Name Professor Angela W. Little

Nationality Manx/British

Date of Birth 24.12.49


1971 BSc (1st Class Honours), University of Surrey, Psychology and Sociology

1974 Postgraduate Certificate of Education (Primary Education), University of London Goldsmith’s College

1982 D.Phil, University of Sussex


2011- current Professor Emerita, University College London Institute of Education

1987-2010 Professor of Education and International Development, Institute of Education, University of London

2007 Founding Member, London International Development Centre, University of London

2003-2004 Pro-Director International, Institute of Education, University of London

1995 - 2001 Head: Education and International Development Group, Institute of Education, University of London

1990 –1998 Founding Member and Co-director, International Centre for Research on Assessment, Institute of Education

1982-87 Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

1974-82 Research Officer, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

1973 Research Assistant, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

1971-72 Secondary School Teacher (Maths and Physics), Ijebu-ode, Nigeria (Voluntary Service Overseas


1987 -1988 President, British Comparative and International Education Society (BCIES)

1987 -1995 UK Government-appointed Commissioner, Commonwealth Scholarships Commission

1987 - 2000 Member of Council, Overseas Development Institute, London

1988 - 2005 Trustee, International Committee on Plantation Education

1996 - 1999 Member of Council, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London

2001 - 2002 President, British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE)

2007 - 2014 Trustee, UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET)

2011 - 2015 Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Young Lives Research Study, funded by DFID and the Government of the Netherlands

2013 - 2014 Deputy Chair, United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET)

Academic Journals:

1988. - 2010 Editorial Board, Comparative Education

1988. - Advisory Board, International Journal of Educational Development

1993 - 2002 Executive Editor: Assessment in Education

1998 - Advisory Board, Journal of Educational Administration and Planning

2003 - 2009 Advisory Board, Caribbean Journal of Education

2009 - International Advisory Board Journal of Applied Research in Education

Honorary Professorships/Fellowships

2011 Professor Emerita, University College London, Institute of Education

1992- Advisory Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai, Peoples’ Republic of China

1988- Honorary Professor, Hangzhou University/University of Zhejiang, Peoples’ Republic of China

1998- Distinguished Fellow: Flinders University, Adelaide

Honour: Invited Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK (FAcSS)

Award: Sahithiya Viza Vurudu, Ministry of Education-Tamil, Central Province Sri Lanka (Dec 2010)



'Non-cognitive' constructs and measures for the Young Lives School Surveys, Oxford, Young Lives Working Paper no 170 Young Lives-Working Paper 170-Little (1)

The development of non-cognitive instruments in Ethiopia, India, Vietnam, Oxford, Technical Note 41 (co-authored with Oblageri, Bridget Azubuike) Young Lives technical note

Review of The MultiGrade MultiLevel Methodology and its Global Significance, By Muller, T., Lichtinger, U. And Girg, R. (2015), in International Journal of Development Education, Vol 8, 2, 2017. 

BLOG The Angela W Little Sri Lanka collection held at the University College Institute of Education Library


Globalisation, Employment and Education in Sri Lanka: opportunity and division, Colombo: Sarasavi (co-authored with Siri Hettige)

Globalisation and Education in Asia, Paper presented at the University of Minho, Braga, June 14th

Learning and Teaching in Multigrade Classes: from a pedagogy of necessity to a pedagogy of choice. Key note lecture delivered at the World Conference Multigrade Muti;level Methodologies and their Global Significance, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Feb 17-19, 2016

Review of The MultiGrade MultiLevel Mathodology and its Global Significance, By Muller, T., Lichtinger, U. And Girg, R. (2015) published in


Globalisation, Employment and Education in Sri Lanka: opportunity and division (co-authored with Siti T Hettige) Paperback edition, Routledge, London and New York, ISBN 978-1-138-64621-6 (ebk ISBN 978-0-203-08418-2)

Learning English in Sri Lankan primary schools: opportunities, pedagogy and development goals. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Education and Development, Oxford Sept 15-17, 2015 (co-authored with Mari Shojo)

