Faith Ventures - Eden Valley

FVaeinthtures The Official Magazine of Eden Valley Institute ? Summer 2013

Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us

page 4


6 Joy In the New Journey

9 I Can Move Again

Without Suffering!

12 New Beginnings

Front cover: David Cruz leading in opening service. (p.4)

FVaeinthtures Summer 2013

Eden Valley Institute 9325 World Mission Drive Loveland, CO 80538

Tel.: (970) 667-1770 Fax: (970) 663-7072 edenvalley@ eden-

President: Frank Fournier

Editor: Frank Fournier Copy Editor: Laural Bates

Layout & Design: Mission Forward Design Printing: ADM, Inc.

Faith Ventures is published tri-monthly by Eden Valley Institute and is circulated free of charge. Printing costs and postage are covered by donations. Please contact us if you would like to add, change or delete any address from our mailing list.

Eden Valley Institute is a member of Outpost Centers, Inc. (OCI) and Adventist-lay-men's Services and Industries (ASI).

The Substance of Things I Hope For.............. 3

Frank Fournier

Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us..................... 4


The GOOD NEWS keeps GOING and GROWING...... 5


Joy In the New Journey......... 6

Dominican Republic

Mt. Akagi Mission Trip Report............... 7


About Our Father's Business................... 8


I Can Move Again Without Suffering!................. 9


Welcome.............................. 10

Eden Valley Lifestyle Center

Beautiful Bountiful Harvest... 11

Eden Valley Farm

New Beginnings.................... 12

Eden Valley Institute


Join us and be filled at our annual Eden Valley Missions Convention October 4 ? 6, 2013

Special Speaker: James Rafferty

To Register:

Call Gail at: (970) 667-1770 There is no cost to attend the convention, but we do have limited rooms, so call today!


Summer 2013 ? Faith Ventures

Mercy in Misery

By Frank Fournier, EVI President

Sandy Hook Elementary--twenty little children look past the barrel of an assault rifle into the eyes of a cold-blooded animal...then die. The community is stunned. The nation gasps in uniform disbelief, and the children's parents...who can describe what they experience?

In Boston, one hundred and eighty runners and bystanders, innocent people, have their day and much in their lives blown away by a senseless act of random violence--hatred in the name of a cruel god; man's inhumanity toward man--incomprehensible insanity.

A day or two later, a fertilizer plant explodes in West, Texas, shattering relatively normal lives irreparably. Why? Who writes the scripts?

We can almost see demons parading as men, stalking the world, spreading horror through violence and mayhem. Would world governments stop the bloodletting if they could? I assume. So would our police departments and clergy, but they can't! Inevitably, terror will increase in intensity until security will be found for none, but those who know God. "Men's hearts failing them for fear," said Jesus, "and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." Luke 21:26. According to that passage, a few, not many, will learn to "look up, [to] lift up their heads." Luke 21:28. They'll shift their focus from this vast lazar house of suffering to something infinitely more secure.

"Thou wilt keep them in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because they trust in thee." Isaiah 26:3.

True Christians, connected Christians, Christians who are totally dependent on God, do not see as men see. They live by faith and not by sight. They focus heavenward and not earthward. They recognize eternal realities where others see only the disintegration of society and a terrorizing future. In it all, Christians detect "gain in the loss of all things." They find, "mercy in misery." Looking unto Jesus they discern "privileges in all hardship, order in confusion, the success and wisdom of God in that which has seemed to be failure." Testimonies to the Church Vol. 7, 271:3. When they look above, behind and all around the carnage, they sense an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Creator...they are at peace.

When the hearts of the Godless fail them, know, that "nothing (not coldblooded animals, nor demons disguised as men) shall by any means hurt you?" Luke 10:19 Know, that God surrounds His abiding disciples, and nothing gets to them but through Him. Whatever He allows, whatever the appearance, He is working all things together for their good because they are engraved on the palms of His hands.

Faith Ventures ? Summer 2013


MEXICO, Tarahumara Indians in Creel

Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us

By David and Virginia Cruz

"not knowing whither

we went". Today, by the

grace of God, we've es-

tablished nine churches

in and around Creel.

These have been pro-

ductive years, yet there

remains much territory

to possess.

It rejoices our hearts to

see the ways the Lord has

worked to supply all of

our needs over the years.

David Cruz leading in opening service.

In Nakarare, we held

God works wonders and bestows many worship services outdoors beneath the blessings in the remote Tarahumara shade of pine trees, for four years. Today,

mountains. On the other hand, the pres- by God's help, there is a beautiful church

ence of the drug cartel continues to make wherein we worship and glorify God.

our work difficult. Nevertheless, the This church was dedicated on March

preaching the gospel advances forward. 16th, 2013, by our local conference pres-

ident, Luis Armando Garcia.

Today, by the grace of God, we've established nine churches in and around Creel. These have been productive years...

