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IXL Skill Plan

Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards: Grade 2

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Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards - 2nd grade

ELA.2.F | Foundations

ELA.2.F.1 Applying Foundational Reading Skills ELA.2.F.1.3: Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words.

ELA.2.F.1.3.a: Decode words with variable vowel teams (e.g., oo, ea, ou) and vowel diphthongs (e.g., oi, oy, ow).

ELA.2.F.1.3.b: Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long and short vowels.

ELA.2.F.1.3.c: Decode words with open (e.g., hi, baby, moment) and closed (e.g., bag, sunshine, chop) syllables and consonant -le (e.g., purple, circle, stumble).

ELA.2.F.1.3.d: Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes.


1. Choose the diphthong word that matches the picture T2Q

2. Complete the word with the correct diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow AGT

3. Choose the diphthong sentence that matches the picture XM8

Variant vowels

4. Complete words with variant vowels USB 5. Which word has a different vowel sound? 8WJ

1. Put two syllables together to create a word: easier M6D

2. Put two syllables together to create a word: harder K6M

3. Complete the two-syllable words UBX 4. Complete the sentence with a two-syllable

word THW


1. Complete the consonant-l-e words FZS 2. Choose the correct spelling of the consonant-l-e

word JGQ

Open and closed syllables

3. Is the syllable open or closed? XDP 4. Spell words with open and closed syllables 3E6

1. Complete the word with the ending that you hear E9G

2. Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes 8F6 3. Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-,

or mis- KQY

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Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards - 2nd grade

ELA.2.F.1.3.e: Decode words with silent letter combinations (e.g., knight, comb, island, ghost). ELA.2.F.1.4: Read grade-level texts with accuracy, automaticity, and appropriate prosody or expression.

4. Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less 6TR

5. Prefixes and suffixes: review 5ES

1. Complete the words with silent letters 55P

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Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards - 2nd grade

ELA.2.R | Reading

ELA.2.R.1 Reading Prose and Poetry ELA.2.R.1.1: Identify plot structure and describe main story elements in a literary text.

ELA.2.R.1.2: Identify and explain a theme of a literary text. ELA.2.R.1.3: Identify different characters' perspectives in a literary text. ELA.2.R.1.4: Identify rhyme schemes in poems.


1. Order events in a story 5YL

Characters and setting

2. Choose the picture that matches the setting or character ZSQ

Read-along texts

3. Read along with realistic fiction BU7 4. Read along with fantasy BHZ 5. Read along with historical fiction FNE

Read-alone texts

6. Read animal fantasy RC7 7. Read realistic fiction UC6 8. Read science fiction ZV5

Story elements

9. Identify story elements QAA

1. Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales VES

1. Use actions and dialogue to understand characters ZDC

2. Distinguish points of view ZT7

1. Label the rhyme scheme QMK

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Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards - 2nd grade

ELA.2.R.2 Reading Informational Text ELA.2.R.2.1: Explain how text features--including titles, headings, captions, graphs, maps, glossaries, and/or illustrations--contribute to the meaning of texts. ELA.2.R.2.2: Identify the central idea and relevant details in a text.

ELA.2.R.2.3: Explain an author's purpose in an informational text. ELA.2.R.2.4: Explain an author's opinion(s) and supporting evidence.

1. Which book title goes with the picture? 2RA 2. Use text features MKE 3. Use guide words T6U 4. Read graphic organizers 6T3

Topic and purpose

1. Determine the topic and purpose of informational passages Y2G

Read-along informational texts

2. Read along about science and nature 58P 3. Read along about famous people PDE 4. Read along about art, music, and traditions H6K 5. Read along about business and technology DJX

Read-alone informational texts

6. Read about animals W8U 7. Read about sports and hobbies 6YH 8. Read about famous places HYR 9. Read about famous people 5MZ

Central idea

10. Use key details to determine the central idea 9Z5

1. Identify the purpose of a text Y2F 2. Determine the topic and purpose of

informational passages Y2G

1. Complete the opinion passage with an example GF5

2. Complete the opinion passage with a reason 5UN

3. Complete the opinion-reason-example table YRX 4. Identify an author's statement of opinion 95J

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