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|FOR |

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|District Level – Macomb County |

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|2011-2012 |

|Many thanks to the MSDS & Pupil Accounting Cookbook Committee for their time and expertise in creating this document. |

|Committee Members: Sharon Maszal, Denise Schwab, Kathy Werner, MISD Help Desk |

Revised April 2012

Summer Graduates

Before Count Day

• PIC Numbers

• UIC Numbers

• Enter Dates

• Exit Dates

• MSDS Flag

• Educational Setting Field

• Student Resident Membership

• Resident District Number

• Residency Codes

• School or Facility Number

• Full Time Equivalency

• Ethnic Codes

• Pupil and Shared District Codes

• FTEs

• 10/30 Day Flags

• As of Date

• Manual Attendance Data

• Student Schedules

• General Data

• Early Childhood Data

• LEP Data

On Count Day

• Class Rosters

• Student Schedules

• Master Schedule

• Building Calendars

• Bell Schedules

• Attendance Codes

• Enrollment Summary Report

• Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report

• Teacher Attendance Verification

• Weekly Teacher Attendance Reports

• Code 10 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen

• Code 30 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen

• Code 10/30 Day Rule on the State/Province General Tab

• TIEnet Data Exchange

• Free/Reduced Lunch

• Discipline

• StuFTE Membership Report

• Pupil Share Code Report

• 10/30 Day Report

• 4061 Report

• Worksheet A Report

• Worksheet B Report

After Count Day

• Track 10 Day Rule

• Track 30 Day Rule

• Re-run 10/30 Day Report

• General Collection Data Validation Report

• Michigan General Collection Report (Export for MSDS)

End of Year

• EOY MSDS Reporting for Graduates

• Michigan General Collection Report (Export for MSDS)

Audit Reports

• Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report

• 75% Report

• Delayed Start Days

• Snow Days

Other Information

• Revision Notes

• MSDS Collection Dates

• Pop III Pupil Code Priority Listing

• Pupil Accounting Screen Descriptions and Report Sample

• STUFTE Membership Report Sample

• Michigan 4061 Report Description and Sample

• Worksheets A & B Setup and Report Samples

• 10/30 Day Report Description and Sample

• 75% Attendance Report description and sample

• Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report description and sample

• Teachers with Missing PIC Numbers Report Sample

• Official Enrollment Student Roster Report Description and Sample

• General Collection Validation Description

• PowerSchool Discipline Screen for State Reporting (Log Entry)

• Discipline Entries Extract Report Description and Sample Extract

• General Collection Export for a Building Directions

• Valuable Resources

| | | |

|Function |MSDS & Pupil Accounting Procedures |Completed |

|Field Name |PowerSchool - District Level | |

|Page Location |2011- 2012 | |

| | | |

|Summer Graduates – Completers |If students graduate/complete late in the summer, they need to be exited without ever attending in the current year. | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |A student Record Maintenance submission needs to be done with an “AS of Date” less than September 1st and must be certified before| |

|meis_attendance |September 15. | |

|meis_ FTE_In_Gen_Ed | | |

| |They also need to have zeros keyed in to the manual attendance field and No FTE. | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > General Tab | | |

| | | |

|Before Count Day |Before Count Day |Before Count Day |

| | | |

|PIC Number |All teachers must have a Personnel Identification Code (PIC) number for the Teacher Student Data Link Submission. | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |To search for teachers that are missing a PIC number run the following report: | |

|MI_REP_PIC |System Reports | |

| |State Tab | |

|Location: |MI Teachers With Missing PIC Numbers | |

|Staff > Edit Info |Submit | |

| | | |

| | | |

|UIC Number |All students must have a UIC number. UIC number fields are found on the student’s Demographics and State/Province screens. | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Note: can be run at the district or building level | |

|MI_SRSD_StudentUIC | | |

| |Search for students without a UIC number: | |

|Location: |/MI_SRSD_StudentUIC= | |

|State/Province > General Tab | | |

| |Request UICs from the state for this group of students. Refer to Obtaining New UICs for PowerSchool document at | |

|Location: |psliaisons then click on the documents link. | |

|Demographics | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Enter Dates |Search for students that have an enter date prior to the first day of school: | |

| |/EntryDate09/06/2011 | |

|Field Name: | | |

|EntryDate |(09/06/2011 is the first in session day on the school calendar for this example) | |

| | | |

|Location: |If you have any students listed, these students will have an entry date prior to the first day of school which needs to be changed| |

|Transfer Info |to the first day of school. | |

| | | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: EntryDate | |

| |New Field Value: 09/06/2011 (The first in session date on your school calendar) | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Change individually in the student’s Transfer Info screen | |

| | | |

|Exit Dates |Search for students that have an exit date not equal to June 30th of the current school year: | |

| |/ExitDate>06/01/2012;ExitDate#06/30/2012 | |

|Field Name: | | |

|ExitDate |If you have any students listed, the students exit date needs to be verified and changed to 6/30/2012 if they have not exited your| |

| |district within the school year. | |

|Location: | | |

|Transfer Info |Select a function for this group of student | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: ExitDate | |

| |New Field Value: 06/30/2012 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Change individually in the student’s Transfer Info screen | |

| | | |

|MSDS Flag |Make sure that the MSDS flag in PowerSchool (Include_Time_Share) is set properly for students and contains valid values. The only| |

| |values that are valid for this field are blank(Yes) and 2(No). | |

|Field Name: | | |

|Include_Time_Share |Search for students with any value other than a blank or 2 (erroneous data): | |

| |/Include_Time_Share# ; Include_Time_Share#2 | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > General Tab |If you have any students listed, you will want to clear this erroneous data. | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: Include_Time_Share | |

| |Check the Clear Field Value box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for students NOT INCLUDED in the MSDS: | |

