Maury PTA Officer Position: PRESIDENT – Caitlin Rockwell ...

Maury PTA Officer Position: PRESIDENT – Caitlin Rockwell (cgrockwell@ )

• Format agenda and preside at 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Format agenda and preside at 1 PTA membership meeting per month.

• Give updates and report on membership, financials, and monthly events to general membership at each PTA meeting. In addition, answer questions, guide discussions and put forward votes. Provide copies of agendas.

• Distribute information regarding PTA and school events, issues or concerns to Maury families via, student Thursday folders, listserv and website.

• Act as member ex officio of all committees and coordinate the work of Maury PTA Officers and Committees in order to properly promote PTA purposes. Also, create/promote the usage of committees/volunteers as needed to achieve event/project completion (Student social events; School Assemblies; Talent Show; etc.).

• Act as liaison to Principal/School Staff, Families/Parents and ACPS. May attend monthly PTAC Meetings, Superintendent Luncheons and School Board Meetings for the gain or sharing of information regarding Maury Elementary.

• Submit local unit officers’ form and verification of the local unit’s employer identification number (EIN) to the state office immediately upon election of officers and no later than June 15 annually.

• Contact Maury PTA bank, in July with notification letter for update to/changes in signees for accounts. Signees are President, President-Elect and Treasurer.

• Draft starting budget with the Treasurer for approval by the Executive Committee. Budget will be presented to PTA Membership at the September PTA meeting for approval.

• Monitor fund use and budget maintenance throughout the year; including the directing of funds to teachers/staff for Classroom Grants, Field Trip Funds, Literacy Programs, Special Assemblies, Technology Advancement, etc.

• Coordinate, promote and assemble volunteers as needed for 4 School Picture Days (Splendid Photography).

• Work with VP Communications to maintain and enhance Community Partner Sponsorship and relationships; including solicitations to complete Community Partner support, exposure of those businesses to Maury Community, and thank you letters/receipts to Community Partners.

• Keep copy of Maury PTA bylaws on file.

• Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in bylaws or assigned by Maury PTA.

Maury PTA Officer Position: PRESIDENT ELECT – Brittany Fraser (brittanyfraser@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

▪ Attend 1 PTA Membership Meeting per month.

▪ Shadow the President and assist as needed.

▪ Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

▪ Oversee Teacher Appreciation Events and Budget

o Plan for Annual Teacher Appreciation Events

o Recruit Parent Volunteers to Assist with and Donate Items for Events

o Remain within Approved Line Item Budget

o Maintain Supplies Needed to Host Events

o Annual Event Examples: Welcome Back Meal, End-of-Quarter Celebrations, Conference Night Dinners, Holiday Celebration, Teacher Appreciation Week Celebrations, and End-of-Year Celebration.

Maury PTA Officer Position: SECRETARY – Phuong Yokitis (mpyokitis@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Attend 1 PTA Membership meeting per month.

• Take minutes at PTA Membership meeting.

• Distribute minutes to Executive Committee for review via email, then to Maury listserv for general comment.

• Bring copies of minutes to membership meeting and present for approval to general membership.

• Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

Maury PTA Officer Position: TREASURER – Drew Deering (drew13_02@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Attend 1 PTA Membership Meeting per month.

• Have custody of all the funds of the association.

• Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures.

• Make disbursements as authorized by the president, executive board, or association in accordance with the budget adopted by the association.

• Remit by December 1 to the Virginia PTA state office, state and local PTA dues for memberships received prior to December 1. Remit by March 1, dues received after December 1 and remit by June 30, all state and local dues received after March 1.

• Have checks or vouchers signed by two (2) officers, preferably the treasurer and the president.

• Present a written financial statement at every meeting of the association and at other times when requested by the executive board.

• Prepare an annual financial report at the close of the fiscal year.

• Have the accounts examined according to the auditing procedures outlined in Article VI of the By-Laws;

• Prepare and file Forms 990 or 990EZ, as applicable and a copy of the filed forms shall also be forwarded to the state office within fifteen (15) days of filing.

• Submit a copy of the fiscal year-end audit to the state office within thirty (30) days following the adoption of the audit by the membership.

• Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

Maury PTA Officer Position: VP COMMUNICATIONS and OUTREACH – Jess Wehrman (jesswehrman@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Attend 1 PTA Membership Meeting per month and give monthly updates to general membership at that time.

