDS/HIV of all healthcare professionals, and the right of patients and their families to access the results of those tests.

G16. We support requiring facilities performing abortions or distributing the abortion inducing drugs to be required to meet state medical clinic requirements.

G17. We support the confidential collection and reporting of statistics regarding any type of induced abortion, just as is done with any surgical procedure.

G18. We oppose mandated sex education programs under any guise.

G19. We support public funding of abstinence education programs and health education that provides access to pro-life philosophies. We support Natural Family Planning education.

G20. We support insurance coverage for wellness initiatives, chronic care management, and palliative health care for those entering the dying process.

G21. We support State initiatives that would make health care more readily available and affordable to all Iowans.

G22. We affirm the sovereignty and right of the people to determine their own means to good health and wellbeing by removing the legal barriers to provisions of the natural, holistic healing arts.

G23. We support a safe harbor provision in Iowa law and administrative rules that allows consumers the full range of alternative and complementary wellness options available.

G24. We support the use of and development of Faith Based Initiatives relative to the Charitable and Social Service initiatives.

G25. We support the removal of legal and bureaucratic obstacles to charitable and faith based organizations so that they may resume their effective traditional role of serving the needy.

G26. We support requiring a cost estimate by the health care professionals to patients whenever possible.

G27. We support increased Medicaid/Medicare coverage to Iowans for in-home health care services.

G28. We support FY 2008 Supplemental appropriations to increase the home care “Medicaid Limit” to the lesser of 100% of Medicare LUPA or actual provider costs.

G29. We support fully funding the FY2009 Medicaid Home Health Budget to compensate home care providers at 100% of Medicare LUPA (i.e. increase the “Medicaid Limit” under the current reimbursement system).

G30. We support the expansion and appropriation of funds for home-based telemedicine initiatives through home telehealth demonstration projects. We further support that this be a Medicare/Medicaid covered service.

G31. We support initiatives that maintain and increase the availability of home care workers.

G32. We support initiatives that reduce the paperwork burden on certified home care providers. We support in-home family care providers with tax breaks, and support systems including psychological support.

G33. We oppose frivolous lawsuits against health care providers, including nurses, physicians, and aides and home care supporters.

G34. We believe that the pharmaceutical companies should not be allowed to advertise prescription drugs on TV, radio and other media.

G35. We support the licensing and strict regulation of "women's reproductive services" facilities and that they meet the standards and requirements of all ambulatory medical centers.

G36. We believe in the preservation of Medicare and Social Security for our Seniors, To preserve this as it is a contract with the citizens.

G.37. Whereas Medicare taxes are equal across the U.S. we resolve that Medicare reimbursements be equalized in Iowa in relationship to other state.

G.38. We believe that improving healthcare is readily accepted. However, this must include litigation reform, cross state sales of insurance, portability and preserving personal rights and responsibilities, elimination of the preexisting conditions clauses in insurance, without more bureaucracy or higher taxes, or bigger government.

G39. We demand defunding, nullifying, or rescinding Obamacare/Affordable Health Care by any means necessary and reinstate true market choice in healthcare.

*G39. We oppose a single Payer system of health care

G40. We favor the strengthening and simplification of the adoption process.

G41. Eliminate the entire Federal Welfare bureaucracy and move all welfare programs to the State level to be administered locally.

* G42 We believe illegal aliens/illegal immigrants should not receive any monies or benefits from local, state, or federal governments or agencies. Including Drivers licenses, Voting privileges, health care and Food subsidies

*G43 We support the reinstatement of The Sheltered Workshops for the Mentally Disabled which had been closed due to Medicaid Privatization



Homeland Security’s purpose is to provide protection and public safety in balance with personal rights, as provided by the U.S. Constitution, by serving and protecting all U.S. citizens, property, and interests within our country’s borders. The people of Jefferson County favor legal immigration, control of the border, and ending illegal immigration with immediate deportation of anyone who is here illegally. We believe border control is a security issue. Terrorists are trying to enter the United States illegally.


H1. We must defend America and her allies, and we must defeat America’s enemies.

H2. America should take the threat of terror by fanatical religious groups seriously, and that we believe that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas pose serious threats to the United States. It is not possible to negotiate with terrorist groups like these.