| |/Include_Time_Share=2 | |

| |Verify that these are all the students that you DO NOT WANT INCLUDED in the MSDS submission | |

| | | |

| |Search for students INCLUDED in the MSDS: | |

| |/Include_Time_Share= | |

| |Verify that these are all the students that you DO WANT INCLUDED in the MSDS submission | |

| | | |

|Educational Setting Field |Search for students that have any values other than 14, 20, or 30 in this field: | |

| |/MI_Setting#14; MI_Setting#20; MI_Setting#30; MI_Setting# | |

|Field Name: | | |

|MI_Setting |If you have any students listed: | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

|Location: |Select Student Field Value | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Field To Change: MI_Setting | |

| |Check the Clear Field Value box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Note: remember to clear this field at the beginning of each year since a student’s grade level may change during the EOY process. | |

| | | |

|Student Resident Membership |The student’s resident district should be set on the student’s Transfer Info screen, District of Residence field, and will appear | |

| |in gray next to the box for Student Resident LEA Number field on the State/Province General tab. | |

|Field Name: | | |

|MI_SRSD_StudResLEANum |Search for students who have a value in this field: | |

| |/MI_SRSD_StudResLEANum# | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > General Tab |If you have any students listed: | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

|Location: |Select Student Field Value | |

|Transfer Info |Field To Change: MI_SRSD_StudResLEANum | |

| |Check the Clear Field Value box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Change individually in the student’s State/Province General tab. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Resident District Number |Search for students with blank or district numbers other than your district number: | |

| |DistrictOfResidence##### (##### = your district number) | |

|Field Name: | | |

|DistrictOfResidence |This is a way to identify non-residents. | |

| | | |

|Location: |Verify and make sure all three areas in PowerSchool are accurate. | |

|Transfer Info |Pupil Accounting screen | |

| |Transfer Info screen | |

| |State/Province General tab | |

| | | |

|Residency Codes |Search for students with Residency codes other than resident: | |

| |MI_SRSD_StudResMembership#14 | |

|Field Name: | | |

|MI_SRSD_StudResMembership |Example: Sch Of Choice = 02 Student of Employee = 06 | |

| |Special Ed Center Program = 06 Non-Resident = 06 | |

|Location: |Non-Public School Student = 08 Home Schooled Resident = 15 | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Residents = 14 | |

| | | |

|School or Facility Number |Verify that each school has the School or Facility number (SRSD Field 5) entered on the Schools/School Info screen at the District| |

| |Office. | |

|Field Name: | | |

|MI_SRSD_AdminUnit |This number will appear in gray next to the box for School or Facility field on the State Province General tab. | |

| | | |

|Location: |Search for students who have a value in this field: | |

|District Office > School Info |/MI_SRSD_AdminUnit # | |

| | | |

|Location: |If you have any students listed: | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_SRSD_AdminUnit | |

| |Check the Clear Field Value box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Change individually in the student’s State/Province General tab. | |

| | | |

| |Note: the only time this field needs to be manually entered is for students attending Middle College. Use building code 00281 | |

| | | |

|Full Time Equivalency |Each school has one or more Full Time Equivalencies (FTEID). An FTEID is assigned to each student upon enrollment. This is | |

| |important for attendance ADA/ADM purposes. | |

|Table Name: FTE(159) | | |

|Field Name: FTEID |Find the FTEID(s) for each school: | |

| |In DDE, search the FTE table(159) | |

|Location: |SchoolID = The school ID | |

|DDE |YearID = XX (XX = the current school year. Ex. 20) | |

|FTE table (159) | | |

| |This will list all of the FTEIDs for your school. Verify that students are assigned the proper FTEID for each school. | |

|Location: | | |

|Transfer Info |Search ALL students and do a Quick Export containing the following fields: | |

| |Lastfirst | |

| |Student_Number | |

| |FTEID | |

| |Open the export file in Excel and verify the FTEID is correct for each student | |

| | | |

| |You can use Student Field Value to mass change invalid FTEIDs or individually change the FTE on the Transfer Info screen. If | |

| |using the Student Field Value to change the FTEID, please be careful in selecting the proper students. | |

| | | |

|Ethnic Codes |All students must have an ethnic code. | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Search for active and inactive students without an ethnic code on the Demographics screen: | |

|Ethnicity |/Ethnicity= | |

| |For each student listed, hand key in correct Ethnicity on the Demographics screen. | |

|Location: | | |

|Demographics |The ethnic codes on the State/Province screen are required for state reporting. You can search and mass fill these fields to | |

| |agree with the Demographics screen with the exception of Multi-Racial codes which will need to be hand keyed into the | |

|Field Names: |State/Province ethnicity fields. | |

|MI_ethnAfr | | |

|MI_ethnLat |Search for Multi-Racial: | |

|MI_ethnInd |/Ethnicity=7 | |

|MI_ethnAsi |For each student listed, hand key in correct ethnic codes in State/Province screen (use all 1’s) | |

|MI_ethnPac | | |

|MI_ethnWhi |Search for students who are coded as Latino in any way in the State/Province screen: /MI_ethnLat>0 | |

| |A listing will appear of all students who are coded as Hispanic or Latino in any way, shape, or form. These students are | |

|Location: |considered Hispanic for state reporting and their ethnicity on the Demographics screen should be changed to a 6 (Hispanic or | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Latino) (please refer to new Federal Guidelines) | |

| | | |

| |Search for American Indian/Alaska Native: | |

| |/Ethnicity=1 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnInd | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for Asian American: | |

| |/Ethnicity=2 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnAsi | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Ethnic Codes |Search for Black or African American: | |

| |/Ethnicity=3 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnAfr | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: | |

| |/Ethnicity=4 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnPac | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for White: | |

| |/Ethnicity=5 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnWhi | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for Hispanic or Latino: | |