▪ Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

▪ Oversee and Assist Communication and Outreach Chairs as needed.

PTA Newsletter – MARINER

• Responsible for all aspects of newsletter creation and production.

• Write articles, select photos/art, format layout, edit and submit for printing.

• Distribute newsletter electronically via listserv and paper copies via Student Thursday Folders.

• Outsource Printing of Newsletter.


• Update/maintain existing PTA website .


• Serve as group owner and moderator.

• Promote member enrollment and approve/disapprove new members.

• Update/maintain group description and moderate discussions as needed.

FACEBOOK Administrator

• Update Facebook page information as needed. May post photos.

MAURY Community Directory: Managed by Maureen Leary

• Establish (Google) database for collecting/entering contact information.

• Create and distribute information forms - electronically via listserv and forms sent home via Student Thursday Folders.

• Enter data collected manually into database/data entry.

• Produce draft and final directory document.

• Distribute directory electronically via listserv.

Community OUTREACH

• Renew existing Community Partner contributions and identify/solicit new Community Partners.

• Have President provide thank you letters and receipts for contributions.

• Promote and maintain record of Community Partner exposure.

• Manage relationships with Community Partners.

• Assist in contacting members of the media or ACPS public affairs to publicize PTA activities at Maury as needed.


Maury PTA Officer Position: VP AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS – Pam Townsend (mauryptaprograms@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Attend 1 PTA Membership meeting per month and give monthly updates to general membership at that time.

• Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

• Oversee and Assist 4-5 core volunteers to help with registration, organizing volunteers and class evaluations.

• Develop two programs: Fall Session and Winter/Spring Session (8-11 weeks long)

o Existing core program for at least 60% of the classes for each session.

o Coordinate with Ms. Jackson on classroom space available.

o Limited by available space to about 15 or less offerings each session- less if there are not enough volunteers to help with registration and classes- fewer if there are not enough classrooms open.

o Negotiate contracts with existing and new instructors for each session.

• Conduct registrations for each session.

o Either on-line or paper registration. Recruit volunteers as needed.

o Class descriptions and parameters need to be entered.

o Calculate tuitions charged including a $5-$10 administrative fee that will cover instructor’s pay and scholarships. Work with treasurer to ensure that tuitions are correctly calculated. Excel skills highly recommended

o Coordinate/grant scholarships. Need Ms. Jackson’s approval of scholarship recipients.

o Create class lists for instructors, homeroom teachers, rosters for the programs, and list for dismissal options. Excel skills highly recommended.

• Manage the Sessions

o Coordinate Classroom/Dismissal Volunteers.

o Coordinate with ACPS on the Activity Bus, coordinate with the YMCA for YMCA after-care bus if needed.

o Coordinate with ACPS on the snacks distribution.

Maury PTA Officer Position: VP FUNDRAISING – Missy Estabrook (missysantoro@ )

• Attend 1 Executive Committee Meeting per month.

• Attend 1 PTA Membership Meeting per month and give monthly updates to general membership at that time.

• Communicate information regarding fundraising events and opportunities, report on the funds raised for those events and how they will be used.

• Help recruit volunteers to chair various fundraising committees.

• Assist fundraising committee chairs with events.

• Act as liaison between PTA Executive Committee and fundraising committee chairs.

• Provide input, comment, and assistance with Executive Committee decisions and perform other duties as assigned.

• Raise money, money and money for Maury!  :)

• Oversee Innisbrook, Dine-Outs, Spirit Wear, Box Tops, Maury Gala and all other fundraising committees on behalf of the PTA.

Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: INNISBROOK Coordinator – Dawn Cousins (decousins@ )

• Meet with Innisbrook contact (Cathy Sides).

• Collect catalogs and display materials (August).

• Give Innisbrook contact the total # of Maury students.

• Schedule the 2-weeek-long fundraiser in September.

• Schedule the product delivery for November and ask to use the stage for pick-ups.

• Make sure Innisbrook has a copy of our tax exemption certificate.

• Get roster from Ms. Jackson with:  teacher, room #, number of kids in the class.

• Become online Coordinator.

• Make a Cover Letter to print onto back of the “Kick Off Letter”, attach to catalogue fronts.

