Reconnect your drive your file history drive was disconnected for too long


Reconnect your drive your file history drive was disconnected for too long

file history is a Windows 10 feature that allows the user to save the versions of his files and store them on an external hard drive. This is an additional method to recover files only next to system restoration compared to system restoration only in previous versions of windows. `Reconnecting the disk` notification is a Windows 8/10 error that occurs if the backup drive of the file history has been disconnected for too long. this may be due to the history of files disabled, or if the external drive that should be used for backup is disconnected. solutions to this error notification are described below. turn the history of the file open the settings app and go on update and security > backup. Connect the external hard drive to the pcin app settings click on "+" next to add a drive. you will see a prompt to choose an external drive, choose what you want. file history now stores data. an on/off slider will appear under a new voice called "Restore automatically my files. " if the drive for backup of file versions is not detected, disconnect the drive then reconnect again. after confirming that the pc has reconnected to its drive the user may choose to wait for the next scheduled backup or start the manual backup. Manual backup is started as follows; > update and security settings > backup other backup options now after reconnection, files will automatically be backed up after the expected time. Note: There is an option to return to previous versions of a created file. Now; depending on the origin of the error message above, there are some additional actions you can take to avoid any future errors. Choosing a different disk for file history this is an important task especially when you find that the location where you havefile history is subject to errors or is going to crash. It is also a necessary step when this unit is almost full. You can move the existing history file to another unit with withspace or simply use a completely new unit. Start over/choice of a new drive Go to Control Panel -> System and safety -> File History Choose Select the drive and then click the new disk you prefer. Got it. Move files to a new IMPORTANT NOTE disk: When selecting a new disk, make sure it has adequate space to host all older file versions and new incoming files. Go to the file history and select DriveIdentify the instructions "Change your file history disk" and on that page do as follows: If you want to use an external hard drive or a USB flash drive, connect it to your computer. Update the active window/page and say OK. If you need the history file to be in a network location, select "Add network location" and then browse the directory to the location in the network. You can also type the path for the desired location. You will be prompted if you want to copy the file versions in the new disk. Click Yes to start copying. By changing the duration to keep files in File History Most of the time, you can realize that you no longer need very old versions of File History, but still occupy a considerable amount of space on the system. Instead of worrying about new drives in which to store file history, you can alert Windows to start a standard maximum length of time in which to hold on file history. To do this, follow these stepsGo to Control Panel -> System and Security -> File History and then tap Advanced Settings. When you see the article "Versions" there are two options that say "Save copies of files" and "Make saved versions". Click each and select a time range of your liking. Save the changes. The above steps are simply a guidelineas Windows manages previous file versions. They will not be automatically deleted except when the drive starts to become full. More space will be created to backup new versions. Check errors in the File History Various factors drive can causedrive to malfunction. the computer that turns off unexpectedly, for example due to power failure is a main cause of failures on system drives. it is important to check the units for errors and correct the repairable ones. in action center, repair the unit in question. resigning the network can become "unavailable" briefly while still connected to it. if this is due to scheduled maintenance or network error, the normal operation of the system will still be interrupted. the same applies to the process of copying files in the file history drive. you need to re-enter the login credentials to allow backup to proceed. search for file history settings through the windows search box and then select "network credentials." then, key in the username and password in the windows security pop up window. you can also ask windows to remember your credentials if you wish. click ok jun 25, 2021 ? archived in: taking backup of data ? proven file history solutions is an important integrated application in windows, which makes file backups with a custom frequency. This software is useful because it keeps information of a secure computer, thanks to it you can recover lost or affected files from malware or virus. the file history is connected to a drive (or partition,) which will be the destination of the secure copy, so if you have problems, the backup process will be hindered; here I will show you how to diagnose the possible causes of the origin of problems, as well as various and practical ways to solve them. d: yesterday's file history stopped working. My hard drive has problems, would you help me find a solution? if the file history drive (which is where the file history is running) has problems, file history does not detect it (even if it is connected to the computer) and backup siautomatically. considering how important it is to have backup of files, this error should be solved in the shortest amount of time possible, possible,your information may be at risk in case there is malware or accidentally deleted files. Part 2: The mistake. File History Drive is disabled If the file history drive is shown disconnected in the application, it means there is a connection or detection error on the computer. That can be due to multiple factors. Before entering into details, you should know if the unit is worn, previously had problems, or were using it for many years. All these factors can facilitate common errors in your unit, since, like any device, it has a useful life, and more passes, more common is that it has malfunctions, both in power, writing, or reading. If you discard this mentioned possibility, in