Navy prt standards 2020 male 17-19


Navy prt standards 2020 male 17-19

The Navy has released information on how sailors will be evaluated on two new events coming to the Physical Readiness Test: planks and rowing exercises. Starting in March 2021, the Navy will nix curl ups and replace them with a forearm plank event for the PRT to evaluate core strength. That's because research indicates the plank is better for one's body than curl ups, the service said. "[Naval Health Research Center] determined that the forearm plank is a better test of core strength and abdominal muscular endurance," the Navy said in a NAVADMIN released Wednesday. "The repeated spinal flexion movement of the curl-up is not operationally relevant, may aggravate lower-back injuries and does not appropriately challenge the abdominal musculature." Sailors between the ages of 17 and 19 will max out at 3:40 minutes for the plank event to receive an outstanding score. As sailors advance into different age brackets, outstanding score times are reduced five seconds. For example, that means sailors between the ages of 45 and 49 will max out at 3:10 minutes and the highest age group, those 65 and older, will max out at 2:50 minutes for the event. Men and women are evaluated by the same standards for the plank event for all age groups. The Navy said that it's expecting sailors to experience involuntary muscle spasms that may cause some shaking while they are in the forearm plank. That's OK -- sailors just need to be sure to maintain their form in those instances. The forearm plank event will stop due to several reasons, including the sailor lowering his or her head to hands, failing to maintain a 90-degree angle at the elbows, or receiving more than two corrections on form, among other things. Failure to meet the minimum passing score for the plank event for the PRT doesn't translate to an automatic failure of the PRT -- at least for the 2021 PFA cycle and so long as the sailor passes the pushups and cardio events, along with the body composition assessment, according to the NAVADMIN. Likewise, sailors will also have the option to complete a 2,000-meter row as one of the cardio events for the first time come March 2021. "The 2000-meter row is a non-weight bearing, low-impact exercise, which reduces impact on the legs," the NAVADMIN said. "More importantly, rowing provides a full-body cardio workout engaging 80 percent of the musculature of the body." Female sailors are afforded approximately one minute more than their male counterparts in the rowing event across all age groups. That means that male sailors between the ages of 17 and 19 must complete the rowing event in seven minutes to receive an outstanding score, while female sailors must do the same in eight minutes to receive an outstanding score. As sailors move up in age brackets, they are given more time to complete the rowing event. Sailors can expect to kick off the PRT with push-ups, followed by the forearm plank. They will all conclude the PRT with the cardio event, the NAVADMIN said. After being delayed for all of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr. announced this week that the Navy's physical fitness assessments would resume in March 2021. Rather than conduct two cycles in the spring and fall as is customary, Nowell said that the Navy has opted to do one cycle from March to September. Although sailors were bracing for the fitness tests to pick up again in January, Nowell said it was pushed back due to concerns with COVID-19 and flu season. "January is still right in the middle of flu season and so we are close to the formal approval to go ahead and get the word out that we will do one cycle next year," Nowell said during a Facebook live "town hall" event on Tuesday. "It will start toward the middle of March -- so after flu season, when it's warm enough -- as we look at doing it for about six months, through September, so you can get outside and do it, mitigate that risk." A full guide to how sailors will be graded on the PRT is available here. Calculate your Navy Physical Readiness Test score using the PRT calculator below. How to Calculate Your PRT Score The Navy Physical Readiness Test, or PRT for short, is the Navy's fitness assessment. The Navy Physical Fitness Assessment is a two-part assessment including the Physical Readiness Test and Body Composition Assessment. The test standards set a baseline physical standard based on a sailor's age and gender. The outcome of the test is an overall point score and performance level. PRT Events The PRT consists of three events: push-ups, the plank hold, and a cardio exercise. The plank hold replaced the curl-up event in 2020. The cardio event consists of either a 1.5-mile run, a 2-kilometer row, a 500-yard swim, or a 450-meter swim. Scoring Sailors need to score a minimum of 50 points on each event, or a performance level of Satisfactory (Medium). To calculate the score for each event in the PRT, refer to the official standard, which outlines the points and performance level based on the results of each event. See below for abbreviated official score charts that can be used to check your scores. The Navy defines the standard score for each event based on the age and gender of the sailor.