Reading Response Targets

Reading Response Outline

|Big Idea |-Describes a big idea or theme in the|- Has support for the big idea |- Explains why the big idea is |- Clearly states what the story|- Has explained how it will |

|Identify and explain a “big idea” in the story What |story. |which is well-written and Captures|important to the story |teaches the reader |apply to them. |

|Lesson does the author want you to learn about the | |the essence of the story. | | | |

|Big Idea? How does the message apply to you? | | | | | |

|Opinions/Feelings |- States one or more opinion(s) |- Uses quotes and/or phrases as |- Shows evidence of critical |- Support for opinions & |- Uses “if” statements to dig |

|Explain opinions/feelings about characters/events/ |and/or feelings. |reference. |thinking by demonstrating insight |feelings are detailed, |deeper into opinions/feelings.|

|etc…and support with details and/or personal | | |into character/events. |meaningful and relevant to the | |

|knowledge | | | |story. | |

|Connections |- Has a text-to-text, text-to-world |- Clearly explained text-to-text |- Supports & compares both sides |- Connections are deep and |- Explains how the connection |

|Clearly explains connection: text-to-text, |or text-to-self connection. |or text-to-self connections. |of the connection with important |meaningful (to a feeling or |has had an impact/what they |

|text-to-self, or text-to-world. | | |details. |reaction). |might have learned. |


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