the next part you will see possible causes of why your File History Drive is shown as disconnected. Part 3: Why is the story drive disconnected in Windows 10? The reasons why File History Drive is displayed disconnected in Windows 10 may be various. Then, I will talk about the most common: The external hard drive is in fact disconnected: The external hard drives are delicate devices that, in front of any minimal movement, can make them disconnect, even if at first sight it may not be aware. Always keep the external hard drive on a flat surface and where it is devoid of movements and obstacles to avoid disconnection. The backup drive can be bankrupt, or the file system is corrupted: Another probable reason is that your disk fails because of some malware or viruses, which may have left a corrupt file. This hinders the proper functioning of the operating system and, therefore, the File History drive. Keep your antivirus or Windows Defender updated to prevent malware or virus from causing your computer to have operating problems. You have made some changes to your drive: Sometimes we make changes to units, includingFile History. Some programs, such as antivirus, make some changes or add files that can edit the disk, so it is not uncommon thatis the software that can make changes that at some point can affect the recognition of your disk and that therefore can be seen as disconnected. another user may have limited your permission to access this unit: when the computer is shared with several users (and if they have a different account,) there may be occasions when one of them limits permissions to access the file history drive, without the intention of doing so. If this is the case, you can tell the person you share your computer with to see if you have limited your permission to access the drive where file history backs up. part 4: methods to solve the history of disconnected method files 1: reconnect the file history drive and restart the backup if the file history drive has been disconnected, simply reconnect it (make sure the cable is well connected and if it is an external disk, place it in a place where it does not move) and restart the backup. Method 2: check and fix hard disk errors if the file history drive has errors, you need to check what kind of problems it has. Sometimes there are corrupt files that can be corrected, malware and viruses that can be removed or quarantined. However, if the hard drive has more complex errors, you will have to take it to a specialized technician and you could consider buying a new one. method 3: clean file history configuration files occasionally, file history settings can be changed due to an error, this can cause the drive to not be recognized anymore and then backups to stop. for this, what you have to do is delete file history configuration files and then make a new one. below, you will see the steps to reach it: Step 1: Deletes file history configuration files go to the destination of file history configuration file folder which is"X:\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory\Configuration," then select all files and delete them. Note: "X" is just an example of the File CharacterDrive. Step 2: Open the file history To open the file history, click on the Windows icon and write "backup", and then click "backup settings" to open the tool. Step 3: Add the drive to back up files Click the gray square with the "+" next to "Add a drive", wait for the drive or drives where you want to back up data. Then just click on the drive you want Windows to make backup. Step 4: Customize Settings Click "More Options" to customize settings like backup frequencies, folders you want to back up and the time you want to keep them. Method 4: Create a shared folder to save File History backup To avoid relying on a drive and reduce the problems you may have, you can choose to use a shared folder by selecting a network location. This will be more comfortable and at the same time safer. To activate a network location in the file history, just follow these simple steps: Step 1: Open file history To open file history, click on the Windows icon and write "backup", and then click "backup settings" to open the tool. Step 2: Go to "advanced settings" Once the tool is opened, click "More Options" and then "See Advanced Settings". Step 3: Open the configuration to add a network location In this window, click "Select a network location". Step 4: Add a network location Click on "Show all network locations," then you will see a list of available drives, click on what you want File History to back up after which click on "Add Network Location," select the backup location and confirm by clicking "OK". Step 5: Turn on the file history on the network drive Just click on "Turn On"backup will begin automatically. Part 5: How to backup files with AOMEI Backupper? Although File History is a functional tool, it is very basic and can not be enough for your needs. In addition to this, it is more likely to fail if there is a small configuration error in the disk or if there is a problem (even not serious) in yoursystem. If what you want is a safer and more professional option, AOMEI Backupper is the answer of what you are looking for, since it is a very practical and safe software, in which you can customize backups in various ways, as well as being very reliable and you will not experience unwanted problems with it. Next, I will show you how to back up your data using this software: Step 1: Go to "File Backup" Once the tool is opened, go to the "Backup" section (Located in the left panel of the window). Now click on the "File Backup" option. Step 2: Assign a name to your task Before going further. It is recommended to appoint each backup task to help you distinguish each backup process from others. You can do this by clicking on the "Cri risk name" change icon. Step 3: Select the backup folder At this point, you can select an entire folder or just a file to back up by choosing one of the options that are displayed in the middle of the wind Step 4: Customize filter settings If you have a Pro license, you will be able to set filter preferences to make your experience much more efficient. Step 5: Set a destination location Once you change the filter preferences, you need to select a destination location to store the file backup. To do this, you need to click the "folder" icon in the highlighted section. Step 6: Launch the backup process If all preferences have been set, you will need to click the "Start Backup" button. As you have seen, the AOMEI Backupper tool is quite simple