Why are my desktop icons not showing


Why are my desktop icons not showing

Windows/Mac/Linux: Keeping a desktop clean can be a bit difficult when it's so convenient to dump the ground for your junk. Here is a set of simple icons to prevent you from littering, and instead, keep everything nice and tidy. I use Dropbox to keep a very organized and synced home folder, which has a place called the dump for dumping files. But sometimes you don't want to sync/completely upload everything you do and that's when files start turning your desktop into a pile of trash. To deal with this problem, I created certain folder icons to help me stay organized. This way there is always a folder to grab files until I can move them elsewhere or act on them. Here's how the system works: When you love Dropbox as much as we do, you start syncing more and more things. The more things you sync,... Read more Upcoming Media occupies all the movie and music files I downloaded or transferred from other sources but I don't intend to leave on my computer. They sit in this folder until they are viewed/ listened to or sorted. Incoming images houses copied images from the SD card before they get uploaded to Flickr. Sometimes I keep the photos in Dropbox as well, but often they have to prepare first and I will transfer them to Dropbox after it has happened. This way, you don't sync until you're done. Temporary notes are where I store text files and sections that need to be deleted after they are processed. Although Simplenote I still somehow manage to collect stray text files. To be archived is probably the most important folder, like this is where files go when they need to be saved on an external drive or other location, but should not exist indefinitely on my computer. When I see the folder filling up, I know it's time to clean it up. I also have a sales and development folder, but these aren't as yishai as the others. For sale is where I keep pictures of things I sell on Craigslist and development is where I keep code I don't sync with other machines. You can use these icons to create a similar organizational system. If you want to add folders that are more complete to what you're doing, the Photoshop template is included in the download (at the end of this post) so you can create whatever you want. You'll also get copies of icons like candyBar iContainer, Mac folders, and ICO files, so you can use them with just about anything. If you create new icons, please share them in your notes so everyone can use them! Update: The missing icon issue has been resolved. I'm sorry about that! Not sure what happened. Whitebox iconics you can follow Adam Dachis, author of this post, on Twitter, Google +, and Facebook. Twitter is the best way to contact him, too. Even with special files protruding from them, the folder icons on the Windows Vista desktop can be quite difficult to differentiate, and there is no built-in OS X application like Painting to help in a quick location. Stupid little man's blog posts a post A guide to overcoming similarity with custom icons. It's quite similar to how you do the same in Windows XP, but it's worth a return visit for a desktop that can be navigated. Loyal reader Felix Valenzuela writes with this advice for changing folder icons in routine use to... Read more Customize folder icons in Vista for an extremely fast location of your files [Dumb Little Man] One of the things I love about Stardock icon organization fences program is the way it can quickly hide all your desktop icons. Just double-click each empty area and poof: they're gone. Double-clicking a second returns them again. I'm sure you didn't know you could get the same thing in Windows Vista and 7 (I'm not sure about XP), no fences needed. This is done in a way: 1. Right-click any blank area of the desktop, and then click over View.2. Click Show desktop icons to remove the check box. Presto! No more symbols! Now you can enjoy that luxurious Windows wallpaper without all the load. Don't worry, the icons haven't gone away for good: to bring them back, just repeat the steps above. Personally, I think hiding all your symbols permanently is a great way to go. Just train yourself to run programs using the Start menu, or, better yet, with a keyboard-based launcher like Launchy. Note: When you purchase something after clicking on links in our articles, we may earn a small fee. Read our Partner Link Policy for more details. Windows allows you to select large, medium, or small desktop icons. But did you know many other size options available? You can adjust the size of desktop icons by using a quick shortcut that involves the mouse wheel. The standard desktop icon sizes are available on the desktop context menu - right-click the desktop, point to Show, and select Large Icons, Medium Icons, or Small Icons. For more size options, position your mouse cursor over the desktop, hold down Ctrl on your keyboard, and scroll the mouse wheel up or down. Stop scrolling and release the Ctrl key after you find your favorite size. This shortcut allows you to choose a wider range of desktop icon sizes than the typical desktop context menu - we counted a range of 28 sizes, from especially small to surprisingly huge. The mouse wheel shortcut will give you more control over resizing your icons, shrinking or enlarging them much more than you might otherwise be. This trick also works in File Explorer or Windows Explorer. You can quickly resize file and folder icons by holding down Ctrl and rotating the mouse scroll wheel. If you have a new Mac, you might have noticed the words don't have free space under many of your desktop icons and documents. Don't worry, your computer's hard drive isn't actually out of space--your iCloud drive is. What is an iCloud drive? iCloud is Apple's cloud storage service, and it keeps your photos, contacts, and almost everything in sync within the Apple ecosystem. An iCloud drive and optimized storage are relatively new additions to your iCloud lineup, allowing you to store some of your files in iCloud and save space in Mac's hard drive. Related: How to use (or disable) iCloud-optimized storage on your Mac Here's the problem: This storage space is shared with the rest of iCloud and your other Apple devices - like iPhones and iPads - and you get a lame 5 GB on the free plan. If you have many photos, your iCloud drive might already be full. If you see the message there is no space on icons, you have probably also noticed messages like the one shown below, sent to you every few hours. These are caused by the same problem and will disappear as soon as the problem is fixed. You can upgrade to 50GB of iCloud space for just $1 a month, and promote it up to 2TB for $9.99 a month. But if you don't want to be nickel and dim, you can get rid of iCloud Drive altogether. Get rid of an iCloud drive You can disable iCloud Drive under iCloud settings in System Preferences. You'd think all you have to do is click the check box next to iCloud Drive, but there's a pretty big catch. By default, Apple will remove many files stored in iCloud from your Mac, and they will only become available if you turn it back on. You're going to want to make sure you save a copy instead of just clicking the Remove from Mac button. This will finally turn off the iCloud drive, but it will also move all desktop icons and documents to a new folder in your home library. So don't worry if you see them disappear - you'll just have to move them back manually. What if I'm still out of space? After iCloud Drive is disabled or upgraded to a more affordable size, the free notifications should start disappearing. But, if your hard drive fills up, you'll receive another message that says full disk space. If your physical drive doesn't have enough free space, there's not much you can do but clean some of the large files you don't need or move them to an external drive. Related: How to find and delete large files on your Mac To add an icon to your desktop, create a shortcut for it by right-clicking the file or program. Or add the icon directly through the desktop. To add the common desktop icons, go to Customize using the Start menu and select the icons to add. To add an icon to the desktop, first locate the program or file on your computer. To locate a file, press Windows-X, open the Many User menu, and start File Explorer. To locate a program, go to system drive C: and open Program Files. Now, right-click the file or program, click Send To, and then click Desktop (create a shortcut). The icon for this item should appear on the desktop. To add an icon directly through the desktop, right-click an empty area of the desktop and select a shortcut. Click Browse and select the file for which you want to create an icon. Click OK, and then click Next. Finally, type a name the icon and click Finish. To add common desktop icons, such as the Recycle Bin, Computer Folder, and Control Panel, open the Start menu, select Control Panel, and click Appearance and Customize. Then, click Customize and choose Change Desktop Icons. Now, click any box against the icons to add, and then click OK.

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