| |/Ethnicity=6 | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students. | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_ethnLat | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Pupil Codes |Verify for Pop III Students that they have appropriate Pupil Codes and Shared Districts (if applicable). (Reference Pop III | |

|Shared District Codes |Priority Listing) | |

| | | |

|Field Names: |Search for students that may have information in any of the following fields: | |

|Pupil_Code1_MISD | | |

|Pupil_Code2_MISD |Pupil_Code1_MISD# Shared_District1_MISD# | |

|Pupil_Code3_MISD |Pupil_Code2_MISD# Shared_District2_MISD# | |

|Shared_District1_MISD |Pupil_Code3_MISD# Shared_District3_MISD# | |

|Shared_District2_MISD | | |

|Shared_District3_MISD |Note: when searching for an individual pupil code, you must key in the exact name or the results will be zero students found. | |

| | | |

|Location: |For example: SC-School of Choice | |

|Pupil Accounting Screen | | |

| |Select the district in Share Dist 1 field for appropriate pupil codes (if applicable) | |

|Print Pupil Code Share Report |Repeat as necessary. | |

| | | |

|Location: |To print a shared report for verification, search for students with a Pupil Code: | |

|System Reports > Engine Tab |Pupil_Code1_MISD# | |

| | | |

| |System Reports > Engine | |

| |Select Pupil Share Code Report | |

| |Select for Current School Only | |

| |Use Current Selection | |

| |Submit | |

| |Print landscape | |

| | | |

|FTEs |Search for inactive students to clear general ed FTEs: | |

| |/enroll_status=2 | |

|General Ed | | |

|Special Ed 52 |List will appear | |

|Special Ed 53 |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: meis_fte_in_gen_ed | |

|Field Names: |New Field Value: 0.00 (must be 0.00, blanks export as 1.00) | |

|meis_fte_in_gen_ed |Submit | |

|MI_SpEd_FTE52 | | |

|MI_SpEd_FTE53 |Search for inactive students to clear special ed section 52 FTEs: | |

| |/enroll_status=2 | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > General Tab |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_SpEd_FTE52 | |

| |New Field Value: 0.00 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for inactive students to clear special ed section 53 FTEs: | |

| |/enroll_status=2 | |

| | | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field To Change: MI_SpEd_FTE53 | |

| |New Field Value: 0.00 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|10/30 Day Flags |Clear 10/30 field from previous count in the State/Province General tab: | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Select All Students | |

|MI_SRSD_10_30_DayRule |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Student Field Value | |

|Location: |Field to Change: MI_SRSD_10_30_DayRule | |

|State/Province > General Tab |New Field Value: 0 | |

| |(0 = NO) | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Clear 10/30 field from previous count in the Pupil Accounting screen: | |

|1030DAYRULE_MISD | | |

| |Select All Students | |

|Location: |Select a function for this group of students | |

|Pupil Accounting Screen |Student Field Value | |

| |Field to Change: 1030DAYRULE_MISD | |

| |Check the Clear Field Value Box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|As of Date |Clear the As of Date field in the State/Province General tab: | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Select All Students | |

|MI_AsOfDate |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Student Field Value | |

|Location: |Field to Change: MI_AsOfDate | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Check the Clear Field Value Box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Manual Attendance Data |The General Collection Export has the option to automatically calculate attendance for students so it is not necessary to manually| |

| |code the Manual Attendance field in the General Tab. | |

|PowerSchool has the option to automatically | | |

|calculate attendance for exited students in the |It’s good practice however to search this field for invalid data/odd characters since any data entered in this field will override| |

|export. |the auto calculate function: | |

| | | |

|Field Name |/include_time_share= ; meis_attendance# | |

|meis_attendance | | |

| |List will appear | |

|Location: |Select a function for this group of students | |

|State Province > General Tab |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field to Change: meis_attendance | |

| |Select the Clear Field Value checkbox | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Student Schedules |Search for students with no schedules: | |

| |*number_of_classes < 1 | |

|Search for students with incomplete or missing | | |

|schedules |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Run the Section Enrollment Audit Report (System Reports) | |

| | | |

| |Search for students with incomplete schedules: | |

| |*number_of_classes < # (# = corresponding number of classes for your school) | |

| | | |

| |Search for students not enrolled in a specific period: | |

| |*not_enrolled_in_period = 1 | |

| | | |

|General Data |Note: This should be run at the building level | |

| | | |

|Verify Data Using the General Template |Search for all active and inactive students by using the forward slash: | |

| |/ | |

|Field Names: |Special Functions | |

|General data related fields - refer to template |Importing & Exporting | |

| |Export using Template | |

|Location: |Type of Export – Select Students | |

|State/Province > General Tab |Select Count Day – General | |

| |For Which Records? Make sure radial button is selected for All | |

|Template Location: |Submit | |

|Special Functions |SAVE as a text file | |

|Importing & Exporting |Open text file in Excel | |

|Export Using Template |Look for empty fields or missing information | |

|Count Day - General | | |

| |Note: If a student’s UIC begins with a 0 (zero), the complete 10-digit UIC | |

|To modify template: |number will not show in excel (only the numbers after the leading zeros | |

|Templates for Exporting |will show). To see the complete number in excel. Select the UIC column | |

|Count Day - General |to highlight the entire column > Select format cells > Select custom > Key | |

| |in 10 zeros under the word “Type” > Select OK | |

| | | |

| |[pic] | |

| | | |

| |Key in missing information into correct fields in PowerSchool | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Early Childhood Data |Note: This should be run at the building level | |

| | | |

|Verify Data Using the Early Childhood Template |Search for all active and inactive students in the early childhood program: | |