to use and allows you to do any kind of backup process with great ease. Conclusion Nowadays, backup of information from computers has become a necessary and primary task; for this reason, users need a tool or software forThis task. The file history is the native Windows tool to make backups, however, it is very basic and covers very simple needs, moreover it can show the backup drive as "disconnected" for many reasons that do not seem logical; therefore, you can take AOMEI AOMEIis an excellent option, which is a professional software that you can trust to make backups simply and practically. if you use the file history, then you might have received the following notice "Reconnect the disk. the file will be temporarily copied to the hard drive until you reconnect file history drive and back up." The file history is a backup tool introduced in windows 8 and windows 10, which allows you to perform simple automated backups of personal files (data) on an external drive. whenever personal files change, there will be a copy stored on the external drive. the file history periodically analyzes the system for changes and copies of the modified files in the external drive. reconnect the disk (important) the file history disk has been disconnected for too long. reconnect and then tap or click to save copies of files. the problem with recovering system or backups of existing windows was that they leave personal files from backups, leading to loss of data of personal files and folders. so this is why the file history concept was introduced in windows 8 to better protect the system and personal file too. reconnecting your drive alert may occur if you have removed your external hard drive for too long on which your personal files are supported, or has not enough space to save temporary file versions. this warning message may occur even if the file history is disabled or disabled. so, without wasting at any time we see how to actually fix reconnect your drive warning on windows 10 with the troubleshooting guide listed below. make sure to create a restore point only in case something goes wrong. method 1: perform hardware problem resolution 1. type troubleshooting in the search barand click troubleshooting. 2. then, click on hardware and sound. 3. Then from the list select hardware and devices. 4. follow the on-screen instructions to perform troubleshooting. 5. after the execution of troubleshooter again trydrive and see if you are able to fix reconnect your drive warning on windows ten. method 2: Enable file history 1. press windows key + to open settings then click update and security. 2. from the left side, the menu clicks backup. 3. in "Backup using the file history" click + sign next to add a drive. 4. Make sure you connect the external drive and click that drive in the above prompt you will get when you click on add a drive option. 5. as soon as you select the file history of the drive will start data storage and an ON/OFF activation will begin to appear under a new entry "Automatically log my file." 6. Now you might expect the next scheduled backup to run or you could manually back up. 7. then click the Multiple option under automatic backup of my file in backup settings and click backup now. method 3: run chkdsk on external drive 1. note the driver's letter where the connection alert of the drive occurs; For example, in this example, the drive letter is h. 2. click with the windows button (start menu) and select "Admin command Prompt". 3. type the command in cmd: chkdsk (guide letter:) /r (drive letter with your own.) for example, the drive letter is our example is "I:" so the command should be chkdsk i: /r 4. if you are asked to recover files, select Yes. 5. if the command above does not work to try: chkdsk i: /f /r /x note: in the command above i: it is the drive on which we want to control the disk, /f stands for a flag that chkdsk permission to correct any errors associated with the drive, /r left chkdsk search for bad sectors and perform recovery and /x instructs the control disk to disassemble the drive before starting the process. in many cases, only windows controlof the disk seems to fix Reconnect your drive alert on Windows 10 but if it didn't work it doesn't bother to continue to next method. Method 4: Delete file configuration history file 1. Press Windows Key + R then type the following command and press Enter: Send:2. If you cannot navigate the previous folder, then manually navigate to: C:\Users\ the user folder\ AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory\ 3. Now under FileHistory Folder you will see two folders a Configuration and another Data, make sure to delete the content of both folders. (Do not delete the folder itself, only the content within these folders). 4. Restart your PC to save changes. 5. Once again turn on the file history and add the external drive again. This would solve the problem, and you could back up as you should. 6. If this doesn't help then return to the file history folder and rename it to FileHistory.old and again try to add the external drive to File History Settings. Method 5: Format the external hard drive and run the file history again 1. Press Windows Key + R then type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter to open Disk Management. 2. If you are unable to access disk management via the previous method, then press Windows Key + X and select Control Panel. 3. Type Administrative in the search for Control Panel and select Administrative Tools. 4. Once in Administrative Tools, double-click Computer Management. 5. Now from the menu on the left, select Disk Management. 6. Find the SD card or USB drive then right-click it and select Format. 7. Follow on the screen option and make sure you uncheck the Quick Format option. 8. Now again follow the 2 method to back up File History. This should help you solve your drive alert on Windows 10 but if you are not yet able to format the drive, then continue with the next method. Method 6: Add a different drive to file history 1. Press Windows Key + X then select Panel2. Now click System and Security then click File History. 3. From the left side menu, click the Select drive. 4. Make sure you have entered the external disk to select File History Backup and then select this drive under the above configuration. 5. Click Ok, and you're done. Recommended: That's what you got.Reconnect the warning of the drive on Windows 10 but if you still have questions about this guide, then feel free to do it in the comment section. section.

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