Windows System - by VIVEK JOSHI

Keyboard Shortcuts for WindowsWhether you are working with General Folder, Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Internet Explorer and Media Player, you can find shortcuts for all in this article. The use of Windows Operating System can be made easier and quicker with the use of keyboard shortcuts and combinations of various keys. This article explains the shortcuts used for different applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and so on. While most of the shortcuts are known to us, this article also provides an insight into the ones that are not too commonly used. Needless to say, keyboard shortcuts reduce the time and effort of using the mouse while working. This article lists the most common shortcuts used in Windows operating system. The keyboard shortcuts can be used in different ways such as for: Navigation (running new application, show desktop, lock desktop, etc.) Power management (shutdown computer, restart computer, etc.) Screenshots (Save screenshot, copy screenshot, etc.) Text Editing (Go to start of line, Go to previous word, etc.)1562100188595Windows System Windows Key: will open the Start menu Windows Key+Break: will display the System Properties dialogue box Windows Key+D: will minimize the windows to show the Desktop Windows Key+E: will open Internet Explorer Windows Key+F: will open the Search option for files and folders Windows Key+F+CTRL: will open Search option for computer Windows Key+F1: will display Help/Assistance option Windows Key+L: will lock your Desktop Windows Key+M: will minimize or restore all windows Windows Key+R: will open the RUN option Windows Key+TAB: will switch between open items Windows Key+U: will open Utility Manager ALT+ Hyphen: will display the Multiple Document Interface child window's System menu ALT+ ENTER: will view the properties for the selected object ALT+ ESC: will cycle through the items in the order that they were opened ALT+ F4: will close all the window that is open ALT+ SPACEBAR: will display the System menu ALT+TAB: switch from one open program to another on your taskbar. F1: used to request help/assistance SHIFT: If you press and hold down the SHIFT key while inserting a CD-ROM it will skip the automatic-run feature SHIFT+DELETE: will delete the file permanently CTRL+ESC: will open the Start Menu 3257550107950In a General Folder and text programsCtrl + A: will select all items Ctrl + B: will organize your Favorites in Internet Explorer Ctrl + C: will copy the selected item Ctrl + F: will open the Search options Ctrl + H: will allow you to replace some text Ctrl + N: will create a new folder Ctrl + O: will open a new document Ctrl + P: will print the selected document Ctrl + S: will save the current document Ctrl + V: will copy the selected item Ctrl + W: will close the current window Ctrl + X: will cut the current item Ctrl + Y: will repeat the last action that has been cancelled Ctrl + Z: will undo the last action17145003175In a General FolderF10: Opens Menu Bar options CTRL+F4: list the address menu paths SHIFT+F10: Opens right click shortcut menu ALT+DOWN ARROW: will open a drop-down list box ALT+SPACE: will list the window's System menu ALT+Underlined Letter in Menu: Opens the menu258127570485For a Selected Item a FolderF2: used to rename the item F3: Opens the Search option F5: will refresh the current folder F6: will move along the panes in Windows Explorer CTRL+ X: Cut an item CTRL+ C: Copy an item CTRL+ V: Paste an item SHIFT+DELETE: will delete this item permanently. ALT+ENTER: will open the properties option for the selected item. CTRL+ G: will open the "Go To" Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only) CTRL+ A: will select all the items in the current window BACKSPACE: will switch to the parent folder180975059690For Microsoft WordCTRL+ N: will promptly open a Word document CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved Word document CTRL+ W: will close the current window without exiting Word CTRL+ S: will save the current document CTRL+ P: will promptly print the current document CTRL+ Z: will undo the last action CTRL+ Y: will restore an undone action CTRL+ X: will cut the selected text CTRL+ C: will copy the selected text CTRL+ V: will paste the selected text CTRL+ A: will select the whole document CTRL+ F: will search for a specific text in the current document CTRL+ B: will bold the selected text CTRL+ I: will put in italics the selected text CTRL+ U: will underline the selected text170497560960For Microsoft ExcelCTRL+ N: will promptly open an Excel document CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved Excel document CTRL+ W: will close the current window without exiting Excel CTRL+ S: will save the current document CTRL+ P: will promptly print the current document CTRL+ Z: will undo the last action CTRL+ Y: will restore an undone action CTRL+ X: will cut the selected text CTRL+ C: will copy the selected text CTRL+ V: will paste the selected text CTRL+ A: will select the whole document CTRL+ F: will search for a specific text in the current document CTRL+ B: will bold the selected text CTRL+ I: will put in italics the selected text CTRL+ U: will underline the selected text F1: will prompt the Help option F2: will edit the document F3: will paste the name F4: will repeat the last action F5: will open the Go To option F6: will switch to the next pane F7: will launch the Spell Check option F8: will allow the Extend Mode F9: will recalculate all workbooks F10: will activate the menu bar F11: will open a new chart F12: will save the document.2152650121285For Microsoft PowerPoint F4: will repeat the last action F5: will start a slide show F6: will switch to the next pane in a clockwise way CTRL+ EQUAL SIGN: will apply a subscript formatting CTRL+ ADDITION SIGN: will apply a superscript formatting CTRL+ BACKSPACE: will delete a word CTRL+ F: will find a particular text CTRL+ K: will insert a hyperlink CTRL+ M: will insert a slide CTRL+ I: will set the text into italics CTRL+ D: will copy the current slide CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved PowerPoint file CTRL+ T: will open a Font dialogue CTRL+ Y: will repeat last action CTRL+ G: to view guides SHIFT+ ALT+ LEFT ARROW: will promote a paragraph SHIFT+ F3: will capitalize the text SHIFT+ALT+ RIGHT ARROW: will demote a paragraph SHIFT+F6: will switch to the previous pane in an anticlockwise way.2257425153670For Internet ExplorerF1: will display the Internet Explorer help F11: will allow the full screen option TAB KEY: will enable you to move through the items, address bar and links on your webpage ALT+HOME: will go to your home page ALT+LEFT ARROW: will go to the previous page SHIFT+F10: will display a shortcut menu for the link CTRL+TAB: will move forward between tabs SHIFT+CTRL+TAB: will move back between frames UP ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the beginning of the webpage DOWN ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the end of the webpage PAGE UP: will scroll by sections towards the beginning of the webpage PAGE DOWN: will scroll by sections towards the end of the webpage HOME: will move directly to the beginning of the webpage END: will move directly to the end of the webpage CTRL+F: will find some text on the page F5: will refresh the current page ESC: will stop loading the page CTRL+ N: will open a new window CTRL+ E: will open the Search option in the Explorer bar CTRL+ I: will open the Favorites option in Explorer bar CTRL+ H: will open the History option in Explorer bar224790038100For Windows Media PlayerALT + 1 (2 or 3): zoom of 50% (100% or 200%) ALT + Enter: toggle full screen Esc: Exit from full screen ALT + Left arrow: take a step back in your navigation history ALT + Right Arrow: move forward in your navigation history CTRL + 1: switch to full screen CTRL + 2: Switch to skin mode CTRL + B: previous (item or chapter) CTRL + F: next (item or chapter) CTRL + M: Toggle shuffle CTRL + T: toggle repeat CTRL + M: show/hide the Classic Menus (menu bar) CTRL + N: create a new playlist CTRL + O: open file CTRL + P: Play/Pause CTRL + S: Stop reading CTRL + S CTRL + U: specify a URL or file path Ctrl + Shift + C: Enable/disable captions and subtitles F2: Rename selected item F3: add media files to the library F5: update information F6: Increase the size of the album cover Shift + F6: reduce the size of the album cover F7: disable volume F8: decrease volume F9: Increase Volume ................

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