H3. We support the government’s efforts to stop terrorists and terrorism by any means necessary and legal.

*H4. We require our government to provide security for this Nation; by the use of “The Wall” and enforcement of our laws. It is vital that the government start strictly controlling the Nation against Illegal immigration, terrorists, drug and human trafficking.

H5. We support a more active pursuit and deportation of illegal aliens/immigrants.

H6. We must be prepared to survive an attack by a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon. The Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies should develop programs to teach Americans what they can do as individuals.

H7. We believe there should be a death penalty for someone caught and convicted of carrying out a terrorist attack on United States soil.

H8. Congress should make it a crime to organize acts of terrorism, violent conduct, sabotage or the killing of innocent people on United States soil.

H9. We support the use of Computer warfare in shutting down Terrorist websites at home and abroad.

H10. We strongly defend the Second Amendment as originally written. We oppose legislation that further erodes these rights and urge repeal of current laws that infringe upon these rights.

H11. We believe that a visa program should include a tamper-proof identification card that will allow the government to track legal visa immigrants.

H12. We believe there should be no amnesty for illegal aliens.

H13. We must defend Americans and keep our homeland safe by maintaining a strong military and enforcing all laws.

H14. We believe our military capability should not be limited due to defense department budget constraints. Funding should not be transferred to the Justice Department for the pro-terrorist actions of that department. We must protect Americans not terrorists. Do not give our rights as citizens to alien war criminals.

H15. We urge the abolishment of the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act. The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure in order to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of federal, state, and local first responders, and to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate sites for the establishment of six (6) national emergency centers capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster; capable of being scaled up or down to accommodate major disaster preparedness and response drills, operations, and procedures; capable of housing existing permanent structures necessary to meet training and first responders coordination requirements during non-disaster periods.

H16. We support an annual legislative review of the Patriot Act, with all revisions or updates to be approved through normal legislative process, to stand on its own without non-related appropriations or amendments.

H17. We oppose the outsourcing of our military armaments to manufacturers in other countries.

H18. We believe we must never sacrifice the constitutional sovereignty of the United States. Therefore, we do not support Sharia Law or any other foreign influence that would undermine the U.S. Constitution.



The American people favor legal immigration, control of the border, ending illegal immigration with an emphasis on employer responsibility, immediate deportation of persons who are here illegally, a requirement to return home to become legal temporary workers, assimilation of those who sincerely want to become American, and accompanied by a sophisticated, technologically advanced temporary Visa system. Illegal immigrations will not be tolerated. We believe that Congress should make certain the laws of legal immigration of this country are enforced in the spirit in which the laws where written. Congress has written legal immigration laws, procedures, and policies that work which protects the United States of America at the same time.


I1. We require enforcement of the laws concerning legal and illegal immigration and to close and secure the borders against illegal immigration.

I2. We encourage the establishment and enforcement of a penalty system for anyone who hires an illegal alien.

I3. We believe benefits of living in the U.S. need to be given to U.S. citizens only.

I4. We should limit immigration to only as many immigrants as can work, contribute, pay taxes and be able to support themselves and their families.

I5. We do not support amnesty for illegal aliens/immigrants unless they are in process of applying for citizenship or a Visa.

I6. The American people believe border control is a security issue. Terrorists are trying to enter the United States illegally.

I7. We support English as the official language of the United States.

I8. We support all election ballots and other government documents should be printed exclusively in English.

I9. We believe new immigrants, as part of citizenship, should be required to learn English.

I10. We believe that businesses should be able to require employees to speak the English language while on the job.

I11. The United States should only grant citizenship to those who embrace American values and culture.

I12. We support the immediate deportation of illegal aliens/immigrants who commit felonies.

I13. Allowing illegal aliens/immigrants to remain in this country undermines respect for the law.

I14. We support immigration centers in the home country that will help legal immigrants find jobs in the United States; so they apply for a visa, not from within the Unites States, and arrive with a job in hand.

I15. We support that when applying for a temporary worker visa each worker should take an oath to obey American law and be deported if they commit a crime while in the United States.

I16. We support a Visa program, where each Visa recipient will be required to carry a tamper-proof identification card that will allow the government to track him or her.