| |/MI_setting=30 | |

|Field Names: | | |

|Early Childhood related fields - refer to |Special Functions | |

|template. |Importing & Exporting | |

| |Export using Template | |

|Location: |Type of Export – Select Students | |

|State/Province > Early Child Tab |Select Count Day – Early Childhood | |

| |For Which Records? Make sure radial button is selected for this group of students only. | |

|Template Location: |Submit | |

|Special Functions |SAVE as a text file | |

|Importing & Exporting |Open text file in Excel | |

|Export Using Template |Look for empty fields or missing information | |

|Count Day Early Childhood | | |

| | | |

|To modify template: | | |

|Templates for Exporting | | |

|Count Day Early Childhood | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|LEP |Request latest text export file from Bilingual Database | |

| | | |

|Import from Bilingual Database |Clear the Bilingual field value before importing the latest bilingual data: | |

|MISD or District System | | |

| |Select All Students | |

|Verify Data Using the LEP Template |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Student Field Value | |

|Field Names: |Field To Change: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP | |

|LEP related fields – refer to template |Check the Clear Field Value Box | |

| |Submit | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > LEP Tab |Import biLog onto District in Power School: | |

| | | |

| |Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Import | |

|Template Location: |Select Student table | |

|Special Functions |Use default settings | |

|Importing & Exporting |Browse to select the import file created by the Bilingual Database | |

|Export Using Template |Check the file map option | |

|Count Day LEP |Make sure import field names match | |

| |Make sure the update student records radial button is selected | |

|To modify template: |Submit | |

|Templates for Exporting | | |

|Count Day LEP |Search for all active and inactive students receiving LEP services: | |

| |/MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP=1 | |

| | | |

| |Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Export using Template | |

| |Type of Export – Select Students | |

| |Select Count Day – LEP | |

| |For Which Records? Make sure radial button is selected for this group of students only. | |

| |Submit | |

| |SAVE as a text file | |

| |Open text file in Excel | |

| |Look for empty fields or missing information | |

| | | |

| | | |

|On Count Day |On Count Day |On Count Day |

| | | |

|Class Rosters |Print Class Rosters: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > System Reports > Class Rosters (PDF) | |

| | | |

| |Print rosters for: Select All Teachers | |

| | | |

| |Include students who: were enrolled on xx/xx/xxxx (use count date) | |

| | | |

| |Heading text (fields): | |

| |Count Day xx/xx/xxxx Class Rosters (use correct count date) | |

| |^(teachername) | |

| |^(expression) | |

| |Teacher Signature:________________________Date:___________ | |

| |Student Enrollment ~(count) | |

| | | |

| |Roster columns: | |

| |LastFirst | |

| |DOB | |

| |Grade_level | |

| |Check if Absent | |

| | | |

| |Watermark text: | |

| |Custom | |

| |Key in Official Count Day xx/xx/xxxx (use correct count date) | |

| | | |

| |Watermark mode: Watermark | |

| | | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Student Schedules |Print Student Schedule Listing: | |

|(As a snapshot for count day schedules) | | |

| |Start Page > System Reports > Student Schedule Listing | |

| |Set up report to print all periods and 15 per page | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Print Student Schedule Report: | |

| | | |

| |Select Grade Level or All > Functions > Student Schedule Report | |

| |Note: Be aware of the term duration when running this report | |

| |Report Title should be Count Day | |

| |Max Students per page = 2 | |

| |As of Count Date (XX/XX/20XX) | |

| |Color or not | |

| |Submit | |

| |File Save As or Print to PDF | |

| | | |

|Master Schedule |Print Master/Teacher Schedules: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > Master Schedule > Submit | |

| | | |

|Building Calendar |Print the Calendar: | |

| | | |

| |Verify that you are in the building and full year | |

| |Start Page > School > Calendar Setup | |

| |Scroll to bottom of screen and select Verify # of school days in the current term | |

| |Print | |

| | | |

|Bell Schedules |Print Bell Schedules: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > School > Bell Schedules | |

| |Print screen showing all bell schedules | |

| |Select Edit Schedule for each bell schedule | |

| |Print | |

| | | |

| |Use MPAAA FTE Calculator Form to calculate total minutes available at |

| | | |

|Attendance Codes |Print Attendance Codes: | |

| | | |

| |School Setup > Attendance Codes > Print | |

| | | |

|Enrollment Summary Report |Print Enrollment Summary | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > Enrollment Summary | |

| | | |

| |--or-- | |

| | | |

| |Print Enrollment Summary for an exact date you want to reflect to verify grade level building totals: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > Reports > Enrollment Summary By Date > Submit | |

| | | |

|Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report |Print Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report: | |

| | | |

|(gain/loss report) |Start Page > Reports > State Tab > Michigan Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report | |

| |Select District Wide or Current School Only | |

| |Select HTML to print or CSV to open as a spreadsheet | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |Select the School Year | |

|document |Enter the current date for the Date Prepared | |

| |Select Year Long for Month of School | |

| |Enter the previous count date for Start Date of the Reporting Period | |

| |Enter the current count date for End Date of the Reporting Period | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Teacher Attendance |Verify throughout the day and by the end of count day that all teachers have taken attendance. | |

|On Count Day | | |

| |Start Page > Attendance > Teacher Attendance Submission Status | |

| |Date: enter count date | |

| |Sort: Alpha | |

| |Show All | |

| |Print Screen (should see all green icons; Elementary Schools will see yellow icons) | |

| | | |

| |Note: If this is not completed, 10/30 day report will not be accurate. | |

| | | |

|Weekly Teacher Attendance Reports |Need to have weekly attendance reports signed by the teacher – the week before count day, the week of count day, and weekly for | |

| |the following 4 weeks. | |

| | | |

| |OFFICE STAFF – Print Class Attendance Audit Report | |

| |Start Page > Reports > Class Attendance Audit Report | |

| |Enter the weekly range | |

| |All Teachers | |

| |All Periods | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |TEACHERS – Print Weekly Attendance Review from PowerTeacher | |