[1] The calculator above calculates the result using the published official standard. Interested in learning about physical assessments for other branches of service? Check out our ACFT, USMC PFT, and USAF PFT calculators. PRT Performance Levels The following chart shows the performance levels based on the number of points achieved in the PRT events. Minimum number of points needed for each Navy PRT performance category and level. Points Category Level 100 Outstanding High 95 Outstanding Medium 90 Outstanding Low 85 Excellent High 80 Excellent Medium 75 Excellent Low 70 Good High 65 Good Medium 60 Good Low 55 Satisfactory High 50 Satisfactory Medium 45 Probationary PRT Score Charts Use the following score charts from the PRT standards to look up your event scores. Age 17-19 Males Age 17-19 Females Age 20-24 Males Age 20-24 Females Age 25-29 Males Age 25-29 Females Age 30-34 Males Age 30-34 Females Age 35-39 Males Age 35-39 Females You might also be interested in our American flag sizing calculator to design a custom flag with precise proportions. In order to join the U.S. Navy, you must meet minimum physical fitness requirements. If you are considering joining the Navy, it will help to have an understanding of the required physical fitness level so you can adequately prepare. In this article, we give an overview of the Navy's physical requirements, the ways in which the Navy scores its physical fitness test and tips for getting ready for the test.The Navy has three physical fitness requirements for those seeking to join its ranks. One must satisfactorily complete a swim test, a body composition assessment and the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) in order to join and maintain membership in the Navy.Those who wish to enter the Navy must complete a Navy Third Class Swim Test, which is taken during boot camp. The Navy describes a third-class swimmer as someone who can "stay afloat and survive without the use of a Personal Floatation Device (PFD) in open water under optimum conditions long enough to be rescued in a man-over-board situation."The Third Class Swim test requirements are:Deep-water jump from a minimum of five feet in the air into a pool of water that is at least eight feet deep. Swimmers must swim to the surface unassisted.50-yard swim without stopping, standing or holding onto the sides of the poolFive-minute prone floatCertain Navy personnel in specific jobs must pass a Navy Second Class Swim Test. Once a recruit has passed the first three requirements, they can move on to the second module, which is a shirt and trouser inflation assessment. This tests a person's ability to stay afloat using clothing inflation methods when no PFD is available.Navy enlistees, sailors and reservists must complete a Body Composition Assessment (BCA). This assessment is conducted twice per year. A sailor's BCA is made up of the following components:Maximum weight according to their heightAbdominal circumferenceBody composition measurementsThe maximum allowable body fat limit for the Navy is 26% for males and 36% for females. Members and potential members must also complete a standard medical screening. This includes a physical health assessment, a risk factor questionnaire and pre-physical activity questions.The Navy Physical Readiness Test--also known as the PRT--is a fitness assessment given to recruits during boot camp, as well as to active Navy sailors. Recruits must pass the test in order to graduate from boot camp and become sailors. Navy members, both active duty and reservists, are tested twice each year.Each component must be completed properly and within a time limit. Some exercise assessments are measured based on the recruit's or sailor's gender, while some are only based on age.The test is made up of the following:Curl-ups: Also known as sit-ups, this physical exercise ensures that sailors have strong core muscles that aid in balance, dynamic movement and overall strength.Push-ups: This exercise is tested to ensure upper body strength, which enables sailors to perform dynamic movement and lift and carry equipment among other necessary tasks.Cardio-respiratory event: This exercise makes sure all sailors have the endurance needed to perform in the Navy. It may be completed with an endurance run, on an elliptical machine or as an endurance swim.Also known as "sit-ups," this exercise is performed with a partner holding the feet. They must be performed while wearing shoes and lying on a flat surface. Curl-ups are performed for two minutes. Only correctly-performed curl-ups are counted.To properly complete a curl-up, begin with the lower back and shoulder blades touching the floor, arms folded across the chest. Then, pull the body up, touching elbows to thighs while keeping hands firmly pressed against the chest or upper shoulders. Then, return to the starting position, and begin again.The minimum requirements for curl-ups are only based on age. They are:Ages 17 through 19: 54 curl-ups in a minuteAges 20 through 24: 50 curl-ups in a minuteAges 25 through 29: 47 curl-ups in a minuteAges 30 through 34: 44 curl-ups in a minuteAges 35 through 39: 40 curl-ups in a minuteAges 40 through 44: 37 curl-ups in a minuteAges 45 through 49: 33 curl-ups in a minuteAges 50 through 54: 30 curl-ups in a minuteAges 55 through 59: 28 curl-ups in a minuteAges 60 through 64: 22 curl-ups in a minuteAges 65 and older: 13 curl-ups in a minutePush-ups are performed on a level, flat surface while wearing shoes. The body must form a straight line and be supported with the toes and palms. For a period of two minutes, the member lowers their body until arms bend at least 90 degrees. Only correctly-performed push-ups are counted.The minimum requirements are:Males:Ages 17 through 19: 46 push-ups in a minuteAges 20 through 24: 42 push-ups in a minuteAges 25 through 29: 38 push-ups in a minuteAges 30 through 34: 35 push-ups in a minuteAges 35 through 39: 33 push-ups in a minuteAges 40 through 44: 29 push-ups in a minuteAges 45 through 49: 25 push-ups in a minuteAges 50 through 54: 23 push-ups in a minuteAges 55 through 59: 12 push-ups in a minuteAges 60 through 64: 10 push-ups in a minuteAges 65 and older: 6 