Decentralisation, participation and pedagogy: learning for empowerment. Key note address given at the 2nd Anil Bordia Memorial Policy Seminar on People’s Participation and Decentralised Educational Governance, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, Feb 16-17 2015

The Young Lives Longitudinal Study: methodological considerations


Guest Editor (with Caine Rolleston) ‘School quality counts: evidence from developing countries’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol 40, No 1 (February)

‘Children’s learning practices in Ethiopia: Observations from primary school classes’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol 40, No 1 (February) (co-authored with Melanie Frost)

A rigorous review of the political economy of education systems in developing countries (Kingdon, G.G., Little, A., Aslam, M., Rawal, S., Moe, T., Patrinos, H., Beteille, T., Banerji, R., Parton, B. and Sharma, S K, EPPI Centre Report no 2203

Reciprocal relations between globalization and education in Asia. Key note address at the 11th Japan Education Forum on ‘Globalisation, education and international cooperation’, Tokyo, Feb 19-20, 2014

‘Globalisation and education in Sri Lanka’, Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres [En ligne], Colloque : L’éducation en Asie en 2014 : Quels enjeux mondiaux ?, mis en ligne le 05 juin 2014, consulté le 02 septembre 2015. URL :

Analysis of education in lower-middle and middle-income countries for the Sri Lanka program. Education Resource Facility, ERF 11118, October


Globalisation, Employment and Education in Sri Lanka: opportunity and division, London: Routledge (co-authored with Siri Hettige) – for sample from Chapter 1 see

Transforming Primary Education in Sri Lanka: from a ‘subject’ of education to a ‘stage’ of education, World Bank South Asia Development Sector, Report no 61

Independent Completion Report of the Basic Education Sector Program in Sri Lanka (with Perera, W., Sivagnanam, M. and Jennings, J.), AusAID


Educational Progress among the Indian Tamil Minority in the Plantations of Sri Lanka, in Sleeter, C. et al School Education, Pluralism and Marginality: comparative perspectives, New Delhi, Orient Blackswan Private Limited


Education policy reform in Sri Lanka: the double-edged sword of political will, Journal of Education Policy, 26, 4 pp. 499-512

Guest Editor ‘The Policies, Politics and Progress of Access to Basic Education’, Journal of Education Policy, 26, 4 (editorial with Keith M Lewin pp. 477-482)

Guest Editor ‘Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries’ International Journal of Educational Development (editorial with Keith M Lewin)

Access, Attendance and Achievement in Rural Schools in Sri Lanka (with H.N.Upul Indika and C. Rolleston) CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No 73, London/Sussex

A review of major global initiatives related to Education for All (EFA) and the education-specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Paris, UNESCO ED-11/EFA/Review/6


(with others) The Millennium Development Goals - a cross sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting post 2015, The Lancet, Sept

The Politics, Policies and Progress of Basic Education in Sri Lanka, CREATE Research Monograph No. 38, London/Sussex

Access to Elementary Education in India: politics, policies and progress, CREATE Research Monograph No. 44. London/Sussex

Access to Basic Education in Ghana: politics, policies and progress, CREATE Research Monograph No. 43, London/Sussex

‘International and Comparative Education: what’s in a name?’ Compare, 40, 6, pp.845-852


(with Andy Green) Successful Globalisation, Education and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 29, 2, pp.166-174


‘International Education’, in the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education, eds Gary McCulloch and David Crook, 2008, Routledge Publishers

(with Ricardo Sabates) Economic Globalisation, Youth Expectations and Social Class: the case of Sri Lanka, International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 28, 708-722

(with Andy Green). Education and Development in a Global Era: Strategies for ‘Successful Globalisation, in Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book 2008, Commonwealth Secretariat/ Henley Media Group, London, pp 134-137.

