Desktop shortcuts not showing windows 10


Desktop shortcuts not showing windows 10

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies -- AI and DNA computing in... Read more Updated: Jul 9, 2020 Icons are the de-facto way of accessing applications.Therefore, not being able to see your icons can be very troublesome.We have plenty of other troubleshooting articles like this one in our dedicated System Errors Hub.For more guidance on PC-related issues, visit our website's Windows 10 Errors page. XINSTALL BY CLICKING THE DOWNLOAD FILE To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool: This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps: Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here). Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer's security and performance Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month. Windows 10 might be a brand new operating system, and it might have gotten above the design flaws that Windows 8 brought with it ? it is not a perfect operating system, and it still has to carry the burden of all the issues Windows has accumulated over the past decades. This problem is not common to Windows 10, so some solutions made for previous versions of Windows might or might not work ? however today we are going to show you some solutions for Windows 10 specifically. What to do if Desktop icons stop showing in Windows 10 But first here is a temporary patch rather than a solution, it should get your icons back but it's not going to permanently fix the reason causing them to disappear. Here it goes: On your keyboard, press Control + Alt + Delete keys and then click on Task Manager. Open the Process tab and locate explorer.exe, then click on it and then click the End task button on the bottom. In the Task Manager, click on File at the top left and click Run new task. Type "explorer.exe" in the box, and then proceed to click OK. Your icons and taskbar should now pop back up, and you should be able to operate your computer for the time being. For a more permanent solution, we first need to learn some of the causes for this problem ? it could be a corruption of Windows files, or maybe a malware you might have caught from the internet, or maybe even some random software that is behaving badly. 2. Maybe it is something you installed? Try to remember what software you installed recently ? it could be a photo editor or even a brand new antivirus ? anything can cause this absurd issue. If you match this criterion you must try and uninstall this software and see if that fixes the problem. Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is. Click here to download and start repairing. You could also run a full PC virus scan with the AntiVirus you have installed while you are at it, just in case, it is a malware. One last option you could try would be doing a System Restore ? this basically turns the clock back on your PC and restore your primary Windows files back to how they were when the given restore point was created. To do this, simply follow these instructions: Open your Start Menu and type rstrui.exe, then open the first result ? this should open the Windows System Restore utility. Now follow the onscreen instructions until you see a page with all of your existing restore points. Pick the restore point on or before the date you started facing the issue ? and then start the restoration process. Once done, restart your computer. 3. Disable the tablet mode Open Settings > System and choose Tablet mode from the left. Now locate the Make Windows more touch-friendly when using your device as a tablet and set it to off. Your desktop icons should now appear. If that doesn't work, try turning on and off Tablet mode a few times. 4. Disable the second monitor If you've used a dual monitor setup before, it's possible that Desktop icons are set to appear on the second monitor. So, make sure to disable the second monitor if you're not using it, and the icons may appear. 5. Make sure the Show Desktop icons feature is enabled Although it may sound banal, it's quite possible you overlooked this. So, just to be sure, check if your Desktop icons are set to appear once again. Here's how to do that: Right-click on the empty area on your desktop. Choose View and you should see the Show Desktop icons option. Try checking and unchecking Show Desktop icons option a few times but remember to leave this option checked. 6. Turn off Start Full Screen Some users also reported that using the Start Menu in the Full-Screen mode can somehow hide the Desktop icons. So, if nothing from above resolved the problem, let's try turning off the Start Menu Full-screen mode, as well. To turn off this option, go to Settings > Personalization > Start > toggle off Use Start full screen. 7. Rebuild icon cache One of the most common tweaks when resolving the missing icons problem is rebuilding the icons cache. So, we're going to try that, as well. Here's how to rebuild the icons cache in Windows 10: Go to Start > type file explorer > double click on the first result In the new File Explorer window, go to View and check Hidden Items in order to display hidden files and folders Navigate to C:Users(User Name)AppDataLocal > scroll all the way down Right-click on IconCache.db > click on Delete > Yes. Go to Recycle Bin > empty it Restart your computer. This article covers:Topics: Was this page helpful? 9 Start a conversation CC0/Pexels/Pixabay The Finishing Touch to a RoomWindow treatments are a decorative and functional part of a room. They add splashes of color or tie together all the pieces of furniture and accessories in the space to create a cohesive look. At the same time, they provide privacy for you and your family and help you control the amount of light that enters your home. Changing the window treatments in a room is an easy way to update the look of the room without completely redecorating it. Trade blinds for drapes to add softness to the room, or swap heavy curtains for shades to lighten the space. Top a shade with a printed valance or swag to give the window dimension. Frame windows with curtains in a bold color to add contrast to the room. There are many options for window design, but shopping for window treatments doesn't have to be a daunting task. You just need a basic understanding of the available options and have a plan for the room's design.Learn the LingoWhen you're shopping for window treatments, it helps to know the terms used to classify and describe them. This is also a practical way to familiarize yourself with the available options for your windows so you can narrow your choices. Start with the basics and learn the difference between blinds, shades, shutters and 0/mploscar/Pixabay Although some people use the terms interchangeably, they refer to specific types of window treatments. Blinds and shutters are typically made from sturdy materials like wood or metal and have slats that open and close. Shades and valances are pieces of fabric. Shades roll up and down over the entire window, but valances are just decorative pieces at the top.Other words that come in handy are installation terms. Inside mount means the window treatment hangs inside the window casing. Outside mount refers to a window treatment attached to the wall surrounding the window. Hardware may refer to the brackets and supports that hold the window treatment in place or decorative pieces like finials at the end of curtain rods.Get to Know Your WindowsBefore you start shopping for window treatments, take a good look at the spot you want to dress. Note the number of windows, their basic shape and how closely they're grouped together. Inspect the window casing. Locate the window hardware.Then it's time to measure the windows' length, width and depth. Grab a steel tape measure and paper to record notes. Work from left to right and top to bottom. You should get three measurements for each dimension (left, center and right for the width and top, middle and bottom for the length and depth).This information will help you narrow your search. Unless you're buying custommade window treatments, you have to find pieces that actually fit your window. You also want to find window treatments that enhance the window. For example, if the window casings look a bit worn and you don't have time to replace them, you may want to opt for blinds or shades mounted on the outside of the window or pair a shade with curtains to disguise the casing.Pick a StyleThe final consideration when shopping for window treatments is the style of the room. What you put over the windows may complement or contrast with the furniture and colors. Traditional rooms feel warm and inviting. In these rooms you see wood accents, plush furniture and decorative items like baskets, plants and wall hangings that catch your eye. Solid color drapes and wood shutters work well in these rooms because they don't detract from the rest of the 0/PIRO4D/Pixabay Modern rooms have clean lines and feature a minimalist approach to decorating. Simple shades and blinds carry the streamlined look throughout the room. Solid color curtains may provide an interesting contrast to the rest of the room and add a touch of softness. On the other end of the decorating spectrum, cottage style has a casual, cozy feel. Shutters add architectural detail that contrasts beautifully with casual furnishings. Sheer curtains over the windows enhance the light and airy ambience of the room, especially if you live in an area with plenty of outdoor breezes. MORE FROM

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