I17. We believe work visas should only be for no more than nine (9) months and the alien should return home for three (3) months of each year.

I18. We believe no company should market services such as credit cards or bank accounts specifically to people who are in the United States illegally.

I19. We encourage the establishment and enforcement of a penalty system for anyone who knowingly hires an illegal alien.

I20. We require all laws regarding immigration to be enforced.

I21. We encourage the Internal Revenue Service to conduct audits of companies indicted for hiring illegal aliens/immigrants.

I22. We do not support using the 14th amendment to be a means of securing citizenship for families of “Anchor Babies”.

I23. We support a proactive pursuit and deportation of illegal aliens/immigrants.

*I 24. We believe illegal aliens/illegal immigrants should not receive any monies or benefits from local, state, or federal governments or agencies. Including drivers licenses, voting privileges, health care and food subsidies

I25. We support the streamlining of the naturalization process pertaining to legal immigration.

I26. We believe the U.S. should remain a sovereign nation in all immigration matters.

* I 27We believe that only legal residents may obtain an Iowa Driver’s License, substantiated by legal documents

*I28.We require our government to provide security for this nation; by the use of “The Wall” and enforcement of our laws. It is vital that the government start strictly controlling the nation against illegal immigration, terrorists, drug and human trafficking.



The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of this land. Its architects designed a balanced system of government and legal structure, which commanded that justice and liberty are secure for the Nation’s citizens. Both its unique content and philosophy, that men can rule themselves, have inspired and encouraged the world. Our legal system must protect the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Pledge of Allegiance; uphold the sovereignty of the United States, maintain the balance of the three branches of government and restore transparency of government, the protection of property, rights, benefits and spiritual culture of legal Americans, ensuring our choice of educational opportunities, promoting right to life, and strong fiscal policy.

We put forth this platform to underscore our expectations of such a system of justice and fairness.


J1. We demand that all legislation shall be written only in English, using commonly spoken language, and is restricted to one topic. Absolutely no unrelated amendments may be added to any legislation (i.e. earmark bills).

J3. We oppose a National ID for citizens of the United States.

J4. We believe the changes we need in government must pertain to all elected offices in the State of Iowa and throughout the country, not merely in the Washington D.C. political arena.

J5. We believe that the U.S. should stop military aid to all nations and interference in the internal affairs of other nations, as our founding Fathers advised.

J6. We consider that, to be valid, each piece of proposed Federal legislation must include a specific Constitutional reference, or references, wherein the proposed legislation is legally authorized.

J7. We support English as the only official language of government.

J8. We support the Line Item Veto for the President of the United States.

J9. We confirm the U.S. should remain a sovereign nation.

J10. We will not allow any judge to willfully legislate from the bench. To do so is in violation of both State and Federal Constitutions. Any judge who does should be impeached and removed from office.

J11. We believe that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. We reaffirm the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

J12. We shall only vote for elected officials who honor and defend the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence as written.

J13. Congress should make it a crime to organize acts of terrorism, violent conduct or the killing of innocent people on United States soil.

J14. We support passage of the People’s Right to Vote Amendment, a proposed amendment to the Iowa constitution that would require a vote, during a general election, of the people to ratify all tax increases before they can take effect.

J15. We support the abolishment of the 16th amendment.

J16. We do not support Universal health care paid for by the state or local or federal governments.

J17. We promote elimination of all foreign aid within four (4) years.

J18. We propose repealing, by vote of Congress (Chapter 31 of the FRA), the Federal Reserve Act and the re-adoption of a sound money system based on gold and silver.

J19. We support a balanced budget at all government levels achieved by responsible spending rather than tax increases.

J20. We endorse the permanent elimination of The Federal Estate Tax.

J21. We encourage a strict return to Constitutionalism

J22. We strongly support the Constitution of the United States of America as the supreme law of the land; and that the judges in Iowa, as well as Washington D.C., shall be tightly bound by it.

J23. We affirm that the purpose of the United States Court System is purely a judicial one; therefore, the United States courts should cease using their power to infringe on the jurisdiction given to Congress and the president by the Constitution.

J24. We foster the requirement to each piece of proposed or approved Federal legislation, to site and record the specific reference, or references, in the U.S. Constitution wherein the legislation is authorized.