Also, during the same week, Pastor Marco Antonio Ortega held an evangelistic campaign there. This was a very special experience for him because it was the first time he preached to the

indigenous people. Because there is no

Thank you for your prayers and your electricity in the mountains, the meet-

financial support. Both make it possible ings began at 3 pm. Many people walked

for us to remain on the frontlines.

over an hour to attend the meetings and

I arrived in Creel,

needed to return to their

Mexico, with my fam-

homes before dark. The

ily, in February, 1990.

Lord is working on the

At that time, no one

hearts of these people,

in Creel had heard the

and at the end of the

Three Angels' Messages.

campaign six more pre-

It was not easy for us to

cious souls accepted

leave family and friends,

the Lord Jesus Christ

yes, even our work; but Using an old 55 gallon drum for the Lord called us to go churches keyboard stand.

as their Saviour, and surrendered their lives


Summer 2013 ? Faith Ventures

New Church at Nakarare is full on the grand opening day.

INDIA, Stone Valley Foundation

through baptism. May the name of our God be blessed.

Once again thank you for making it possible to bring the Gospel to the Tarahumara Indians. With certainty we can say, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."


By Roger Stone

Ramesh, my Indian son and I, were driving to Barda Napoli. There, three years ago, a non-denominational church became a Seventh-day Adventist congregation. That was during the dry season and there wasn't any water to baptize the new believers. So the congregation prayed; and God sent a hurricane, out of season, to provide them with water.

While driving in India, I pray continually--this day was no exception. Besides the potholes, drop-offs, and narrow roads, we encounter large busses or trucks speeding around blind corners leaving no place to go. On this occasion, Ramesh was driving, and we were late. We had stopped by a church member's new business to cut the "grand opening" ribbon. Ramesh tried his best to make up the time, but it was difficult. Each time a big vehicle careened around a curve towards us, our hearts would jump into our throats. Every time, God prepared a place of safety for us.

We were on our way to hold a baptism.

Large baptism.

It was a glorious day. The congregation sang several hymns while waiting for the services to begin. As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit impressed me to speak about the law of God, its importance and the judgment to come. The members were not concerned with the time--they had a dual purpose in coming--to worship their Creator and to attend the baptism.

Even though it was a long way to the baptismal area it was worth the effort. There was great joy. As we started back to the church we met four others on their way to be baptized. We returned to the water, and they too, were baptized. God prospers His work around the globe. He gives His Spirit to His people. The Good News keeps going and growing.

Faith Ventures ? Summer 2013


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Country Life Mission

Joy In the New Journey

By Shanniel Fisher

Some attempt to journey not knowing their final destination?like Abraham of old. Others, like the apostle Peter, know exactly what's at the end of the road. It will be very long as the journey is with God.

Students making furniture for their rooms.

Reflections: In March 2013, the members of the Country Life board met on campus. We fellowshipped, made future plans, and gleaned much needed counsel and guidance. With the board, came twenty students and staff from two self-supporting academies to help remodel and repair our buildings, and to build more than thirty bunk beds. Because of the interest shown in our project, our team is encouraged to move forward. It is sad that our three volunteers from Colombia are not able to join us at this time. Nevertheless, our blessings are greater than our disappointments. Our God is in control, and His timing is the best. At the end of our One-Month L.I.G.H.T. School (Jan ? March 2013), we rejoiced to see the power of God change lives. Luke 10:17. Many victories were gained. Some people lost weight, others adopted new lifestyles, illnesses were reversed, and many increased in their desire to do Medical Mis-

sionary work. During these schools almost two hundred students were trained. They presented health lectures and sermons in over twenty churches; and many of those same students are interested in taking the six-month course, beginning July 1, 2013.

Present Joy: Our team is now preparing for the Six-Month LIGHT School--only forty students can be accepted. Most applicants don't have the money to pay for their tuition and lodging. It costs $600 for the entire course. Our little school is not financially able to support them. Please pray that God will supply these financial needs.

Campus Highlights: God continues to bless our campus construction. Our large generator is repaired and running, the

During these schools almost two hundred students were trained.

electrical and plumbing repairs are almost finished, and the buildings are ready to be inhabited (with the exception of the men's dormitory, which still needs a new roof and other repairs.) We only lack $18,000 to finish repairing every building.

The gardens are now partially planted with sections of corn, vegetables, pumpkin, pigeon peas, cassava, 100 banana plants, 100 plantain plants and 20 Coconut trees. We are still raising money for a 4wd 70 HP tractor with a bucket; and agriculture and maintenance tools.

Health Food Store: Since arriving in the Dominican Republic, we've been praying for the perfect location for the Country Life Health Food Store. Our original location

Continued on pg. 14


Summer 2013 ? Faith Ventures

JAPAN, Mount Akagi Institute

Mt. Akagi Mission Trip Report

By Don Johnson

Only four people decided to fly to Japan for a planned Mount Akagi mission trip. How disheartening, humanly speaking. Yet, God's hand is not shortened. After some time, two more couples and three young persons joined the team.

