The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain

1 Put the following events in the right order. Number them 1–15.

a Tom and Huck see Injun Joe in the old house.

b Tom sits next to Becky.

c Tom’s friends paint the fence.

d Injun Joe is dead.

e Tom and his friends go into the cave.

f Tom is late for school.

g The boys go to Jackson’s Island.

h Tom and Becky get out of the cave.

i Tom and Huck go to the graveyard.

j The boys go to their funeral.

k Tom and Huck find the treasure.

l Tom sees Injun Joe in the cave.

m Tom and Huck dig for treasure on Cardiff Hill.

n Tom goes to Becky Thatcher’s picnic.

o Tom and Becky are lost.

2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F). Give evidence!!!

a Tom lived with his aunt.

b Huck went to school with Tom.

c Muff Potter killed Doctor Robinson.

d Injun Joe was a dangerous man.

e McDougal’s Cave was very big.

3 Who said this? Who did they say it to? Becky, Injun Joe, Muff Potter, Aunt Polly, the teacher, Tom.

a ‘What’s that in your pocket?’ ............... to ...............

b ‘I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!’ ............... to ...............

c ‘You draw beautifully.’ ............... to ...............

d ‘Why did I drink all that whiskey tonight?’ ............... to ...............

e ‘We must stay here. Near this river.’ ............... to ...............

4 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make complete sentences.


1 It was three miles to the old tree, …

2 They looked in all the rooms downstairs, …

3 There were holes in the floor, …

4 He took off his green hat – …

5 He moved two big stones from the floor, …


a … and then went upstairs.

b … and began to dig with his knife,

c … and then he took off his long white hair.

d … and through them the boys could see into the rooms downstairs.

e … and the boys arrived tired and hot.

5 Match the person with the description: Becky, Huck, Joe Harper, Injun Joe, Muff.

Add extra information about the characters.

a A boy who was always dirty. ...............

b A girl with blue eyes and long yellow hair. ...............

c A man with long black hair. ...............

d A friend of Tom and Huck. ...............

e Tom saves his life. ...............

Multiple-choice Test


Choose the best answer.

1 Tom Sawyer lived with his _____.

a [ ] mother and father b [ ] mother and brother

c [ ] aunt and brother d [ ] aunt and sister

2 They lived _____.

a [ ] in St Petersburg b [ ] on Jackson Island c [ ] in Moscow d [ ] on a boat

3 The mothers didn’t like _____.

a [ ] Tom b [ ] Huckleberry Finn c [ ] Joe Harper d [ ] Tom’s brother

4 Tom _____ adventures.

a [ ] had lots of b [ ] didn’t have many c [ ] didn’t like d [ ] sometimes had

5 His friends _____ the fence.

a [ ] didn’t like painting b [ ] enjoyed painting c [ ] didn’t want to paint d [ ] broke

6 Huck had _____.

a [ ] a mother and a father b [ ] no mother c [ ] no father d [ ] no friends

7 His father drank _____ all the time.

a [ ] coffee b [ ] tea c [ ] whiskey d [ ] beer

8 Huck lived _____.

a [ ] on an island b [ ] in a big house c [ ] in a wood d [ ] in the streets

9 The boys in Tom’s class were _____ late for school.

a [ ] sometimes b [ ] never c [ ] always d [ ] often

10 Becky Thatcher was _____.

a [ ] Tom’s oldest friend b [ ] the girl in the house next to Tom’s

c [ ] the newest girl in Tom’s class d [ ] a horrible girl at school

20 marks


Choose the best answer.

11 Tom was very _____.

a [ ] unhappy b [ ] stupid c [ ] intelligent d [ ] famous

12 Huck _____.

a [ ] never went to school b [ ] sometimes went to school

c [ ] was always late for school d [ ] was a good student

13 Tom and his friends _____.

a [ ] didn’t like Huck b [ ] liked Huck a lot

c [ ] were horrible to Huck d [ ] never played with Huck

14 Becky Thatcher had _____.

a [ ] brown eyes and long brown hair b [ ] blue eyes and long yellow hair

c [ ] green eyes and short yellow hair d [ ] blue eyes and short brown hair

15 Tom was very good at _____.

a [ ] maths b [ ] singing c [ ] writing stories d [ ] drawing

16 Doctor Robinson was _____.

a [ ] a graverobber b [ ] the best doctor in St Petersburg

c [ ] Aunt Polly’s doctor d [ ] the poorest doctor in St Petersburg

17 Tom and Huck _____ money.

a [ ] spent too much b [ ] stole a lot of

c [ ] gave away a lot of d [ ] liked looking for

18 They _____ Injun Joe.

a [ ] weren’t afraid of b [ ] didn’t know c [ ] were afraid of d [ ] liked

19 The old Spaniard was really_____.

a [ ] Aunt Polly b [ ] Injun Joe c [ ] Muff Potter d [ ] Mr Thatcher

20 Huck didn’t know that Tom and Becky were lost because he _____.

a [ ] was very ill b [ ] went to Jackson Island c [ ] ran away d [ ] was on holiday


Who said or wrote this?