J25. We endorse that marriage be made legal only between one man and one woman through Constitutional Amendment.

J26. We support the definition of the 14th Amendment so that American citizenship for newborns bestowed upon only those who are born to legal US citizens.

J27. We believe the phrase” Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is perfectly in line with the United States Constitution.

J28. We hold with keeping “One Nation Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. We reject the Ninth Federal Circuit Court declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because the Court believes this reference to “God” violates the separation of Church and State.

J29. We believe that “Separation of Church and State” does not mean there can be no references to God in government, sanctioned activities or public buildings or in the court system.

J30. We affirm the best way to ensure religious freedom is to protect all religious references and symbols; including those on public buildings, lands, or documents.

J31. We acknowledge the references to God in the Declaration of Independence…that “we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

J32. We hold references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence—“that we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are important because they make clear that government or the courts cannot take these rights away.

J33. We reject the idea that the times change and therefore the language in the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence and Constitution must change.

J34. We require our government to provide security for this Nation. It is vital that the legal system work with the government to strictly control the Nation’s borders against illegal immigration, terrorists, drug and human traffic.

J35. We strongly defend the Second Amendment as originally written. We oppose legislation that further erodes these rights and urge repeal of current laws that infringe upon these rights.

J36. We support marriage be made legal only between one man and one woman through Constitutional Amendment.

J37. We oppose same sex marriages.

J38. We encourage a strong Pro-life stance. (Overturn legalized abortions)

J39. We support that all election ballots and other government documents should be printed solely in English.

J40. We support a requirement for post-election audits (i.e. hand counts of paper ballots) of a sample size and selection process sufficient to ensure that the correct winners are designated for all statewide and federal races.

J41. We support the expansion of the Iowa Board of Examiners of voting machines and electronic voting systems to include experts competent in the evaluation of computer code, and that the Iowa Republican Party support the public administration of elections and the creation of a transparent, bipartisan public body, not voting machine companies, to support counties in the performance of electoral administrative functions.

J42. We support optically scanned paper ballots.

J43. We believe our goal should be to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes; this should include our courts and enforcement agencies.

J44. The Government and our legal system should promote the use and development of alternative energy sources.

J45. We encourage the use of and the development of Faith Based Initiatives, relative to the Charitable and Social Service Initiative without legal roadblocks.

J46. We believe the U.S. send troops into combat only after Congress has declared war on a nation according to the U.S. Constitution.

J47. America should take the threat of terror by fanatical religious groups seriously, and that we believe that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas pose serious threats to the United States. It will not be possible to negotiate with terrorist groups like these.

J48. We believe Congress should make it a crime to advocate acts of terrorism, violent conduct or the killing of innocent people in the United States.

J49. We believe there should be a death penalty for someone convicted of carrying out a terrorist attack in the United States.

J50. We oppose the use of eminent domain to transfer property from one owner to a private party instead of the use for public purpose such as roads, pipelines or transmission lines. We believe this diminishes an owner’s right to private property and should result in just compensation.

J51. We believe all legislation and Exec Orders that violate/infringe individual liberties or rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights shall be deemed unconstitutional and repealed.

J52. We have a right to vote on a Marriage amendment. This is our right and the court should not decide for us what the definition of Marriage is.

J53. For our legislators: we believe in a change in the status for the Republican Party platform. This document should be treated as a Mission Statement with the people that elected you. This is our guideline for you and your votes, both federally and statewide.

J54. We support a minimum Voter registration of at least 30 days before any election.

J55. We urge the repeal of same day registration.

J56. We support that a photo ID is needed to vote in Iowa elections.

J57. We urge the restriction of early voting.

J58. We support the setting of term limits for all elected legislative positions to twelve years total, as follows: Six (6) terms in the House of Representatives, two (2) terms in the Senate, or a combination of three (3) terms in the House of Representatives and one (1) term in the senate, without exception.

J59. We demand defunding, nullifying, or rescinding Obamacare/Affordable Health Care by any means necessary and reinstate true market choice in healthcare.

J60. We oppose ratification of the “so called” United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, which interferes with parental rights to direct the upbringing and education of their children.

J61. We believe in the 2nd amendment as written. This right shall not be infringed.

J62. We demand the elimination of “Gun Free Zones”.