Education for All: politics, policies and progress, CREATE Research Monograph no 13, pp 95

Size matters for EFA, CREATE Research Monograph, no 26, pp 60

Size matters for EFA, CREATE Policy Brief, Number 4, July,


Increasing Access through Multigrade Teaching and Learning, CREATE Policy Brief Number 5, July Brief_5.pdf

Primary Care, Public Service Review: International Development Issue 12, December Development&id=370&content_name=MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education&article=10946


(with A. Green, S. Kamat, M.Oketch, E Vickers) Education and Development in a Global Era: successful strategies for globalisation, DFID, Researching the Issues no 69, London

Paradoxes of Economic and Social Development in Sri Lanka: the Wages of Civil War, in A. Green, A.W.Little, S. Kamat, M.Oketch and E Vickers, Education and Development in a Global Era: successful strategies for globalisation, DFID, Researching the Issues, no 69, London

(Series editor) Globalisation, Qualifications and Livelihoods, Research Report Series, ELDIS see . See also DOC23329, 23352, 23365, 23411, 23453, 23454, 23456,23458,23459, 23460,23548,23549,23550,23552,23557,23461,23563,23565, 23567

(with J Evans) The role of UK qualification suppliers in Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe: a comparative evaluation, International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 27, issue 5, pp. 525-541

‘Globalisation, Learning and Teaching’ in S.Ali and M Rizvi (eds) Quality in Education: teaching and learning in challenging times, Karachi: the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development.


(ed) Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht

Education for All: multigrade realities and histories, in Little, A.W. (ed) Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht

Multigrade lessons for EFA: a synthesis, in Little, A.W. (ed) Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht

(with Chris Berry) Multigrade teaching in London, England, in Little, A.W. (ed) Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht

‘The Diploma Disease’, in Clark, D.A. The Elgar Companion to Development Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing


(with Jane Evans) The growth of foreign qualification suppliers in Sri Lanka: de facto decentralisation? Compare, Vol 35, no 2, 181-192


Learning and teaching in multigrade settings, Background paper for UNESCO EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005 also available at


Education for All: Policy and planning lessons from Sri Lanka, Researching the Issues, no 46, DFID, London

‘Access and achievement in Commonwealth countries: support for learning and teaching in multigrade classrooms’, in Matlin, S. (ed.) Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2004, London, TSO

‘Motivating Learning and the Development of Human Capital’, Compare, Vol 33, no 4, 437-452


• The planning of EFA: lessons from Sri Lanka, in Matlin, S. (ed) Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2003, London, TSO

• ‘Borderless Higher Education and Qualifications’ in International Perspectives on Higher Education, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press ISBN 7-308-02563-2

• Ulaipal Kalviyil Uyarvour, S.Sanderesegaram, Colombo, Social Scientists Association, Sri Lanka, 2002, ISBN 955 9102 50 8

• Iganeemata Ganna Vera, Daela Bandara, Colombo, Social Scientists Association, Sri Lanka, 2002, ISBN 955-9102-49-4

• Higher Education Curricula Material: Research-based Internet teaching materials written for the MA module Learning, Education and Development: concepts and issues (Session 8: Learning, Education and Development: psychological perspectives)


• Special issue of the International Journal of Educational Development on the theme of Multigrade Teaching, Vol. 21, no 6 (guest editor)

• ‘Multigrade Teaching: towards an international research and policy agenda’ International Journal of Educational Development, Vol.21, no 6 pp 481-498

• Ilankayil Arampak Kalvich Cheerthiruththam, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka pp 247,(editor and contributor) (Tamil translation of Little (ed) 2000 op.cit)

• Sri Lankave Pradhamika Adhyapana Prathisanksk Aranaya, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka pp 255 (editor and contributor) (Sinhala translation of Little (ed) 2000 op.cit)

• Five Year Plan for Primary Education 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka, pp 137 (contributor)

• Arampakkalvikkana Ainthu Varudath Thiddam 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya,Sri Lanka,pp 166 (contributor) (Tamil translation of Five Year Plan op.cit_

• Pradamikka Adhapanaya Santhahawana Pas Avuruddu Salasma 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka, pp 157 (contributor) (Sinhala translation of Five Year plan, op.cit)

• Higher Education Curricula Material: Research-based Internet teaching materials written for the MA module Learning, Education and Development: concepts and issues.