• Create display box and put up prize posters near water fountains.

• Create and distribute flyers (Innisbrook is coming, one week left, last day, and order delivery) and send listserv reminders.

• Distribute catalogs (Thursday folder on first day of sale; Sept).

• Put out staked sign on lawn for 2 weeks (Fundraiser going on Now!)

• Input orders online.

• Coordinate prizes for individual winners.

o Schedule pizza party with Ms. Jackson for 3 winning students (check with kids about allergies).

o Make goodie bags for kids.

o Coordinate prizes for classes (top 3 classes get popcorn party).

▪ Talk to teachers about scheduling.

▪ Get popcorn and drinks delivered the day of the parties.

• Coordinate and organize order pick-up for parents.

Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: Maury SPIRIT WEAR Coordinator – Jennifer Sorrells (jsorrells@ )

• Sales (both events and individual requests). Submit payment to Treasurer.

• Re-orders (both general and special orders)

• Inventory

• listserv announcements (if necessary)

• keep track of logos/art files


Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: EAT and GREETS Coordinator – Jessica Wallace (jessicawallace@ )

• Beginning of year: create rough monthly calendar.

• Check dates with PTA Pres and Ms. Jackson.

• Each month: get in touch with contact person to secure date and commission %

• Make 2 flyers for Thursday folders:  Save the Date and Reminder.

• Post reminders on listserv.

Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: Maury Grocery Product Coordinators

BOX TOPS - Becca Brocato (rbrocato@ )

 • Announcements and reminders via listserv and Thursday Folders.

• Collect and count and submit (submit any time).

• Collect the checks for Maury (2X a year; Oct and April usually).

• Coordinate both competitions against Lyles-Crouch and Charles Barrett  (Fall and Spring)

• Set up in-house competitions between classes and for individual students.

• Set up the classroom popcorn parties and individual prizes (optional)

• Be the online coordinator for Box Tops:

Labels for Education – Cindy Zimijewski Demers

 • Announcements and reminders via listserv and Thursday Folders.

• Collect and count and submit

• Redeem points for Maury

• Be the online coordinator for Labels for Education: 

 My Coke Rewards – Lisa Evans

• Announcements and reminders via listserv and Thursday Folders.

• Submit codes (Anyone can do this; up to 120 per week)

• Redeem points for Maury.

• Be the online coordinator for My Coke Rewards:                 

Grocery Points Programs - Jessica Wallace (jessicawallace@ )

• Reregister Maury with Giant, Harris Teeter and Safeway in August.

• Make “How To Sign Up” Flyer for Thursday Folders/PTA Meeting.

• Post on Listserv “How To”

Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: Barnes and Noble Holiday Event Coordinators – Jenny Mullins and Alicia St. Jean (jenny.e.mullins@ and aliciafs@ )

• Select date and check with Ms. Jackson/PTA President.

• Contact Barnes and Noble to secure date and terms.

• Use to get volunteers.

• Create flyers for Thursday folders to get volunteers and promote event.

• Use listserv to get volunteers and promote event.

• Work with Barnes and Noble contact to set up table.

• Bring wrapping paper/tape/paper.

• Create Teacher Wish Lists for use at the event.

Maury PTA FUNDRAISING CMT: Spring Gala and Auction Coordinators – Missy Estabrook and Emily Schell Jones (missysantoro@ and emilyschell@ )

• Book location and determine event theme and schedule details; times, announcements, music, etc. Final determination made with PTA Executive Committee.

• Form SUB COMMITTEES to work within and oversee completion of tasks as follows: (recommended to divide duties among smaller committees)

o Donations Committee: Solicit and obtain sponsors, underwriters and donations for the event. Mailing/Delivering solicitation letters and follow-up with email/phone calls to secure contributions from Maury families, teachers (teacher packages) and local businesses. Incorporate donation package information and table displays of packages and determine Raffle Rules. Provide thank you letters and receipts to families and businesses for donations made to event.

o Communications: Announce event location/time to Maury families via PTA Meetings/Save-The-Date Flyers/Website/Listserv Announcements. Use “event design” for invitations and distribute to Maury Community. Share sign-up volunteer form for volunteers the night of event.

o Refreshments Committee: Plan menu and solicit donations for food/catering, beverages (including wine and beer). Menu generally heavy hors d’ oeuvres and refreshments. Also, includes equipment plans; tables, coverings, and layouts in conjunction with donations.

o Decorations Committee: Develop decoration plan according to theme and layout of facility. Incorporate works done by students or plan student involved activities to complete decoration projects.

o Publications: Set Design for invitations and Auction Program/Catalogue and compile data for early “mini” catalogue and final full catalogue for event attendees.

o Financials/Data Entry: Tally attendee list; raffle purchase; special purchases and auction close out the night of the event.

