Reading Response Questions.docx

Reading Response Questions Note: Only one response must be submitted per novel through your composition notebook. I would like you to try to use many different responses, so once you have used that response, put a dot beside that number on the list. There is no minimum or maximum to the length of the response. Use as many words/visuals etc. as is needed to complete the response to the best of your ability and reference SPECIFICS from the selection to support your answer. Did any of the characters change in the story? If so, how?Which of the characters in the novel do you like the best? What is it that allows you to make a connection with them?Which character do you have the least connection with? Why?What did you like or dislike the most about the novel?Do any of the characters do things you think are bad/good? What do they do? Why do you think it is bad/good?Pretend you are a friend of one of the characters. Write him/her a letter. What are two emotions the main character has felt? What made him/her feel that way?Draw a comic strip or a graphic novel page for part of the book.Draw four images from what you have been reading (place, object, character, symbol). Write one sentence for each to explain how they contribute to the novel.Write about any images the author has left in your mind.Is the setting described well enough that you can picture it in your mind? Why or why not?Does a character in this story remind you of anyone else you have read about or know? If so, how are they alike?Are there any connections between this text and your own life? If you could be one character in the novel who would you be? Why?Write a quote from what you are reading that connects to your life. What does it mean to your life? Would you like to have one of the personality traits of a particular character? What is the trait and why would you like to have it?What makes your main character behave the way he or she is behaving?Describe the similarities/differences between the main character and you.Would you like to be friends with the main character? Why or why not.If you where the author, how would you change a character to improve the story.What are your favorite lines of dialogue or conversation? Copy them (most important lines) into your response and tell why you like them.What do you learn about any of the characters through their conversations with others?Explain why someone should or should not read this novel.On a scale of one to ten evaluate the quality of the author’s writing? Explain your rating.Pretend you are a reporter on the evening news. Write a review of what you are reading (summary plus personal opinions).List three reasons why someone should read this book. Provide details form the text to support the reasons. What incident or conflict does the author use to begin the story? Why do you think the author chose this beginning?Are you able to formulate a guess about what might happen next in the plot? What clues did you use?Choose one problem and discuss why it is important to the plot.Create a timeline of the events you have read so far. How has what you have read transformed your thinking?If you could interview the author what three questions would you ask him/her. Justify your questions.Choose a descriptive passage from the text. Outline which word choices the author has made to help the reader visualize. ................

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