GV PTA Job Descriptions.docx.docx

PTA POSITION JOB DESCRIPTIONSExecutive BoardPresident:Coordinate the work of the executive board (officers) and the committees Preside at all meetings of the PTA association and executive boardBe a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committeeAppoint the parliamentarian, chairmen and members of committees subject to ratification of the executive boardPrepare the list of association officers and chairmen required for directory data and submit to the district councilSign all authorizations for payment as requiredBe responsible for preparing the association annual reportBe the official representative of the association at the council and district meetingsBe the official representative of PTA at school functions. Make presentations at Open House, Back to School, etc. Have all newsletters, flyers and/or notices approved by the principal prior to distributionHave all contracts and legally binding documents approved by the associationAuthorized to sign checksMaintain PTA website or assign task.Perform other duties as may be assigned by the associationExecutive Vice President:Serve as a primary aide to the presidentPerform the duties of the president in their absencePerform other duties as maybe assigned by the association1st Vice President, Chairman of LegislationResponsible for demonstrating leadership on children’s issues at the local level by educating PTA members, community members and elected officials about PTA's issues of concern and legislative priorities and goals. The unit, council or district legislative chair provides PTA members with information about PTA positions on current legislation and issues. Attend District Legislation meetings2nd Vice President, Chairman of ProgramsPrograms include: Arts in Education/Reflections, Golden View Gazette, Parent Education and Student Education and Student Assemblies.?This VP will help recruit and coordinate chairs for each program.?Attends Executive Board and Association PTA Meetings during the school year.? 3rd Vice President, Chairman of Ways and MeansWays and Means includes revenue events such as: Book Fairs, Corporate Sponsorship, Fundraisers, School Supplies, Movie Night, Family Game Night, Carnival, Directory and Spirit Wear. This VP helps ensure that all chairs for each committee mentioned under Ways and Means are filled.?Provides plans to the PTA on how to raise funds necessary for the work of the PTA for the school year.?Supervises all moneymaking activities and is a member of the budget and finance committee.?Maintains a procedure book that includes pertinent information on activities, programs, contacts, communications, statistics and budget information.?? Attends Executive Board and General PTA Meetings during the school year.?Recording SecretaryKeep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meeting of the association and the executive boardBe prepared to refer to the minutes of the previous meetingsPrepare a list of all unfinished business for the use of the presidentWith the president, sign all authorizations for paymentRecord all expenditures in the minutesKeep a current list of the paid members of the association provided by the membership chairmanKeep a current signed original set of the bylaws and standing rulesPerform other duties as may be assigned or delegated to the secretaryReceive the monthly bank statement and after verifying the check payees, check numbers and check amounts paid match check payees, check numbers and check amounts approved, forward the bank statement to the treasurer. Conduct all necessary correspondence of the association upon authorization of the president and the board or associationNotify officers of their election and chairmen of their appointmentsSend out notices of executive board meetingsTreasurer:Keep permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the association, including specifically, the number of members, the dues collected from the members and the amount of dues remitted to the CA PTA. Such books should be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the CA state PTA.Chair the budget committee and prepare the budget for adoption by the associationContact the bank to secure signatures of all authorized signers on all checking and savings account signature cards and file with the bank immediately upon taking office.Receive and retain a copy of the deposit slip for any deposit madePrepare all authorizations for payment as required by the executive board or the associationUpon receipt of a signed payment authorization form, pay all bills as authorized by the executive board or the associationSecure two signatures on all checksIndividuals counting cash/checks shall not be related by blood, marriage or reside in the same household.Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements in a ledger that is a permanent record of the association. All other financial records must be retained for seven years including the current year.Keep the membership informed of expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the associationRemit all council, district, State and National portions of per capita dues monthly to the financial officer of the council.Present a treasurer’s report at every meeting of the association and the executive board and at other times as requested by the association.Be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary report forms required by the CA PTA for insurance and for filing all tax returns and other forms required by government agencies. This includes employee report forms. Forward 2 copies of all government filings to the San Ramon Valley Council.Make an annual financial report to the association that includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year. Forward 2 copies of the annual financial report to the SRV Council.Financial SecretaryGive a receipt for monies received for the association and deposit immediately in the bank and give a copy of the deposit slip to the treasurer.Keep an accurate record of all receipts for filing with the treasurer’s financial records for the associationPresent a monthly report at every meeting of the association and the executive board and at other times when requested by the associationMake an annual report to the associationPerform other duties as may be delegated to the financial secretaryAuditor:Audit the books and financial records of the association semiannuallyPrepare a midyear audit to be completed in January. Present a written report to the executive board at the February meeting for review and to the association at the March meeting for adoption.Prepare a year-end audit to be completed in July. Present a written report to the executive board at the August meeting for review and to the association at the September meeting for adoption.Audit the books upon resignation of the treasurer, financial secretary, or any check signer and at any time deemed necessaryNot be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household as the financial officers and/or authorized signers of checksBe responsible for verifying on the Audit Report Form that all necessary report forms required by the CA State PTA for insurance, tax returns and other forms required by state and federal government agencies have been completed and filed by the due date.Forward 2 copies of the adopted audits to the SRV CouncilHistorian:Assemble and preserve a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the associationAct as a custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the associationAssist the president with the preparation of the association’s annual report required by the CA state PTAParliamentarian:Attend all meetings of the association and the executive board and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requestedCall the first meeting of the nominating committee, conduct election of a chairperson and give instructions in procedure, and may be contacted for additional information. Shall only attend nomination meetings if elected to the nomination committeeChair the bylaws committee and review the bylaws and standing rules annuallyBe entitled to all rights and privileges of membership including the right to make motions, debate and voteCommittee ChairsBreakfast Book Club?Meet before school once a month starting in October and ending in May. Work with staff to pick appropriate books. Recruit staff and parents to be facilitators. Arrange breakfast for attendees (usually muffins, bagels, and fruit) Purchase books and supplies. Update flyer for registration and promote through Friday folders, Gazette and room parent network. Field DayThis position is to oversee the activities for Field Day in June so that it runs smoothly. Planning should begin in AprilYou will coordinate games/activities as well as recruiting volunteers to staff each activity throughout the day. There is a binder of information and we can help guide you through the process of organizing this event.?Health and SafetyThe National PTA and California State PTA consider health education to be of major importance. Local units should promote health education. The safety of students and staff at school, and traveling to and from school, is of paramount concern. PTAs have a responsibility to identify and promote awareness of safety problems in the school community and, in collaboration with others, to help develop solutions. Safety is a growing concern for the public. Preparedness for emergencies and disasters, as well as the prevention of unintentional injuries (accidents), is a serious concern of those who care for children in the home, at school, and in the community. Activities to promote safety are closely related to and can be incorporated in all PTA interests. Attend District Health and Safety meetings.Honorary Service Awards?Coordinate a committee (include President and Principal) to nominate and recognize volunteers and members of the school staff for outstanding servicePurchase Awards (budget provided)Plan luncheon or coffee/tea in May to present awards (budget provided)Special Needs?Forward information on Special needs topics to parents that signed up to receive info (create a distribution list from Registration). Edit articles and pertinent info to the gazette. Attend District Special Needs meetings.Volunteer CoordinatorCollect responses to Volunteer Requests at registration.? Get list of volunteers to chairpersons and President.? Most work done right after Registration in August.? Help Coordinate middle school volunteers for Movie Night, Bingo Night and CarnivalCan be done from home.?Event HospitalityCoordinate back to school picnic (if planned), back to school coffee and refreshments for PTA association meetings.? Organize TK/K summer playgroups.Also coordinate refreshments for Family Fun nights (2).?? Usually requires recruiting some help through sign up genius and parent volunteers.?Lost and FoundPut names on board of clothing that has names) 1x/month. Gather donations twice a year.? Sister School coordinators will usually take for you (or Rotary) or Girl Scouts?RegistrationCoordinate