OUTDOOR LEARNING/GARDEN COMMITTEE Chair – Sue Setliff (setliff.sue@)

COMMITTEE GOAL and/or ANNUAL EVENTS – The garden club provides an opportunity for curriculum based learning outside the classroom. We also enjoy contributing to the beauty of the school, and giving the kids a chance to be in a cultivated, aesthetically pleasing, natural space.


• Assist the ACPS garden coordinator working with the kids in the garden. The lesson plans support the SOL’s and give kids a great visual appreciation for growing foods to eat, herbs that heal, animal habitats, plant parts and life cycles, awareness of native species, weather patterns and more.

• Planting, weeding, watering, and all maintenance of the garden beds, border and signage. This includes scheduling workdays, buying supplies and plant material, coordinating summer watering schedules.

• Managing and supporting efforts for “farm to table” week with ACPS food service.

• Soliciting and supporting special projects and events with the art (mosaics) and science (frog day) teachers.

COMMITTEE POSITIONS – All our members are able to participate in all activities.

DESCRIPTION of Responsibilities: Current needs include attending when the kids are out for a lesson with ACPS coordinator, supporting work days, attending special events, valuing the natural world as an important part of a child’s surroundings.

Note: The garden and outdoor classroom provides a change of pace and place for students to learn.  The garden activities directly connect to curriculum, and help to make some abstract ideas more concrete.  For example, the kindergarten explores the five senses in the garden, smelling mint, touching lamb's ear, and tasting chives and fennel.  By planting and harvesting and serving crops in the cafeteria, the kids explore food sources and commerce.  The garden provides an outdoor classroom for our science and art teachers especially.  Kids learning in the garden helps to promote an understanding and respect for nature and all living things.  Our native plants reflect part of Virginia history, our butterfly garden plays host to monarchs during migration, our tulips teach about dormancy and plant parts.

MAURY GREEN TEAM Chair – Pete Raack (pjrax@)

COMMITTEE GOAL: The Green Team works to educate the Maury School Community about the impacts on the environment from our daily lives and organizes or sponsors fun, interesting activities to learn what we can do to lessen that impact.


• Composting and Recycling Awareness Campaigns

• Spring Session After-School Environmental Club.

• City-wide Earth Day Festival

• Fall Festival Table with Activities and Community Information.

• Energy Star Classroom Contest.

• Participation in Alexandria’s River Cleanup Efforts.

DESCRIPTION of COMMITTEE Member Responsibilities:

• Attend monthly meetings – usually the hour before the PTA meetings.

• Use imagination and creativity and energy to plan fun activities.

Note: The Maury Green Team is a parent-run, PTA-sponsored committee dedicated to enhancing the environmental awareness of the Maury Elementary School community and helping Maury students have a little lighter impact on the environment. The Green Team organizes and sponsors green activities at the Fall Festival, implemented a Compost Captain program for cafeteria composting, and, in conjunction with other committees (Garden Committee, Health and Wellness), assists in school grounds and program improvements.  The Green Team also offers an after-school environmental program.

In the past, the Maury Green Team has held a Classroom Energy Star Contest to measure classroom-by-classroom recycling and energy use, and organized Bike and Walk to School Rallies as well as the Maury Earth Day Festival or the school's participation in the City-Wide Earth Day Festival.

The Green Team also works with a school district-appointed Environmental Steward who helps facilitate activities in and around the school.


HEALTH and WELLNESS COMMITTEE Chair – Candace Hill (Hillcand@ )

COMMITTEE GOAL and/or ANNUAL EVENTS – Promote better health for all students and staff at Maury Elementary through educational and enrichment activities that teach good nutrition, healthy eating habits, and encourage fitness through fun activities.


• Encourage families to participate in improving their wellness and incorporation exercise into their daily lives.

