Smart switch file and data transfer app


Smart switch file and data transfer app

It is OK to use a Mac if you are also an Android fan. You don't have to apologize. In fact, I prefer if you don't. Use what you want. Use what works for you. Don't worry what others think. (Chances are that's what took you to Android in the first place.) But if you're using a computer from Cupertino, you'll need an additional piece of software if you want to transfer files via USB and your device is running Android 3.0 or higher. It's not a big deal, and it only takes a few seconds to set up. Here's the scope: Download the Android File Transfer app. Install the application. (Go wherever you save the app, and double-click it. Drag the installer file into your App folder. Yes. We just give you instructions for that.) Turn on your phone. The Android File Transfer app should be automatically launched if it hasn't run yet. You'll now see folders and files, such as in the image above. It's as simple as that. The only real caveat with this tool is that there is a 4-gigabait file size limit on the transfer. If you want to copy anything bigger than that -- say, a movie -- you have to do it through other methods, like adb. Every week, Android Central Podcast brings you the latest tech news, analysis and hot take, with regular co-hosts and special guests. Subscribe in Pocket Actors: Audio Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe to Audio in iTunes: Audio We may earn commissions for purchases using our links. learn more. Many users hit the wall while trying to use File History to transfer data files between Windows 10 installations. Learn how to avoid ordinary stutuck blocks and make the process successful. Shortly after last week's article, How to use Robocopy to quickly back up all your data in Windows 10, published, I received emails from some readers who were happy to learn about other ways to backup and restore their data. In some of those e-mail messages, I found complaints about File History's ability to transfer data files to a new Windows 10 installation. For example, people have trouble transferring data from an old PC to a new PC or recovering data on the same PC after replacing the hard drive. Confused, I responded to return to these people and told them that File History can indeed be used to transfer data files from one Windows 10 installation to another. However, the response I could surprise me and sent me in a Google search mission. The results reveal that the majority of Windows 10 users have problems using File History?so they conclude it cannot be used to transfer data files. I then started the backup one week and restored the expedition with File History, where I managed to transfer data from one Windows 10 installation to another. Along the way, I was able to replicate some of the most common mistakes people make and find out how to work around them. In this article, I'll walk you step by step in the right way to use File History to recover files in a new Windows Installation. As I do, I will show some of the most common stutuck blocks and explain how to avoid them. In next week's article, I'll show you how to work around the final results of the stutuck block if you've fallen prey on them. Work AssumptionsTo begins, I'll make some assumptions. Of course, since we're talking about transferring existing data from one Windows 10 installation to another, I assume that you've used File History to back up your data files on an external USB hard drive. I'll also assume that you're signed in to both of your Windows 10 systems using the same Microsoft account. (Doing so will facilitate the replication of certain settings in your old Windows 10 installation to your new Windows 10 installation. For example, you'll find pictures of the same user accounts, wallpaper and emails in your new Windows 10 installation.) Finally, I would assume that you are running the Creators Update version of Windows 10 on both of your installations. This procedure should be similar in previous versions of Windows 10. I just showed this because my test system all ran Creator Update and that is the version you'll see in screen shots. SEE: 20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (TechRepublic PDF)Get StartOnce you've signed in to your new Windows 10 installation, connect an external hard disk that contains backup your File History to your PC. When Windows recognizes a USB drive, click Start and type File History. You'll then see the File History screen shown in Figure A, which notes you that no file history is found and File History is deleted. This is normal, because you have not yet run File History in your new Windows 10 installation. Figure AThe No file history Found messages are normal. The first block stuck Go across, click Configure File History to bring the File History screen shown in Figure B. This screen is where people make two of the most common mistakes. The first BThe diagram is where two common mistakes occur. To start, the main message on this screen is File History turned off. So it may seem logical that the first thing you need to do is click the Live button. However, that is a mistake. When you do this, File History will start creating new backups immediately and you won't get the opportunity to restore your existing backups. The second mistake person made is assuming that selecting the check box entitled I Want to Use Previous Backup On This File History Drive will immediately start the restore operation. You select the check box, select your existing backups, and then click the On button. will then be prompted to click Run Now. But instead of starting a restore operation, File History will immediately start creating a new backup. Think that's not what it's supposed to happen, many users panic and click the Stop button. If you do, you won't get the chance to restore Both