Grading Rubric for Commercials

Grading Rubric for PSA

**Project due to show to class Friday Feb.4th**


❑ Research (at least 3 sources of printed material to hand in)

❑ Production Proposal

❑ Video (max 5 mins)

For this project you are going to have to make a Public Service Announcement (PSA) about an appropriate subject that affects you, your age group and or community. There can be NO duplicate topics in a class period. Use your time wisely so that you are not scrambling at the last minute to get everything done. You will be editing this project in Adobe Premiere.



RESEARCH PRINTOUTS (worth 100pts):




| | | | | |

|PSA RUBRIC | | | | |

|Content |Covers topic in-depth with|Includes essential |Includes essential |Content is minimal OR there |

| |details and examples. |knowledge about the topic.|information about the |are several factual errors. |

|(Possible 25 points) |Subject knowledge is |Subject knowledge appears |topic but there are 1-2 |(5 Points) |

| |excellent. |to be good. |factual errors. | |

| |(25 Points) |(22 Points) |(12 Points) | |

|Filming |Camera shots are steady, |Some minor problems with |Camera shots are sometimes|Overall quality of camera |

| |focused, well-framed with |camera technique, but |unsteady or jerky. Too |work is poor. |

|(Possible 20 points) |few, if any, pans and |overall quality of camera |many pans and zooms. |(5 Points) |

| |zooms. |work is good. |Some shots may not be well| |

| |(20 Points) |(17 Points) |framed or out of focus. | |

| | | |(12 Points) | |

|Editing |All shots left are |Some minor editing errors,|Editing is choppy in |Shows little evidence of |

| |necessary to the |but the overall editing is|parts. |editing. |

|(Possible 20 points) |commercial. No video |good. |Parts of scenes that |(5 Points) |

| |glitches. |(17 points) |should have been edited | |

| |(20 points) | |out remain. | |

| | | |(12 Points) | |

|Audio |Audio is clear, loud |Minor difficulties with |Audio is sometimes |Audio quality is poor |

| |enough. |audio, but overall effect |unclear, perhaps too loud |overall. |

|(Possible 15 points) |Speaker projects voice |is a good quality video. |or too soft. |Little evidence of |

| |well (no mumbling) |(12 Points) |Narration may show lack of|preparation before speaking |

| |(15 Points) | |voice projection. |or in choice of music. |

| | | |Music choice not |Narration or music may be |

| | | |appropriate. |missing. |

| | | |(9 Points) |(4 points) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Individual Effort |Great effort put into the |Good efforts put into the |Fair effort put into the |Little to no effort put into|

| |overall project daily. |overall project daily, off|overall project daily, off|the overall project daily. |

|(Possible 20 points) |(20pts) |task occasionally. |task frequently. | |

| | |(15 pts) |(10pts) |(0 points) |

Total Points:_________________________


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