push-ups in a minuteFemales:Ages 17 through 19: 20 push-ups in a minuteAges 20 through 24: 17 push-ups in a minuteAges 25 through 29: 15 push-ups in a minuteAges 30 through 34: 13 push-ups in a minuteAges 35 through 39: 11 push-ups in a minuteAges 40 through 44: 9 push-ups in a minuteAges 45 through 49: 7 push-ups in a minuteAges 50 through 54: 5 push-ups in a minuteAges 55 through 59: 3 push-ups in a minuteAges 60 through 64: 3 push-ups in a minuteAges 65 and older: 2 push-ups in a minuteThe Navy standard for a cardio event is a 1.5-mile run/walk. It must be performed on a flat, solid surface such as a track. The recruit or sailor runs or walks--or performs a combination of running and walking--in order to complete the 1.5-mile distance as quickly as possible.Alternatively, recruits and soldiers can participate in cardio tests that include a 500-yard swim, peddling on a stationary bike for 12 minutes or using an elliptical machine for 12 minutes.The maximum run times are:Males:Ages 17 through 19: 12 minutes and 15 secondsAges 20 through 24: 13 minutes and 15 secondsAges 25 through 29: 13 minutes and 45 secondsAges 30 through 34: 14 minutes and 15 secondsAges 35 through 39: 14 minutes and 45 secondsAges 40 through 44: 15 minutes and 15 secondsAges 45 through 49: 15 minutes and 45 secondsAges 50 through 54: 16 minutes and 15 secondsAges 55 through 59: 16 minutes and 51 secondsAges 60 through 64: 18 minutes and 20 secondsAges 65 and older: 19 minutes and 47 secondsFemales:Ages 17 through 19: 14 minutes and 45 secondsAges 20 through 24: 15 minutes and 15 secondsAges 25 through 29: 15 minutes and 45 secondsAges 30 through 34: 16 minutes and 15 secondsAges 35 through 39: 16 minutes and 38 secondsAges 40 through 44: 17 minutes exactlyAges 45 through 49: 17 minutes and 08 secondsAges 50 through 54: 17 minutes and 15 secondsAges 55 through 59: 18 minutes and 18 secondsAges 60 through 64: 19 minutes and 25 secondsAges 65 and older: 20 minutes and 31 secondsEach of the three fitness events is scored based on a range of a certain number of completed reps and times considered Satisfactory, Good, Excellent or Outstanding. The final PRT score is then calculated by averaging the scores earned on each event. The minimum passing requirements are:Recruits: Average score of 60, which is considered Good (Low)Active and reserve sailors: Average score of 50, which is considered Satisfactory (Medium)The exact number of curl-ups and push-ups required for each point value, as well as the average cardio time, will depend on the member or prospective member's age and gender. For example, a 25-year-old female who does 90 curl-ups may receive a curl-ups score of 85, in the Excellent range. If she does 26 push-ups, she could get 65 points on that event, which falls in the Good range.These are the ranges used to score the Navy PRT: Performance Category Performacne Level Points Outstanding High 100 Outstanding Medium 95 Outstanding Low 90 Excellent High 85 Excellent Medium 80 Excellent Medium 75 Good High 70 Good Medium 65 Good Low 60 Satisfactory High 55 Satisfactory Medium 50 Probationary N/A 45 Those who wish to become Navy SEALs or Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen (SWCC) have additional mandatory fitness tests to complete after passing the initial Navy physical requirements.The Navy Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) teams are special operations forces. In order to become a Navy SEAL, you must complete a rigorous fitness test. Those who take the test need to achieve the minimum requirements but are advised to strive for better scores in order to improve your chances of becoming a SEAL. The minimum requirements are:500-yard swim: The maximum time allowed is 12 minutes, 30 seconds.Push-ups: You must complete at least 42 push-ups in two minutes.Sit-ups: You must complete at least 52 sit-ups in two minutes.Pull-ups: You must complete at least eight pull-ups without touching the ground or letting go of the bar.1.5-mile run: The maximum time allowed is 11 minutes, 30 seconds.To become a Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, you must complete a fitness test that is similar to that of the SEALs. Prospective SWCC members need to achieve minimum requirements but are advised to strive for better results. The minimum requirements are:500-yard swim: The maximum time allowed is 13 minutes.Push-ups: You must complete at least 50 push-ups in two minutes.Sit-ups: You must complete at least 50 sit-ups in two minutes.Pull-ups: You must complete at least six pull-ups without touching the ground or letting go of the bar.1.5-mile run: The maximum time allowed is 12 minutes.Good physical shape is required to enlist in the Navy along with completing boot camp and maintaining status. If you are considering joining the Navy, there are some steps you can take to prepare yourself for the physical fitness requirements:Before starting your training regime, meet with a healthcare provider to determine your current physical standing compared to the Navy's requirements. They can help you safely reach your fitness goals.Work out in the morning and evening, to mirror the long days of physical activity required at boot camp. It can also help you create fitness habits that ensure you maintain within range of the Satisfactory-level requirements of the PRT.Before arriving at boot camp, complete workouts frequently to ensure your body is ready for the rigors of basic training.This step can help you condition your entire body and prepare for both the cardiovascular event and physical strength tests. Consider performing sit-ups and push-ups according to the PRT requirements and timing your reps.

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