J63. We urge that each bill under consideration be publicly read in its entirety in the Chamber and a record of the legislators present be recorded.

J64. We believe we must never sacrifice the constitutional sovereignty of the United States. Therefore, we do not support Sharia Law or any other foreign influence that would undermine the U.S. Constitution.

J65. We support the elimination of the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate.

*J66. A. We support the Electoral College.



It is the Republican Party’s obligation and long-standing commitment to a strong National defense.

We believe and support the President’s Constitutional use of military force. We believe our Foreign and Domestic policy must be based on our strategic national interests and must always serve our Nation’s interests and sovereignty, first and foremost.


K1. We believe we must defend America and her allies, and we must defeat America’s enemies.

K2. America should take the threat of terror by fanatical religious groups seriously, and that we believe that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas pose serious threats to the United States. It is not possible to negotiate with terrorist groups like these.

K3. We support the government’s efforts to stop terrorists and terrorism by all means necessary and legal.

K4. We believe we must be prepared to survive an attack by a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon. The Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies should develop programs to teach Americans what they can do as individuals.

K5. We believe there should be a death penalty for someone caught and convicted of carrying out a terrorist attack on United States soil. Congress should make it a crime to organize acts of terrorism, violent conduct, or sabotage on United States soil.

K6. We support the use of computer warfare in shutting down terrorist websites at home and abroad.

K7. We support an Iowa Right to Carry Law, which gives the non-felon the right to carry concealed weapons after passing weapons proficiency and competency tests.

K8. We support better pay and benefits to our military personnel, including National Guard and Reservists.

K9. We support the mission of the troops in the war on terror and support full execution of the war until our goals are achieved.

K10. We believe we should support our military service men and women, including National Guard and Reservists, who have served in foreign action during and after their service; support should include a family support system.

K11 We support finding ways to retain the “Soldiers Officers” as the backbone of military leadership.

K12. We support complete reimbursement of travel expenses for National Guard and Reservists while they are on active duty.

K13. We oppose reinstating the draft.

K14. We believe that a strict security policy should include National defense technology and its availability to foreign states. American secrets and technology should remain secret and not be sold or given to foreign States.

K15. We support the reduction of powers of the UN, NAU, AND WTO. We must never sacrifice the constitutional sovereignty of the United States in matters of defense and security.

K16. We oppose any financial obligation being placed upon the United States by the United Nations or any other international body. We support using the withholding of dues to the United Nations as a means of forcing U.N. fiscal accountability.

K17. We do not support a National ID program for U.S. citizens.

K18. We support enforcement of current laws, regardless of International pressures.

K19. We will not allow any judge to willfully legislate foreign policy or defense from the bench in violation of either the U.S. or Iowa Constitutions.

K20. We call for continued research and deployment of a strategic missile, rocket, and artillery defense systems.

K21. We support the President’s Executive powers.

K22. We believe the U.S. should only send troops into combat after Congress has declared War on a Nation according to the U.S. Constitution.

K23. We believe the U.S. shall send troops into combat ONLY after Congress has declared war. Congress, ALONE, has the authority to declare war.

K24. We believe the United States should stop military aid to all nations, and we should not interfere in the internal affairs of any nation, as our founding Fathers advised.

K25. We support elimination of foreign aid within four (4) years.

K26. We oppose nation building.

K27. We must keep national defense strong, but reduce foreign military expenditures.

K28. We must end preemptive warfare.

K29. We believe our military capability should not be limited due to defense department budget constraints. Funding should not be transferred to the justice department for the pro-terrorist actions of that department. We must protect Americans not terrorists. Do not give our rights as citizens to alien war criminals.

K30. We do not support Agenda 21 and the subjugation of the U.S. to the United Nations or to any other sovereignty.

K31. We urge the abolishment of Abolish National Emergency Centers Establishment Act. The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of federal, state, and local first responders; to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate sites for the establishment of national emergency centers capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster; capable of being scaled up or down to accommodate major disaster preparedness and response drills, operations, and procedures; capable of housing existing permanent structures necessary to meet training and first responders coordination requirements during non-disaster periods.

K32. We oppose the provision in the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 by which an American Citizen may be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial or access to legal support on a mere suspicion of being a terrorist.