Likewise, at a Wednesday prayer meeting, a young man, hearing of the need, donated $20.00. It was a precious gesture. Believing God would multiply his offering, the group determined to do all they could with the few funds they had. Added to our small beginning was a small amount designated for Mount Akagi from Eden Valley and OCI, but still, it was not far from enough. But, as with the people, so the funds continued to grow.

As we ventured forth in faith, God moved the hearts of our team. One gave $1300, another $5000, and from America came another $5000 bringing the total to more than $15,000?over half the estimated cost of the project. Like the two fish and five loaves, Jesus multiplied the $20.00 gift to the amount we needed immediately, and provided just the number of people to do the job.

In six days:

? An upstairs balcony was restored. ? The decks around the east and south

sides of the house were rebuilt. ? Seven rooms were completely painted. ? Much needed lighting was installed. ? Contacts were made to have the exterior

walls re-stained. ? And we purchased new flooring. While all this was going on, the group held health seminars in Maebashi, forty minutes away. Our doctor and another couple from Canada gave presentations

Volunteers working hard rebuilding our decks.

every night to an audience of 15 to 20 people. Several in the audience held consultations with the doctor, Country Life brought a number of guests, and the local pastor and his wife enthusiastically supported the meetings.

In the meantime, an issue came to light that put fear in our hearts. As a non-profit organization, Mt. Akagi has not paid taxes since its establishment. This left the accountant concerned because Mt. Akagi is a foreign organization. Not every building is registered with the government, and the city could require the institution to pay current and back taxes. This would certainly sink us.

Fortunately, an architect friend of Mt. Akagi, who helped them financially in the beginning, went to work on our behalf with the government. Knowing a number of high Maebashi officials, he helped them to determine that Mt. Akagi is located in a non-taxable area and that the buildings didn't need to be registered at the time.

In Japan, few are ever converted to Christianity. Nevertheless, Marty and Mayumi Brown, the leaders of the project, continue faithfully to give Bible studies. Soon, one man, a precious soul, will be baptized?the true fruit of all these labors.

Faith Ventures ? Summer 2013


TANZANIA, EV Foster Care Mission

About Our Father's Business

By Janet Fournier

Things are different for me this year. Deniece

feet and legs. He is still alive and doing okay, but he is not

Van Order got married and

over it by any means. This

moved to Tennessee. I am

year, we have a 26 year-old

happy for her, but I am left

lady who keeps coming for

lonely. She was a great help

food, bandages and painkill-

to me and I miss her very

ers. The best we can do is to

much. It's much harder

give her extra strength Tyle-

now to get myself into gear

nol. We help her all we can,

seeing I have no one to

but she won't live long. She

bounce my ideas off of.

asked for a Bible and a song-

We (the fundis and I) fi- Young woman suffering with cancer. book, and our Bible Worker

nally got my green house up. The ends are visits her. The cancer took one of her eyes

not covered and there are no doors, but that and she has a lump on the side of her face

will be easy compared to setting up a forty- the size of an adult fist. It has grown much

foot one-day structure. I also have a small, since I first met her. The smell of her cancer

prefab starter greenhouse. It is suppose to be used to drive people away. At the clinic, they

set up on level ground, on patio stones or on taught her how to drain her wound, and this

a footing, but I decided instead to cut down has taken most of the odor away. I wish I

a few eucalyptus trees to make a skid and to could do more for her. I tried using char-

secure the greenhouse to it; that way we can coal and comfrey salve, but with little effect.

move it with the tractor where we need it. Only a miracle from the Lord can help her

A few Sabbaths ago, the SDA churches now. She seems ready; at least she has ac-

cepted the inevitable.

Only a miracle from the Lord can help her now. She seems ready; at least she has accepted the inevitable.

It isn't that easy for me. Every time I am confronted with cancer, the struggle becomes mine. It breaks my heart in that I haven't the faith to move these mountains,

not even the faith the size of a mustard seed.

came together and had two weddings, four Perplexed and disturbed, it drives me to

baby dedications and communion. Four of search the scriptures and plead with God.

our girls graduated and 16 people were bap- I know He is willing, but I am so lacking.

tized. All of that came with a lot of food and Nevertheless, I am grateful to be able to do

music, (we happen to boast of a very good something.

student choir this year).

Our carpentry students are producing

America may be winning the race for the beautiful furniture. We are excited and

number of cancer victims it produces, but thinking of opening a shop to sell their

Africa is following behind. It may be at a goods. The girls are doing well. They love

slower pace, but following nonetheless. Last to sew all day long. The Lord has blessed us

year, we helped a man with cancer on his

Continued on pg. 14


Summer 2013 ? Faith Ventures


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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