Press Release FNU Drama Festival becomes a platform for holistic learning

P. O. Box 7222, Nasinu, Fiji. Tel: (679) 3394 000 Fax: (679) 3394 003


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Friday 5 October, 2018

Press Release

FNU Drama Festival becomes a platform for holistic learning

Suva, Fiji Islands. The Fiji National University (FNU) Language and Literature students portrayed real life social issues

such as Climate Change and Teenage Pregnancy through a Drama Festival organised by FNU¡¯s College of Humanities

and Education (CHE) at the Nasinu Campus today.

The annual event, which is part of the curriculum of Foundation programme, aims to strengthen the strategic skills of

the students.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, FNU Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor James Pounder said Drama is a creative tool

through which students can enhance their human resources skills.

Professor Pounder said inclusion of such events as part of the curriculum, prepares the students to ¡®hit the ground

running¡¯ when they join the workforce.

¡°Drama falls into the category of creativity. It is regarded as a mechanism through which you are not only able to

execute your creativity but learn to work with differences in a group,¡± said the Pro VC.

Professor Pounder said FNU continuously strives to produce graduates who are trained in the vocational and

professional skills.

¡°The University is committed to providing life-skills; skills that cross professions and industry. These skills, which are

embedded in the person, can be carried across a variety of occupations.¡±

Head of School of Communication, Language and Literature, Dr Zakia Ali-Chand said the Drama Festival gave an

opportunity to the students to work as a team.

She said the event was meant to boost the students¡¯ confidence and enable them to discover their talents.

¡°This Festival has given the students a hands-on experience in producing a play. The team work that students have

displayed today is astounding,¡± said Dr Ali-Chand.

¡°The students have been actively involved in the planning, strategizing and execution of this Festival which has

improved their leadership and time management skills.¡±

Foundation Science student, Abigail Leotoga was amazed at the response from the audience as the curtain drew

indicating the end of their play ¡®Climate Change: It¡¯s No More a Fairy Tale.¡¯

Dressed in mermaid attire, excited Leotoga said it was an overwhelming experience to perform at a public space.

¡°I felt very nervous at first but as I went on the stage, I felt confident and it intrigued to me that this is what we are

preparing for through this event ¨C to develop such real life theatrical and soft skills that we may not have achieved in

the classroom teaching.¡±

¡°Through our drama we tried to make the audience ponder on what we have done to our environment. From the

response that we received from the audience, I believe we were able to deliver the message through great team


Locations: College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, Head Office - Koronivia, P. O. Box 1544, Nausori: Ph:(679) 347 9200, Fax:(679) 340 0275. College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies, Head Office - P. O. Box 7222, Samabula, Suva: Ph:(679) 338

1044 Fax: (679) 331 3185.

College of Engineering, Science & Technology, Head Office - P. O. Box 3722, Samabula, Suva: Ph:(679) 338 1044 Fax: (679) 337 0375. College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Head Office - Brown Street, Private Mail Bag, Suva: Ph:(679) 331 1700

Fax: (679) 330 3469.

College of Humanities & Education, Head Office ¨C P.O Box 7222, Nasinu: Ph:(679) 339 4000 Fax:(679) 339 4003.

National Training & Productivity Centre - Head Office - Training House Lot 1, Beaumont Road, Narere, PO Box 6890, Nasinu, Fiji. Tel: (679) 331 1009 Fax: (679) 334 0184. Nabua Centre: Jerusalem Road, Nabua, GPO Box 15676, Suva, Fiji. Tel: (679) 338 4777

Fax: (679) 337 0446 Suva Centre: 11 Cumming St, Suva, Fiji. Tel: (679) 330 6377 Fax: (679) 330 6340. Namaka Centre: Queens Road, Namaka Private Mail Bag, Nadi Airport, Fiji. Tel: (679) 672 5730 Fax: (679) 672 5722. Lautoka Centre: Off Naceva St, Private

Mail Bag, Lautoka, Fiji. Tel: (679) 666 7000 Fax: (679) 664 0436

P. O. Box 7222, Nasinu, Fiji. Tel: (679) 3394 000 Fax: (679) 3394 003


Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry

Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies

Engineering, Science & Technology

Humanities and Education

Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

National Training & Productivity Centre

¡°We had group members from different nationalities but that never got into the way of our preparations. We were

able to put our differences aside and strive together as a team. I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life,¡±

said the Niue national.

For more information contact: Kalpana Kaajal| Public Relations and Communications Officer | P: 339

4000 l Ext: 2886|Email:

About the Fiji National University: The Fiji National University (FNU) was established through the merger of 7 governmentowned tertiary institutions in Fiji, and commenced operations from 1 January 2010. The constituent institutions are found at

over 40 different locations across Fiji, and collectively offer Certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Degrees,

Postgraduate qualifications and Skills Upgrading for those who are already in employment. Approximately 30,000 students

pass through the University each year. Over the last six years of its operations, the University has registered major

achievements with regard to new programme delivery, quality improvements and contribution to research and publications via

its 5 Colleges: The College of Humanities & Education (CHE), the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences (CMNHS),

the College of Engineering, Science & Technology (CEST), the College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (CAFF), the

College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies (CBHTS) and the National Training & Productivity Centre (NTPC).

Locations: College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, Head Office - Koronivia, P. O. Box 1544, Nausori: Ph:(679) 347 9200, Fax:(679) 340 0275. College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies, Head Office - P. O. Box 7222, Samabula, Suva: Ph:(679) 338

1044 Fax: (679) 331 3185.

College of Engineering, Science & Technology, Head Office - P. O. Box 3722, Samabula, Suva: Ph:(679) 338 1044 Fax: (679) 337 0375. College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Head Office - Brown Street, Private Mail Bag, Suva: Ph:(679) 331 1700

Fax: (679) 330 3469.

College of Humanities & Education, Head Office ¨C P.O Box 7222, Nasinu: Ph:(679) 339 4000 Fax:(679) 339 4003.

National Training & Productivity Centre - Head Office - Training House Lot 1, Beaumont Road, Narere, PO Box 6890, Nasinu, Fiji. Tel: (679) 331 1009 Fax: (679) 334 0184. Nabua Centre: Jerusalem Road, Nabua, GPO Box 15676, Suva, Fiji. Tel: (679) 338 4777

Fax: (679) 337 0446 Suva Centre: 11 Cumming St, Suva, Fiji. Tel: (679) 330 6377 Fax: (679) 330 6340. Namaka Centre: Queens Road, Namaka Private Mail Bag, Nadi Airport, Fiji. Tel: (679) 672 5730 Fax: (679) 672 5722. Lautoka Centre: Off Naceva St, Private

Mail Bag, Lautoka, Fiji. Tel: (679) 666 7000 Fax: (679) 664 0436


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