Texas Woman’s University

Professional Development Activity: PTA Meeting

On October 10, 2008, Zellars Elementary PTA hosted a parent teacher meeting and second grade student concert. This meeting began with a flag ceremony presented by the local Cub Scouts. The meeting was then called to order and several reports were read to the participants. Such reports included fundraiser earnings, budget amendments, financial reports, changes in executive board, and reports on upcoming events and requirements. Following the informative part of the meeting the second grade class put on a musical performance under the direction of the music teacher. It’s a Jungle Out There was a hilarious take on friendship and included many musical and spoken parts acted out by a second graders.

This activity is important to me because it fosters parental involvement within the school. This organization serves to inform parents of executive decisions within the school as well as serving the school in many activities students may participate in. I believe it is important to give the parents the option to be an important part of their childs’ education. This also serves as a large support group for teachers, providing assistance for classroom tasks the teacher may need help with. I feel it is also valuable to give students the opportunity to share their newly acquired skills in specials classes through performances as such.

This information will be used in my classroom to encourage participation. Students were thrilled to have their parents attend and see their performance. I will utilize the assistance provided by PTA to allow my parents the opportunity to help me with tasks which can help cut my preparation time outside of school down. I will also use this to show gratitude to those organizing and communicating to the teacher and parents, as they play a vital role in encouraging parental involvement. Information gained in the financial reports will be used to encourage participation within my class in order to help the school reach their financial goals.


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