Course Outline - Paradise High School

Course Outline 10/16/12

Revised to 1977 English-Language Content Standards

Department: English

Course Title: Honors English 10

Grade level: 10

Length: Two Semesters

Number of Credits: Ten Units

Meets: A-G UC/CSU requirements


Honors English 10 is an accelerated class for college bound students who are expected to perform at rigorous academic levels. Students will complete summer readings and writings prior to the start of the class. Additionally, students will read independently from a list of works that appear on AP tests. The purpose of this class is to provide language arts enrichment, with emphasis on significant literature and literature-based writing in accordance with the University of California guidelines. Course content and skills are designed to prepare students for Advanced Placement courses.


This course is designed to:

A. Assist students in reading and understanding grade-level-appropriate material and various genres

B. Help students to apply knowledge of word origins to determine meaning of new words

C. Provide opportunities for students to read and respond to historically or culturally significant works

D. Assist students in the process of literary analysis

E. Emphasize a command of standard English conventions.

F. Facilitate students in writing a coherent and focused texts that convey a well-defined perspective

G. Help students deliver focused and coherent presentations

ESLRs (Expected School wide Learning Results)


…of self, others, school, and environment.


…through finding, evaluating, and using information from a variety of sources.


…personally, emotionally, and physically.


…in order to reach high levels of educational and academic success for all.


…by understanding and honoring individual differences to work toward a common goal.


…through engagement in learning and working towards a personal vision for the future.


In meeting the State of California benchmarks, the following pieces of literature and writing will be taught. In addition, this course will address various standards from the following areas: vocabulary and word development, reading comprehension, language conventions, literary response and analysis, and speech.

English 10


|Areas of Study |Standards by Number |

|Required Writing Applications (2.0) and Strategies (1.0) | |

|I. Observational/Descriptive Essay | |

|Reading-Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.2, 1.9 |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

|II. Persuasive Essay/Research Paper (2.3, 2.4) | |

|Reading Comprehension-Focus on Informational Mat. (2.0) |2.3, 2.5 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1-1.9 |

|Writing Applications- (2.0) |2.3 a-d, 2.4 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.4-1.9, 1.11, 1.12 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-e, 2.5 a, c, d |

|III. Literary Analysis (2.2) and Response to Literature (3.0) | |

|(Summer Essay, The Glass Menagerie Essay, Our Town/ Spoon River | |

|Anthology Free Verse Character Epitaph, A Separate Peace/Research and | |

|Report on Allusions, A Raisin in the Sun Essay, Poetry /TPCASTT, Famous | |

|Speeches/ SOAPSTONE) | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

| |3.1-3.12 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |1.1-1.2, 1.4, 1.9 |

| |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-d |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

| |2.4 a-d |

|Writing Applications (2.0) | |

| | |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) | |

| | |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) | |

Required Reading Standards (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0)

-Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development (1.1 – 1.3)

are done through the approved Core Literature and Major Units of Study.

-Reading Comprehension (2.1 – 2.8) and Literary Response and Analysis (3.1-3-12)

are done through the approved Core Literature and Major Units of Study as well as

Required Writing Applications (2.0) and Strategies (1.0).

Required Written and Oral English Language Conventions

All standards (1.1 – 1.5) are done through the approved Core Literature and Major Units of Study

Listening and Speaking Standards and Applications (1.0 and 2.0)

Certain standards are done along with the approved Writing Applications (2.0) and Strategies (1.0) and Approved Core Literature and Major Units of Study

|Approved Core Literature and Major Units of Study |Standards by Number |

|I. Of Mice and Men | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Reading Comprehension – Focus on Informational Mat. (2.0) |2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 |

|Reading – Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.2-3.9, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.4 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.4 a-d, 2.6 a-c |

|II. To Kill a Mockingbird | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Reading Comprehension-Focus on Informational Mat. (2.0) |2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 |

|Reading – Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.2-3.9, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1-1.5, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.4 a-d |

|III. Night | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Reading Comprehension-Focus on Informational Mat. (2.0) |2.1, 2.3-2.8 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.2-3.9, 8.3.7, 3.11-3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1-1.5, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-d |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.2, 1.4-1.9, 1.11, 1.12 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-e, 2.4 a-d, 2.6 a-c |

|IV. Macbeth | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.1-3.8, 3.10, 8.3.7, 3.11-3.12 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.9, 1.11 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.4 a-d |

|V. The Glass Menagerie | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.1-3.8, 3.10, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1 – 1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.4 a-d |

|VI. Our Town | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1 – 1.2 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.1-3.8, 3.10, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1 |

| |2.4 a-d |

|VII. A Separate Peace | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1-1.2 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.2 -3.9, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions (1.0) |1.1-1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) |2.4 a-d |

|VIII. A Raisin in the Sun | |

|Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary (1.0) |1.1– 1.2 |

|Literary Response and Analysis (3.0) |3.1 – 3.8, 3.10, 8.3.7, 3.11, 3.12 |

|Writing Strategies (1.0) |1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9 |

|Writing Applications (2.0) |2.2 a-d, 2.3 a-c |

|Written and Oral English Language Conventions ( 1.0) |1.1 – 1.5 |

|Listening and Speaking Strategies (1.0) |1.1 |

|Speaking and Applications (2.0) | |

|IX. The Language of Literature – McDougall Littell Textbook – Various Short |Various standards are covered |

|Stories, Drama, and Poetry |depending on the story (See Exit |

| |Manager Standards) |


I. Lecture

II. Cooperative learning groups

III. Investigations/research

IV. Students explanations and presentations

V. Modeling

VI. Peer revision

VII. Organizational strategies using class folders/notebooks


I. Oral questions/answers

II. Written quizzes and examinations

III. Portfolio assignments

IV. Pre- and post-grammar testing

V. Student Projects


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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