K33. We support the right of the Nation of Israel to exist.

K34. We support the passage of these Iowa bills: HF2113 Iowa Constitutional Carry law, HF2114 Pre-emption reform, HF 2116 Repeal of the Permit to Purchase.

K35. We support the maintenance of a strong military and militia, not to include mercenaries.

K36. We support a National Right to Carry Law.

K37. We believe in the 2nd amendment as written. This right shall not be infringed.

K38. We demand the elimination of “Gun Free Zones”.

K39. We believe that any American citizen who leaves the U.S. to support any terrorist organization shall be stripped of American citizenship and all rights that American citizenship provides.

K40. We believe we must never sacrifice the constitutional sovereignty of the United States. Therefore, we do not support Sharia Law or any other foreign influence that would undermine the U.S. Constitution.

*K41 We urge the restoration of THE RIGHT TO CARRY for all military personnel on any military base or installation.

*K42.We require our government to provide security for this Nation; by the use of “The Wall” and enforcement of our laws. It is vital that the government start strictly controlling the Nation against Illegal immigration, terrorists, drug and human trafficking.



We can have a healthy economy and a healthy environment. We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations and our country’s assets.


L1. We support having both a healthy economy and a healthy environment.

L2. We support, while protecting the environment with appropriate safeguards, drilling for oil in America to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

L3. We support the drilling of oil offshore, the mining of oil, or shale, and building new refineries.

L4. We support environmentally responsible innovation and new technology if we are going to compete successfully.

L5. We support the loosening of restrictions by the DNR and EPA on the creation of new refineries.

L6. We support holding city government to the same standard for cleaning wastewater as applied to private industry.

L7. We urge aggressive research focused on the development of new technologies aimed at relieving our dependence on foreign oil.

L8. We support realistic Federal and Iowa Laws to ensure clean air, clean water, and safe management of wastes.

L9. We ask that environmental laws be fairly and uniformly enforced, simplified when possible, and strengthened when necessary.

L10. We believe that environmental laws should be based on scientific research, risk analysis, economic impact, and common sense.

L11. We support developing sustainable energy resources.

*L12. We oppose Iowa SSB3093 which allows utilities to charge solar customers a higher fee without oversight

L13. We support water sustainability practices via planting trees with diversified species, water recycling, rainwater collection, improved storm water management, and rain gardens, etc.

L14. We support the solution of America’s energy and environmental problems through the efforts of entrepreneurs and private business rather than government intervention and litigation.

L15. We support the use of technology, innovation, and incentives such as tax credits rather than tax increases to clean up the environment, to cut carbon emissions and reduce pollution.

*L16. We oppose electric utilities converting their analog electric and gas meters to “Smart” digital meters, which transmit information to a central transponder wirelessly, without all customers having the ability to opt out. This includes solar power customers.

L17. We support financial incentives for businesses to voluntarily cut pollution; and only if necessary, require them to cut pollution.

L18. We support the hunting and trapping of wild game.

L19. We support and encourage strong soil, water, and wildlife conservation practices without Government interference.

L20. We support hunting of deer and turkey to reduce their number.

L21. We support the application of longer hunting seasons and increasing the number of permits including increasing doe-only permits and decreasing the cost of permits for State residents.

L22. We support lengthening the deer-hunting season and allowing landowners to harvest deer on their own land between October 1st and March 1st.

L23. We believe that the Department of Natural Resources should stop the protection of cougars, bobcats, wolves, bears, porcupines, and other dangerous animals in the state parks and timbered private property.

L24. We should maintain an environmental policy that protects the rights of humans before other species. We deplore extremist scare tactics not based on sound scientific evidence.

L25. We oppose the use of eminent domain by DNR and EPA for environmental protection purposes, and oppose granting the Department of Natural Resources the power of eminent domain.

L26. We demand the elimination of “Gun Free Zones”.



We believe human life is a sacred gift from our Creator and is innately valuable at every stage of development beginning at conception. The right to life is a fundamental right as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and cannot be infringed upon. No human life should ever be diminished, and innocent human life must never be arbitrarily taken including the life of the unborn, the elderly, the chronically or terminally, or the mentally or physically handicapped.