• Oversee projects that bring nutrition and fitness enrichment to Maury Elementary School (example from last school year: school-wide pedometer event.

• Promote City-wide fitness events to members of the Maury Community (examples: Marine Corps Fun Run, Top of the Town).

LITERACY TEAM COMMITTEE Chair – Jen Kenealy and Cynthia Skinner (jenniferkenealy@ and cynthiabskinner@ )

COMMITTEE GOAL and/or ANNUAL EVENTS – Provide a range of literacy opportunities for students and increased access to reading/books through Scholastic Book Fairs, Author/Illustrator visits and school literacy events.


• To assist Maury Librarian with Book Fairs - promoting the events through Maury PTA communications and recruiting volunteers to help with events.

• Provide recommendations and assist with coordinating Author/Illustrator Visits and School-Wide book reading events.

• Assist with all other literary fundraising and/or programs; including, Gifts of Reading Programs and Book Swaps.

• Act as liaison between Maury Literary professionals and the PTA.

MAURY UNIFORM SWAP COMMITTEE Chairs – Kelley Organek and Grit Cooper (kelleyorganek@ and gritc@ )

COMMITTEE GOAL and/or ANNUAL EVENTS -- The Maury Uniform Swap is an opportunity for families to trade used uniform clothing for clothing that will fit their growing children. Families donate used uniform clothing and receive points for each item donated. The points can be redeemed for “new” items on Swap Days, or items may be purchased at discounted prices. The Uniform Swap committee intends to conduct 4 uniform swaps during the 2011-12 school year.


• Identify potential dates for uniform swaps with the principal and PTA president.

• Plan for the collection of used uniforms (i.e., drop off bins at Maury events, on front porches of residences).

• Plan and carry out Sorting Days, where volunteers sort donations and credit points to families.

• Plan and carry out Swap Days, where used uniforms are made available for purchase or point redemption.

• Maintain a Swap Point Log to track points earned and redeemed at the Swaps.

• Submit money earned at the Swaps to the PTA Treasurer.

• Communicate with the school nurse to supply used uniforms to the clinic, if needed.


A successful swap depends on volunteers to collect, sort and staff the actual Swap Day. All volunteers helping with the Maury Uniform Swap have the privilege of shopping prior to the Swap Day opening. An online sign-up sheet is used to coordinate the volunteers.

REFLECTIONS COMMITTEE Chairs – Luisa Tio and Jenny Mullins ( and jenny.e.mullins@)

COMMITTEE GOAL and/or ANNUAL EVENTS – Participation in the annual PTA Reflections Art Contest is the main goal (encouraging the arts in our children, and promoting Maury at the same time). This is a nationwide PTA arts contest for students, with categories for art, music, photography, literature, video, and dance/choreography. The theme changes annually, and the city deadline is usually the end of October. We usually have an Art Night sponsored by the PTA, which we try to have before the October PTA meeting. We offer the students pizza and drinks and then they can make art for the contest with art materials we supply. There is a city-wide PTA Reflections award ceremony and art show at TC Williams, usually held on a Sunday in January. We have our own award ceremony and show at Maury, typically held in conjunction with another event, and this event is flexible, but has been held in February.



• Make signs for the contest and hang them in the school

• Organize the food and food setup for Art Night (ordering pizza, buying fruit, drinks, plates, cups, napkins; setup/cleanup that night)

• Secure half of the judges for the different categories

• Organize the entry forms for their specific categories

• Take the entries to the judges for judging

• Make labels for the artwork

• Order ribbons

• Assist with setup and takedown of TC Williams show

• Take photos of events, students, and artwork for PTA newsletter

• Attend meetings with city chair

• Take winning entries to city chair’s home

• Organize the Maury award ceremony; award ribbons

• Print out Participation Certificates for all Maury participants


• Make announcements at school about art contest (on PA and in classes)

• Organize the art part of Art Night (ordering art supplies, setting them up, cleaning them up, discussing the theme with the students, assisting with questions)

• Send out info to the Maury listserv, attaching rules and entry forms

• Make copies of the rules and entry forms, give to each student in take-home folders, and have some available at the school and on Art Night

• Secure half the judges for the different categories

• Organize the entry forms for their specific categories

• Take the entries to the judges for judging

• Assist with setup and takedown of TC Williams show

• Write informational blurbs about winners for PTA newsletter

• Make announcement at Maury about winners

• Attend meetings

• Hang/take down student artwork at Maury

• Return student artwork

• Organize the Maury award ceremony; award ribbons

• Label award ribbons

Yearbook Editors: Charlotte Dugan and Greg Knott (peanutdugan@ and greg@ )

Editor Responsibilities:

• Review contract with Splendid Yearbook Company in October.

