Windows 10 desktop icons not showing after update


Windows 10 desktop icons not showing after update

CC0/Pexels/Pixabay The Finishing Touch to a RoomWindow treatments are a decorative and functional part of a room. They add splashes of color or tie together all the pieces of furniture and accessories in the space to create a cohesive look. At the same time, they provide privacy for you and your family and help you control the amount of light that enters your home. Changing the window treatments in a room is an easy way to update the look of the room without completely redecorating it. Trade blinds for drapes to add softness to the room, or swap heavy curtains for shades to lighten the space. Top a shade with a printed valance or swag to give the window dimension. Frame windows with curtains in a bold color to add contrast to the room. There are many options for window design, but shopping for window treatments doesn't have to be a daunting task. You just need a basic understanding of the available options and have a plan for the room's design.Learn the LingoWhen you're shopping for window treatments, it helps to know the terms used to classify and describe them. This is also a practical way to familiarize yourself with the available options for your windows so you can narrow your choices. Start with the basics and learn the difference between blinds, shades, shutters and 0/mploscar/Pixabay Although some people use the terms interchangeably, they refer to specific types of window treatments. Blinds and shutters are typically made from sturdy materials like wood or metal and have slats that open and close. Shades and valances are pieces of fabric. Shades roll up and down over the entire window, but valances are just decorative pieces at the top.Other words that come in handy are installation terms. Inside mount means the window treatment hangs inside the window casing. Outside mount refers to a window treatment attached to the wall surrounding the window. Hardware may refer to the brackets and supports that hold the window treatment in place or decorative pieces like finials at the end of curtain rods.Get to Know Your WindowsBefore you start shopping for window treatments, take a good look at the spot you want to dress. Note the number of windows, their basic shape and how closely they're grouped together. Inspect the window casing. Locate the window hardware.Then it's time to measure the windows' length, width and depth. Grab a steel tape measure and paper to record notes. Work from left to right and top to bottom. You should get three measurements for each dimension (left, center and right for the width and top, middle and bottom for the length and depth).This information will help you narrow your search. Unless you're buying custom-made window treatments, you have to find pieces that actually fit your window. You also want to find window treatments that enhance the window. For example, if the window casings look a bit worn and you don't have time to replace them, you may want to opt for blinds or shades mounted on the outside of the window or pair a shade with curtains to disguise the casing.Pick a StyleThe final consideration when shopping for window treatments is the style of the room. What you put over the windows may complement or contrast with the furniture and colors. Traditional rooms feel warm and inviting. In these rooms you see wood accents, plush furniture and decorative items like baskets, plants and wall hangings that catch your eye. Solid color drapes and wood shutters work well in these rooms because they don't detract from the rest of the 0/PIRO4D/Pixabay Modern rooms have clean lines and feature a minimalist approach to decorating. Simple shades and blinds carry the streamlined look throughout the room. Solid color curtains may provide an interesting contrast to the rest of the room and add a touch of softness. On the other end of the decorating spectrum, cottage style has a casual, cozy feel. Shutters add architectural detail that contrasts beautifully with casual furnishings. Sheer curtains over the windows enhance the light and airy ambience of the room, especially if you live in an area with plenty of outdoor breezes. MORE FROM Many people make heavy use of their desktop to keep important shortcuts to applications and files they use often. When those desktop icons disappear, it can really impact your productivity. We compiled potential causes and solutions to missing desktop icons in Windows 10, including configuration settings to ensure it doesn't happen again. There are several reasons that your desktop icons could go missing. These include: We'll look at the easiest and most common solutions first, and then move on to the more advanced ones. Restart your PC. When in doubt, restart, especially if you haven't powered down your computer in a while. Enable Windows 10 desktop visibility. You might have configured your desktop to hide all desktop icons. If this setting changes accidentally or due to other installed software, setting it back to normal is fairly easy. Right-click anywhere in the Windows desktop area and select View from the menu that appears. You'll see a list of items to customized desktop icons. At the bottom, you'll see Show desktop icons. If it isn't enabled already, that's the reason icons have disappeared from your Windows 10 desktop. Disable Windows 10 Tablet mode. The easiest way is to Select the Action Center icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, then click Tablet mode. Update Windows 10. If there has been a recent Windows 10 update, it could be that your missing desktop icons are related to a vulnerability patch contained in that update. A final fix to try to resolve the issue is to make sure you update your Windows 10 system to the latest release. Use the system file checker to repair system files. Another issue that can lead to missing Windows 10 desktop icons is when system files become corrupt due to viruses, malware, or anything else. Thankfully, the System File Checker utility (also known as "sfc") lets you scan your computer for corrupt system files and automatically repair them. Rebuild the icon cache with a command prompt. The Windows 10 OS maintains which icons to display on your desktop via cache files. At times this cache can fall out of sync with the actual icons you created on your desktop. You can force Windows to rebuild these cache files by deleting them. See instructions below. Reset your PC to factory settings if all else