| |Student Information (Backpack) | |

| |Weekly Attendance Review – Menu on the left | |

| |Print and sign the report – full signatures in INK | |

| | | |

|Code 10 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen |Code the 10 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > Attendance > Absentee Report | |

| |Use Ctrl key to select all the unexcused absence codes for the 10 day rule | |

| |Do not include tardies | |

| |Date to Scan (count date) | |

| |Submit | |

| |Report Queue > View Report | |

| |Select Functions at bottom of page | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |1030DAYRULE_MISD | |

| |Change to 10 Day Rule | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Code 30 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen |Code the 30 Day Rule on the Pupil Accounting Screen: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > Attendance > Absentee Report | |

| |Use Ctrl key to select all the excused absence codes for the 30 day rule | |

| |Do not include tardies | |

| |Date to Scan (count date) | |

| |Submit | |

| |Report Queue > View Report | |

| |Select Functions at bottom of page | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |1030DAYRULE_MISD | |

| |Change to 30 Day Rule | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Code 10/30 Day Rule on the State/Province General|Search for students who have a value in this field not equal to blank: | |

|Tab |1030DAYRULE_MISD# | |

| | | |

| |List will appear | |

| |Select a function for this group of students | |

| |Select Student Field Value | |

| |Field to Change: MI_SRSD_10_30_DAYRULE | |

| |New Field Value: 1 | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |This will set the radio button for the 10/30 Day Rule field to Yes. | |

| | | |

|TIEnet |The nightly update from TieNet will set the MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd flag for all special ed students. | |

| | | |

|Field Name: |Nightly Update to PowerSchool: | |

|MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd | | |

| |Data Exchange turned off during Count Day Period | |

|Location: | | |

|State/Province > Special Ed Tab |Work with Special Ed Dept to determine the dates to turn data flow off and back on. | |

| | | |

| |System | |

| |AutoComm Setup | |

| |Tienet Import | |

| |Check the “Turn Execution Off” box to disable the nightly transfer | |

| | | |

| |Refer to the TIEnet/PS options. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Free/Reduced Lunch |Request Export from Meal Magic. A Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for active students only. | |

| | | |

| |Reminder: 0 or F = Free in Meal Magic | |

| |1 or R = Reduced in Meal Magic | |

| | | |

| |The export values fields are editable. The Numeric Values can be changed to Character Values (F and R) for Power School or changed| |

| |in Excel before import. Column labels you will need in Excel for import: Student_Number LunchStatus | |

| | | |

| |Prior to import, search for students with a lunch status of Free or Reduced and clear the field using Student Field Value. | |

| |District - do district all at once. Do not clear the P-Prepays. | |

| | | |

| |Search for students with a lunch status of Free: | |

| |LunchStatus=F | |

| |Functions | |

| |Student Field Value | |

| |LunchStatus | |

| |Select checkbox to clear field value | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Search for students with a lunch status of Reduced : | |

| |Search: LunchStatus=R | |

| |Functions | |

| |Student Field Value | |

| |LunchStatus | |

| |Select checkbox to clear field value | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Import Meal Magic data: | |

| |Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Import | |

| |Select Students Table | |

| |Select CRLF | |

| |Check to exclude first row | |

| |Select radial button to update only | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Discipline |Schools using Log Entries to record all student discipline: | |

| | | |

|Discipline Types required for state reporting: |Must generate the Incident ID for each log entry. | |

| |Verify the Include in State Reporting field is set to YES for students to be included in the export to the state. | |

|Special Education Students – In-School |Make sure the Log Type is set to Discipline to reveal state specific fields at the bottom of the page. | |

|Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Removals,|Make sure to enter the Incident Date. | |

|and Expulsions | | |

| |To search for Special Education students with disciplines and print the log report: | |

|General Education Students – Expulsions | | |

| |MI_SpEd_PrimaryDisability# | |

| |System Reports > Discipline Log Report | |

| |Check radial button for the selected students only | |

| |Fill in Date Range | |

| |All Sub-Types | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |To verify discipline records that are tagged to be included in state reporting: | |

| | | |

| |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan Disciplinary Records Extract | |

| |Choose the Selected students are All students | |

| |Fill in Previous Count Date | |

| |Fill in Count Date | |

| |Submit | |

| |The report will extract disciplinary records into an Excel spreadsheet | |

| | | |

| |If using BTS, run the MSDS Export function and import that file into MISDmsds. | |

| | | |

|StuFTE – Membership Report |To print the StuFTE Membership Report, search for students enrolled on count day: | |

| | | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |*enrolled_on=10/05/2011 | |

|document | | |

| |System Reports > Engine Tab > StuFTE Membership Report | |

| |Select for Current School Only | |

| |Use Current Selection | |

| |Submit | |

| |Print landscape | |

| | | |

|Pupil Share Code Report |To print the Pupil Share Code Report, search for students enrolled on count day: | |

| | | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |*enrolled_on=10/05/2011 | |

|document | | |

| |System Reports > Engine Tab > Pupil Share Code Report | |

| |Select for Current School Only | |

| |Use Current Selection | |

| |Submit | |

| |Print landscape | |

| | | |

|10/30 Day Report |Print the 10/30 Day Report: | |

| | | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan 10/30 Day | |

|document |Fill in Count Date | |

| |Select Excused Attendance Codes (use Ctrl key to select multiple codes) | |

| |Select Unexcused Attendance Codes (use Ctrl key to select multiple codes) | |

| |Submit | |

| |Print landscape | |

| | | |

|4061 Report |Print the Michigan 4061 Report: | |

| | | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan 4061 | |

|document |Students to Includes: select All students | |

| |Fill in Count Date | |

| |Calculate Age Date: use December 1st of the current school year | |

| |Reporting Period: select appropriate reporting period (Fall, Spring, EOY) | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Note: this report can be run by building or district | |