1 (with Chris Yates) The changing meanings of development over time and space

2: Arenas for learning: equality and quality

5: Learning, Education and Development: economic perspectives


• Special issue of the journal of Assessment in Education on the theme of Globalisation, Qualifications and Livelihoods, Volume 7/3, November (guest editor and contributor)

• Primary Education Reform in Sri Lanka, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department (editor and contributor), July

• ‘Development Studies and Comparative Education: context, content, comparison and contributors’, Special number Comparative Education for the twenty first century, Comparative Education, Vol 36, No 3, August

• ‘Qualifications, Quality and Equality: a political economy of Sri Lankan education 1971-1993’, in A. Welch (ed.) Quality and Equality in Third World Education, New York and London, Falmer Press

• ‘Post-Jomtien models of educational development: analysis vs advocacy’, in Malmberg, L-E., Hansen, S-E and Heino, K. Basic education for all: a global concern for quality, Vasa, Abo Akademi

• Primary Education Planning Project, Team Leader Reports, Document Series, 34, 38 and 39 Cambridge Education Consultants and Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Colombo

• The International Consultative Forum on Education for All: an evaluation (with Errol Miller), The World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal


• Labouring to Learn: towards a political economy of education and plantations in Sri Lanka, Basingstoke, Macmillan Press (English edition), pp.324

• Education, Cultures and Economics: dilemmas for development, New York and London: Falmer Press, pp 403 (editor with Fiona Leach)

• ‘Development and Education: cultural and economic analysis’ in Education, Cultures and Economics: dilemmas for development, op.cit, pp 3-32

• Planning Guidelines for the development of medium and long term provincial education plans, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, (with others), pp 92

• Primary Education Planning Project (PEPP) Team Leader Reports, Document Series Nos. 20, 25, 27, 31, Cambridge Education Consultants and Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Colombo

• Inception Report of the Policy Research Specialist, ESTEEM Documents Series No E18, The Department for International Development UK and the Primary and Mass Education Division of the Government of Bangladesh

• Education Research in Bangladesh: a guide to the literature, ESTEEM Documents Series No E19, The Department for International Development UK and the Primary and Mass Education Division of the Government of Bangladesh


• Primary Education Planning Project (PEPP) Team Leader Reports, Document Series Nos. 12,16,19, Cambridge Education Consultants and Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Colombo

• Primary Education Planning Project (PEPP) Output to Purpose Review, Cambridge Education Consultants and Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Document Series No. 18

• ‘The Diploma Disease and Related Literature’, Encyclopaedia of Higher Education, Vol 2 second edition, Oxford, Pergamon


• Guest Editor) The Diploma Disease: Twenty Years On, Assessment in Education, vol 4, 1

• ‘The Diploma Disease twenty years on: an introduction’, Assessment in Education, vol 4, 1, 5-21

• ‘The Value of Examination Success in Sri Lanka 1971-1996; the effects of ethnicity, political patronage and youth insurgency’, Assessment in Education, vol 4, no 1, 67-86

• Education in Zanzibar: classrooms, quality and costs, Education Division Documents no.4, Department for Democracy and Social Development, Stockholm (with Leah Dotto and Tharsis Luwongo)


• Assessment in Transition: Learning, Monitoring and Selection in International Perspective (ed with Alison Wolf), Pergamon, Oxford

• ‘Contexts and Histories: the shaping of assessment practice’, in Little and Wolf (eds) op cit

• ‘Globalisation and Educational Research: whose context counts?’ International Journal of Educational Development, vol 16, no 4 pp.427-438

• ‘Education, the State and Plantation Tamils in a Plural Sri Lanka: the case of the Gonakelle School’, in The Changing Role of the State in Educational Development, (ed.) Keith Watson, UKFIET

• The Qualification Chase. A film for the Open University/BBC2


• Access, Equity and Efficiency: perspectives on the Chinese School System (with Keith Lewin and Wang Lu) British Council China Research Monograph no 6