21 ‘Where is that boy? When I find him, I’m going to…’

a [ ] Injun Joe b [ ] Aunt Polly c [ ] Huckleberry Finn d [ ] Muff Potter

22 ‘A dead cat can call ghosts out of their graves.’

a [ ] Becky Thatcher b [ ] Tom Sawyer c [ ] Injun Joe d [ ] Huckleberry Finn

23 ‘Now, Tom Sawyer, you go and sit with the girls!’

a [ ] the judge b [ ] the teacher c [ ] Mr Thatcher d [ ] Mrs Douglas

24 ‘You draw beautifully. I can’t draw pictures.’

a [ ] Huck Finn b [ ] Joe Harper c [ ] Becky Thatcher d [ ] Aunt Polly

25 ‘I gave you the money this morning. I’m not giving you any more!’

a [ ] Doctor Robinson b [ ] Muff Potter c [ ] Injun Joe d [ ] Tom

26 ‘Let’s run away. Let’s go and live on Jackson Island.’

a [ ] Muff Potter b [ ] Injun Joe c [ ] Tom d [ ] Becky

27 ‘Thomas Sawyer, where were you on the seventeenth of June, at the hour of midnight?’

a [ ] the teacher b [ ] Aunt Polly c [ ] Huck Finn d [ ] the judge

28 ‘Let’s put it under the cross – nobody goes there.’

a [ ] Injun Joe b [ ] Tom c [ ] Aunt Polly d [ ] Huck Finn

29 ‘But how can they find us, in these hundreds of tunnels?

a [ ] Tom b [ ] Becky c [ ] Muff Potter d [ ] Mr Thatcher

30 ‘I went to the end of my string, and suddenly, I could see daylight!’

a [ ] Tom b [ ] Injun Joe c [ ] Becky d [ ] Joe Harper


Choose the best answer.

31 a line of wooden posts around land

a [ ] window b [ ] fence c [ ] brush d [ ] garden

32 a place for dead people

a [ ] picnic b [ ] court c [ ] island d [ ] graveyard

33 a large hole in a hill or under the ground

a [ ] cave b [ ] grave c [ ] jail d [ ] bat

34 to move earth with your hands or an object

a [ ] carry b [ ] dig c [ ] dirt d [ ] jump

35 to take from a person or building something that is not yours

a [ ] kill b [ ] rob c [ ] fight d [ ] find

36 a passage under the ground

a [ ] box b [ ] string c [ ] floor d [ ] tunnel

37 to die under water

a [ ] fight b [ ] bath c [ ] drown d [ ] hit

38 a lot of money, gold, silver, jewels, etc.

a [ ] trial b [ ] island c [ ] treasure d [ ] idea

39 a mark like X

a [ ] tick b [ ] cross c [ ] stop d [ ] cut

40 to talk very quietly

a [ ] cry b [ ] shout c [ ] whisper d [ ] laugh

20 marks


Choose the best answer.

41 Tom told his teacher he spoke to Huckleberry Finn because _____.

a [ ] he wanted to sit next to the new girl b [ ] his teacher liked Huck

c [ ] it wasn’t true d [ ] Huck was famous

42 When Tom and Huck went to the graveyard, they saw three _____.

a [ ] ghosts b [ ] dead cats c [ ] bats d [ ] graverobbers

43 Injun Joe _____.

a [ ] killed the doctor b [ ] didn’t kill the doctor

c [ ] killed Muff Potter d [ ] killed Tom

44 _____ went to Jackson Island.

a [ ] Tom, Huck and Becky b [ ] Tom, Sid and Joe Harper

c [ ] Tom, Huck and Joe Harper d [ ] Injun Joe, Muff Potter and Huck

45 When they didn’t come back, everybody thought they were _____.

a [ ] on holiday b [ ] dead c [ ] at school d [ ] ill

46 Tom told the judge that _____ .

a [ ] Muff Potter killed Injun Joe b [ ] the doctor killed Injun Joe

c [ ] Injun Joe killed the doctor d [ ] Muff Potter killed the doctor

47 Injun Joe found a box with _____ in the old house.

a [ ] twenty dollars b [ ] six hundred dollars

c [ ] some old clothes d [ ] thousands of dollars

48 Tom and Becky got lost _____.

a [ ] in the old house b [ ] on the island c [ ] in the tunnels d [ ] at the school

49 Injun Joe couldn’t get out of the cave because of _____.

a [ ] the big doors b [ ] the big trees c [ ] the big men d [ ] the big ghosts

50 Tom and Huck became very rich because

they _____.

a [ ] opened a shop b [ ] sold Aunt Polly’s house

c [ ] found the treasure d [ ] sold the treasure


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