• Design yearbook cover or run cover art contest with 5th grade class.

• Submit and approve Yearbook cover proof by December 1st.

• When individual school pictures arrive from Splendid work with Ms. Jackson to:

o Have her review the detail to identify misspelling of children's names;

o Identify children who have withdrawn from Maury or children who have transferred into Maury; or any children who have moved classrooms.

o Obtain a listing of staff names and official titles from Ms. Jackson. Upload the individual pictures to the EZbook software and make necessary changes.

• Set pricing and advertise for Personal Ads.

• Request photos from parents, teachers and students throughout Maury to capture "Life at Maury".

• Coordinate with Splendid regarding Candid, Teams/Clubs, and a Teacher Group photo.

• Decide on the "Life at Maury" content that the Yearbook Designer will format and perfect in the yearbook software.

• Verify that all students have a photo release so they can be included in the yearbook.

• Flow the teacher and student pages in the Yearbook Software.

• Work with Yearbook Designer to ensure each Personal Ad is included, reflects the content that was submitted and is correctly size.

• Submit Yearbook by April 15th, determining amount, and extra finishing options based on monies raised.

• Advertise for sale of yearbook and track each child who orders by teacher.

• Ensure all monies for personal ads and yearbooks are paid and remit payments to Treasurer.

• Work with Maury staff to determine which children should get a "free" yearbook.

Distribute Yearbooks in early June.


MEMBERSHIP CHAIR – Jen vanGoethem ( jvangoethem@ )

Work with the Executive Committee to annually recruit PTA Members. Responsibilities include: tracking membership information (DATA ENTRY) collecting dues

Maintain membership list as required by the VA PTA and complete all thank you letters and receipts to families who make donations to PTA;

Note: The purpose of the PTA Membership Chair is to facilitate, coordinate, process and track all aspects of annual PTA membership renewal.  The PTA Membership Chair works with the PTA President and other Board Members to encourage maximum possible membership.  The PTA Membership Chair ensures all necessary forms and materials are easily accessible and available to all parents, teachers, staff and local businesses that elect to join the PTA. The PTA Membership Chair accepts all applications and dues payments, as well as provides all members with PTA ID cards and information on membership incentives and promotions. Membership recruitment efforts continue throughout the school year. 


Work with Executive Committee to communicate issues/needs of the Maury Community to School Board and Alexandria City Council and to report legislative actions to Maury PTA throughout the school year. Attend monthly PTA Council meetings.

MAURY SCHOOLYARD INITIATIVE – Chair, Henri vanGoethem (henri.vangoethem@)

The Maury Schoolyard Initiative (MSI), a committee adopted by the Maury PTA, was formed by Maury parents who want to improve the outdoor space at the school.  The MSI’s primary goal is the sustainable long-term redevelopment of the Maury schoolyard.  This committee's mission is to improve the outdoor space and make it more enjoyable, educational, healthy and environmentally friendly for the students, staff, and families of the Maury School and Alexandria communities.

ROOM PARENT COORDINATOR – Connie Mackay (conniemackay@)

• Work with Executive Committee to recruit and complete list of classroom Room Parents and maintain an email/phone tree network for communicating grade specific information for PTA and School.

• ROOM PARENTS: Two Parents per Classroom. Disseminate information to parents in their classroom as needed. Oversee and coordinate volunteers for classroom needs as directed by teacher. Coordinate collection of donations from parents for holiday and/or end-of-year teacher gifts and classroom baskets for annual gala.

PARENT TOUR COORDINATOR – Sue Setliff (setliff.sue@)

• Work with the school to schedule and provide school tours for Prospective Parents as needed throughout the school year. Recruit volunteers as needed.

SPRING FLING/FIELD DAY COORDINATOR: Working with Coach Allen (PE Teacher) to organize and provide outdoor games/events and recruit parent volunteers to help with this one day event in June.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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