M1. We believe “We are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”; this makes it clear that government cannot take these rights away.

M2. We believe that government should recognize the personhood and humanity of the unborn child and accord him with the rights and protections of our U.S. Constitution.

M3. We believe that every human being should have the civil right to life regardless of age or degree of dependency including human beings not yet born.

M4. We support a human rights amendment to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Iowa.

M5. We endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th (Fourteenth) Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.

M6. The unborn child has a fundamental right to life, which cannot be infringed upon.

M7. We believe that abortion ends a human life.

M8. We believe that all life is sacred and should be defined as beginning at conception.

M9. We believe that infants born alive in spite of attempted abortion must be given medical and comfort care and appropriate religious observances such as baptism. We support the full dignity of a burial for all aborted human fetuses in their entirety.

M10. We believe that infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia should remain illegal.

M11. We believe that full parental and legal rights and responsibilities include those of both the mother and father of the child, unborn or born.

M12. We believe that full parental and legal rights and responsibilities include the full legal rights of the father concerning any decision for abortion.

M13. We support measures to prohibit any government funding of abortion, abortion related services or of organizations such as Planned Parenthood.

M14. We support reestablishing the wall of separation between comprehensive family planning and funding for those organizations that perform abortion.

M15. We support public funding for pregnancy centers and programs; we support "Positive Alternatives”. We support state grants for pregnancy counseling to agencies that do not refer or perform abortions.

M16. We commend those who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the needs of mothers and offering adoption services.

M17. We strongly support the licensing of abortionists and that they be required to have admitting privileges at a local hospital that provides emergency care.

M18. We support statistical reporting of abortions and abortion procedures to the State Health Department.

M19. We believe that abortion facilities be required to post a sign onsite warning informing that coerced abortions are illegal and information on how to contact law enforcement.

M20. We support enforcement of late-term abortion laws and stiffer penalties including the revocation of medical licenses.

M21. We support a Woman's Right to Know law, whereby pregnant women are provided with complete factual information about any procedure and about any physical and psychological consequences of abortion and the available alternatives to abortion.

M22. We believe, with an ultrasound and consultation given to the pregnant woman, that there be a mandatory 24 hour waiting period before an abortion is performed.

M23. We support measures to prohibit any government funding of embryonic stem cell research. However, we do support public funding and promotion of non-embryonic (adult) stem cell research.

M24. We oppose human cloning, human fetal-tissue research, and the commercial use or sale of fetal parts. We support the reinstatement of the ban on human cloning in Iowa.

M25. We support and charge all elected legislators to take a strong pro-life stance and to vote to overturn legalized abortion.

M26. We support the ban on partial birth abortions.

M27. We support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and the return of the jurisdiction on abortion issues to the state.

M29. We propose our schools be mandated to teach basic biology in health class (i.e. life begins at conception).

*M30. We strongly urge the Iowa Legislature to pass the Protect Life Constitutional Amendment which states:” To defend the dignity of all human life, and to protect mothers and unborn children from efforts to expand abortion even to the day of birth, we the people of Iowa declare: nothing in this constitution shall be construed to recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of it. This will give the people of Iowa a vote on restoring our rightful authority to set reasonable abortion policy through our elected officials, rather than having our rights taken from us by unelected judges.


TAXES AND spending

Traditional Republican values of limited government, low taxes and respect for private property are proposed to restore our Republic, establish a just money system, balance our budgets at the state and federal level and to restore faith in America’s future.


N1. We believe that the state should phase out local option sales taxes.

N2. We believe property tax revenue is no longer an equitable method of funding local government services and public education.

N3. We support the protection of Iowa businesses from costly new regulations and higher taxes.

N5. We urge the abolishment of Capital gains taxes on property sold under eminent domain.

N6. We believe it is desirable to minimize taxes wherever possible; we support the use of technology, innovation and incentives to clean up our environment.

N7. We support passage of the People’s Right to Vote Amendment, which is a proposed amendment to the Iowa Constitution that would require a vote of the People to ratify all tax increases before they can take effect. This vote must occur during a general election.

N8. Since the Federal Reserve, which is a privately held corporation, makes a profit on the creation of our money, we propose repealing the Federal Reserve act and the re-adoption of a sound money system based on a fixed commodity such as gold or silver.