• Quality and Quantity in Technical and Vocational Schooling in China (with Keith Lewin, Xu Hui and Li Jiayong, British Council China Research Monograph no 7

• Policy and Practice in Higher Education in China (with Keith Lewin and Xu Hui) British Council China Research Monograph no 8

• Examinations and Assessment: Practice, Procedure and Problems in China (with Keith Lewin and Wang Gang) British Council Research Monograph no 9

• The Education and Training of Teachers in China: Methods and Issues (with Keith Lewin and Shi Weiping) British Council Research Monograph no 10


• Culture and Learning (editor with G.R.Teasedale), Prospects, vol XXV, no 4, Unesco, Paris

• ‘In conclusion: questions of culture and education’ Prospects, vol XXV, no 4, 777-782, Paris

• Insider Accounts: the monitoring and evaluation of primary education projects in Sri Lanka, Education Division Monograph, SIDA

• Educational Assessment: Sino-British Perspectives (ed: with Wang Gang and Alison Wolf) ICRA Conference proceedings no 2, Institute of Education, University of London

• ‘Comparing Chinese and English Systems of Educational Assessment’ in Little, Wang and Wolf (eds) op cit

• Multi-grade teaching: a review of research and practice, Overseas Development Administration, Education Research Serial no 12, London, England

• 'Education, Learning, Aid and Development' ADMP Series no 11, Sophia University, Institute of Comparative Culture, Japan


• Educational Innovation in China: tracing the impact of the 1985 Reform (with K M Lewin, Xu Hui and Zheng Ji Wei), Longman

• Beyond Jomtien: Implementing Primary Education for All (ed) (with Hoppers, W and Gardner, R) Macmillan

• 'The Jomtien Conference and the implementation of primary education projects', Chapter 1 in Little et al Beyond Jomtien

• 'Towards a research agenda for primary education in developing countries', Chapter 10 in Little et al Beyond Jomtien

• 'Types of Assessment and Interest in Learning: variation in the South of England in the 1980s', Assessment in Education, vol.1 no.2 pp 201-222

• The Diploma Disease in Sri Lanka 1971-1993, ICRA Research Working Papers no 10, Institute of Education, University of London

• ‘Primary Schools Development Plan: participation pattern of pupils admitted to class 1 in 1986’ (with Harris Rajapaksa) Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Evaluation Report series no 2, Sri Lanka

• ‘Rough Guide to Education and Development literature on Sri Lanka’, also ‘Rough Guide to Education and Development literature on the Peoples Republic of China’ NORRAG NEWS

• ‘Learning for All: Bridging Cultures’ in Thomas, E. (ed) International Perspectives perspectives on Culture and Schooling, Institute of Education, University of London


• ‘Improving Educational Effectiveness in a Plantation School: the case of the Gonakelle School in Sri Lanka’ (with R Sivasithambaram) in Levin, H. and Lockheed, M. Effective Schools in Developing Countries Stanford University Press

• ‘Trends in International and Comparative Education’ in Journal of Pedagogy (Chinese Peoples’ University) G1, 1, pp. 70 -74, also published in the Hangzhou University Academic Journal, 1993

• Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Report to Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka pp 17

• ‘Research Training Ideologies’ in NORRAG NEWS 14, July

• Lok Jumbish: Learning Together, SIDA, pp 80


• Education and Development: Macro Relationships and Microcultures, Institute of Development Studies Silver Jubilee Papers, no 4, Sussex, pp24

• 'Towards Human Development' in Orbit, 4th quarter, no 47, pp15-17

• ‘Learning and Working: elements of the Diploma Disease thesis examined in England and Malaysia’ (with J Sarjit Singh) Comparative Education vol 28 no 2 1992, pp 181-200

• ‘The Diploma Disease and Related Literature’ in Neave, G. and Burton-Clarke, R (eds) The Encyclopeadia of Higher Education, Pergamon

