New English File Upper Intermediate

Szűcs Dávid – osztályozó vizsga 3- 4 évfolyam anyaga

Angol nyelv

Értékelés: Írásbeli : 60% szóbeli 40%

40-55% : elégséges

56-70%: közepes

71-85%: jó

86-100%: jeles

New English File Intermediate


Nyelvi rész

Unit 6

Reported speech: statements, questions, commands


Relative clauses, defining and non-defining

Unit 7

Third conditional

Question tags, indirect questions

Phrasal verbs

A nyelvi részen kívül az írásbeli vizsga tartalmazza a könyv szókincsét is.

Szóbeli rész témái

Unit 6

Making a complaint

Famous films

Heroes and icons of our time

Unit 7

Can we make our luck?

Jack the Ripper

Couple switch on after 37 years without power

New English File Upper Intermediate


Nyelvi rész

Unit 1

Question forms

Auxiliary verbs , comparatives

Present perfect (simple and continuous)

Unit 2

Adjectives as nouns, adjective order

Narrative tenses, so and such

Adverbs, adverbial phrases

Unit 3

Passives (all forms)

Future perfect and continuous

Conditionals and future time clauses, likely and probably

Unit 4

Unreal conditionals

Past modals, would rather and had better

Verbs of senses

Unit 5

Gerunds and infinitives

Used to, be used to get used to

Reporting verbs

Unit 6


Uncountable and plural nouns, have sg done


Unit 7

Structures after wish

Clauses of contrast and purpose

Relative clauses

A nyelvi részen kívül az írásbeli vizsga tartalmazza a könyv szókincsét is.

Szóbeli rész témái:

Unit 1

Three minutes to get to know the love of your life

What your signature says about you

Get stressed, stay young

Unit 2

Watching the English

Air Babylon

Little Brother

Unit 3

Making the punishment fit the crime

Stormy weather

The risk factor

Unit 4

How to get out alive

Escape from the Amazon

How I trained my husband

Let your body do the talking

Unit 5

What’s your soundtrack?

Sleepy people- the dangers of sleep deprivation

Good and bad sides of being a theatre critic and sports writer

Unit 6

One small world, one big difference in meaning

Preview – tonight’s Tv

Suffering for science

Unit 7

Regrets, I’ve had a few

Honest workers or thieves

How advertisers win our hearts and minds

The world without time and number


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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