| | | |

|Worksheet A Report |To ensure that the Worksheet A reports your district data accurately, make sure that teacher information is coded correctly in the| |

| |Staff page and students are coded correctly on the State/Province Special Education tab. Refer to the Worksheet B Setup | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |instructions at the back of this document. | |

|document | | |

| |To Print the Worksheet A Report: | |

| | | |

| |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan Worksheet A | |

| |Count Date: enter in count date | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Note: this report can be run by building or district. | |

| | | |

|Worksheet B Report |To ensure that the Worksheet A reports your district data accurately, make sure that teacher information is coded correctly in the| |

| |Staff page and students are coded correctly on the State/Province Special Education tab. Refer to the Worksheet B Setup | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |instructions at the back of this document. | |

|document | | |

| |To Print the Worksheet B Report: | |

| | | |

| |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan Worksheet B | |

| |Count Date: enter in count date | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

| |Note: this report can be run by building or district. | |

| | | |

|After Count Day |After Count Day |After Count Day |

| | | |

|Track 10 day rule for student return dates absent|Run the Consecutive Absences Report to track return dates for 10 Day Rule: | |

|on Count Day | | |

| |Start Page > Select All Students > Functions > Reports Menu | |

| |Consecutive Absences Report | |

| |Select All Unexcused Attendance Codes (Hold Ctrl and select) | |

| |Begin Date: xx/xx/xxxx (use count date) | |

| |End Date: xx/xx/xxxx (use 10 school days after count date) | |

| |Number of Consecutive Days to Scan: 10 | |

| |Include Student Number: check box | |

| |Itemize by Day: check box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Track 30 day rule for student return dates absent|Run the Consecutive Absences Report to track return dates for 30 Day Rule: | |

|on Count Day | | |

| |Start Page > Select All Students > Functions > Reports Menu | |

| |Consecutive Absences Report | |

| |Select All Excused Attendance Codes (Hold Ctrl and select) | |

| |Begin Date: xx/xx/xxxx (use count date) | |

| |End Date: xx/xx/xxxx (use one month later) | |

| |Number of Consecutive Days to Scan: 22 | |

| |Include Student Number: check box | |

| |Itemize by Day: check box | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Re-Run 10/30 Day Report |Re-run the 10/30 Day Report: | |

| | | |

| |System Reports > State Tab > Michigan 10/30 Day | |

| |Fill in Count Date | |

| |Select Excused Attendance Codes (use Ctrl key to select multiple codes) | |

| |Select Unexcused Attendance Codes (use Ctrl key to select multiple codes) | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|General Collection Data Validation Report |Run the General Collection Data Validation Report: | |

| | | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |System Reports > State Tab | |

|document |Michigan General Collection Validation (Excel Spreadsheet) | |

| |Verify Missing/Invalid Data – Make Corrections | |

| | | |

|Export for MSDS |Reminder about attendance (days present/days enrolled): | |

| |Attendance must be calculated for exited students in the Fall and Spring submissions and for ALL students at End of Year. | |

|Michigan General Collection Report | | |

| |Reminder to run Refresh Premier Attendance View Data function: | |

| |To ensure that attendance for students is correctly calculated, run the Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data function found under| |

|This export assumes you are pulling data while in|Special Functions > Attendance Functions. This function should be run at the building level. | |

|District Office and not while logged into a | | |

|building. |To run the Michigan General Collection Report (export): | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > System Reports > State Tab | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |Michigan General Collection | |

|document |Students to Include: select All students | |

| |Processing Options and Specific Date/Time fields: leave as is. | |

| |First Day of School: enter in first day of school | |

| |Previous Count Date: enter in previous count date | |

| |Count Date: enter in count day | |

| |Reporting District’s State Assigned Number: enter in 50XXX (XXX=your district number) | |

| |Submitting Entity Type: select District | |

| |Submitting Entity Code: enter in 50XXX. Note of you choose Building or Agreement, you file may error at the state level. | |

| |Comma Delimited List of School ID’s: enter in your building number. Note: entering multiple building numbers may pull inaccurate | |

| |data. | |

| |Calculate Attendance For: | |

| |Exited Students Only (Required for Fall and Spring Submissions) | |

| |No Students (Fastest Run Time) | |

| |All Students (Required for End-of-Year) | |

| |Submit | |

| |In the System Report Queue, right click on the View link that shows under the Status column, Save Target As, file will save as | |

| |D50XXX.xml, Save. | |

| | | |

|End of Year |End of Year |End of Year |

| | | |

|End of Year MSDS Reporting for Graduates |In PowerSchool: | |

| |Change the next school and next grade for all seniors to be 99 through student field value.  | |

| |Change the exceptions - those who are not graduating or graduated with a different exit status - manually. | |

| |This will graduate the proper students to the graduated student school in PowerSchool. | |

| | | |

| |In MISDmsds: | |

| |Mass change all 12th graders to an exit status of 01. | |

| |Mass change all 12th graders exit date to the last day of school. | |

| |Change the exceptions - those who are not graduating or graduated with a different exit status - manually. | |

| |Submit your file to the state | |

| | | |

|Export for MSDS |Head Count only, attendance required for all students (run Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data function), run the Michigan | |

| |General Collection Report (export). | |

|Michigan General Collection Report | | |

| | | |

| |See documentation at the back of this cookbook for clearing the meis_attendance field prior to running the General Collection | |

| |report. | |

| | | |


| | | |

|Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report |Run the Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report: | |

|(gain/loss report) | | |

| |Start Page > System Reports > State Tab > Michigan Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report | |