• Towards an Internal Monitoring and Evaluation System for Primary Education in Sri Lanka, Report to Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka pp24

• Towards a Research programme on the problems of Disadvantaged Schools in Sri Lanka Report to SIDA and the National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka, pp 12

• Evaluating Project Objectives: Improving the Quality of Education and Increasing Educational Participation, (with M Sivagnanam) Ministry of Education Sri Lanka/SIDA Evaluation Report Series no 1 pp 28

• Research in the Andhra Pradesh Primary Education Project, Report to British Council, February pp20

• 'Decontextualising Assessment Policy: does it make economic sense?' in Eckstein, M.A. and Noah, H.J. (eds) Examinations: Comparative and International Studies, Oxford, Pergamon


• Education and Development (Editor with C.Yates) (16 units) International Extension College/University of London, London.

• ‘Arenas for Learning’, Unit 2 in Education and Development International Extension College/University of London, London.


• Understanding Culture: a precondition for effective learning, UNESCO, Paris

• ‘The role of assessment, re-examined in international context', lead chapter in Broadfoot P, Murphy R, and Torrance H. (eds) Changing Educational Assessment: International Perspectives, Routledge, London

• ‘Towards the twenty first century' in Voice of the Voiceless Bulletin of the Co-ordinating Secretariat for Plantation Areas no 41 Kandy

• Work Orientations and Behaviour, Research Report to the Leverhulme Foundation


• ‘Do all Children Compensate and How? - some cross cultural evidence from Britain and India' (with S. Singhal), Personality Study and Group Behaviour , Vol 9 no 1


• Learning from Developing Countries: An Inaugural Lecture Institute of Education, University of London


• Editor and contributor Why do Students Learn? A Six Country Study Student Motivation Institute of Development Studies Research Report, Series Rr17, Sussex

• ‘Attributions in a Cross-Cultural Context', Psychology Monographs, vol 113 no1

• People in Plantations: Means or Ends? Editor (with S Davies and C Kemp) Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 18 (2)

• ‘Education and Change in Plantations: the case of Sri Lanka', Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 18(2)


• ‘From Educating and Employing to Learning and Working', Prospects, XVI (1), pp.11-31

• ‘Planning the Education-Employment Link: A Brief Guide to Current Methods', International Journal of Educational Development 6 (1), pp.85-92

• ‘Education and Employment: A Review and Annotated Bibliography' (with A.Nunn), Bulletin of the International Bureau of Education, No.238/239, UNESCO, Paris


• ‘Examinations, Work and the Quality of Learning: Evidence from Africa', in ILO/JASPA, The Challenge of Employment in Africa, Addis Ababa

• Education Profile: Sri Lanka, The British Council Central Information Service, London, October

• ‘Students' Learning Orientations and Adult Work: The SLOG Project', International Journal of Educational Development, 5 (3), Special Issue on `Research, Co-operation and Evaluation of Educational Programmes in the Third World'

• ‘The Child's Understanding of the Causes of Academic Success and Failure: A Case Study of British School Children', British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 55, pp.11-23

• Students' Learning Orientation Group (SLOG): Report of SLOG 84 Tokyo Workshop, (with K Kashiwagi) Human Development Research, Vol 1, pp.159-170, Center of Developmental Education and Research, Tokyo

• ‘Human Resources Development in Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Education and Training', (with J-I Lofstedt and S Jayaweera) Education Division Documents, No.24, SIDA, March


• ‘Assessment-Oriented Learning and Adult Work: An International Study', Higher Education in Europe Vol.IX, No.1, UNESCO

• ‘Education, Earnings and Productivity - The Eternal Triangle', in J.Oxenham (ed), Education versus Qualifications? A Study of Relationships Between, Education, Selection for Employment and the Productivity of Labour, George Allen & Unwin, London

• ‘Combating the Diploma Disease' in Oxenham (ibid)

• ‘The Co-ordination of Educational Policy and Planning and Employment Policy and Planning - Volume I: The State-of-the-Art Review', Reports, Studies S109, Division of Educational Policy and Planning, UNESCO

