Why desktop is not showing any icons


Why desktop is not showing any icons

All of my desktop shortcut icons have turned black. I first deleted my Explorer thumbnail cache and then my icon cache. I did not get the icons back to normal until after I deleted the icon cache. But after I shut down and restarted the black icons were back. I went through this twice and both time they came back after I shut down and turned the laptop back on. How do I get rid of these black icons permanently? Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, but same results. That gets the icons back, but when I shut down and turn the laptop back on the black icons are back. 10 days ago I ran the .bat file to remove arrows from the icons. Everything was fine until last night. I have no idea why, but the black icons appeared. No amount of deleting the thumbnail and icon caches would permanently fix it. The black icons always came back once I completely shut down and then started the laptop again. To fix this I had to download the .bat file that restored arrows to icons. Black icons gone even after completely shutting down and then starting the laptop. Shortcut Arrow Icon - Change, Remove, or Restore in Windows 10 Windows 10 Customization Tutorials I then downloaded and ran the .bat file to remove the arrows again. After shutting down and restarting the black icons and arrows are still gone. what about to restore your system? Since system restore uses way to many resources I have it disabled. I always keep an updated image of my hard drives for times like this. If I had not been able to fix this by the weekend I would have just loaded the latest backed up image from this Sunday. If you don't have much things installed, that's the best idea. I fixed my problems with TortoiseSVN icons not showing up in Windows 10, for the special case where my repository was on a removable drive. There is a Tortoise setting that determines which Drive Types the icons are used with: Drives A: and B:, Removable drives, Network drives, Fixed drives, CD-ROM, RAM drives, and Unknown drives. It was NOT a problem with the naming of the icon overlays in the Windows Registry. The names were automatically prefixed with "1", "2", etc. to force them (in my computer) alphabetically at the top of the list just before the OneDrive icons. So, all of the icons were within the top 15. To get to the Tortoise settings, right click on Desktop or a folder and then choose TortoiseSVN > Settings. In Settings, choose Icon Overlays. There'll you find the Drive Types settings. I recently noticed that I have x marks on the lower left of all my desktop icons. If I logoff and logon they disappear...until I add another icon. They then all come back. Have been searching for a solution. Any help appreciated. I recently noticed that I have x marks on the lower left of all my desktop icons. If I logoff and logon they disappear...until I add another icon. They then all come back. Have been searching for a solution. Any help appreciated. Here's the fix: If you are working in your system and you come across a predicament where you don't find icons on your system taskbar anymore, it is seriously going to be a real trouble. Taskbar on Windows is the only location where the user at last prefers to hit the mouse click in order to set things right. Besides, it is through the icons displayed on the taskbar that you can immediately come back to the desktop, alter the system volume magnitude, open the Windows Explorer, check the time and date, and many more with no end to the list of reliable tools it serves. Thus setting the taskbar back to its normal pace with all its icons available is the foremost step that you should take if you ever see the icons go missing. The article here would serve you the same purpose with few fabulous methods which would fix icon not showing on taskbar with few simple steps. Part 1: Fix Icon Not Showing on Taskbar by Windows Explorer The method is one of the simples of all, yet it is very effective in bringing icons back to taskbar in case of hurry. Many a times the background processes or tasks impedes the taskbar from functioning properly, thus setting the taskbar right would automatically resolve your issue with the icons. Step 1. Firstly press the "Windows logo key + R" to launch the "Run" command. Step 2. After the "Run" tool box appears on the screen type in "taskmgr.exe" command and hit "Enter". It will open the Task Manager all of its own accord. Step 3. Click on the tab labeled as "Processes" from the list of other tabs displayed, and then trace down till you find out "Windows Explorer" process enlisted in the list of currently running processes. Step 4. Now click on the "Windows Explorer" process to select it and then click on the "Restart" button at the bottom right corner of the windows to restart the process again. This would terminate the process immediately and would definitely resolve the issue with the icons not appearing. But if the process is still not working, then better head on to the next method to sort it out. Also read: How to Fix Windows Taskbar Not Working Issue? Part 