N9. We support the permanent elimination of the Federal Estate Tax (death tax).

N10. We propose the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which created the Federal Income Taxing Authority.

N11. We believe that the replacement of the current Federal Income Tax with a 15% Fair Tax, National retail sales tax, user tax or a flat tax system is imperative.

N12. We support a balanced budget amendment at both the state and federal level except in times of war, to be accomplished through spending reductions not taxation.

N13.Eliminate all uncontrolled spending at all levels of Federal, State, and local Government Budget all government spending to 90% of tax income levels and to use any overage to reduce the deficit.

N14. We believe the use of tax funds including, Fuel and Road Tax, should be used only for intended and budgeted items or programs.

N15. We support a single low corporate tax rate to help make America a more attractive place for businesses that provide good jobs.

N16. We support giving viable tax credits.

N17. We promote the removal of Federal and State taxation of Social Security benefits.

N18. We believe the current Social Security system is broken, and must be reformed immediately.

N19. We favor a Social Security annuity proposal that will pay at least the same amount as traditional Social Security would.

N20. We favor a Social Security program in which Personal Social Security Savings Accounts would be optional and the property of the individual.

N21. We favor a Social Security proposal in which any money would be the property of the worker and any money left may be transferred to family members at death.

N22. We insist Social Security funds should be held solely for the purpose originally designed.

N23. We support choice in education. Public funds from any source apportioned to schools per student should be given to the schools attended by those students.

N24. We believe The Supreme Court declared, in the Brushaber case, that the 16th Amendment did not create any new taxing authority for Congress. By law, US Personal Income Taxes do not apply to the income of US Citizens living and working within the 50 states. Employment taxes DO apply, but are entirely voluntary for purposes of collecting Social Security benefits. We demand that IRS apply the laws as written.

N25. Pay off the deficit.

N26. We believe that all bills Federal and State are to be posted in their FINAL form on-line at least 14 days before they are voted upon.

N27. We believe in the elimination of the State Income Tax Check Off for political funds.

N28. We support the elimination of the Iowa State Income Tax.

N29. We demand that the IRS not use its power or resources to discriminate or intimidate or in any way interfere with any religious or political organizations.

N30. We support the elimination of the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate.


We affirm the position of the President as a moral and ethical force in the direction of our nation. This individual must be a positive role model in his public and private life, and be above reproach in his conduct. Our nation’s children deserve no less than this.

We Support President Trump and disapprove of the multiple and ongoing proceedings brought by the Democrat Party

We commend the men and women of our military for their willingness to put their lives in harm’s way, defending the liberties and freedoms we so much enjoy.

We commend the brave civilian aid workers and contractors who are working at home and overseas for their roles in the war on terror and Health Crisis’s

We commend Senator Chuck Grassley for his many years of service.

We commend Senator Joni Ernst for her outstanding representation of our state and party in the U.S. Senate and we wish her continued success.

We commend Governor Reynolds for her leadership in Des Moines.

We commend our elected Republican County and local officials for their service.

We reaffirm that the Republican Party of Iowa and its officers should not endorse any candidate in contested races until after nomination.

We support Iowa’s first in the calendar year national caucuses and urge that we retain its 1st in the Nation status regardless of the events of this year

We resolve to work to elect Republican candidates who support the party platform and defend Republican principles of government.

We expect all of our Republican candidates to have a lifelong commitment to our conservative values and hope that they continue their efforts.

We expect political campaigns to be conducted in a strong, positive and respectful manner.

The Members of the Central Committee of Jefferson County would like to commend you,

The Jefferson County Republicans, for your involvement in today’s process. We make our voices heard first from the grassroots level then at the State level.

A special Thank You to the County Convention Committee: We appreciate these people for their dedication, hard work, and the hours spent organizing the Planks into a Platform, insuring everyone’s ideas have an opportunity for us to discuss, ratify, and forward to State.

The Jefferson County Central Committee

Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month

7:00 pm.

Benjamin Gare 641-814-6220


The Jefferson County Central Committee

Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month

7:00 pm.

We believe in a change of the status for the Republican Party Platform is needed. This document should be treated as a Mission Statement with the people that elected you. This is our guideline for our Legislators and their votes, both at National and State level.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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