Custom icons not showing in iPad view

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Custom icons not showing in iPad view

Original Message (Posted just now 09:57am Dec 1, 2011 EST) by Joseph Rossi (Posts: 4) (IP: IP not logged)

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Hi Erik, Several icons do not appear in the iPad view, even if they are identified as iPad asset. For example, in page CA24 there are four icons in the top left corner. Only two (TBI, PDF) appear on the iPad. Several other pages have the same problem. Joseph

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(Msg # 1. : Posted Dec 1, 2011 11:12 am) by Erik Unhjem (Posts: 745)


Hi Joseph,

The reason that some of your custom icons displayed properly in the iPad view while others did not is that some of your custom icon artwork files were named properly while those that were missing were not. The artwork files for the TBI and PDF custom icons, which display properly, were simply named "TBI.png" and "PDF.png". The other icons, which didn't display, have spaces and/or special characters in their names, something which should ALWAYS be avoided. While the online application for Mac/Windows "forgives" such transgressions, the iPad view which uses a different application does not. You should make sure to properly name any file for online media use, whether it's for eText production or a file that's uploaded to the Pearson Media Server.

This issue has been resolved by renaming and reinstalling the custom icon files for iPad view that had spaces or special characters in the name, and then republishing the eText.



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