|IF required for a Desk Audit |Select District Wide or Current School Only | |

| |Select HTML to print or CSV to open as a spreadsheet | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the |Select the School Year | |

|document |Enter the current date for the Date Prepared | |

| |Select Year Long for Month of School | |

| |Enter the 2nd day of school for Start Date of Reporting Period. If you enter the 1st day of school, all students will be included | |

| |in the report. | |

| |Enter the current count date for End Date of the Reporting Period | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|75% Report |Important! To ensure that attendance for students is correctly calculated, run the Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data function| |

| |found under Special Functions > Attendance Functions. This function should be run at the building level. | |

|Report details and sample report at back of the | | |

|document |Run the 75% Report: | |

| | | |

| |Start Page > System Reports > State Tab | |

| |Michigan 75 Percent Membership | |

| |Fill in Meeting and the Date Range | |

| |Submit | |

| | | |

|Delayed Start Days |School > Bell Schedules | |

| |Create a Bell Schedule for Delayed start based on periods met | |

| |Modify the lunch period in the Bell Schedule if necessary | |

| | | |

| |School > Attendance Conversions | |

| |Create an Attendance Conversion based on the Bell Schedule above | |

| | | |

| |School > Calendar Setup | |

| |Assign the Delayed Start Bell Schedule to the appropriate date in the calendar | |

| | | |

|Snow Days |School > Calendar Setup | |

| |Day Field: keep the appropriate day. Schedule Field: clear this field. Tracks Field: keep all boxes checked. In Sess Field: keep a| |

| |check in this box. Memb Value Field: keep a 1 in this field. Type Field: choose Other. Notes: key in Snow day or any information | |

| |you use for your district. | |

| | | |

| |[pic] | |

| | | |

| | | |


April 2012 - Format change to include bullets. Removed section on Worksheet B enhancement printing since we now have a Worksheet B State Report. Made slight adjustments to the order of steps so that tasks were put in order as verifying, clearing, coding, running validations, running reports. Added count day functions summary page. Revised Worksheet B setup directions to include Worksheet A setup and added sample reports. Added other state/count day report instructions and samples.

1/26/2012 – Updated Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report directions to include more detail, added Staff Status search parameter for teacher PIC number, updated Discipline reporting section to include details on what students to code and reports used to verify discipline records, removed the extra Gains Loss report under the Audit Reports section.

1/23/2012 - added Worksheet B instructions, added Valuable Resources, added Discipline Log Entry sample, Days Present/Days Enrolled instructions, added General Collection by building report instructions.

August 2011 – corrected dates for the 11-12 school year. Added clearing of As of Date. Deleted pages containing submission collection dates since CEPI’s website was not updated with this info. Added MSDS Submission Collection Dates 2011-2012 (tentative) graphical timeline. Corrected Print Class Rosters, Student Enrollment ~(count). Added Worksheet B report. Removed EOY building procedures.

4/8/2011 – added procedure for reporting EOY graduates for MSDS.

3/28/2011 – included Delayed Start Days and Snow Days sections (under Audit). Added to search for blank teacher PIC numbers.

2/14/2011 – removed SchoolID field from the Free/Reduced Lunch section

2/9/2011 - moved Clear Count Day Attendance to “Before Count Day” section. Formatting cleanup – made last column the Completed column and made first column Function, Field Name, Page Location.





Please use the following priority list when assigning pupil codes.

|1. |IA |International Academy of Macomb |

|2. |UI |Utica Academy for International Studies |

|3. |MC |Early/Middle College |

|4. |SW |Seat Time Waiver |

|5. |CE |Cooperative Education |

|6. |HH |Homebound/Hospitalized |

|7. |HB |Home-Based |

|8. |SC |School of Choice |

|9. |TU |Tuition Pupils |

|10. |NP |Non-Public |

|11. |HS |Homeschooled |

|12. |NR |Non-Resident |

|13. |PT |Part Time |

|14. |DE |Dual Enrollment |

|15. |RS |Reduced Schedule |

|16. |WS |Worksite Based |

|17. |ST |Special Ed Transition |

|18. |SP |Special Ed Preschool Program |

|19. |VD |Virtual Classes |

|20. |MO |Moved Out (only used for Supplemental Count Date) |

|21. |SS |Split Schedule (only if FTE is claimed in more than one building in the same district) |

|22. |HL |Homeless |

|23. |DP |Divorced Parent |

|24. |YH |Youth Home |

Pupil Accounting Screen


Pupil and Share Codes Report

System Reports > Engine Tab


STUFTE – Membership Report

System Reports > Engine Tab


Michigan 4061 Report

System Reports > State Tab

The Michigan 4061 Report extracts F.T.E. information for special education, general education, and adult education participants.

Selection Criteria

1. The report includes students who were enrolled on the count date, if count date is blank then the report includes students who are enrolled at runtime.

2. The students must not be selected to be excluded from the MSDS (include_time_share).

Report Environment

This report may be run from a school or from the district level.

Required Data Setup

1. Exclude students from this report by selecting No for Include in MSDS on the General tab of the state/province-MI page.

Running the Report

1. Select to include all or selected students.

2. Enter the Count Date. If count date is entered, only students who were enrolled on that date will be reported. Otherwise, all enrolled students at runtime will be reported.

3. Enter the Calculate age date. This is a required field and is used to calculate the age of each student as of this date.

4. Select a Reporting period. This is a required field and is used to determine specific criteria during runtime.

5. Enter a comma delimited list of schools (i.e. 0100,0200,0300). If left blank, the 4061 will run for the district, otherwise the 4061 will run for the schools listed.