• ‘The Co-ordination of Educational Policy and Planning and Employment Policy and Planning - Volume II: An Annotated Bibliography', (with Audrey Nunn) Reports, Studies, S110, Division of Educational Policy and Planning, UNESCO

• ‘Examination Reform and Educational Change in Sri Lanka, 1972-1982: Modernisation or Dependent Underdevelopment?', (with Keith Lewin) in K.Watson (ed.), Dependence and Interdependence in Education: International Perspectives, Croom Helm, London, also published as Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper D180, Sussex

• ‘Students' Learning Orientations and Adult Work (SLOG): A Case in Collaborative Cross-national Educational Research'. Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 15 (4)


• `Employers and Qualifications: Learning from Developing Countries', International Review of Applied Psychology, Vol 32

• The Foundation Course at the Civil Officers Training Academy (COTA), Bangladesh: Attitudinal Inputs and Outputs', COTA Reprints, February

• ‘Reaching for the Top', New Internationalist No.122, April

• ‘Education and Development: Some Reflections from an Interdisciplined Social Psychologist', in F Blackler (ed), Social Psychology and Developing Countries, Wiley, London

• ‘Effects of Education on Development Objectives (I)', (with K.M Lewin and C.L.Colclough) Prospects, XIII (3)

• ‘Effects of Education on Development Objectives (II), (with K.M.Lewin and C.L.Colclough) Prospects, XIII (4)


• The Diploma Disease: An Argument with Pictures, a film/video, written, directed and produced with R.P.Dore (accompanied by a resource booklet published as an IDS Discussion Paper D179)


• ‘The Content Analysis of Examinations in Eight African Countries: An Overview' in ILO/JASPA, The Paper Qualifications Syndrome and Unemployment of School Leavers Addis Ababa

• ‘The Employment, Manpower and Education Mission - an Exercise in Role Play' (with J.Oxenham) in J Oxenham, `Simulations and Adult Learning for Development', Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper D172, Sussex

• ‘Adjusting to the 1980s: Taking Stock of Educational Expenditure', (with Keith Lewin and C L Colclough), in Financing Educational Development, Proceedings of an International Seminar, Mont Saint Marie (Canada), IDRC 205E


• ‘The Role of School Examinations in the Promotion of the Paper Qualification Syndrome: Evidence from Eight African Countries', in The Paper Qualification Syndrome and the Unemployment of School Leavers, ILO/JASPA, Addis Ababa (2 vols)

• ‘Learning' in Seers, D (ed) First Things First: Meeting the Basic Needs of the People of Nigeria, ILO/JASPA, Addis Ababa, April


• ‘Is Education Related to Productivity?', Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 11 (2), Sussex

• ‘The Logic of Students' Employment Expectations', Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 11 (2), Sussex

• ‘The Development of the Child's Understanding of the Causes of Academic Success and Failure. Case Studies from England and Sri Lanka', Development Research Digest, No.4


• ‘Labour Market Backwash and the Educational Process - An Annotated Bibliography', Institute of Development Studies Library Occasional Guide, No.12

• ‘The Occupational and Educational Expectations of Students in Development and Developing Countries', Institute of Development Studies Research Report Series, Ed.3, Sussex

• ‘Types of Achievement and Examinations', Institute of Development Studies Research Report Series, Ed.4, Sussex

• ‘Qualifications and Employment in Sri Lanka', (with C. Deraniyagala and R.P.Dore) Institute of Development Studies Research Report Series, Ed.2, Sussex

• ‘Qualifications and Employment in Mexico', (with N.P Brooke and J.C.P Oxenham) Institute of Development Studies Research Report Series, Ed.1, Sussex


• ‘The Use of Educational Qualifications in Labour Markets - An Annotated Bibliography', Institute of Development Studies Library Occasional Guide, No.11, Sussex


• ‘Experiments and Projects: Proyek Pamong (Project Impact)' Innovation IBE, Geneva


• ‘Statistics and the Heritocracy', Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, 7 (3)




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