and manage Golden View’s back to school registration.Meet with principal, office staff, PTA President and Gator Fund to make sure all materials are set for online registration.?Arrange stations and make sure you have enough volunteers to staff each station.? This usually involves getting a general commitment in May and following up in early August.? Be at all registration days and Provide coffee/refreshments for volunteers.???Movie NightsMovie Night is once a year in the fall? Arrange volunteers to help (projection, snacks and supervision).? Train middle school volunteers that night.? Buy snacks (water, popcorn, and cookies), Print flyer and promote through gazette and room parent network.Get posters out 1-2 weeks before the event).?Generate attendance lists and coordinate safe kid drop off pick up with parents.? Submit and record donations and expenses within budget and in timely fashion.? ?Inclusion and Diversity Coordinate an event that promotes Inclusion and Diversity for Heritage Day (Usually in January/February)Promote Inclusion and Diversity at all PTA events Attend District Inclusion and Diversity meetings?Family Game Night Twice a year, September and February. Create Flyers and attendance list.? Submit revenue and expense report in timely fashion.? Record amounts and type of food for future events.? Publicize event in Gazette (write article), banners and Room Parent network and Friday foldersCoordinate and obtain food, volunteers (set up, food prep, clean up, bingo caller, prizes (Bingo and Raffle).Good to recruit a committee to help get prizes and buy food. ?DirectoryGather info at registration and create Gator Directory of families (phone, address, email)Update flyer for this year’s registration (Coordinate with registration to have purchase online),? Be at registration if possible.? Have directories printed at SRVUSD copy center and distribute to children via teachers.? Obtain sponsors for directory at Registration and previous years.? Also reach out to other businesses.? Sponsorship recruitment can happen over summer.?Sister SchoolCoordinate with our sister school in Richmond and provide donations support as needed and within budget.? Solicit donations from GV families (coats, books, valentines, school supplies are examples).??Reflections Art ContestWork with teachers and gazette to get students to submit entries.? This is a national PTA event.? Entries judged at our unit level (must arrange judges) and sent off to council.? ?Room Parent CoordinatorWork quickly after Registration to assign Room Parents to classrooms.Hold room parent meeting the first week of school.Keep Room Parents posted on PTA school events as requested by President.??MembershipDistribute e-cards for the 2015-16 year (new responsibility).? Staff membership table at registration if possible.? Contact new members that join after registration.? Run a mid-year membership campaign to increase membership.?Keep updated membership list.?Distribute PTA Perks (i.e. discount cards) to membership as needed?Parent EdDisseminate information from Council Parent Ed by writing for the Gazette If interested secure a parent ed night at GV.? Attend district Parent Ed meetings?Teacher HospitalityCoordinate and provide luncheons for teachers (First day of school, Fall, Winter, Spring, teacher appreciation week). ?Set theme and coordinate volunteers to bring items.?Decorate lounge and set-up/clean up.? Budget provided by PTA.? Parent volunteers sign up at registration.??Honorary Service AwardsGather a few people to nominate volunteers, teachers, and coaches, arrange luncheon for Board. Budget provided.???Spirit WearOrder and manage the purchase, sale and distribution of Golden View Spirit wear. Begin early so that designs can be ready for show at Registration. Recruit and staff the spirit wear table at registration and back to school nights. Place order by Mid-September, receive and distribute spirit wear in October. ?Run for Education (Formally Primo’s Run)Promote at our school (resources provided).? Run is in and training provided.?Training is late August/Early SeptemberDone through SRV Ed Fund.?CalendarTake calendar to Minute Man Press for printing.?Must proof copy and double check, dates and holidays with SRVUSD calendar.? Final calendar approval first week of August with printing by Registration.? ?Back to School SuppliesWork with office to coordinate and distribute back to school suppliesOrder Forms go out in MayBag stuffing in early August?Gazette editorCompile and edit articles sent in by President of PTA, Gator Fund and Principal.Publish Twice a month using constant contact. Keep Facebook page up to date.Can be done at home. ?CarnivalPlan and oversee our PTA’s biggest fundraiser and beloved event.Carnival is held in October Recruit volunteers to help plan, set up and execute this event. Planning usual begins before school is out in May, over the summer and at the start of the new year. ?Run ClubRun Club is on Wednesdays from 8:00-8:20 throughout the school year.Coordinate with Registration to have online sign up at registration time for studentsRecruit volunteers to help check in and supervise studentsCreate flyers, signs and Gazette articles to promote clubUpdate parents in event of rain that run club is canceledBuy tokens, rewards and other supplies needed (budget provided)Technology Needs TextTeacher AppreciationNeeds TextRead Across America/Read A thon Needs Text ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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