Name: ________________________________________4540885762000AGENDA Week 24: 3/6/18 Paper pass Mango Street imitationsRendez-vous: Poetry Anthology detailsWriting Prompt?: What does perfect take?Group Activity: What elements does perfect take?*BreakEditing ≠ revision. Miss Skinner shares a poemVote With Your Feet: More Perfect: A Question of UtopiasLiterature Circle group meeting 1Turn in this week:Take out Mango imitations for paper passHold on to anthology poems for editingHold on to dystopian novel question page until group discussion*Any extra credit or missed work can be turned in to pink folderHomework:Read novel to your group’s 2/3rds page goal. Write goal here: _____________________Complete dystopian novel questions. Get thinking ?.Elements of fiction: Plot structure. Visit the blog page and review the powerpoint on plot diagrams. Complete the notes page. These are for your reference, to keep in your binder. Plot diagram practice page—I’m asking you to map one practice story, then your novel! (I know you haven’t finished it yet. Check practice page for directions ).Poetry Anthology Google Form?: Visit blog page. Form contains title submissions, illustration final count, and FINAL POETRY REFLECTION from which I will collect responses to form an introduction to our anthology. EDIT anthology poems! Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Also, brainstorm titles if you have yet to do so. You may leave several titles on your final copy if you like. I will email you to choose one. EMAIL MISS SKINNER your final copies of anthology poems by FRIDAY, 3/9. I want to be able to talk to you next Tuesday if necessary. I need digital copies for printing. Cover submissions need to be carefully drawn or printed on a clean, blank sheet of printer paper. We will vote to choose a cover either in class on Tuesday or after class online. Color is okay for cover.Class Blog: ................

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