2: Fix Icon Not Showing on Windows 10 Taskbar via Registry Editor This method basically involved the registry key manipulation which at times proves to be critically dangerous for your system if you are not well adept with the technical skills. Thus it is highly recommended to not to use registry editor to resolve your issue if you are a beginner. Step 1.Press "Windows Key + R" from the keyboard to open the "Run" dialogue box. Type in "regedit" and hit "Enter" to open the "Registry Editor". Step 2. At the menu bar click on "Edit" tab and click on "Find" option from the drop-down menu. Step 3. A new search window will open up. Type "iconstreams" on the search box, and hit "Enter" to initiate the search process. Step 4. Now delete all the instances from the right side pane. Step 5. Again type "pasticonstreams" in the "Find" search box and delete the right hand side instances. Step 6. Exit "Registry Editor" and then reboot the computer to refresh the processes. Don't miss: How to Clean Registry Windows 10? Part 3: Re-registering the Taskbar using Windows Powershell Here in this section, you don't have to manipulate the system settings, rather run certain commands in the powershell, which is enough to do the job. Just follow the steps laid out balow to actuate the method: Step 1. Click on the "Windows" key and type "Powershell". Step 2. Right click on the Powershell option in the output list and click on "Run as administrator" option from the drop down menu to launch it with admin privileges. Step 3. Now copy-paste the following command in the blue Powershell dialogue box: Get-AppXPackage AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} The process will take some time to execute the output successfully. Step 4. After the command line has been executed, trace the following location: C:/Users/name/AppData/Local/ Replace the "name" with your user account name and make sure that you hidden files showing feature is enabled. Step 5. Now scroll down the list of options and find out the file named "TileDataLayer" and simply delete the folder. Now move back to the system home screen and check if the icons have re-appeared or not on the taskbar. If you have actuated the steps as exactly as explained then definitely your attempt would be successfully. Conclusion: As you know that taskbar is one of the essential parts of your Windows system, thus attending to the issue of not showing icons should be the first priority among all your tasks, lest you would not be able to perform any task any more. The methods mentioned above are very easier to put to use, but you need to have the basic expertise with computers before you can successfully pull over the guidelines as explained. Mar.21 2018 1 9:49 PM. / Posted by Vicky Tiffany to Windows Your laptop is probably set to extend your desktop onto the projector instead of duplicating it. If you're using Windows, follow this guide from Microsoft for how to cycle through the different projector options, or press Windows + P and select Duplicate. You should see four options that look like this: In Extend mode, you should be able to drag icons or programs back and forth between your laptop's desktop and the projector. In Duplicate mode, your icons, open programs, etc. should show up on both the laptop and the projector. It's unclear if the icons are still showing but do not reflect the reply/forward status or that the icons are not showing at all. Let's first make sure the icon column is actually still showing.Adding the Icon columnThe Icon column is enabled by default but could be missing. To verify that it is still there or to add it use;Outlook 2010 tab View> group Arrangement-> button Add ColumnsOutlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 View-> Arrange By-> Custom-> button Fields...Outlook 2002/XP and previous View-> Current View-> Customize Current View-> button Fields...If the the Icon column is not listed in the right panel, then you'll need to add it from the Frequently-used fields panel on the left. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to position it correctly.Icon doesn't reflect the statusIf the icon has been added but it does not show the reply or forward status, then there could be various reasons why this is happening. The most common ones;You replied to a message which was using a custom form; There is no solution for this.You have a virus scanner that integrates with Outlook which is causing some nastiness; Disable or uninstall this integration and try again;You have an add-in installed which does something to special to a message; See if it works correctly in Outlook Safe Mode or when you disable all your add-ins.The message has been replied to or forwarded with a mobile device; Not all devices or sync applications support syncing the forward/reply status as well.If you are using Exchange or the Outlook Connector you could be experiencing sync issues between Outlook and the mail server. Check the Sync Issues folder for any reports or items that experienced issues. Use "BH93RF24" to get a discount when ordering!

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