fails. If nothing else works, consider resetting your PC and starting from scratch. Be sure you've backed up your Windows 10 PC first. The Windows 10 OS maintains which icons to display on your desktop via cache files. At times this cache can fall out of sync with the actual icons you created on your desktop. You can force Windows to rebuild these cache files by deleting them. Select the Start menu and type cmd. Right-click the Command Prompt app and select Run as administrator. This will launch the Command Prompt window in Administrator mode. You will need to select Yes to confirm that Command Prompt can make changes on your device. After typing cmd, you can also use the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keyboard shortcut to launch Command Prompt in Administrator mode. You'll need to type five lines of commands pressing Enter after each. These commands will kill the explorer.exe app that manages icons, delete the icon cache, and then restart explorer.exe. taskkill /F /IM explorer.execd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Localattrib -h IconCache.dbdel IconCache.dbstart explorer.exe After typing the command to kill explorer.exe, you will notice the entire background will go black. This can be slightly shocking, but the command prompt window will continue working, and you can continue typing all commands in sequence. Once you type the start explorer.exe command, the background and icons will return back to normal. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why! To delete a Windows 10 desktop icon, right-click it and select Delete.You can also delete desktop icons by dragging them to the Windows 10 Recycle Bin.Files and shortcuts can both live on the Windows 10 desktop, so be careful when deleting them. This article is a guide to deleting icons from the Windows 10 desktop, with additional information on how to tell the difference between a file and a shortcut icon and what to do when you accidentally delete an icon. Removing icons is one of the best and easiest ways to clean and speed up your Windows 10 desktop. You can delete all Windows 10 desktop icons in a matter of seconds with just a few mouse clicks. All you need to do is right-click the icon on your Windows 10 desktop and select Delete from the popup menu. If you're using a Windows 10 device, such as a Microsoft Surface, with a touchscreen, you can also trigger the menu by performing a long press on the desktop icon. Alternatively, you can delete desktop icons by dragging them to the Recycle Bin icon (which should also be on the desktop). Want to delete all desktop icons on Windows 10 at once? Highlight all of the icons with your mouse by dragging the cursor over them. Once they're all highlighted, right-click one of them and select Delete or drag them all to the Recycle Bin. If you don't want to delete any files or shortcuts from your Windows 10 desktop, but you still want to move them out of the way while you work, you have a couple of options. The first option is to hide the icons from view. To do this, right-click your desktop, select View, and uncheck Show desktop icons. This is a great choice for those who like their Windows 10 desktop icons' aesthetic but don't want to see them all of the time. To make your desktop icons visible again, repeat the above instructions. Your second option is to move the icons to another location on your Windows 10 device. You can do this very quickly by dragging the icons into another folder location. You can also right-click the icons, select Cut, and then right-click and select Paste in the target folder. A Windows 10 desktop can store both files and shortcuts to files. The former is the actual file, while the latter is a tiny file that links to another file or program's location elsewhere on your computer or tablet. While desktop shortcuts and files can appear similar, you can easily spot a shortcut by looking for the small arrow in the icon's lower-left corner. If the icon doesn't have this arrow, it's the full file. If it does, it's a shortcut. Windows 10 desktop shortcuts have an arrow in the lower-left of their image. It means when you delete a file's icon from the desktop on Windows 10, you'll delete the whole file. If you delete a shortcut icon, you're just deleting the shortcut to the file. If you want to uninstall or delete the program entirely, you'll need to uninstall it the same way you would other Windows 10 apps. Any deleted desktop icons can be undeleted as long as you haven't emptied the Recycle Bin. If you have cleared out the Recycle Bin, you can create a new desktop shortcut icon or attempt to retrieve the deleted Windows 10 file via various proven strategies. FAQ How do I remove icons from a desktop that won't delete? Users sometimes encounter a folder, shortcut, or file icon that won't delete. You may get a "File Access Denied" or "File in Use" message or another error. There are several ways to troubleshoot this issue. First, try rebooting your system, and then try to remove the icon again. If you get a "File in Use" message, check to see if the file or folder is open and in use; if it is, exit the application. If you're unable to delete a file due to its permissions, right-click on it and select Properties > Security > Advanced. Next to Owner, enter the username you want to be the file's owner, then try deleting the icon, file, or folder again. Another option: try rebooting in Safe Mode, then try to delete the problematic file. How do I remove icons from a Mac desktop? To easily remove an icon from a Mac desktop, right-click on the icon and select Move to Trash. You can also hold down the Shift key, select multiple icons, then drag them to the Trash. To hide all your desktop icons without deleting any files or folders, open Terminal and type in: defaults write CreateDesktop false killall Finder. To make your icons reappear, type defaults write CreateDesktop true killall Finder into Terminal. How do I remove icons from the desktop if I'm running Windows 7? To remove icons on a Windows 7 desktop, right-click and select Delete, just as you would on a Windows 10 desktop. How do I remove checkmarks from desktop icons? If you're not a fan of the checkboxes that show up when you select a file or folder in Windows 10, it's easy to remove them. Launch File Explorer and select View. In the Show/Hide area, uncheck the box next to Item check boxes. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why!

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