cases, you won't get the chance to restore your existing backups because the I Want Want Use A Previous browsing box on This File History Drive will no longer appear as soon as File History has backed up. The correct wayThe set the correct steps begin with the screen shown in Figure B above is to select the I Want Use A Previous browse box On This File History Drive, then select your backup from the Select Existing Backup panel, as shown in Figure C. CSelect Diagram of your existing backup and then click the On button. Next, click the Turn on button. When you do this, File History will prompt you to click Run Now, as shown in Figure D.Figure DClick Run Now to start a backup operation. When you Click Run Now, File History will start backing up data on your new Windows 10 installation, as shown in Figure E. This is normal and the operation will be fast enough because there is really not much data to back up. The data backup EMaking diagram on your new Windows 10 installation is a common part of the procedure. When the backup is complete, you'll see a message that lets you know that the files are backed up, as shown in figure F.Figure FSince there really aren't much data to back up, the operation will be fast enough. The second block stuck this point, you might be wondering how the operation you just did will help you recover data from the previous Windows 10 installation into your new Windows 10 installation. There is no indication beyond that you will now be able to do so. No success dialog appears with a message telling you that you can now perform a restore operation. There are no prompts that say something along the lines are you ready to restore your previous backups from this File History drive? What. You may be inclined to firefight File Explorer, access your File History drive, and find the backup you just created. However, you won't see it in a normal place and actually, all you'll see is a previous backup. Therefore, it is easy to confuse. Most people assume that the operation failed and File History doesn't work. They condemned Microsoft and just gave up. It is a mistake to assume that the operation failed due to the lack of any external indicators of success or urgently to begin restoring operations. If you follow the set of steps listed above, File History will do its job correctly. More specifically, the operation that occurred in the background indeed provides File History to restore the backup from the previous Windows 10 installation. VIEW: Windows 10 tips: Create a full image backup using this hidden tool which applies in the background Without being too technical, when you run History Fail, it basically creates a database of files, their location, and when it is anchored. This database is then linked to your specific computer name and your username. It is also intended for a unique code that is locked on the This exfension system is what prevents you from being able to simply restore file History backups from one PC and restore it to another PC. However, when you select the I Want To Use A Previous Backup On File History Drive checkbox and allow File History to backup, it basically incorporates an existing database, from your previous backup, into the new database it creates for your new Windows 10 installation. Since it does, it combines both computer names and usernames along with a new code locked to your new computer. This combined operation is what allows you to restore your previous File History backup in your new Windows 10 installation. Restoring a backup in your new Windows 10 installation recommends closing and relaunching File History before starting the restore operation, only to be on the safe side. Once you relaunch File History, you'll see a screen similar to the one shown above in Figure F. To continue, search for and click Restore Personal Files on the left-hand side of the screen. When you do this, you'll see a File History restore screen showing the latest backups, i.e. from your new Windows 10 installation. Click the left arrow once and you need to search for a backup from your previous Windows 10 installation, as shown in the left Arrow G.Figure figure should reveal the backup from your previous Windows 10 installation. If you're not sure, you can always open a folder and find files you know should be in a previous backup. When you're ready, make sure no folders are selected. You can then start a full restore of your previous backup by clicking the Green Recover button. The restore operation will begin, as shown in H.Fig. HThe Figure restore operations will start when you click the Green restore button. During the restore operation, you can view the Replace or Skip File dialogs, as shown in Figure I. You should select Replace Files In Destinations. File History will overwrite all twists of standard files created in your new install. IYou Diagram should select Replace The File At Destination.WorkaroundAs I mentioned, if you have fallen victim to one of the first two studing blocks, you won't get the chance to restore your existing backups because the Checkbox I Want To Use Previous Backups On This Drive File History won't appear again once File History has made a new backup. The solution to this problem involves accidentally deleting a File History backup that you created and recreat your user account on your new system. Then you can use File History the right way. in the follow-up next week, I will explain these steps in detail. Be someone in your company's Microsoft by reading these Windows and Office tricks, tricks and sheets. Sent Monday and Wednesday Register today Also read ... What do you take? Are you unable to use File History to transfer your data from one Windows 10 installation to Do these stutuck blocks sound familiar? Share your thoughts with fellow TechRepublic members. Members.

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