Michigan 4061 Report Sample (last page)


Worksheets A and B Setup

To ensure that the Worksheets A and B reports your district data accurately, make sure that the following data is entered into PowerSchool:


• Staff > Select Teachers > Select a Staff Member > Edit Information

• Teachers need to have the Special Education Instructor field set to Yes

• Teachers need to and have a SpEd Instructor Program Assignment selected



• State/Province > Spec Ed Tab

• Students need to have the Special Education Student field set to Yes

• Student is assigned a special education teacher

• Section 52 FTE value is greater than zero or Section 53 FTE value is greater than zero


Worksheets A and B Report Samples



Michigan 10/30 Day Report

System Reports > State Tab

The Michigan 10/30 Day Report generates a PDF file for students who were absent on the count date. Each period in a student's school day will be listed along with the date the student returned to class. If the student did not return in the allotted amount of days then the period will be populated with an "X". Otherwise, if the student was either present on the count date for a class or is not enrolled in a period, the period will be left empty.

Selection Criteria

1. The report includes all students who received an excused or unexcused absence in at least one class on the count date.

Report Environment

This report may be run from a school only.

Required Data Setup

1. Exclude students from this report by selecting No for Include in MSDS on the General tab of the state/province-MI page.

Running the Report

1. Enter a count date. This field is required and the date is used to calculate attendance on or after this date.

2. Select Excused Attendance Codes. All codes selected from the multi-select will be used to calculate excused absences.

3. Select Unexcused Attendance Codes. All codes selected from the multi-select will be used to calculate unexcused absences.

4. Students who have an excused absence on the count date have 30 calendar days to return to class.

5. Students who have an unexcused absence on the count date have 10 in-session days to return to class.

6. In the "Show Returned to" drop-down, choose Period if your school runs a standard schedule, choose Course if your school run a rotation schedule (ie: A day, B day).


Michigan 75% Attendance Report

System Reports > State Tab

The Michigan 75% Membership Report generates daily attendance data for a specified data range and selected schools. The Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data function should be run prior to running this report to ensure the most accurate data calculations. The Refresh Attendance Views Data function can be found at Start Page - Special Functions - Attendance Functions - Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.

Selection Criteria

1. The report includes all students in membership during the date range specified.

2. An absence is calculated based upon if a student was not present for 100 percent of a school day.

Report Environment

This report may be run from a school or from the district level.

Running the Report

1. Enter a start date. This field is required and the date is used to calculate attendance on or after this date.

2. Enter a end date. This field is required and the date is used to calculate attendance on or before this date..

3. Enter a comma delimited list of schools (i.e. 0100,0200,0300). If left blank, the report will run for the district, otherwise the report will run for the schools listed.


Michigan Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report

System Reports > State Tab

The Michigan Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report generates a listing of students who have Transferred In or Exited the district/school during the time frame specified in the report interface.

Students will be extracted for the Enter/Add part of the report if they are enrolled between the Start Date and End Date specified.

Students will be extracted for the Exit/Drop part of the report only if they have an exit date between the Start Date and End Date specified.

The month field will be extracted exactly as it is selected as will the School Year field and the Date Prepared field.


Michigan Monthly Exit/Transfer In Report Sample

System Reports > State Tab


MI Teachers With Missing PIC Numbers

System Reports > State Tab



MI Official Enrollment Student Roster Report

System Reports > State Tab



Michigan General Collection Validation

System Reports > State Tab


PowerSchool Discipline Screen for State Reporting – Log Entry Screen



Michigan Discipline Entries Extract Report

System Reports > State Tab


Discipline_Log_Incidents_Consequences.csv – sample extract


General Collection Export for a Building

System Reports > State Tab > Michigan General Collection

We recommend that if you are exporting your count data for a specific building that you follow these directions in order to avoid including students that have transferred between buildings.

Search for all of your active and inactive students for that building using the forward slash:


Go to System Reports > State Tab

In the Students to Include section, select the option to run the report for the selected students only

Note: it is not necessary to enter in a building number in the Submitting Entity Code field


Valuable Resources:

MISD Website for State Reporting

MISDmsds Collection Program -- > Quick Links drop down > MISDmsds/SRSD

• Register form to make sure you are notified of updates to the program

• Download the program

• MISDmsds documentation

PowerSchool State Reporting Docs for Liaisons – psliaisons > Documents

• 2011-2012 Building Level PowerSchool MSDS-Pupil Accounting Procedures Cookbook

• 2011-2012 District Level PowerSchool MSDS-Pupil Accounting Procedures Cookbook

• 2011-2012 State Level PowerSchool MSDS-Pupil Accounting Procedures Cookbook

• Obtaining New UICs for PowerSchool

• Field Code Listing for State Pages

• General Collection Export for a Building

• S2E2 Documentation

• Worksheet B Report – Setup

• As of Date Documentation

• Days Present/Days Enrolled for MSDS Submissions

• Creating the StuFTE and Pupil Share Code Reports

• Enrollment status: -2 inactive, -1 pre-registered (inactive), 0 active, 1 inactive, 2 transferred out, 3 graduated, 4 imported as historical

CEPI > select the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) link for:

• MSDS Collection Component Matrix

• Links for specific collections and specifications for each collection

• MSDS New User Toolkit

• MSDS District User Training Manual

• MSDS Reports and Status Definitions

• MSDS Modular System Training

• 2011-2012 MSDS Collection Details Manual

• 2011-2011 Collection Dates

• MSDS Security Agreement and Single Sign-On User’s Guide

• Best Practices Guide to MSDS and Accountability










Discipline Types required for state reporting:

Special Education Students – In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Removals, and Expulsions

General Education Students – Expulsions

Make sure to select Log Type – Discipline to reveal state specific fields at the bottom of the page.

Make sure to enter the Incident Date in this field, this is the incident date included in the export.

Serious Bodily Injury can only be submitted with incident type 60

Sexual Assault can only be submitted with incident types 60 and 61

Follow-up after Expulsion required for any expelled student and for Special Education students removed from the educational setting for more than 10 days.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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