Deep freeze icon not showing windows 10


Deep freeze icon not showing windows 10

Deep freeze is a program that keeps your PC clean and safe. But if you don't want to use it anymore and you want to delete it, it can be very annoying because you can't just go to uninstall and get rid of it You would need to boot thawed, your password plus the installation file. Option 1 ? Uninstall With Password: 1. Go to system tray on your computer, on the lower right on screen and press shift SHIFT+Double Click on Deep Freeze icon enter your password and then click enter. 2. In the preferences click on Boot Thawed and click on Apply and Reboot. 3. When your pc completes rebooting you should see an X sign on deep freeze icon on system tray and that indicates that deep freeze is disabled, then you should have the installation file of deep freeze DFStd.exe file that you got when you first download deep freeze if not you can download from here, click on it and click on Uninstall and then your pc will restart and you will not have deep freeze installed anymore. Option 2 ? Uninstall Without Password: 1. Restart your computer and then click BIOS setup button often that key is something like F2, F10 or DEL and there change the time in BIOS for about 10 years ahead or behind the current one, deep freeze will think that the machine is not running anymore. 2. During the boot process rapidly tap F8 to enter advanced startup menu and then select Debugging Mode and press enter. 3. When the windows logo appears rappidly press CTRL+ALT+DEL to open task manager before the windows start up so it means immediatly after the welcome screen dissappears and then click on Task Manager. 4. When task manager opens you will need to go to Processes tab and find FrzState2K.exe process and click on end process. 5. Delete the main folder directory of deep freeze that is located:C:\Program Files\Faronics\ or C:\Program Files(x86)\Faronics. 6. Delete the saved registry of deep freeze by going to Start>Run>regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ and delete the entire Farconis folder. 7. Now restart your computer and you have removed deep freeze succesfuly without a password. Home Forums > General Discussions > Software > Discussion in 'Software' started by mark1065, May 15, 2011. (You must log in or sign up to reply here.) Home Forums > General Discussions > Software > Some people take computer security matter seriously. These are the kind of people who would install Deep Freeze to protect their computer. The convenience of the application is that it will restore the computer to the original pre-set configuration upon reboot. So any change that happens between reboots, including virus and malware infections, can be eliminated easily. The problem is, removing the application when you don't need it anymore is a real pain in the neck. You can't just uninstall it. The trouble is multiplied when you forgot the password that protects the app. This measurement is understandable as security apps' job is to make it difficult for anyone to compromise the computer. But if you have to remove Deep Freeze, here are ways to do that. The real problem comes when you need to uninstall Deep Freeze without knowing or forgetting the password because you are just forgetful or maybe you inherited the Deep-Freeze-installed computer from someone else. It's still possible to uninstall the application, but you need to jump through more hoops to do so. The easiest way to get rid of Deep Freeze without a password is to format the hard drive where the application is installed and clean-install your Windows. But this method will also wipe every other data on the drive clean. If you don't want to take such extreme measure and you still want to keep the other data, you can try this following method. First, restart the computer and enter the BIOS setup environment. You can do so by pressing F2, F10, or DEL button during restarting. There are differences between computers on how to enter BIOS, but it's usually written down on the screen at the beginning of restart process. On the BIOS screen, change the computer date to several years ahead or behind the current date. This will make Deep Freeze think that the machine is not running anymore. Then save the BIOS settings and restart the computer. During this restart, enter the Debugging Mode. The shortcut key should be rapid F8 keystrokes. But again, please consult the screen instruction on how to do it. When the Windows logo appears, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open Task Manager. On the Task Manager, open Processes tab and find FrzState2K.exe. Select that process and click the End Process button. With the application inactive, you could go and delete the folder where Deep Freeze is located. Try either of these locations: C:\Program Files\Faronics\ or C:\Program Files(x86)\Faronics. The last step is to delete the saved registry of Deep Freeze. You can use regedit to do it. Open Start - Run, type in regedit and hit Enter. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ then find and delete the entire Farconis folder. Restart your computer to complete the whole process, and you are free from Deep Freeze. Now let look at the method of doing that when you do have the password. Since you can't uninstall Deep Freeze when it's active, you must disable it first. First, hover your mouse to the System Tray on the lower right corner of your computer screen and press the Shift button while double clicking on the Deep Freeze icon. The application window will appear, and it will ask for your password. Fill in your password and click OK (or hit Enter button). Then you will arrive at Deep Freeze's Preferences interface. Choose Boot Thawed inside the Status on Next Boot pane, then click Apply and Reboot. Your computer will be rebooted, and you will see the "X" sign on the Deep Freeze icon in the System Tray. That is the indication that the application is currently disabled and you can safely uninstall it. Open the installation file called DFStd.exe. You should have this file from when your first download the app. If you don't have it handy, you could re-download the file from here. With the installation file running, choose Uninstall and continue with the process. Your computer will be restarted once more, and you can see the Deep Freeze is no more. That's all for how to remove Deep Freeze with or without password on Windows 10/8.1/8/7. And if you have problem to recover lost Windows login password, here we recommend Windows Password Key for your reference. Related Articles Crack Laptop Password How to Reset Microsoft Account Password How to boot from USB Flash Drive in Windows comments powered by This problem generally occurs on workstations running an nVidia nForce based motherboard chipset. nForce IDE drivers report the characteristics of devices attached to the IDE controllers in a certain way that prevents Deep Freeze from functioning properly.nForce IDE drivers with version numbers earlier than v6.66 "WHQL" will display this type of behavior. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that the workstation be updated to the latest version of the nForce IDE drivers. If updated versions of the IDE drivers are not available for your specific platform, remove the IDE drivers for Deep Freeze to function properly. In some cases, workstations may be configured with an IDE or SATA raid controller. In such a scenario, updating the driver may require that the operating system be re-loaded. Also, the updated driver should be used to allow Windows to see the RAID array during Windows installation. Please note that if updated SATA / IDE RAID drivers are not available, the system will not be able to run Deep Freeze when the computer boots from the SATA RAID controller. To resolve this issue, configure your computer with the hard disks connected to a non-RAID controller that can be seen by Windows without the use of the SATA RAID Driver. Two problem here: Just like the title, when Faronics' deep freeze is running at my computer, how can I find whether it is in frozen state programatically? Deep freeze seriously influence my software update scheme, Is there any good idea to handle it? Any answer is appreciated. thanks! Good evening StackExchange, I recently purchased a copy of Faronics' DeepFreeze software. I installed and configured it on 07/01/2020. I have not had a problem with it at all until today. If you are familiar with DeepFreeze you will know that after installation it places an icon in the system tray. The purpose of DeepFreeze is to freeze your computer in a usable state. If for some reason I get a virus or some malware, all I have to do is reboot and the machine is back in a usable state. When you want to install some software or have a windows update to perform, then you must thaw the machine and reboot, then you can do whatever maintenance is needed. Once done you have to freeze the computer again and reboot. I just wanted to give you the short and fast explaination of deepfreeze. Now to my problem. I just looked into the system icon tray and the deepfreeze icon was missing (you need that icon to freeze and thaw the machine). When the icon is there , all you have to do to freeze or unfreeze the machine is to press the ctrl then shift buttons and the deepfreeze login screen appears. I looked in the uninstall in control panel , but the application wasn't there. I looked for the service , which is DFserv. It was not there. I looked into the program files location and the files were there. So I decided to re-install the application. However, when I double clicked on the install application it gave me the following message "This install program cannot determine product version information". I am hoping that someone is this forum has had a similar issue , or is familiar with Faronics Deep Freeze. I would appreciate any help I can get. For completeness I am using Windows 10 Pro version 2004 and build 19041.388.

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